HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 16-017-CC ,���':��i�`��ti, �OARD tJF CaUNTY CQMMISSltJNERS ;, � ��,. :, ,t Gr�nt Cour�ty, Washington ; ��:,;f` (r;e�;' t� ��. ..,. �r�;{. �����a, .,, „,. , . �,��,�.t;:.,� RESO�UTION: Nt�TiCE OF HEARING RESOLUTIC?N No. 16- �� �-- t�� __ IN THE MATTER OF DECLARING CERTAIN CQUNTY-QWNED PR�PERTY SURPLUS AND ORDERING THE SALE THEREOF WHEREAS, the 6oard of County Commissianers desires to conduct a public hearing on its intention to deciare certain County-owned praperty surpius and dispose of same at pubiic auctian, and WHEREAS, it is the intentian of the Public Works to sell surplus property at public auction through the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services { http:/Iwww.des,wa.c�ov/servicesl.SurpiuslBuySur,pfuslPages/defauft.as� ) to the highest bidder for cash all equipment declared surplus, and WHEREAS, the fallowing listing of equipment and merchandise fram participating County agencies wiii be considered for sale, Vehicle No. 7044, 2006, Ford, Crown Vic Vehicle No. 7019, 2010, Fard, Crawn Vic Vehicie No. 1d33, 2011, Fard, Crown Vic Vehicle No. 7036, 2Q11, Ford, Crawn Vic — — — _ - -- -- — — — NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held in the N�aring Room of the Board af Cour�ty Commissioners at the Grant Caunty Caurthouse, Ephrata, Vllashington at 2:00 P.M. on March 22, 2Q16 and anyone either for or against these proposed actions may appear and be heard. DATED tYris ��day of , 2416 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS �@ NT COUNTY,W SHINGTdN Ye� Nay Abstain C�l' ❑ ❑ Cindy Cart r, Chair � ❑ ❑ i L( C r.el n Swartz, V' e Chair ATTEST� ,- j �( ❑ ❑ • - /'� �, Richard Stevens, Member , �{ ,��,,., B rbara Vas e �ieri� f the Board � EXNIBIT��A" March 1, 2Q16 203.6 VE�i1ClE AND EQUIPMENT SURF�US LIST I Grant Couraty Public Warks I A6ElVCY lVAME QUAtVTiTY VEHtCtE# VIN iVUMBER , MAKE MODEL YEAR BODY TYPE Sheriff 1 0744 2FAFP71W06X162762 � �C3RD CROWN ViC 2006 4 DR SEDAN Sheriff 1 7019 2FABP7BV4AX131222 FORD CROWN VIC 2010 4 DR SEDAN Sheriff 1 7033 2FABP7BV6BX158021 FORD CROWN VIC 2011 4 DR SEDAN Sheriff 1 7036 2FABP7BV6BX158018 FORD CROWN VIC 2011 4 DR SEDAN � �I I I