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Resolution 07-140-CC
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION No. 07- /�OeCC WHEREAS, Heidi Gephart, M. ED., qualifies as a Designated Mental Health Professional as defined in WAC 388-865-0150 and RCW 71.05 and is employed by Grant County and specifically, Grant Mental Healthcare. NOW, THEREFO1tE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Grant County Commissioners that Heidi Gephart, M. ED. be designated to provide the services of a County Designated Mental Health Professional as defined above effective October 1, 2007. EFFECTIVE DATE: � day of c�,.��:.. �niSC�, 2007. DATED this �day of � '� A_: � , 2007. � ATTEST: Clerk of e B ar Yea �R � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON , r ❑ ❑ LeRoy � : Allison, air . ❑ ❑ Richard Stevens, Member �❑ C� C ❑ Cindy Car er, Member �a �; �r� � ro�� a z r ,.,�:- � . . , , .. Page 1 of 1 ...... . ..�.�.....�.:,.:,.•�:�:..�.:�.:� iii•7,L:i:).��;�;'. . 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RlGHTS UPON THE GERTI�lCAT� NQLDER. THIS CEftii�kCATE RQ�S NC�7 AMEND, EXTENQ C1R ALTER THE COVEftAGE AFFCIRDED BY THE Pt�LICI�S 6ELQW. Public Risk Underwriters qs�as laarn Av��u�� t�.�. 1Nt)Ui31NViL�E, V►IASFItNCsTCiN 98072-68iA PMC?NE (a25) a82-67&7 FAX {425) 482-2777 --:,:-: , �3�. ; '. ` . .. . . . . ... . . . . .. .. . .. .. ... .. . COUNT`f lEMBER OF VdASHING'fOFt RURAI COUNi'I�S tNSURANGE PODt b. B�X 37 C'a�N�RAL L.IABIL.ITY 5T PAUL FfR� & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY AUTOMOBiL� I,IABlLITY ST PAUL �1RE & MARIN� 1NSURANCE CC�MPANY PRf�P�F2iY 5T PAUL FiRE & MARINE INSURANCE Ct�MPANY CRIME 1 PUB�.i� �IU{Pt»OY►�� f�iSN4N�SiY ST PAt7L �iRE & MARIN� (I3SURANC� CC�MPANY EPHRATA, WA 98823 ,„ ,: ..::.::::�:,.�. :�.:.. ,.::..... :;:;::,�..�:,..,._., ........: ....,:.:. .::::.,..... :.. . . cav����s . .. . ... .. . . � � .. . . ,. :.. . . . . , �. . . . .. . ., , THIS iS TC1 CERTIFY THAT iN� POLiCIES UF i€vSU�tANG� L.15TE� BEl{�W liAVE BEEN iSSIl�D TO iNE �NSUR�p NAN�E� A8C}V� Ft}R iH� F't1LICY PERIOD 1NDIGAT�Q, NaTWITNSTANUING ANY REQUIFtEMENT, T�EtM OF2 GONQlTION OF GONTRACT 01� OTH�R DOCUM�NT WITN RESC'ECT TO WHICH THlS G�RTIFICA7E MAY �lE lSSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, 'CH� INSURANGE AFFORDEp BY THE POLfCIE5 L1�SCRIB�D HER�IN 15 SUBJECT 70 AI.L THE TERMS, EXClUSIC7N8 AND CC7NDITlONS OF SUCH PCIt,I�lEB, G{MITS SHC}WN MAY HAVE BEEN REC7UC�R BY F'AID CLAiMS. .... . :........... .. . iYP�=faF:INSURA;NC� •,; i �;'.;: ';; ••.PpL1CY�Nt�MB��t,;. ;1 ... . . . .. . , .... . . 3�is1�F2�4`t,.'ClElB4L`#T'+t.::'.''