HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-078-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF RESOLUTION No. 12- p`��CC ADOPTING THE 2013-2018 GRANT COUNTY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN WHEREAS, The Board of Grant County Commissioners desires to annually update the Grant County Capital Facilities Plan in conjunction with the annual Grant County Budget; and WHEREAS, the Capital Facilities Plan is a planning document to be used in setting policy and establishing priorities for capital facilities projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Board of Grant County Comrnissioners hereby adopts the attached 2013-2018 Grant County Capital Facilities Plan. DATED this �I,�ec.� day of e« ,�, 2012. Yea Nay �� ❑ . . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTOl�i _ �_ � Richard Stevens, Chair � � ���� Cindy Carter, Member l/ ' � f � � Carolann Swartz, Member , �,- - �-/� - fi/e�J/(/ j�,�y ///p\ — - _ _ _ / — _ _ - _ �I J L� 4G/ �"[.lr �G ��� �v ^ �� � � � N:\StafflB V as quez\Re solution• '�Ze 2012.doc Page 1 of 1 Capital Facilities l�lan �dd�nclum Adopted vvith �0�3 �udget, December �o�� 0 � Grant COuitty Capital Facilities P'lan Addendum 2013 - 2018 Adopted with 2013 Budget, December 2012 Capital Facilities Plan Addendum Overview ....... .................. ........ 2 Project Priority Status ... ... ... ... ...... ...... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 3 Co�t Estimate Confidence Level . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... ... .. . . . . .. 3 Explanation of Fund Uses ....................................................... 4 Summary of Capital Projects ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... 5 Road Fund 101 Revenue and Expenditure Analysis ... ... ...... ... ... ... 6 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ........................... 7 Capital Facilities Plan Addendum, 2013-2018 Page 1 Capital Facilities Plan Addendur� Overvi�v� This Capital Facilities Plan Addendurn (CFPA) summ�rizes the County's adopted budgefi for the upcoming year while incorporating the County's larger ongoing, multi-year plan that provides a planned and programmed approach to utilizing the County's financial resources in the most efficient manner to meefi its s�rvice and facility needs (Grant County Capital Facilities Plan). The County has prepared a comprehensive capital projects li�t as a part of the annual budg�t process. This list provides a six-year view of intended and/or potential projects and has served as an excellent resource to the �oard of Commissioners, County staff and Grant County citizens in understanding the scope, tirr�ing, and funding of key projects. While funding was identified as a part of each project description, some unfunded projects have historically been included to keep them in the forefront as target� for grants, ballot measures, and other continued fiunding efforts. The Grant County Capital Facilities Plan (Plan) details these projects. • , - , • . , . , . , , � • , A Plan allows the community, through its County Commissioners, to take a critical look at itself, identify what is good, what could be improved, and what might be needed in the future. Without this comprehen�ive approach, consideration and approval of capital improvements results in a short-range approach to capital planning. Capital