HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2oi� The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m. with Commissioners Carter and Swartz in attendance. Commissioner Stevens was out and excused. 8:3o a.m. — g:oo a.m. 9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting J Stricl�ler, ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action A motion was made by Cornmissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items i and 4 on the ASC Agenda as presented. Items 2 and g did not arrive for signature. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. io:oo a.m. — io:i5 a.m io:3o a.m. — io:45 a.m. ii:oo a.m. — i1:2o a.m. i2:oo p.m. — i:oo p.m. 2:0o p.m. — 2:5o p.m. g:go p.m. — 4:2o p.m 4:3o p.m. — 5:0o p.m. i. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or grant administration. (Approved) 2. Anticipating: Agreement Regarding Juvenile Court Administration between Grant County Superior Court and the Board of County Commissioners. Term is January i, 2oi3 through December gi, 20�6. (Did not arrive for signature) 3. Anticipating: Memorandum of Understanding between Grant County and REC Silicon, Tnc. to improve the current public warning system by taking advantage of current technology and initiating the timely purchase and transition to a newer system with REC-donated software and materials which will provide for mass notification and public warning. (Did not arrive for signature) 4. Filing Fee Surcharge Distribution Agreement between Grant County and the Columbia Basin Dispute Resolution Center, pursuant to RCW �.75.085. Term is January i, 2oi3 through December 3i, 2014. (Approved) Commissioners Office Safety Meeting Citizen Public Comment Period (No public in attendance) Budget and Finance Update Commissioners at Elected Official and Departrnent Head Monthly Luncheon (Fairgrounds) T Hechler, Human Resources Update (Cancelled) J Gingrich, Fairgrounds Update C Carter, On Call Communications Clerk Interview (Small Meeting Room) COMMISSIONER�' FEBRUARY 4, 2oag MINUTES Page 2 of 6 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $125.2g and $243,19q..63, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. TUESDAY, FESRUARY 5, 201�: The session was continued at io:oo a.m. with Commissioners Swartz and Stevens in attendance. Commissioner Carter was out and excused. C Carter at Washington Farm Bureau Legislative Days (Olympia) io:oo a.m. — io:go a.m. D Hooper, Planning Department Update 1i:oo a.rn. — i1:2o a.m. D Pheasant, Review of Dawson Tax Title Application 1:go p.m. — 2:2o p.m. D Pohle, PW Update 1. Authorization to Call for Bids: Road 6-SE Reconstruction with a bid opening date of February 26, 2oi3 at i:3o pm. (Approved) 2. Road Levy Certification for 2ox3. (Appro�ved) 3. Local Agency Construction Agreement between Grant County and Marine View Heights for a Storm Water Study, in the amount of $g�,666.95. (Approved) 4. Dedicated Service Award for Gary Gregory. (Approved) 5. Award Recommendations for Au�o's & Pickups (Equip. Contract #2013-01) as follows: • Award the sale of trade-in #650, `oi Ford Taurus, to the high bidder Sally McLanahan for $3�733•33 �Approved) • Award the sale of trade-in #735, '06 Ford Crown Vic, to the high bidder Gerald Coulter for $g,25o.00 (Approved) • Award the sale of trade-in #�69, '05 Chevrolet Impala, to the high bidder Jenaye Adams for $g,5o5.00 (Approved) • Award the sale of trade-in #738, '06 Ford Crown Vic, to the high bidder Josh Savage for $4,000.0o Award the sale of trade-in #6g8, '04 Ford Fi5o 4x4, to the high bidder Torn Heilman for $�,400.0o Award the sale of trade-in #3120, 'oo Ford F85o 4x2 w/Knapheide box, to the high bidder Aaron Micicelsen for $g,800.00 (Approved) • Award the sale of trade-in #F&M2, '98 Jeep Cherokee, to the high bidder J J Bevier for $i,olo.00 (Approved) • Award the sale of trade-in #F&Mi,'96 Ford F25o 4x2, to the high bidder Keith Curran for $i,2oo.00 (Approved) COMMISSIONERS' FEBRUARY 4, 2013 MINUTES Page g of 6 • Award the contract for the following items to the low bidder in compliance with the specifications: (All items approved) Bud Clary of Moses Lalce P.O. Box i2� Longview, WA 98632 Item i- Furnish and deliver small SW 4x4 F.O.B. Grant Count�, WA to