HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-243-CCReturn to; Grant County Pubiic Works 124 Enterprise Street S.E. Ephrata, Washington 98823 1201833 10I1�/2006 0304� PM qR Pag� 1 of 7 R 0 Gran� Co, WA GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIQ��RS I Ilillll lii 1111i1 Ilil IIIIII IIII 11111i1 IIIIII I�II IIII Illll IIIII 1lIII Illl 1111 Filed for Record at the Request of the Grant County Department of Public Works 124 Enterprise Street S.E., Ephrata, Washington 9$823 By: 4rder Granting Vacation of a Certain Caunty Road Right af Way �;�=�,�,z,;., GRANTOR; Grant Gounty, Washington GRANTEE: Public IN THE MATTER OF VACATING A CERT,�IN COUNTY F20AD RIGHT-OF-WAY � r'.���'p-�'�;"��?,�.. i �?r..+• �� , ��a� �i �f i�,, �� � ..,. �,...,... -� �°�.(«;�� .., `:�.�'.;.;;f' 7iF; �It,;�'/' �� � • R�SOLUiION N(). ����`�3'� ORDIER GRANTING VACATION WHER�AS, The Baard of County Commissioners af Grant County, Washington, considered a cerkain county road right-of-way useless, and by this resolution entered upon it's minutes, declared its in#entian ta va�ate and abandon a certain county ro�d righ#-of-way described as follows: �.egal Des�ription: A PORTi��I� G�7" 6�'HE RIGHT �F �IVa�,Y GF �20AD 4 NE, iN SECTIONS 7 AN�S 18, T�WNSNIP 19 �l�RTF3, RAf�GE 'L8 EASI', W.IV�., ;3RA�iT GQ�7NT�3, W� �I�ilt�C�"ft�N, MQRE FULLY DESGRIBE[? AS FrJLI_Q1N�: ThIAT PORTION OF i'NF 3'�tOAC�.� �31C�HT (�'r` WAY k�E[71(�A`('Ed dN iFIE MOSES PdINTE PHASE '1, �iLtiCK 5A, FINAL t'.U.D. iVIAP RECOREDE[� IN B(?UK 23 C?F PtATS, PAGES 61-64, REGORDS OF GF2RNT CQUN7Y, WASHINGTG�N, LYING EAST OF'THE �tAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF EDWARDS DRIVE NE. See Atkached Exhibits A and B WHEREAS, a notice of hearing on the repart for vacation and abandonment was published in the county official newspaper a# (east once a week far two conser_.iative weeks preceding ti�e date fixed for the hearing, and a copy af said notice was posted far at feast iweriy days preceding the date fixed far hearir�g at each termir�i af the county road or portion thereof to be vacated or abandaned; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Cammissioners did consider the report given by the Caunty Road Engineer, together with any evidence for ar objection against said vacatian and abandanmenf; and WHEREAS, the abave described county road right-of-way is not useful as part af the caunty road system and the public will be benefited by ths vacation and abandonment. WHEREAS, this vacation is contingent on the transfer of fee title ownership of the following described p�rtion of real property to Grant County far the use as Right-Of-Way for future County Roads, Lega! Qescription: A"f'RACT OF LAND IN TNE NQRTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTfON 18, TOWNSH(P 19 NOR1'H, F2ANGE 28 EAST, W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE FULLY D�SCRIBED AS FOLLOW5: BEGlNNING AT TNE PC}INT ON TNE EAST RIGHT dF WAY QF WESTSHORE RR1VE AT THE MOST SOUTNERLY END OF WESTSHORE DRIVE AS DEDICATED ON THE PLAT OF MOSES POINTE, PHASE1, BLOCK 3-FINAL P.U.D. MAP PER THE PLAT THEFtEOF FILED IN BOOK 20 OF PLATS, PAGES 81-89, REGORDS OF SAID GRANT COUNTY; TFEENCE NQO°31'45"E, 93.83 FEE7 TO TME BEGINNING QF R$65.Q4 FOOT RADlUS CURVE C4NCRVE TO THE WES'T; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE LEF7 THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00°48'09", A DISTANCE OF 12.11 FEET TO A N�NTANGENT INTERSECTION WITH A 40,00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTNEAST, A RADiAL LINE TC? TNE CENTER OF SAfD CURVE BEARS N32°40'24"E; THENGE A�ONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO TME LEFT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°35'08", A DISTANCE OF 22.05 FEE7; THENCE S89°34'35"E, 400 FEET MORE OR LESS TC3 THE SHORELINE OF NiC1SES LAKE; THENCE SOUTHER�Y ALONG THE SHORELINE OF MOSES LAKE TO R POINT THAT BEARS S89°84'35"E C1F TNE P41NT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N89°34'35"W, TO THE PC11NT OF BEGINNING. See