HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 07-144-CCBOARD OF �OUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PLAT ALTERATION OF LOT 10, BLOCK 4 OF MARINE VIEW HEYGHTS, DIVISION NO.1, LOCATED IN THE SW il4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNS�TIP li NORTH RANGE 28 EAST, WM, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTTON NO. 07- -CC MARINE VIEW HEIGHTS �IVTSION NO. 1 RE1'�AT OF LOT 10, BLOCK 4 Darwin (Bud) Westphalen WHEI2.EAS, the Bdard of Count� Commissioners af Crra�t County have been advised that an open record public hearing was conducted before the Grant County Planning Comrnission on September 5, 2007 in the mat�er of a preliminary Plat Alteration of Lot 10, Block 4 of Marine View Heights, Division No. 1, located in the southwest quarter of Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington, and WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission on September 5, 2007 did approve a moiion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners to approve this �roposed prel�minary Plat Alteration with thirteen (13) suggeste� Con�itions af Approval and seven (7) Findin�s of Fact consistent with approval, and WHEREAS, the Boa�d of County Comrnissioners held a closed record public hearing regarding this matter an October 17, 2007, and WI�EREAS, the Board of County Cnmrnissioners have reviewed the applicatian rnaterial, staff report, and a summary oi the Planning Cornmission hearing, an.d WHERCAS, the Board of County Commissioners have £ound thati this proposal will not adversely effeet the health, safety, and general welfare of the public in the vicinity of the proposal, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found this proposal to be consistent with �he Grant County Comprehensi�e Plan, the Uniiied T)eveloprnent Code Chapter 23.04 "Zqning," oth�r land use regulations, and SEPA, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by this proposal, and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat Alteration, subject to the Con�itions ofApproval, meets the applicable requirements of the Unified Development Cnde Chapter 22.04 "Land Division," and IN THE MATTER OT APPROVING A PLAT ALT�RATION OF LOT 10, BLOCK 4 OP' MARINE VI�W HEIGHTS, bIVISION NO.1 MARINE VIEW I�IEIGHTS DIVISION NO. 1 REPLAT O� LOT 10, BLOCK 4 ��'VHEREAS, the praposed prelimillary Plat Alteration does comply with the Health District's requirements for sewage dispos�l and potable water supply, and WHEIZEAS, the proposed preliminary Plat Alteration does contain an accurate legal description of the lots being created, and the roads and easements therein, and W�IEREAS, the proposed preliminary Plat Alteration does comply with Grant Caunty regulatiion pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure improvements, and WIIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to approve the preliminary Plat Alteration, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT IZESOLVEll THAT the Board of County Commissianers of Crrant County, Washington hexeby approve by this Resolut�on, subject to the thirteen (13) Conditidns of Approval listed below, a preliminary Plat Alteration of Lot 10, Block 4 of Marine View Heights, Division No. l, located in the southwest quarter of Section 17, Tov�mship 17 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridxan, Grant County, Washington (Parcel #Q7-1331-080) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1) Development shall be in compliance with the Grawth Management Act, the countywide Planning Policies, the Washingtan S�ate Envirpnmental Policy Act, the Cxrant County Com�rehensive T'1an, the Grant County Unified Development Code, and all applicable local, state, and federal regul�tions, rulings ox requirements. 2) Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Fire Marshal and shall be in compliance with Grrant County Fire Flow guidelines, the Uniform Building Code, the Unit`arm Fire Code, and all other applicable requirements fnr fire protection and safety. 3) This proposal shall comply with all requiremenis deemed necessa�y by the Washington �tate Department of Health and the Washington State Department of Ecology in regards to domestic water supply, sewage systems, and storm water control and treatment includin�, but not limited to: RCW 90.48.0$0 (Discharge of Polluting Matter in Waters Prohibit�d), WAC 173-200 (Ground Water Quality Standasds), WAC 173-201-A (Surface Water Quality Standards), and WAC 246-272 (On�Site S�wa�e Systems). 4) If any Native American grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found, a11 construction acti�vity shall stop and the owner/dev�loper sha11 immediately notify the Grant County Planning Department, Colville Confederated Tribes, and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 5) Approval o�the requested Plat Alteraiion shall be contingent upon conformance with all applicable land use rules and regulations in ef.fect at the time tha applications were deemed Technically Complete; that date being July 23, 2007 in this instance. Darwin (I3ud) Westphalen Plat Alteration (Replat) - BoCC Resolntion - page 2 IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PLA�' ALT�RATION OF LOT 10, BLOCK 4 OF MA�iINE VIEW HETGHTS, DIVISION NO.1 MARING ViEW HEIGHTS DIVISIbN N0.1 REPLAT O�' LOT 10, BLOCK 4 6) The applican� shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Grani: County Fire Marshal/Building Official, including, but not limited to: a) Tha %llowing note shall appear on the face oi the plat; "All lots subject to a 25-ft. minimum setbacic from all property lines and subject to verification by fire district ofwater availability." 7) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Grant County Health Dis�rict, includ�ng, but not limitec� to: a) The area 100 ft. around the well must be pratected from activities that could potentially affect the aquifer. 8) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessa�y by the Grant County Public Worlcs i�epartment, including, but not limited to: a) b) Provide a plat review fee of $50.00. Grant Count� Publie Wqrlcs will not recogni�e nar be encumbered by the vvellhead protective zone. 9) The applicant sha11 cornply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Crrant County Assessors Office, i�.cluding, but not limited ta: a) In the Ti�le Block on each page, please add a number after "Replat" in order to identify the subject parcel. 10) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by Crra�t County Emergency Services. 11) The applicant shall comply with a11 requirements as deemed necessary by the Crrant County Auditor, including, but not limited to: a) b) Tn the Title B�oc1c on each page, please change the name to "Marine View Heighis Division No. 1 Replat of Lot 10, Blocic 4." In the Auditor's certi�cate and in the Sur�veyor's certi��ate, please change the re�erences from a"replat" to a"plat." 12) The applicant shall campl� with all requirements as deemed necessary by the U.S Bureau of Reclamation, including, but not limited to: a) On the Site Plan and the T�.e-plat, the Section Index does not appear accurate. please carrect the Section Index as necessary. b) On the Site Plan and the Re-plat, the Title of the plat and the aliquot part of the legal appears to be inaccurate. Please correct the Title and i�e �liqt�ot �art of the Title Blocic as necessary. Darwin (Bud) Westphalen Plat Alteratioxi (Replat) - BoCC Resolution - page 3 lN TI3E MATTER OF APPROVING A PLAT MARINE VICW H�IGHTS DIVISION NO. 1 ALTERATION OlC LOT �0, BLOCX� 4 OF REPLAT OF LOT 10, I3LOCK 4 MARTNE VICW HGIGHTS, DIVISION N0.1 c) All survey data an the Bureau of T2eclamation Farm Unit Maps pertaining to Reclamation facilities, assaciated rights-of-way, and farm unit baundaries within the area being subdivided must be included on the plat, d) Landowners should be a�vare of existing Reclamatian and Dis�rict riglits to construct, reconstruct, operate, and maintain Proj�et facilities as necessary. Reclamation and �a.e District must review and approve any work that will involve these facilities or the existing rights-of-way prior to commencing such work. e) Structures are prahibited from exlcroaching upon existing rights-oi way without Reclamatxon's and th� Distric�'s prior approval. This includes, but is not limited to, temporary improvements such as pavin.g, �'encing, and landscaping. � Reclamation's concurrence to this proposal is conditioned upon the assumptiion that there are no encroachments upon Proj�ct facilities or rights- of-way. 13) The applicant shall comply with a11 r�quirements as deemed necessary by the Gr�nt County Planning Department, including, but i�ot limited to: a) Development sha11 comply vvith the requirements of GCC § 22.04 Article V "Final Subdivisions and Short Subdivisions" and a11 other pertinenti portions of Grar�t County Code. b) Please malce the follawing corrections/additions to the mapping consistent with UDC 23.04.0$0: i. In the Surveyor's Certificate on Sheet 1 of 2, please insert the word 66OI1�� or "�" between "depicted" and "the" in line 8. ii. In the Dedication t�n Sheet 2 of 2, please correct the minor misspelling o� "waiver." iii. In the Approvals on Sheet 2 of 2, please correct (twice) the minor misspelling a� "Fire Marshal." zv. Tn the Bureau o� Iteclamation Approval on Sheet 2 of 2, please change (twice) the reference fram a"short plat" to a"plat." v. In the Quincy-Colu�mbia Basin Irrigation District Approval on Sheet 2 0� 2, please carreet the minor rnisspellxng c�f "examined." FINDINGS OF FACT The Plat Alteration does meet the applicable requirements of UDC Chapter 22.04 "Subdivisions and Plats;" Darwin (Bud) Westphalen Plat Alteration (Replat) - BoCC Resolntion - page 4 iN THE MATT.ER OF APPROVING A PLAT MARIN� VIEW �+ IGI3TS DIVISION NO. 1 ALTERATION OF LOT 10, BLQCK 4 OF R�PLAT OF LOT 10, BLOCK 4 MARIN� VIEW HEIGHTS, DIVISION NO.1 2. The Plat Alteration dt►es serve the public use and interest; 3. � 5. The P1at Alteratian does complq with the Comprehensive Plan, the Shoreline Master Program, the zoning code and other land use regulatians, and SEPA; The Pl�.t Alteration does comp�y with Health District requixements for sewage disposal and potable water supply; The Plat Alteration does contain an accurate legal description of the lots being created, and tl�e roads and easemez�ts therein; 6. The Plat Alteration does comply with Grant County and, where applicable, all State Department of '�ransportation regulations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure improvements; 7. The Plat Alteration does camply with all requirements of the U�ited States Department of the Interior, the D�partment nf Reclamation, and/or a recognized Trrigation District when the proposed preliminary is within the boundaries of an Irrigation Dis�rict. EFFECTIVE I)ATE: Upon signature. DATED this �,� day of �`��(��.� , 2007. Yea Nay C� CJ C� ATTEST: � � ler of th B r ❑ � BOARD C1F CQUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON - -- . A � Z.eRoy C. lison, Chai an � Ric ard Stevens, Vice-Chairman � �xCusec� Cindy Carter, Member Constituting the Board of Coanty Commissioners of Grant County, Washington Darwin (Bud) Westphalen Plat Alteration (Replat) - BoCC Resolution - page 5