.,'':'.;'.: ;`•;:;. `.i; `:'::? i;,;': r';;:;;°! i,ii ;t7�u1MERC1At GE�lERAt LIA�EC.i"fY �P#�630'198% )CCURRENCEFQRM VGIUDES STUP GAP IS S�SBJECT TU A AE�Y AUiO (LIABILITY IS SU�JECT TU A �RQpER`TY ... . . . . .: . :.: : :'; ........ ........::.......... ...� : : :._.......... . �..,.....,..:.. .: ....,; .. ,, . . .. .., iCY:EFF��`�IV�;i':.':,P.QLI�`Y�:i�Xl�i1�7CfiIQN,,,,:,.:`.;;;:,;':�;"..;�:':;.�..:;::•.'c: <1:I�tiS.::: ' ;':.;;':': �.. .:' , .. ...... . .... � .,.. •: ,... ; ..,. : ::,,. ., _ � ,. . ...,. .... , . . .. . . �. A E ;°,'�':': :;'.'�.'•. :. : ;: : `•: :�: i: : . :.' .? :. , ; , : , . ..' , ., :. :` � ' •' '. : :. . . . ?�'�A�`���•:'':'::�,:;�,:�:�;:'.,p.?'.::�� .. ..,... .: .:....:.:..:.•:.:.; .•.. ..,..;.;...:....,.,,.....,.,..:. ::..�.. . . ,.,,. : .. .. 9i112007 9t1i20�8 �Er�����������,rE �tl,000,00D PROpUCT-CC3MP/OP AGG $71,UQ0,040 PERSdNAL. & ADV INJUi�Y $11 �pOQ�00LT EACt-t OCGtJFtFtENGE $11�Q40,#lQQ ANNUAL POL7L AGGR�C3AT� �35,ODO,OOC1 150,60t� SIR PAYABLE FR£}Nt FC}{7�. FUNDS) ::.. . . ...::...:.:....... ...:: ::.........:....:..::..::.:.:•..,..: :.•::., .:.::;..;,...;...::...:.:..:.. ., :.::,:......,..,. , . ............. . . •. .,.....,,... ....,.� ... . . ... . GP(}63099$7 9/1�2QQ7 9/1/2Q08 COiVIBlNED ��NGLE LIMIT $11,Q44,OOQ �b0,Oq0 SIR PAYABI�E FROM P�QL FUNL15} .�--�--� ... .. :.... :. . . .. .. .. �..• :. : ...........� ........,•..�.......;.;..,.,..: .....;,...,,.,:��.....,..,..•::::,.....,�•.• •.: : .. .......,.,., . .. . . .. . C�P063Q�9$% 911/2rJ07 9/1/2f?08 PROP�RTY LiMIT ��Q,a0p,000 ANNllAL F'Ot?L. AGGF2��ATE $25d,00Q,D00 =� Dt:SI-tt;�N�S'j'Y.:'.: <:'•.': i.';,:`; .';;.'�;.'.. ::'':. � i t::' '' .: . . .. ....... . . .... . .. . . ... . ... . : '. . . .., . ....... .... .. .. .. GP06309987 9/'1/2007 91'1/2p08 PER LOSS �5oo,bno �,_....._—. . .. . )�5Ck21P1"IC3, . {iF'�OR'Ei�ki'ICSi�SS ! L+�GA�`.60N�':i. if�W1�1:��; l=�P�Gii��. [3;�.MS ::',:',;';': : 't .:;:, ; �.:::, , �.,::: :' � : , •' � ' � ` �': : : : ; ' .'. ,., ,, ':: : : :• '. . : , �. . . . . . PROFESSIC7NA1.. �.IABIl.ITY IS iNGLUpED IN THE G�NERAI LIAF�il.3TY CC,}(�TlON OF l"FifS Pt3LIGY. SUBJ�CT "i0 POt�tCY TERIV3S� CONC}ITlC1N5 AND EXGLUSfC7NS. CP�NC�LLATlON SHOULD ANY i7F TNE AnOVE C7ESCFtf��D PdLiCIES B� CANCELLECi B��'ORE TW� �KPiRATIClN DATE THER�OF, THE 155U1NG CQMPANY UVILL �NDEAVdR 1"0 MAI�. �� DAYS WRfT7EN NC7TICE Tt3 THE CERTIFI�ATE I-10L[7�R NAMEd BELOW, BUT FAILUR� TCt MAIL SIiCH NOT1C� �HALL {MPOSE NO LiA�ILITY dR C�131�IGATI�JN OF ANY kiiN� UPON iHE COMPA�#Y, !T3 AGENTS dR REPRES�NTITlVES. :�i21"iFl�A"�'�i-1+�€.I3�F2::.:'.:, ;.':..`.�!;,''i `':':`>:,.'`ii:::`:,:;�:i;;'..:.:;:. i:`;'i;.::: ':`:.;:i:.:i:<'. ;:`:.�,::;'.`:�,',i..::'. GRANT MENiAE. H�ALTHCAR� �.o. sr�x �Qsa MbSES LAK�, WA 98837 r ,�,, �� ��..��. 