HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-003-CCBt3AR.D tl►F CCIITNT�' CCIMMISSI(1NERS GRANT CQUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MAT'I"ER OF APPROVING THE DESERT RIDGE PR�LIMINARY PLAT, A 6? LOT SUBDIVTSION ON 33.74 ACRES IN THE IZESIDENTIAL ONE ZONB IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALI� OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 34 TOWNSHIP 19 N., RANGE 28 EAST, W. M., GRANT C4UNTY, WASHINGTON RESQLUTION NO. 2Q00-3-CC RESOLUTION APRROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR DESERT RIDGE MAIERS ENTERPRISES, LLC Wx�REAs, the Baard of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant Caunty Plantzing �ommission that an open record public hearing was conducted on December 1, 1999 on the matter of D�sert Ridge Preliminary Plat, a sixty seven {67) lot subdivision on approxirnately 33.74 acres located in a portian of the Sauth Half of the Southwest Quarter of Sectian 34, Township 19 NorthF Range 2$ East, W.M., Gxant County, Washington; and, WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commissiol� made a recornmelldation to approve the prelirniilary plat at the open record public hearing on December 1, 1999 with nine (9) conditioiis af approval; and, WHEREA5, the Grant County Board of Cammissioners held a closed recard public meeting on January 1Q, 2000 at 1:�0 P.M. in the Cornmissioners Hearings Room af the Courthouse in Ephrata, Washington; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Coinmissiox�ers have made a decision ta uphoid the recommendation from the Grant County Planning Commission to approve the pr�posed preliminary plat, Vt'xER��s, the Board of Caunty Commissioners have upheld the findings and conclusions of tlle Grant County Planning Corzlmission; and, Wx��As, the Baard af County Commissioners have found that the proponent has tnade apprapriate provisions for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, saz�itary wastes, parks, playgroul�ds, fire prataction facilities, school sites, and grounds and other public and private facilities aud improvements; and, Wx�x�,As, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does canforn� to the Ganeral Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan in effect at the time the proposal was deemed technically camplete, and public use and interest will apparently be served by the proposal; and, WH��AS, the Board of County Comrnissioners have found that a Miti�ated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) was issued on Nove�nber 16, 1999 for this proposal and tlle x�equirements of SEPA liave been met; �nd, Page 2 of 4 Resolution Approving Desert Ridge Preliminary Plat WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have approved the Desert Ridge Preliminary Plat subject to the following nine (9) conditions of approval as recommeilded by the Grant County Planning Commission; CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Proposal shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to; RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards; and, WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems, 2. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Pubtic Works Department, including, but not limited to the following: a. Provide a plat check fee of $100 plus $2.00 per lot. b. Ninety degree (90°)turn at I.3 and Baseline.l is not acceptable. Must have a horizontal curve with a minimum radius of four hundred ten feet (410) feet. c. Tract nineteen (19) needs at lease fifty (50) feet of Road Frontage. d. Railroad crossing must meet County and railroad specifications. Evidence of a permit for public road crossing issued by the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission is required. Completion of the crossing and connection to Karl Road required prior to recording of Phase II. e. Roads must be built to meet or exceed Current County urban access road standards. Due to the lot size, the width should accommodate parking on one (1) side. f. Provide a complete road plan and profile with all centerline data and drainage facilities for new roads. g. Indicate what forty (40) foot wide strip is on west side of plat, h. The access easement for Pelican Point Short Plat recorded as AF#789111 must be shown on the plat. i, Show reference to sheet one (1) to notes on sheet two (2). 3. Proposal shall comply with the requirements of the Colville Confederated Tribes including, but not limited to, the following: a. Before final plat approval the proponent shall conduct a Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP) study in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. b. If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 4. Preliminary Plat approval shall be contingent upon conformance with all applicable land use rules and regulations in effect as of October 12, 1999. Page 3 of 4 Resotutian Approving ' Desert Ridge Preliminary Plat 5. Preiirninary Flat shail compIy to the fullesC extent passible the recom�nendations of the Washington State Department af Fish and Wildlife listed belaw: ' Establish strict covenants in the land deeds to controi cats and dogs to minimize predation and harassn�ent of wildlife papulatiar�s. 6. Preiiminary P2at sl�all comply with joint development regulatians adapted by both Grant County and tl�e City of Moses Lake pursuant to the Grant County and City of Moses Lake Camprehensive Plans. THE FO�LQWING THREE {3) CQNDITIONS OF AFPROVAL SHALL I3E INSCR.IBED ON THE FACE OF THE PLAT 7. The Development shall pay the samc dues as Pelican Point Association for deti�elopment of tl�� park. The Developer shall help fund the Pelican Poir�t Water Assoclation System and storage capacity of that system. All design standar•ds shall be reviewed and approved by both the City of Moses Lake and Grant County. The roads shall be constructed with sidewalks on one side of the street. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that tYie Board of Caunty Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, the Preliminary Plat of Desert Ridge, a sixty seven (6'7} 1ot subdivision on approximately 33.74 acres iocated in a partian af the South Half af the Southwest Quarter of Sectian 34, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, �Jashingtan more fully described as folIows: ORIGII�TAL PROPERTY D E S C R I P T I 0 N That portlan of the south haif of ihe Southwsst Quarter of Section 34, Township 19 horth, Range 28 East. W.M., Grant County, Washingion, �ying �auEhwesterly of the Burlington Northern Railroad Right of Way, more �Ot'tICUIOCIy dsscrlbed as foliows: 8egtnning c�t the Sauth Quarter Gornar- of said Section 34; thence North 89°35'00" West, foliowing the south boundary of sofd Southwest Quqrter, 67.44 feet, to the #rue point of beginning; thence cant'sn�ring North 89°35'00" �tast cs d;stflnce of 1255.13 feeC, to an existing t-1/4 inch steei bar marking the Southwest oarner af the Sautheast Cuarter of sald Southwest G�uarter; thence North 00°09'S4" East, followIng the west boundory of satd Southeast Quarter, a distrance of 907.34 feet, to the most sautheriy corner of Pelican Point Short PIo{, Reaorded on Page 1, Baok 3, recards of Gront County, Wtishingtarr« thence fJorth Si°33'59" East, foliowing the easterly boundary of said shart pfat, a distance of 269.74 feet, to the mast easteriy corner of Lnt 3 of said Short Plat thereof; thence South 89°41'18" East a distance of li3?.�3 feet, tp an intersectlon with the southwesterly rlght of way boundory af the Burlington Northern Rai�way, safd point of intersectidn is a polnt on a curve from which the center beors North 66°41'40" East; thence southeasterly, folfowing sald southwasteriy right af w,oy bo�ndary and curve, having a centr4i angle of p3°16'S5" to the left and a radlus of 2596.64 feet, an arch distance of 148.74 feet; thence South 00°06'06" West, 1039.70 4eet to the true point of beginning. Contafnfng 33.520 Acres, more or less Page 4 of 4 Resolution Approving Desert Ridge Preliminary Plat Done this 10°i day of January, 2000. Attest: �� � u Clerk o Boardr�— `� �a � �.. /� : �.�.✓ Chairman, Deborah Moore Commissione , e �`y Allison ' ...._�..,........ � � � C`.,� �,, `1 Commissio er, Ti Snead � Constituting the Board of County Coininissioners of Grant County, Washington