HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 07-134-CCBfJARD QtF CCiUNTY COMMISSIC;NERS Grant Caunty, 't�Tashxngton RESOLUTION No. 07- /3� -CC A RESOLUTION rel�ting to tl�e establishment of a new fuixd �303 to be nameci: 2007 Bond Construction Fund. WHEREAS, it has been called to the attention of tla.e Board of Caunty Cornmissioners that a new fur7d shauld be established as set forth herein�bove; and Vt'HEREA�, the estabtishment of said fund may ba accomplislled without a pubtic hearing pursuant to st�te and coux7ty bLzdget iaws, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESULVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOl�TERS OF GRANT C4UNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTQN, that the follawrng fulid is hereby created and established: #303 to be named 200'7 Bond Constn.�ction Fund and tlie Grant County Auditor and the Grant Caunty Treasurer are hereby directed to establish said fu1�d in their r.espective offices. This resolutiox� is in the best interests of good government and shall tai�e effective ixnmediately. DATED: this �� day of , 200'7. Yea Nay Abstain [�`� ❑ ❑ ATTEST: � � Gtti,l� �. Clerlc af e o d ❑ 0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIQNERS GRANT CtJUNTY, WASHINGT(3N / ! ./%/ .,.e ..� . � r� , �-- � /__ , r=.,W .j i...... . a '���'h' r + �- , � � Cindy C r, Member Page l of 1 H:\UVasquez\Resolution-(h'din�nce\New Pund et311ed Grant Counly Fair-Park Constructiun.doc