0'�'�k.c�, � �' � Kara Matspn � ST�`�� �I� W�,SHIN�TqN HFAI_TH PRC7�L.S ali�NS QUA#�I�l'A55URANC� DIVISfQN TMIu C�RTIFI�S 7hiAT'(H� PERSpN p�t €�7qeLIShIMCN7 NAM�D hI�RCQN IS AUiHORIZE� AS PR4VIDEG F3Y L AW A� A LTC�NS��] M�I�'fiAL H�A,LThI GCIUNSEN_DI� ACTiV� .<;�� �ud � RSt� ti — _ _ _ t � -_ _ ���'HAR'T". 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L'" � � :' " S3Ct€SENT� N�. 8TE3II�E4hF"G NAM7�E ':'; ,;i-�-� 'w. '�`'.�=�f' i�3.:.?-���,�.,'i , 4�:: � ^ :�'i.! _ x 1.✓ .i � - i . q . ,,{��'��',.,-�""!C:.�g7,"� }'�J�ii ��,:�* �"''i k�i� t �"hi.a..ye`a!^�tYa � s�az�`.� �''�'s�..'`�_"d'��.-`= � ��'eF � � �'-�,� i �..i ��.t,��� _ ,:m7��:::.�-t �".�"`�` � •' i��i`1"�p`�I�'iEl?��°V wy �A$�t�1E13 t3ti7a4C�Iu �iulprpuiiliiinil' �Ij�I�iII�iF+��IL1�PIi��I i@� 'i��i���`u i j�4�"1161 li i4�1 '�hiIM�M:IFiS"i i V� i Cfr�mii47l1G�S G�'i'at'i'A�3� ,, i,��� ���=ifl��I��iPu��ll F � '�..�* i"`'[` .g'. e; �' ...F 4:e'!�� , 4`µ-- ,.:Sj �� t"F:k,�� � rJ '.�{ - k_}�.i^»` _ v 1 . _ .i;;�aY� ,' �.' C5'P N.5 �, +�''.".. � '. . :"� :. c= T!:r : t�. a. ��'',..p � f� . ,�+ ��� „" a i �! ����� ������ . _ i '.I ,F'': 0... C3EGFi�E ._. ..:��,. �».�-..,.,.� : ; ...,, >��.� s> A -�� ^���-?a�t,��^,-;' , �-�, � m.��-.. r�.,w—� .. �e., �' , .�'. 3. ��{ ,.,' t` �""'�•iw+�a�:� k�.r"'it���� ��,€�u �:.:�-i,�t� E,�.ST��tI'+t'�VAS�INC;.'I'I�l'�t U�iXVEk�.�IT'�" A�plied �'sychalc��Y Art ��a�i �'I�y 7'h�r�PY i� crediis) �'�Y 539�4�, �umrn�r 2QO�i �nstrX�ctor: �/��- ,�/�"'/`��'''/� O�ffic�: CaI� � (,:�„� --��.�;� email • FA� ` Class lY��etin�: �68 T�i. Rrverpoint �lvd, Phase 1:�uildin�, Clas�raom #l0� ���y � (�;o� -� �:c�� ��}, ���y �o � � 1 ��:�o � —4 s:c�c� ��� �ot�rse C)l�,jectiv�s; r'1z�. iritrcadu�tic�n tc� th� c�re�.tive an� �x�ressive arts ca�tin�urn in�ludian�: music, ��c�/m�v�rne�.t, ima�ery, vi�ual art�, literat�re, drama, an� pl�y. Th� c��rs� is desi�raed f�x� pr��'essic�r�ats w�r�Cin� in div�rse ��;ttizx,�s in th� hcxr��.n s�rvic�s. '�`e�t. A�l�n, J.(�1�8}. I��s�a�f�h�hil,,d'��cv rc� Id,�J�� ccauras�lin� itx s��vca.._. 1,���.,.� ciir�.ic�, �'�: "�prin�;. �l.ssi�nrr�ents: 1. €:i�s� :�xerc�ses {�53�'l� c�f grade). I�zn� identi�aec� ciass prac�ss�s (se� sch�dule}. This �xp�rienci�i cl�xss r��uires activc� p�z�icipatic�n iz� ail �aracess�,�. Studecits ��ill �em�nstrat� � willin�n�ss tc� par�icip�t� in �nd su��ort lea�nin� �rr�c�sses with ih�ir cl�ssrnat�s. Z��scus� with the instructor any prvblerns o�r di�'iculti�� r�rith couars� Q:� cornpr�h���sic�n. 2. Class �c��xrna� (37%). ,� r�rittean review afthree c;�as� prac�sses ar�d crn�oin� journa.l. af experiences through �c�urse m��tin�s, ��_4� 00 P�. Ju�l x��8. Subrr��t ��e1f- adciress�� stamp�d �nv��c�p�. �rad�d jc�urn�ls �riil k�� r�tur�x�d within tw� w�eks. C�r,�a�i�� eac� �atarnai ent�� intQ three cc�mponents: 1) I expericn�ec� , , . 