furnish and deliver four 2013 Ford Escape 4WD in the amount of $97,8o6.3i including sales tax and including trade-ins #632 ($1,802), #659 �$3,102) and #662 ($2,902). The unit price bid was $24�550.00. Item 2- Furnish and deliver full size 4-door RWD Police Sedan F O B Grant Countv, WA to furnish and deliver four 2oig Dodge Police Charger in the amount of $i1g,�16.04 including sales tax and including the trade-ins #'7009 ($2,002), #�o1g ($2,302) and #�oi5 ($1,802). The unit price bid was $2�,8oi.00. Item 5- Furnish and deliver full size SUV Police 4x2 F.O.B. Grant Countv, WA to furnish and deliver three 2o1g Chevrolet Police Tahoe 4x2 in the amount of $88,965•29 including sales tax and including the trade-ins #�004 ($i,5o2) and #�028 ($2,�oz). The unit price bid was $28,809.00. Item 6- Furnish and deliver full size SLTV Police 4x4 F:O.B. Grant Countv, WA to furnish and deliver two 2oig Chevrolet Tahoe Police 4x4 in the amount of $62,515.80 including sales tax and including the trade-ins #�61($i,ioz), #�84 ($2,002) and #7ox1($2,502). The unit price bid was $g1,692.00. Item �- Furnish and deliver 1/2 ton 4x4 ext cab pickup w/6 5' box F O B Grant Countv, WA to furnish and deliver three 2o�g Dodge Ram i5oo Quad Cab 4x4 in the amount of $68,320.73 including sales tax and including the trade-ins #oi5 ($6,002) and #5oi ($4,502). The unit price bid was $24�549•00. Item 8- Furnish and deliver 3/a ton 4x4 re� cab �ickup w/8' box F.O.B. Grant Count�, WA to furnish and deliver two 2oi3 Ford F25o Reg, Cab 4x4 in the amount of $44�500.5o including sales tax and including the trade-ins #�033 �$4�802) and #go5o ($2,002). The unit price bid was $23,966.00. Item A- Furnish and deliver 3/a ton 4x4 crew cab pickup w/6.ti' box F O B Grant Countv WA to furnish and deliver two 2oi3 Chevrolet 250o Crew Cab 4x4 in the amount of $66,96�.14 including sales tax and including the trade-in #65� ($3,002). The unit price bid was $32,446.00. Item 10 - Furnish and deliver i ton 4x4 crew cab chassis w/84" CA F.O.B. Grant Countv, WA to furnish and deliver one 2013 Ford F55o Crew Cab & Chassis 4x4 w/84" CA, i8,000 lb gvw in the amount of $40�223•35 including sales tax. The unit price bid was $g�,i75.00. • Award the contract for the following items to the low bidder in compliance with the specifications: (All items approved) Legacy Ford i225 Autoplex Way Pasco, WA 99301 Item �- Furnish and deliver mid size SUV 4x4 F.O.B. Grant Countv, WA to furnish and deliver one 2oig Ford Explorer 4x4 in the amount of $27,935•18 including sales tax and trade-in #�83 ($2,250). The unit price bid was $2�,g�g.00. Item 4- Furnish and deliver mid size police AWD utility interce�tor F O B Grant Countv, WA to furnish and deliver two 2oi3 Ford Police AWD Utility Interceptor in the amount of $63,00i.o3 including sales tax and trade-in #�001($3,200). The unit price bid was $30,606.00. COMMISSIONERS' FEBRUARY 4, 2o1g MINUTES Page 4 of 6 1:45 p.m. — i:55 p.m. Bid Opening, Equipment Contract 2013-0� (Motor Grader and Landfill Compactor) Numerous bids were received (see bid tabulation). A motion was rnade by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Swartz to turn the bids over to Public Worizs for their review and recommendation. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. 2:0o p.m. — 2:�o p.m. Bid Opening, Equipment Contract 2o1g-o4 (Asphalt Sealant Melter and Applicator, Forklift, Crane, and Tilt Trailer) Numerous bids were received (see bid tabulation), A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Swartz to turn the bids over to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. 2:3o p.m. — 3:2o p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update AND Yellowstone Pipeline Company Franchise Adoption On June i9, 2oi2 the Board of County Commissioners voted to adopt a franchise for Yellowstone Pipe Line Company for a period of fifty (50) years to construct, operate and maintain a 6" refined petroleum products over, under, along, and across certain County roads in Grant County, Washington lying within the following described portion of the County, to-wit: Along the following roads: ii-NE, W-NE, V-NE, io-NE, T-NE, S-NE, R-NE, 9-NE, Q-NE, P-NE, 8-NE, N- NE, M-NE, �-NE, L-NE, K-NE, J-NE, 2oth Ave. NE, i9tn Ave. NE, and 6.