HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� ���s.Y#tiVl����7.���lT�'��� ���9✓���l.�T�S ����� ��������'� �.�����Q �� i:�ra�t ��a�n� �`��r�=�s��,n.��s s�ss�c�n �va� c��le� �c� crde� at 9:00 �,�. ��T�� ���. �$ ��� �c�:���s�c���s i�. ��tP���r�c� dvith �e �Ier� �f ��e �k'32ta ��� "��e ��m..a�s�_ssicaners ���� ar�� �pprc�Yed ?:h� r�zn��es Q� t�e �re��din� ��ss��z� �� w�r�i���. �'�� «�'�rnrr���szor�rs z�i�� �Fith tr�� �'ub��c �orks l�ire�.tc�r re�a�d�n� ������s� �..��iex� ����lutic��-��a�p�us �r�j�erty, Bi� .�iuihor�zatio�, Fr��c�is� :.����zcaiir��� R�vzs�o��, l I:�G a.rna. �3on Pec�Iev. j<.�.-$ �a� Th� i�`��xnis�zo���°s czgn�� the �.u�hariza�io� io CaII fc�a F3�.d� an �����aA�r �.: ���£� �� 10,�+�.� �.��. �� ��A� ��i� c�� � vareckid I��� �orc' ��c�v��a �YYi i. i.�i. �fw" . f4`-�����Ih� ���massioners szg��d the Yublic �or1�s Claims Fu.�d �o�che� � ���°�� �' � x?- � t�rcugh # 12-�4 �rr t�.� �c�ta� �m��zni of $ba,�� 1.5 �. 3 L-ir �=�:3.��`h�- ��=��aisszfln��s ���r�d a S��cia� �€�u��sel Contraet �i�� �f�Yx�ams, �5�����r & ����s. � � {�3��� ���x:�s�ioners a�a�rov�� %� rec��est ��T �teph�n Te �I�����rc�� �� x�� ?����e���u�.�� �.�t�rn���'� Offc� �� c�.r�% ���r 2�ays, 3 Al� �.���� Q� �€�.���� ���.a;� �t€� i�� ��ar 2�OG: t`�-���'� ��� ��m�issioners a��x�v�d t��� siartin� sa�ary c�� Sal�y �. ���I�n of ��Ap �.us����r� �3�`�c� at �h,���.�G+ �er TM�c�nt1�. ��-���I'�� �`ornm�ssianers a�apra�T�d ?�.� �al�.ry ad;ustm�r�ts o� il�� Sa�e�l��� Pr��,�am� ���.�ag��°�, and ��r:zli S�r-S�ices ��I�a�er of �h� �ran� ���t�.1 �ualt�car�, ��'���e. � �; �-�"{� �x� �'ax�mz�sior�e�s �p�rc�ved th� sa�a� bncre��� of �'�,tty �mYt� ca� the L4��y�s��s �?�fiue t� $2,1 i2 �er z�.on�� �s t�.� S���eg�.�ion I3e�utve i���-3�`T�� ��;���ssonez�� ���;c���� i��� �a�a� in�r�as� �f Pazr� ��iii �� t�ie �.�s�s�c�r� ���`�c� �� $2,''�� ��� m���� �.s �h� %�t�. Coor����to�r,'������:��i��� ���u���. s=�-����T�� �.:��.Yr����oner� a��arQv�:�l th� �eq��s� �y {�ran� �o��..��v �.,�.ti� �.i�:��.ry- "�� �urc,��s� �. �i���' r���ch�x��. �`�f��`T��� �w ��nr��s��on��s a;�p����� ti�� sal�ry 4�crease of �uc��i �r��sr�r� �� ���� ���es��As �f%��e �� �s2,1�S �a�r:�on�� a� t�e �xempt�a� ���ut�%. ��-� �.�-.� (The �ommissioners approved th� salary increase Qf Frank R+�berge of the Maini:enance Departmen� tc� full pay February 1, 240�}. �����..�,As c�f this date the Board by a majority vote does approve fo� payment thQse vauchers ineluded in the lzst f led in the Auditors Offiee 1/18/2000 in the total amount of �589,145.63. ��-� �� As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment thase vauchers included in the list filed `zn the Auditflrs Off ce 1/18I�000 zn t�Ze %tal amaunt of $493,599.66. ��r��The Commzssioners approved the change of status ta fu11 tzme positxons for Dawn McAllister and Jessica Hinen of the District Court Office with a starting salazy of $1,847. ;.� t��-�"The Commissioners held a bzd opening for Grant Mental Healthcar� Office add'ztion. A motion was made by Commissiflner Snead, seconded by Commisszoner Allison ttr refer the bids to Vern Cummi�lgs for revzew and recammendatian. The motion carried. ��..� ��-�� The Commzssaoners approved the request by Grant Courlty Depar�meni of Emergency Management for �he pt�rchase of a speczai software program for ihe Emergency Alert System in the amaunt of � 1,104 plus iax. ��- (�-`�� T�ie Commissionexs approved the starting salary of Arnulfo Garza of �he Juvenile Probation L�epartment at $2,004 pex month effective January 18,2Q00. ��? �_-�-�' The Comrnissioners received a signed copy of the Inierlocal �c�opexation Agreement among Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant and tJkanogan Counties to form ihe Adams, Ghelan, Dc�uglas, Crxant and O�anogan Counties Workforce Investment Area. �`� ���' The Commissioners received a petitia� to improve the safety of Road N NE. The matter was referred to the Public Works Director. ��.t�...� � The Com�nisszoners held a Public Hea.ring January 18, 24QQ at 3.00 p.m. and a motian was made by Commissioner Snead, secanded by Commissioner Allison that Q�dinance Number 2004-6-�C, Resolution I�umber 2000-6-CC adopting interim development regulatzons ta �mplement GMA Grant County Comprehensive Plan using existing Grant �ounty land use, environmenial, and subdivision regulations be passed. The mo�ian car�ied. ��-6�"" � The Commissionexs set a Public Meet�ng far �anuary 31, 2(}�0 ai 1:30 p.m, regarding the request by William T, and Mary Waites for a Plat Aiteration �o subd'zvide Lot #164, Lars4n �ubdivisior�. �`-����`The �ammissioners set a Public Meeting for January 31, 2000 at 2:00 p.m. regarding the requ�st by Vaie�.tin Naidenov for a Plat Alt�ration far Lot 23 Donovan's Plat Division 2, Replat #1, a iwo Iot subdivision alteration on approximately 4 acres in the Suburban-2 Zone. ��-i��� A motion was made by Commissione� Allisan, seconded by Commisszoner 5nead that Resolutzon Number 2000-7-CC in the matter of Count� Surplus Equipment Sale, be passed. The motion carried, As there was no further business to come befare the Board the session was adjour�ed until January 24, 2000. BC��RD C?F COLTNTY C�MMISSIC}NERS ATTEST; GRANT �t�UNTY, WAS��NGTON -.�,} / " � ��, ti �/i ,f�d � � � � �..� f�'�.- i �G L �,1"� '`,� ' L L�� �:c.�� ! Clerk�c�v�the B��d Chazrman � } �� � g,,,.•�''�.,,,,.._....Z �"----- �