2) � r�ali��� . . . 3) I wiil us� tk�i� to. . Gz•s�dit��: F'nssiblc� �'+�tczl 1 U� .�'r.�t�it� 1(I�1 s �1as:� �'z•�c�ss�s G3 Fc�ints °- 90°/n Class �c�ur�nal �"� Pvi�ts 7S% 70°l0 �C�i7.[ .J.JY"Y�f YG:l'I�ilil:r��17li �•i��ii�ii'fij' �Y.7,F`r [ Q�� L. ��.�SS �C�1�[�U.�� JU� 9 +�.o� � �.�+� �*:M �r��tiv� A.rts x� Cvun���g — An +�tv+�rsri�w �odylM'�d az�d Music Therapy �x�rcis� �`� --�'ape� l�lcrt� .�3a��ing Fx�rci�� �2 --h��r�i�cr� Toning �t�r�ciczg Alliaztce :�x�rcis� #�� �- Jaurnal �%Yriting �.3�D • �.Qt� P� �'c�urtial F�'rrtr`��� �:�r�lY��ll.:�� �'!ay "�`��t°��y, ��velc�pm�ntal & Ch�1d ��nt�rec� ��ccccise #4 �11�etaphvrlV"�rrativ�*s E��rcis� #5 �- �"��ryt�llirtg �x�rcis� #6 � �mprvm,��r .1"a�try .�U� �. �. 8:�0 � 11:Qt1 � Ghaidren's Art � �t '�`herapY ����°�s� #� E Fcrr�r�,���hetyp�s l�uica'e�', f `c�t�sy ir� fc�rr .s»tcrrl,��cni�s. �(ri pr��,�s ('m�rki�r,��rtrpp�ts� �.1:t}� .A� J�trtnal �rrtitrg 12�:4 a P'� -� 4�0(� �'� ��and�ray �ir��v't�w �a�er�ise #�i � Sa�zdtr�� In small grvarps r�f ��,5. �tt(�0 �11� -�-Jaurtral F�''t�tir�g 1�»�" P1V� — �#:U�►► �'1'� �r�a � '�`h��t��r �x�rcise #9 �- �'u,�,�t .�lays In srnall ,�rcrr,rps. +Glass Corr�,m�t�t� tu�� �Ic��ur�. S�brn,�t �ouz�s i� SA.S�, l�i��bility� Na�te'' �n ��cc�rd�c� with th� Am�rxcan t�ith �►isa�i�iti�s Act (I�9�), tl�� f+�t�owing is annc�����d: �yc� �ave, ar i�°�ara �usp�ct yau h�v�, a c�rnditian or ci�a;ra,�fi�ristzc w�ict� may z�np��t �c�ur �er�'c�rma�ce, ��us �1�s�, yc�u �ar+� i�nvited ta cc�ansu�t th� �nsttuc�c�r within tf�e first week �f th� q,u.a�t� tsa exptor� sp�c��l apprc�ach�s �`t�r e�atr�cu�g your suce�ss. Tn order fat� s��ci� a�ec�m�tnad�tir�ns t� b� ma�e, ifi is atsc� t��cess�.ry t�a� y�u aant�,�t t�a� �i�abl+�! Studet�t S�t-�i��s Q�"i.+c� {�5�-�22� c�r �59��540} f�c v� `r�f'i�atican o�'e�i�ib%lity, �.��,v�, E�stern'VV�staingtan Univ�rsity �-��_cv� �iepartm��at af �ppl�ec� Fsycholc��y �c� � � �`�. t,� �:.,�-2�ta r°� ��` Zntroductio�� ta Ar# Th+�r�py AF'SY 539��5 Suznm�r 2U(�t} , �nstructc���: � /�.•�4- l�i�.�c"�, �"' _ �. /�.� ,��'�.��� � ,.,��...-�'`� t� �--�'S�i �,�.� �I�� �'�" - �'^ ! �?�" � ��. �.� +Of�'°�ce ��u��� by �t���aintrnent. Fs�:�: ,�°',�,��"//� .. �' - -Ac[d�ress. f fi8 �t. �iver�anint �31vd, N:C�##3, Sp��an,e, 'WA ������1 b6(l Em�il: � , - � . ' �'ours� Uvervie►v ,� intrcaduati�n tc► the fi�ld ot" art thera�Y, �m�hasizin� t�e theoretical and �ractical asp�cts af usin� vi�u�l and pl�sti� ar�s in educatiQnal, ciinic�l, �nd reha�ailitatic�n. s�ttin�s. �tude��ts wilZ expl�r� ht�w symbc�lic lan�;�xa�� auad �rt are us�� as tvc�ls with a v�i.de vzriety af p�ipulations. ���ctures, �lide pres�ntativns, case�material �'art�m t�� fi�ld, a�d �xercises. � (��ixls/Qb'�ctive� �. Id�t�ti£y tkae historic�l �nd current tz�ends in crs�tiv� �rt th�rapy ar�c� t�t�c�ry. �. �c�r�n�reh�nd rrisu�i a��i �xpr�ssiv� �r��nmunicatic�n. 3. Eval��ate dia�n�stic �y�t�ms �sed by art th.erapiscs. 