HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-268-CCBOARD �F C4�UNTY �t3MliJIISSIONERS Grant Caunty, Washi�gton RESC3LUTION IN THE MATTER OF WINTER ST{.�RM, DECEMBER 14-15, 2006, LC}CAL DECLARATICIN OF FMERGENCY RESOLUTICiN No. 2006-c���-CC WHEREAS, the Department af Grant Caunty Emergency Management (Emergency Management} has reported to the Grant County Board af County Cornmissioners (Board} on December 15, 200b, that the impacts of the winter storm with unusitally high winds, which occurred during Deceml�er 14-15, 200b, thraughout Grant County, caused damages to structures and created hardships far public entities, individt�als, businesses, and industries from the storm's impacts; and VVHEREAS, the storm impactad parts of the county with wind speeds of 45 mph, and gusts of 63 mph to l36 mph, which occt�rred over a 12 hour period, cat�sing signi�cant damages to public and. private properties; and WHEREAS, elcctrical power service was Iast because of Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washingtoxl, infrastructure damages to power lines and transformers, including severai road closures resulting frorn damaged and downed pawer lines and power poles; and VVHEREAS, a public shelter was opened for and occtixpied by residents who were displaced from their homes dL�e to Iacic of electricity and heat; and WHEREAS, the iinpacts of the wind storm of December 14-15, 2046, contint�e to cause economic hardship, loss of business, Ioss of production, loss of praducts, and/or loss of worlc far employees; and WHEREAS, the emergency event required the activation of the Grant Caunty Comprehensive Ernergency Management Plan and Emergency 4peration Center; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RFSOLVED THAT: (1) It is hereby cleclared that theie is an emergency dua to the iinpacts suffered fron� the wint�r storm ofDecelnber 14-15, 2006, throughout Crant Caunty, and specifically the incorporated cominunities of Royal City and Quincy, which separately declared emergencies; and (2) Emcrgency Managemerlt is autlioriz�d to continue to address the assesslnents and impacts and/or dainages to both public and private properties; ax�d Page 1 of 2 I-�;\BVasquez�Resolution-OrdinancelState of Em.ergency 122906.dac (3) Grant County therefore requests disaster assistance for the County of Grant and the Cities of Royal City, Washington, and Quincy, Washington, from the Governor of the State of Washington. PASSED AND ADOPTED this / y�' day of December, 2006. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain G�NT COUNTY, WASHINGTON a� ❑ ❑ , Richard Stevens, Chair �� ATTEST: Cl rlc of the oar 0 � � � �— ' LeRoy Allison, Mem er � �� � Deborah Kay o , Member Page 2 of 2 H:�BVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance\State of �mergency 121906.doc