planning provides a process that considers all possible proj�cts at the same time and produces a planning record that balances project� funding sources, and timing schec�ules. In addition, a Plan: Promotes efficiency by reducing scheduling problems; Helps to distribute costs more equitably over a period of time; and Enhances opportunities for outside financial assistance. Capital Facilities Plan Addendum, 2013-2018 Page 2 Project Priority Status A. Essential and time�critical � Funding sources are generally idenfiified for the upcoming year's project(s). B. Necessary but not irr�mediaiely required �► A design component may be required prior to construction; � A funding source may or may nofi be identified; and/or +� Offien, grants or outside sources determine timing or feasibility. C. Forese�n for future demand or long term needs and, v�rhile included in the Plan, whether the project has been postponed. A funding source rr�ay or rnay not be identified for these project�. • . - a • - - - - 1. No estimate or placehold�r 2. Rough estimate 3. Preliminary — Sorr�e work has been done to determine rough estimate, either based on previous projects of similar nature or industry standards. 4. Design — Receive a cost estimate from a vendor or an architect; provided a cost estimate. 5. Construction — Quotes or bids are in; cost is sefi with the exception of change orders. Capital Facilities P1an Addendum, 2013-2018 Page 3 � . . • • • * CUMULAiIVE RESERVE FUND is for routine capital outlay purchases and projects by the county including, but not limited to, office furniture and fixtures, major building mainfienance, real property acquisition, building remodeling projects, road projects, and water projects, and said funds shall be invested by the �rant County Treasurer with in��rest accruing to the Current Expense fund. ihis fund is authorized by RCW 36.33.020. %4 PERCENT R�AL ESTATE EXCI�E iAX is a fund to account for the revenues generated by a special �/4 of 1 percent excise tax levied on the sale of real property within the Co�anty. This fund i� authorized by RCW �2.46.010(2). SECOND %4 PERC�NT RE�AL ESTATE EXCIS� TAX i� a fund to track and fund specific capital projects allowed by RCW �2.46.035. C.J. — CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND is a fund established to track �fiate funding for criminal justice and to address specific law and justice needs. This fund is authorized by RCW 82.14.310. C.E. — CURRENT_EXPENSE — GENERAL FUND is the more flexible, main fund account which is made up of rr�any various general property fiaxes, user fees, penalties and State � Federal grant monies. H.M. — HOTEL/MOTEL LODGING TAX FUND i� a proprietary fund which can only be used for promotion of tourism to our County. These funds can be used for specific devel�pmenfi of print materials, advertising, mailing costs, purchase of pramotion�l goods and services, but is limited from use in staffing areas and functions. OTHER SOURCES includes dedicated revenue possibilities. potential loans, grant�, �nd other Capital Facilities Plan Addendum, 2013-2018 Page 4 Sumrrr�ary of Capital Projects Item Date Status Funding 1. Courthouse facility • Paving of Parking Lot "E" 2013-2017 Pending REET 1, 2, or Current Expense • Paving of Moore Parking Lot 2013�2017 Pending RE�T 1, 2, or Current Expense • Resurface walkway, Annex/L&J Bldg. 2013-2017 Pending REET 1, 2, or Current Expense • Sidewalk replacement • Terminal Units replacement 2013-2017 Pending REET 1, 2, or Current Expense • Chair lift upgrade, Courthouse 2013 Pending Current Expense • Security improvements — security 2013 Pending Current Expense screening area ?? 