4. ��t�z-mi.an� ih� impact �fm�dia s�lectior� and use. �. �3uild �rst hand expe�i�nc�s c���� �racess�s and pac�o�a1 ima��z� rn��Cin�. �i. �s��ss pr�fessic�nal linnitations �n� pc�t�nti�l s�a11s ���' art therapy trainin�, �2e tai�°ed ".Cea��s Ru�in, J. A. (19�9), Art th�c�,v: ,�n inirodu�tic��. T�Y: T�runz�.erfMa.zel, Assi r��ane�nts � � (100 pc�ints � �,Q, see �WU pc�ii�y �`�ar gradi�g} �. I�� �la�s e��r�is�s ce�uire att�r�d�,�c� ta�"a�l class mc�tin,�s, r�adin,� �f�ssi�z��c� mat�rials, an� ac�iv� ��rti�ipatic�n (�0 poiz�ts). A�#e�clanc� s�ric�u�iy irn�acis �rad�. �, S��f=�ax �nd write up statemen� (�� �c�itacs}, A. prc�c�s� box "autabia�r�phy" pr�sent�cl �t t�� fit�ai c�as� ameetir��. Tk�� wr�t� up stai���ent as a 2-3 pa,�e �typ�d} p��e�•. �'crr fi�ll paints ar� cc��asid�r�d �'c�r inclus�o�� c��'t�Z� fa�lc�wan�; 1} 1��s�ribe t�t� ex��r��n�� �ial�i��� t�a� bo� �nd p�rsan�l m�ea�zt�� �f tk�e sy�nb�ls. 2� I��;scribe thr�e r�asons �`�r usin� ar� th�ra�y vc�r�es rn�re�y ver��1 th�rapy. 3} I��velc�� t�re� c����sti�ns that yau wi11 pursu� in th� �`uture about a� t��r�py, �) �fi l�asi �'iv� pa�es �ref�rer�c�s �'ram th� te�;tt. Sumnter ?000, flPS'Y S39 �"a�� ? 3. o�rrr�at. (30 perints� R�c�rd �nd discus� th� i2 exers�is�s fou�ad on sylla�us. Inctude: 1} p�rsana� respc�nses and growth/insi;�hts ex�aeri�n��d, 2) brie� cie�cription t�f art proc�sslproduat, 3� pl�ns c�r ��als �or yaursel�' �s a r�sult of art. �..,�..c�te: Labor�tc�ry titne is s�hedule� daa�y �irom 3:4� —�;30 f�r art, s�lf bt�x, re�din�, and writing pr�je�ts. Cl�an up of"studio" is ma��dat�rry at 5.�0 daily, I.,�+J�"I'�T.TRES & EX�R���E�' NI�iJ►�A. - �tane -- l�i+�r�c��y _ {Rubia�, �;h�pters 2, 3, 4j - �' - , � � � Ut���rstan�lin� �;r�#ive �rc�cesses � I)�v�lo�m��ata1 sch�m� (�,cawenf�ld). _ _ � Fx�rais� #i Fir�c�in� yc��r "�rti�t s�I�:" F�ncil� Vide�r: "Wit��c�ut Wt�rds" Histozy � �isane���s �x�rcise �#2: F�xerci�� #3. Jun� — Tu�sctay Scribbles �N�umburg, S�ramer) �indin� ar�h�tty�pes (Jur��� a �z��r �uid� (Lc�sebrink) {Itu►bi��, Chs�pters �, 8) %.Tnde�•star�dis�� Me�ia (�t�ng � �;�aapmar�; Vishup � �tai�Y) �;x�rcise �#�: 1Vlap�in� fih� me�i� t,Tnd��stand�n� �'r��uct - �tl�ics and �,rt pra��ucts (Hay��t�d} I��at�tin� to se� pictur�s {Furth} CTnd�rstan�iin� Teehnit�u� �x�rcis� #S l3iscvv����,� yaur "sym�c�lic sp�ech.,' Ju►�� � ��edn�sd�y (�ubi�, ���pters �, 6j [Jnd��standin� Therap�ut�c �,etatic�nshi� �x�r�i�� #�: ��rtz��r ���ks - buildi�r� 8t tra.a�s��rmit�� `.Che Expressi�e `Th�rap�es ��,n�irnitazr� ��.,usebrink) F��rcise #�7: �c�ciy tr�,�in�s wit�� �rcaup an,d er�hanc�ment ��l"";c,`J��:;� �� �C.