� NE. After deliberation, the Order and Resolution granting the franchise is ready for final signature and adoption. (Per Lee Pence, Civil Deputy Attorney, not ready for signature) 3�3o P•m• — 3�45 P•m. Consent Agenda (Items i through 1i) A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Swartz, to approve items 1 through 1i on the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers (Approved) 2. Commissioners January 2i, 2o1g Minutes for approval (Approved) g. Recommendation from the Health Insurance Committee for the County to offer employees a Health Fair in the fall of 2oig which could include biometric screening, flu shots, American Red Cross blood donation, American Cancer Society educational booth, and local fitness centers booth, (Approved) 4. Special occasion license application for the Grant County Economic Development Council, 6594 Patton Blvd NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837� from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE 5. Request to hire Sno Valley Process Solutions to complete the rebuild of the Geo Compressor #2 approved in their 2oi3 Capital Expenditures budget in the amount of $2g,5oo.00. (Approved) COMMISSIONERS' FEBRUARY 4, 2o1g MINUTES Page 5 of 6 SHEIZIFF'S OFFICE 6. Request to proceed with their HVAC Unit/Worlc Release capital project approved in the 2013 Capital Expenditures budget in the amount not to exceed $20,000.00. (Approved) �. Request to purchase a FAX machine from Business Interiors in the amount not to exceed $i,000.00 as approved in their 2oi3 Capital Budget. (Approved) 8. Request to purchase a Live Scan Fingerprint Machine from Cross Match Technologies in the amount not to exceed $i4,1�5.0o as approved in their 2.o1g Capital Expenditures budget. (Approved) 9. Budget extension request in the amount of $i5,136.6o to cover 2oi2 expenses within their INET Forfeiture Account. (Approved) GR[�NT INTEGRATED SERVICE� 10. Request for New Hope to purchase a 2005 Ford Escape from Public Works to replace a recently damaged vehicle, using proceeds recovered from insurance coverage. It is valued at $5,600.00. (Approved) HUMAN RESOURCES 1i. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from the Sheriff's Office for an exception to the hiring freeze to hire a Temporary/Seasonal part time Records Specialist due to a significant influx in request for new Concealed Pistol Licenses. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) MISCELLANEOUS ITEIVIS Originally presented at the January 29, 2oig Consent Agenda, the Commissioners denied a request from the Facilities and Maintenance Manager to hire The DOH Associates to provide the County with a scope of work and plans for the renovation of the Moses Lalce District Court building. It was determined that this must go out for the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 2oa�: C Carter at Washington Farm Bureau Legislative Days (Olympia) �:oo a.m. — 8:0o a.m 6:0o p.m. — 8:3o p.m. 6:0o p.m. — 8:0o p.m. MISCELLAIVEOUS ITEMS C Swartz at Moses Lake Chamber Response Team Meeting (Moses Lake Chamber Off'ice) PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING C Carter at Vantage to Pomona Transmission Line Meeting (Desert Aire) The County received a Tort Claim from Deborah Ann Langshaw and it was tendered to the Washington Rural Counties Insurance Pool for defense. COMMISSIONERS' FEBRUARY q,, 2013 MINUTES Page 6 of 6 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY �, 2oi3: 9:0o a.m. — 12:0o p.m. TECHNOLOGY SERVICES HELP DESKASSISTANT INTERVIEWS 9:0o a.m. — 1o:go a.m. i:3o p.m. — g:go p.m. C Swartz at MACC Meeting (Armory Building, Moses Lake) C Carter at Area Aging/Council of Governments Meeting (E Wenatchee Office) (Cancelled) FRIDAY, FEBRUAI�Y 8, 201�: 9:0o a.m. —1:0o p.m. 9:0o a.m. —11:go a.m. C Swartz at Big Bend Community College (BBCC) Stakeholder Meeting (ATEC, BBCC) C Carter at Spolcane County Regional Support Networlc Multi-County Commissioners Budget Meeting via video conference (Grant Integrated Services, Moses Lake Office) �"'`-�t,�,, Signed this _� day of ��, 2o1g. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS G nt o ty Washin n Cindy Carter, air °� 1C C-c�5�,. C a n Swartz Richard Stevens