2013-2017 Pending REET 1, siP, L&J or Current Expense • Securit improvements — other ?? 2013-2017 Pending L&J 2. Community Development • Remodel new facility 2013 Pending Current �xpense 3. Fairgrounds • Sheriff's office building expansion 2013-2015 Pending Fair bond • New Gazebo 2013 Pending Fair bond • Remodel/expansion of Brian Miller 2013-2015 Pending F'air bond stage 4. Youth Services s Lavatory remodel, Boys; Public/Det 2013 Pending Curr�nt Expense • Kitchen remodel (countertops, cab) 2013 Pending Current Expense • Court lobby floor repair/replace tile 2013 Pending Curr�nt Expense • Security lighting package 2013 Pending Current Expense • Detention controls upgrade 2013 Pending L&J • Generator replacement project 2013 In progress REET 1 or Current Expense 5. District Court • New courtroom in Moses Lake 2013-2015 Pending Trial Court Improvement ��(P GC..�-�'r,� � /,C.��L vCQL�.�LG,t�.-r� (11�.. t L�Z�� L__ � ���-C' Y-- ���-� (_,%�� (,rra t �° Capital Facilities Plan Addendum, 2013-2018 Page 5 � � � • • 1 � "' ' ' • / • ' • ' � • (Pages 6a — 6b) Capital Facilities Plan Addendum, 2013-2018 Page 6 Grant County Six Year TIP 2013-2018 Page 1 of 2 Revenue and Expenditure Analysis - County Road Fund 101 July 24, 2012 ............................................................................................................................................................... BARS # 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-18 ............................................................................................................................................................. I REVE'NUES: � 111 10 j Beg. Cash Balance-Unreserved 6,096,517 8,169,200 9,163,600 9,875,600 10,661,400 13 � Beg. Reserved Facilities Balance 2,250,000 0 0 0 0 � Beg, Res Gravel to BST -2011 to 2015 655,300 655,200 588,000 553,000 490,000 16 � Beg, Res RSA Moses Lake 0 0 0 0 0 311 10 � Property Tax 8,100,000 8,181,000 8,262,800 8,345,400 25,036,200 12 Annex. Impact (Moses Lake)/RSA 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 30 ' Sale of Title Prop. 0 0 0 0 0 40 � Sale of Royal City Shop [10 yr Contr] 6,357 6,357 6,357 6,357 0 317 20 � Leasehold Tax 130,000 139,100 148,800 159,200 577,900 322 40 1. Oversize/overweight Permits 0 100 100 100 300 330 07 � Intergovernmental-City of Moses Lake 0 0 0 0 0 332 15 20' Taylor Grazing Act 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 15 60; Fish & Wildlife 9,000 0 0 0 0 81 10 :. Federal In-Lieu -Hanford Reserve 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 480,000 333 20 21 � Fed. Aid - BR 0 0 0 0 332,000 20 22 i Fed, Aid - STP (S) 775,000 775,000 0 0 252,000 20 23 i Fed. Aid - STP (R), (U) 869,000 1,158,000 1,866,000 1,630,000 472,000 20 24':. Fed. Aid - STP Rural Safety 0 775,000 0 0 0 20 26 � Fed. Aid - STP (TE) 0 0 147,000 0 0 20 26 j Fed. Aid - HSIP 715,000 435,000 0 0 0 334 03 61 ; WSDOT Planning - QUADCO 2018 0 59,042 0 0 50,000 03 71 �RAP 0 826,000 1,049,000 1,738,000 1,612,000 03 72�CAPP 1,025,895 1,036,154 1,046,515 1,056,981 3,202,651 03 81 jT16 0 0 0 0 1,530,000 03 82 � Safer Route to Schools (Maple Dr) 0 0 300,000 0 0 336 80 ; Motor Vehicle Tax 6,115,067 6,176,218 6,237,980 6,300,360 19,090,090 337 07 � In-Lieu Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 338 40 ' Intergovernmental Revenue 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 341 69 : Printing/Duplicating 1,000 2,500 2,700 2,900 10,500 75 � Map Sales 100 100 100 100 400 345 83 : Plat Checking Fees 5,000 5,400 5,800 6,200 22,500 349 90 ; Road Const./Eng. Services 0 0 0 0 0 363 10 : Insurance & Recoveries 0 0 0 0 0 367 10 � Contributions/Cost Share/Dev, Mitig. 67,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 502,000 368 11 ;12.8 CRID 5,000 3,207 3,207 3,207 6,414 12 � 10 NW CRID 200 347 347 347 1,041 369 40 ; Other Judgements/Settlements 0 0 0 0 0 90 i Misc. Revenue 2,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 397 10 Transfers-In (P&T-Patton/22nd/Maple) 37,607 42,000 150,000 100,000 0 20 Transfers-In (ER&R) 0 0 0 0 0 30 Transfers-In (Solid Waste-Neva Lk Rd) 0 357000 0 0 0 40 Transfers-In Si n Sho 0 0 0 0 0 Total Revenues: 28,777,043 $30,819,925 $30,996,306 $31,795,751 $66,347,396 Page 6a Grant County �ix Year Tip 2013-2p18 5t�8 10 i Ending Cash Unreserved 14 ! End. Reserved Facilities (MLlHTLN} 16 `Ending Res. RSA Moses Lake 519 70 � F2eimbursables b29 7Q � Traffic Policing 71 � Motor Traffic Unit 542 30 Road Maintenance 4Q Qrainage 50 Bridge Repair/Maintenance 60 Traffic & Pedes#rian Services 74 Vegetatian Management 90 Administrative Maintenance 543 00 Administration/Overhead 544 QO Road and S#reet Opsrations 545 00 E�raordinary 548 Supplies and Materials 5g1 8ond Redemption (Col, Basin Prajecf} 594 4Q 61 Land Purchases 44 01 Warden Area Shop 44 02 Dis#rict � Shop {Harf{ine} 48 MachinerylEquipmenUAdminlEng 48 01 Accounting Software 597 QO Transfers-Out (General Fund-Saftwar� 1 Q iransfers-Out {Paths & Trails} 40 Transfers-Out (E.R. & R. Cap.) 60 Transfers-Ouf (Misc.) $0 Transfers-Out {Facilities Resanre} 90 7ransfers-Out (Pits/Quarries Land) 598 10 STP Cities ble Canstruction Dollars: TIP Totals 2012 6,031 �4751 2,225,000 � 0,. �a,00a 21 Q,404 0 6�870�bd0 725,OQ4 275,000 1,783,500 1,018,Q00 75Q,000 1,052,000 467,040 150,000 0 Q 0 0 60,440 0 35�000 28,129 240,000 0 4 0 0 0 0 �o,aaa 195,OQQ 221, 000 6,938,70d 732,30Q 277,8(70 1,801,3p0 1,428,2Q0 757,500 1,104,600 a7�,7oa 15�,000 0 1,9d0 0! 0 0 4 0 38,8dd as,�aa 150,q00 d 0 0 14,165,629� $14 14,611,414 a16 5.787,000 $6 Page 2 of 2 July 24, 2d12 2014 2015 2016-18 0 0 0 �o,aao 195,000 221,000 7,068,100 739,600 280,600 1,818,3d0 1,Q38,5Q0 765,100 1,159,800 476,400 150,000. 0 1,710' 0 250,000 6 4 0 38,6b0 31,OQ4 150,000 0 4 0 475.dd0 96.3001 $14,849,71 5.71 d 0 0 50,Od0 195,404 221,000 7,078,200 747,Q00 283,40q 1, 837,500 1,048,944' 772,800 i � ,217, 800 481,200 150,000 0 1,500 0 0 0 4 0 4d, 500 32,644 150,OOp 0 0 475,000 14,782,40Q 17.613,3�1 0 Q 0 150,000 5$5,04Q 663,000 21,871,600 2,3Q8,200 875,700 5,677,900 3�241,'E 00' 2,388,000 3,945,700 1,559�100 450,000 0 4,OQ0 4 0 0 0 0 131,200 145,640 450,000 0 4 0 Page 6b 1 1.100 Six Year Transportation Improver�nent Program (Pages 7a — 71) Capital Facilities Plan Addendum, 2013-2018 Page 7 Agency: Co. No.: Grant County 13 Co. tvame: Granf County Page 1 of 10 -, :� * ! • i • � � ,,;;, � i • i .: Hearing Daie: July 24, 26'12 Adoption Date: July 24, 2012 C'rty iVo. --- MPOtRTPd: C.itiadCO Amend Date: Reso4ution No.: 2012- - CC Praject tdentifcation Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded � A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No_ '� � � � Expendture Schedu3e (Local pro'ects OnI � ' � t � , � ; o N Fund Source Information Agency) _..