�,t`.�,r��. �.�'J�,.� . �. (��,,;4 �����. �;w ,�,��� jc? ������.. Felt ���s i��n�r� Fait�ts �%�ee� N�edia Slid�s +�lay Piast�r, �caIl�ge �'vuz�d rriat�ria� Mixed Su»imer „�a00. APS�" S 39 Jun�e — Thu�rsd�y (R�bin, Chs��t�r 4, 7, r 1, l�) A,��t Therapy I'rafessivn, Trainin�, Ethics, �tandards t�f pra�ti�� ��tubin), ,A�.TA rnc. Froj�ctive Ass�ssrr�ent: �'avls � R.�se�rch �x�rcis� #8: �`� (Burr�s cS'�c �au£nnan}, �-I�`�' (�3uck) :�xcrczse ��: �timu�us R.espons� �Silve�� �rarving T�st} �.xe��is� �#�0: �t.�s�br�sh {�4lI�r�) ., -J��n�.-� �arit��y �_ - (�ubin, C��aptQrs �, �0) - �- . �_ �l�s��re and R.eview - ��t as rnedicine (M�l'�iif�. �,xercise #� 1�: Ima�� mural diala�ues in �rc►ups (McNif� Exercis� #I�: Integratic�z� a �elf-Bcax�s �1�ss T �e��a�k — 5tudent .�uatu�.ti�z�s c��InstrGrctc�r Fage 3 �'�nc%Z CardslPen�ii �'�t�cii Paint �c�lla�� �'Sun�mer 300t?, A�'SY 5.�9 �{�U�.�`� R.��'�iZEN�cs f�a�e � Al��n, J. (1 �88�. In�ca es f th� child's w�rld: 3un�ia� cc�u�seli� in c� ols and ,��t�n ucs. TX. Sprizt�. Bir�chneU, J. (i984) Art t�aerapy as a fc�t�n c�f psychotta�r�py. Ir� ��� th�r��. I.��llcy, _ �'. (Ed'). NY: "�'a�vistc�ok. � '� �itrns, Pr... �. �. :�au�ian, S. H., �(1972j� .�c ic�ris �t les nd �yz�ibpls iz� ki. n�tic familv � , drawi�.�s �K��: �ari iz�t�retiv�, manu�l. 1'�iY: Brunn�rlMa�el. .. �oh�r�, B., �viilIs, A,, 8� �Cw�pi�n �ijak, �.. �19��), Aa� intr�ducti�n to th� diagn�sti� �ir�win� seri�s; A standardiz�d tcaal �`crr dia�t�ostic and clir�.ical use. ��`t �'}i�r�X �au��n i c�f t�� �,m�ncan A�t Therap,�,_..E1,ssociatian. 11, (�.j. Furth, t�r, M. (I�88), Th� s�;crefi world v�dr� w' s: H: Izn t�r�„ ��art. M.F�.: Si�a. Hvrravit�-17arby, E. {19��). � iritual art hera : An al�ernat �th. LL. Tl�prn�s. ICwiatkvwska, �T. �.' �1975}. �'ar�a�ly art t�:er�py. Expe�iments wit�Z a t�ew techni��r�. �n �,r� �khera�y in th�or�,��r��tice, IJlman, E. $� i`�racha»��;r, P. (�ds.}. I�IY: Sc�t�ken. M�I�1`if� S. (19�2}. �rt �s �et�icine; �r�ati,� a th�rapy c�fthe irr�a ir�a#�on. MA; Sh��nbala. Land,�artet�, �-I, t i 9$ i}. ��iruca! a�-t }����Y.�A cc�m�,r,,�he�siv� uid�. N'Y: Btu�ner/M�el, Luset�rirrilcc, V. B. (1����. In���r guide. Art Th�ra�y J�urnal t�,f th� Amer���n Aart T��r��r ,�..ssc,�iati�azt} �, (3): �,usel�rink, `t�. �. (�990}, im�er��ncl visual �xpr�ssion in th�.�.�ra�y, "�TY; Pl��aum. k�ubir�, J. (1���). �,�t t���ra�y. W}�at it is �nd what it is not. Am�ric� r� Jc��irn�� �f Art `T���a.�, '�. - �hyn�, J. �1973). �'�.