Attached Exhibits C arrd D NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners vacates and abandons all interest in the County road right-of-way described above; EXCEPT an easement along the vacated right-of-way to accommodate existing power lines, communications lines and other franchised and/or permitted public and private utilities. DONETHIS�DAYOF ,20�iCJ �,,/_ �I I/. l�� ,�r Deborah Kay M'o�re (Member) � Richard Stevens (Chair) � , LeRoy A lison er) Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington i���g�� 10/17/2006 03:43 PM 0� q Grant Co, WA GR�iNTZCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS I IIIIIII III IIIIII IIII II�III IIII IIIIIII II�III IIII IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII EXHIBlT A ROAD 4 VACATIQN EAST �F EDWARDS A PORTION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF ROAD 4 NE, IN SECTTON� 7 AN� 18, TOWNSHZP 19 NORTH, RANGE 28 �A�T, W.M�, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE FULLY DESCRIBED A� FOLLOWS: THAT PC7RTION OF THE ROAD 4 RIGHT QF WAY DEDICAT�D ON THE M05ES POINTE PHASE 1, BLOCK 5Aj FINAL P.U,D. MAP RECORDED T!� BO(�K 23 UF PLATSr PAGES G�-G4, RECt�RDS OF GRANT COUNTYr WASNINGTON, LYING �AST QF THE EAST RIGHT C�F WAY L�N� C7F EQWARDS aRTV� NE. P�O+e 3�0�' 7 10J�17�/200Gr�n � Go,PW OR GR�[dT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I ININI 4ll IIIIII Ilil IIIIII Ilil IIIIIII IIII!! IIII 1114 Illll IIIII 11111 IIII Ifll J:\DOCCIMTN'1'\1-06��078_Moses PL\Leg21 Descriptian l.doc � � �...... � ') �� � I �,pWARDS WAY NE _ _ _. � - ------ .-�- �,.- - �' � � /� -� �� / � •„�."�-�"'ti � � ( � , ../ ' `�.:,`' ;'� � j � ---� ���� �i. . � � � ,�'��.���` . � , �� , � '� ,\. `,�\ 4 4~ t, � � �_ ^�t � ``�7��, �/ �t .« �. r +.w\ � \� � `.,`*+� ' - ..� , ..._ . .�- . ..+ ._ „ � ...........�.. "*ti "ii . . , � � l{ � ^ � . .�� j� /t.l � � 1 . � � - 1� -��� � � �. ._7'��. 1• ',, �� a � �: I : TRA�T A .,... p i I / i I �. . ...................... ,, . � - --..... _ "" � M ~ � J � _ � `� . ...:....:... • - .• ' . � � _,, . _ . .! , _. . ._. ! _ _ _ --- � , _ � - - ,I�` _.i.. — � r ,�.._ -- ' Y M p � - J -� �-( ' �`. �' . 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EXHIBIT C L�GAL DESCRIPTTON RIGHT OF WAY DEED A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP ].9 NORTH, RANG� 28 EAST, W.M,, GRANT COUNTY, WASHTNGTON, MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT ON THE EAST RTGHT OF WAY OF WESTSHOR� DRIVE AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY END OF WESTSHORE DRTVE AS DEDICATED ON THE PLAT OF M05ES POTNTE, PHASE �., BLOCK 3-FINAL P.U.D. MAP PER THE PLAT THEREOF FILED IN BOOK 20 OF PLATS, PAGES 81-89, R�CORDS OF SATD GRANT COUNTY; THENCE NQO°31'05"E, 93.83 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 865.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO TH� LEFT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00°48'09", A DISTANCE 0�' 1.2.11 FEET TO A NONTANGENT INTERSECTION WiTH A 40.00 �OOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORiHEAST, A RADIAL LINE TO THE CENTER QF SAID CURVE BEARS N32°00'24"E; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGL.E OF 31°35'OH", A DISTANCE OF 22.05 FEET; THENCE S$9°34'35"E, 400 F�ET MOR� OR LESS TO THE SHORELINE O�' MOSES LAKE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE SHORELINE OF MOSES LAKE TO A POTNi iHAT BEARS S89°34`35"E OF TH� POINT OF B�GINNING; THENCE N89°34'35"W, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 12039°i3 10/ i7/2006 03 , 4°f PM OR P� � 5 of 7 R 0 Grant Co, WA GR�NT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I II�I�II III �II��I III �IIIII I�II IIIIIII I�IIII �I� IIII I III I II� I II �II I�� J; \L)OCUMENT\ 1-06-07$_Mases Pt\RTGI-I']' OF WAY D�ED.doc �� � � �- , -_ , i : __ � '-�' 1 i ` ' ' �1 � ��_�-- � __� �- ! ; �� ' i ( ` I i � � � '' J1 �— , � I � � �� � I � � � �— i i �— �` i I . ; , , .'; - ` i ' � i ' . , l �,/'�l; �/ l�. f;F f, ` �s' . ; j' I , f �` '�'�f' . . 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