HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-001-CC��ARD OF CC}U�i�'1C C4M1V�1SSIC�NEF�S Grant County, Washington I�l THE MATTER OF L4AD RESTRI�TIONS GRANT COUNTY RC7ADS Resolutian No. z000-�-cc It is here�y resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o# Grant County, Washingtar�, that the foil�wing raad restrictions may be placed on any andlo� aiE Grant Gounty roads for a period not to exceed 12C3 days from the effective date beiow when, in �he �apinion af the Director ofi Pubiic Works c�r his autharized representative, c�rtain raads or raad sections may incur damage if the gross vehicle weights are not restricted, provided the #ollflwing notice is published and the {oad restricfiions are pasted: NCfTlCE C}F RESTRtGTIt�NS ON GRANT CflUNTY R{3AdS Notice is h�reby given that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 36.75.270, Revised Code c�f Washingtan, a!! Gran# County roads can be c(osed ta traffic by a!( vehicles herein�€t�r described, far a periad of 120 days from the effec#ive d�te of this order, when ea�h and every road shali be posied as set farth below: LC1AD RESTRICTI4NS 1} The Gounty roads described abr�ve are closed when posted ta all vehicles whose gross weight {vehicle and [oac!}, exceeds the iaad Iimits set forth below for the tires of the uarious sizes, as fallows: TiRE SCZE 6.OQ 6,50 7.OL� 7.�0 8.25 9.00 10.aQ & larger MAXfMUM LOAD PER T[RE 14a01bs. 1600 Ibs. '! 840 [bs. 1800 Ibs. 19Q0 ibs. 225C� lbs. 3C1�0 Ibs. MAXIMUM GR4SS LIM1T PER VEHtCLE 6 tire� - 18,Qt�0 ibs. 1Q tires - 30,QOCl Ibs. 2} The foad distribution on any ane axle of any vehicle shall be such t1�a� it wiI! not doad the tires on said axle in excess of the prescribed (oad sefi forth in this order. 3� Gross vehicle weights exceeding the laad limits set wii[ oniy be a�lawed by written permits, obtainable from each Road Distric# Supervisor, �E IT FURTHER REStJ�VED, that at any time during the effective period where an emergency exists, the Direcior af Pubfic Works is hereby granted tY�e au#hority to �ciose any Grant Gaunty roads or raad sections to al! unauthorized traffict provided the following notice is pasted on each end of the section to be ciosed: RESQLUTION N0. GRANT COUNTY PAGE 2 Notice is hereby given that in accvrdance witM #he provisions of Chapter 3fi.75.270, revised Code of Vtfa�hington, ihis road is cEosed tc► travel by al1 vehicles except passenger vehictes and empty trucks uniess a written permit has been obiained from the 4ffice of the �irector c�f Public Works, P. C1. B�x 37, Ephrata, Washington 98823. Pursuant to R.C.W. 3fi.75.270 any persan violating this Resalutian shaii be guiity of a misdemeanar. This arder shall be published in the o�cia! Caun#y newspaper and shali be effective and enforced or� and after #he 10�' day of ,3anuary, 2000. DONE ?HiS '�"'� DAY OF �� ��u.� �,i , 2l�QC}. � ������ ��� ����� � Deborah Maore, Chairman ATTEST: . �� C e�c of the B� d �eRoy Allisan t Tim Snead Constittuting the 8oard of County Cammissioners af Grant Countyr WBSIiI(tt,�0ii