��stalt art �� eri�nc�. C�: Brc�c�ks/Gale, Virshup, :�. {I��S}. ��ifc��,��,� �ar�a�ra�„v trertcls. �.,,: IV���nalia. ���l�l �� �l�.x'� 2�� �� ��gh �fi. #3 �"ullin��, WA� �91�3 {SQ�� 3�2e�5�� +(��,���tiv�;: �'ositian �s a thet•a�i�t i�a � m�ntal �Zealtl� pra���arn, w�rkii�g with �hil�dren �tt�t� �'att�ilies, �igl�lig�ts bf t�uali�catt�ons �r l�xovid�� i������apy tc� chil�l���� �z�� �adai��cen�s � � �rc�up 1����� �e�ti��. � Exp�r�e���� �rc�vidi�� ��s� �n�����eznez�� ��.d e��.er�����y in.t��-��ntions t� f�n�i]�:es �� c�°isi�. �r 51����x� z�� p�t�l�l�n�-���a�use� i�t�z�ventio�s anc� e���;a��xn��lt o�z•�s�.st���t ciicnts. � Sl�il��d i� wo�ki�� cc����l������vely with �r��`essi��,�i h��a��.e��t ������s: ���p�zience wit�� D�]� �V ���c���d��•s, cli��ic�l ��s�ssment �.�.� t�•���tn�e�t p���ain�, ���afe�s�t�nal �x�ex��nc+� �/9�-Fr•�se��t T�x+�r�pi�t x�i�;e�y►�, .t'Vort/if��,�a'i Citil�rlrert r�s :�"a�ri� ,I�rc., �:,+��vistv��, �d��aa • P�°c�v�c�ed it�d�vidu�l anci �r�u�a coun►scslitz� tca s�ricausly ez��tion�lly �ii�tu�•bed cliildi-�n in a. ��ca�p l�oam� s�tting, , + �`arti�ip�t�+� i� t�°�attr����t plan�ai�a� �,nr� treat�r�ent pl�rr r�vi�w sss�icr��s. «, �c�-�'�cilitat�c! �,rc�up th�;�-���� s�ssians. - � Res��r�sibl� ��ar mai�t�i�ian�; �iles and atec�rc� keepin,� fc�;r �li�t�ts. S/��MP�°ese�t �'"�°o�r�tin �'�ot�t�iYr�iar, G�rxr�xr��t�t:r'� ertl�c.•�:,�e�rwr��r�t��, Ws�sl����toxi �t:�t� �si'rve�r�rt�, :���ll����tr� V4'A $ • �ost�t�e�i tix+� �ala��rn�ent ��"univ�rsity �tr�dent� witl� �c�cal nc�ri-�ro�t �nd cc�m�txu�i�y �ge��ci��. • �ev�l�ped �nci �a�ilita�:�d tr�in�n�; �rc,�ra�ns �.irt��d at.i��crc��i�l� kr��vvl�d�;e ca�`diversity is�>u�s, jo� ski��s ��v�lc���ri��at aia� wc�rl�it��; wit% sp�ci�l pc�p�t�ations. • W�rl��d v�ith u�niversit� faculty at�d 1���� c�r��ni�atians tc� �ac�litat� s�arvi�� ��:�����ir�� cap�c�rl;uniti�� �'c��� t��T1 ��ud��a�s, ° � , » �Vlaz�i�c�r�d �tucl�nts �� as�ur� ur�iv�r�it� a�ti cl��s��•�c��� ret�c�iar�m���ts were b�iri� :rn��, �/��`-8��� �+'am�1� ����`Su�ci��ac� �v+�r°c�ir��i:�r, �lIliJiti#�It,ittk�����I�D12 �C"it#"�1'y Pu�tr���r W� • :�.�s�c����i6�� fa�� �l�c ce�t�r�in�tic��� c��a svl� s��fFiai�n�y �z°c��ram. � Prcav��e�i c��� mana�emen� a�ici ��si�t���e fia ]�w-it��om;� i`��ili�s ���ccall�d ii� tl�� s�l£ su�ic�et�cy �ar�grzt�i � # �'rc�`vided �nner,����cy ini�rrren��c�ns ���• �ndividua�s and f�rrzaities in crisis. + M�i�a,��d �c�ac� t��n� cap�rati�a�� and su��rvis�d sial�a�ad v�lunt�+�ars, ' � �t�spc��isib�� ft�r �naraitarin�.��-an� ��pc�rtin,� �nc� record k���in� r�c�t�ir�m��ts. � Girant w�'itit�g. • �c�c�rc3it�a�i�►�i a��d traitu�i� a�` a��t�cy �ralu�at��r�. • 1������a�ixnent �n� CC�crrdin�t�r�tt o� �i°�initl,� p�`c��ra1'nS �nt� r��C,i1CG�s fai' ���nt;y Gli�ilts. �Ccrntinuecl o�� �<igc `t'wo� Z��idi �G�at�t�rt 01/3G�12/9�i t)utr��tch Cvarc#ir�aLar, �'�e�vis C'lrrrk �.'Iia��t�� a�'tlzer�rra�r�ic�t�t� �'��' +C'rt�rss, Lewi�ton� .I� • Piarru��d �d i�an��let��nt�d xn�rtgr�r unitin� lV��ascaw Ck���tez� �n� L�wisto�� �liapt�r offilae A�r���•iG� ���c� Crass. + S�pc��rvis��, tx�ai�a�d �.nd ccaorclinat�d vol�t�t����s. . • Assas�ecl with th� �crll�ctia�� ��d in�ut cif �g;enc� data. � N�tvvor�e� ar�� pr�s�nt�d to ��urn�r�au� ct�minuruty ���ou�s ar�ct +�r��u���ations ax� b�halfc��tlx� �ted ���c�ss, • ��ordin.a��d �p�c�al praj�ct for ���V/.A[b� �ciuc�fiic�r� wl�ich t�r�;�ted J`r. High, �.i�;h Schual and �'�rliege stu�cnt�. � �aci�itat�d fisi �id �tass�s for c�le��aent�.ry a�;�d cl��ldr�r�. � R�s�srat�silal� fc�r desi�;niti� 1����r�lXur�;� and pu�►lic�ticn�s fc�t• �oca( claapter di�tti�uti��. , � 1/9�t-�.2/9� Vis�a'Va�lunt�;�i�� �''it.clti� �t�,n G"n �nc�l a� t1xc� .X�'r�e��e�t�v� o'%ilrl AX���s� t��:�tl lV� l�ct ` � " ,� �t,�J �Ite .+�.����i�.,,,;� +�f �''J�r,1'c�1.' +��zcl.. +�rr�: �'�r_ ���'c���, �r�s�s ������ �Y�, « i7�vo�c���� �, vo�u�t�er I����e visitar p��,�ra�m, tailorecl to 11x� �ar��ds af ikae c�mmun�it�, ai�a�d at praven#i��� child abu�se �d nt�,�1��t. • �Vi'ote tr�va �;r�nts an� �ecu��ed $3 p,S00 i� �unc�it�� to ru�n t� vatu�zte�r l�orn� visit�� pro�;ra�n. + Prup�u`er� � n�ect's �s��srr�ent fc�cu�ing c�r� c�ild �t�ir���, teen prc��n�tacy a�xd �ov�rty rat� i#� �i•a.�t t"���zty. � �.ccruit��, it�t���vi�wud �i�d �r�d pro�r�i sia.if • 'UVrr�te a��d cvllat�� � pro�edure� rna�t�a! fc�r �nent�r pra�;ram. • It�cruit�d at�d tra�n�d vnlu�tte�rs. • Sc�1�c�ted �n�mt��a•s ca£th� cc�rnraaut�ity ta p��ca�arl� cic�nati��xs, teck�i��,l assist�ace s�d ��nare tl��n 201���s. c�� p�`c��e�sican�! fir�ir�ir��, • Se1�et�d tc� �r�sea�t�d ham� vi`sitar mod�i �tt st�ie wid� ChiIcl.Pik�usa Pr�v��ntit�n A�st�ciatic►� Conf�r�r�c�. ��u��t��� .�d.M. C�uns�lin� �'sy�hal��y, Wask�in�C��3 St��� Ui�i��arsi�y, �"�lln�ati'VVA� 1V.��y I��� ° �.�,, �'olitic�[ Sci�nc�a '�V�stern 't��shil�gi+�n �niversiiy, ���iizx,���an� 1��, June � 994 A..�. 13i�; ��ud C`�mt��u��ity �c711��e, IV�ase� :�a�C� WA, I��r��� 19�2 `I'�°�ix��i�� • �1�itc� c� ,�c��l+���er�� M(�rt��tN �I��tlt�� ���ca���sE �e��°�sfE�:�t�s��� �t��i��in�; l��t�r►a �'V�hir�gtota ilniv�rsi�y> S�c�k�� 'UV�t, �)�ce�nber 19�8 � June 1 �9�. � T��i�,ix I��ids, Coal ��►��ns�ti���: T"�•��tt�te��t �"t��€�t��ies �'or W��ikin� with llii�iccy�t Yoii���, �'ulltnan `VV�., A��ril 1���, + �ed t°"�•ass k�7V/�,I�1►S>��t��c�tior� '�'��s�i��ia��, �,awistt�tl �, 7 �96 • �'`a��t1� �'����a�awms In;�t��x�ctor�, ,��n�ri�ai� ��c� �rvs�, Tc�a�o Ft�ls :Ci�, � �9G • �r�i1c���a� P�ri��e��s��a�s, St���aagt��eni��� �oara�muu���es, I��tianal At��rricCC1�'*VI��.'A'I'r�tit�in� �c����r�ne�, W�h�ngton �. C. Jurt�, 1 ��� �"t•af�s�ion�� ,�.�����t�ans �ta��ri�an �ou�s�li��� �ssc�ci�tiar� t�ii��r����� .l\��z�t�� I���1ti�i C��rrtseic�rs Ass�ciatica� �1t��'cr�nces Av€�il�tl�Ic t7�a�� IZc;c�tiG�ta