� _ _._.. y__ m€...a�€ ;Emi m' c ' —T ° N: ��s: C. ProjectTitle : a� �,: �; � � r Federal Fundin � ` � �':, o E: : > �s ia : -� c� ---- - -_._---------?----._....-- i K/W � � az; D. StreeURoad Name of Number ; Q�; u] ; m � � Phase Federal i Federal State µs 's " � Envir j Required � E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road `� F' = a Sfark � Fund Cost by Fund State Loca1 � Tatai "�st� 2nd; 3rd; a� t�th Type :( Dra�Yv7 _�__,_,,;_.�__�,__F. _Describe Work to be Done ; ; = mmJddt Code Phase Sourca Funds Funds Funds _ ; _.__ _._ _�_^_.__..._._._._..._._....�_.._._..__...___._...____.-��.__..�._�._.....�._.._._..._�. ___�_�_._---_.... € 2 3 ' 4_; 5€ 6 ' 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.___�,. 21 _._.-1 -- ,.��__:._._._.._____.__._. _....__...__.._�.._._.._...._..__.___.__..._.._.._...........___.__.__.----�.._.._._.�.._._-..--_� ._._ »__.----_ � _ � . ___ _...___� ___ ._�. __. _._ -- -_ � - .-.- --_ . _ ---. �—. _-__._. _ _� _.._�._ !'hase 3= pE 40 40 40i i � : R-NE RD. & BRIDGE #129 RW ' ' ' i i i 07 ; Rd. No.: 95037 - 31 NE to 36 NE ' CN 125d 1250 1250 � � i � 1= s 03 : S� 5.11 � P,7 : From: MP 10.94 To: MP 16.05 ! ' ' ' i i i ` ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST}; Finished Widih = 28 Ft � ' ; } , : _..__..._�_..�.__.._..---.__.�...__..__...__._..-----.._____..___..._...._.._�_.__.___�_._..---.._..._---- -----i---_._.__..._�� �--t._ _..__ i 'iotaiPra'ecf_Cos $1x290,000._ ' ` ` _..._ TOTALS__.___._-----�.��_�_._____�_....__._._..____._.�_129Q__. 1290 1290T___W_�_.��___...� �___._.__._. _.._. ��_...__._...._.__._.._.__._._.__,._..---.._..--,--_....._. ._. _._ ; _. ___.__:____..._..___. . _ _.�_.._.........,._... ._. ._.._. _._.__ . , . �_�_._;.__�_______ pE 10 10 10� i � `STRATFORq RD. NE FtW ' ' ' i i i �� Rd.No.: 94025-7yndallto90-NE(eastbound) ' CN 450 450 45d� � � � ; 2: : 47 i S: 2.69 : P,T From: MP 4.36 To: MP 7.05 � � i ; HMA Overiay (2.,); Finished Width = 34 Ft � i ._._.�___.._�_.._._._..----._._....---__.._._..-..__�_.._.__..__..__._._.__.�_.__..._..----.__ _. ��_.�_�� ___._.��_. ; ;ToialFro�ecf_Co.s__..__�__�46_0,040._.__.._.._._.._._._._..._..--.----__ .�. ' ` ` TQTALS ---------____..__.f�__.____._._.__...____.—...460___460 460��_;___�__�___._.__.._.__.__�;_�,._.__..._. .;__.. __,_ �___ _..,. _._. �.__. ___.�..___..__,._..._--... _. _- ------.._...--- i ' i i PE 21 3 24 24� � � ADAMS RD. 5W ' F2W j � � �� Rd. No.: 91017 - 3-SW tp S_ Fronta e � CN 1007 157 1164 1964 � ° ' Na 3 9 z 07 S- 3.96 P,T ; � � CE iFrom: MP 10.55 To: MP �4.51 i � � � � , , , ; ; HMA Overiay (2°)� Finished Width = 34 Fi i ; _ __�._,._....__..__...._.._._._.._._...__.__.._._._------.._._._.__._--.._.------..__.__�_._..___...__._...__ ____ �.____ _..� ..___a_._____. iTofai Projecf Co.°..._.__�$1,188 000 _--__._.__._�._____ _._---._..__;_-._._:_..__;._._.__.___�_._...__..__ TOTALS._...._.._.�---.._._S7P(R�-_--1028__.____.___..____.___...._._._.�__1B0 _ 1188 _1188�_. _��_ __ .F___. (2D13 Grave! to BST Progra.•nj; ; ; ; McCON1HE AREA RQA4S Priorify 9` � ' ' i i i 09 Rd_ No. 46224-Heron Wy-MP �.00 to MP 0.26; Fin Wid 24 ft. ; ; ; O9 € Rd. No. 46227-S#onecrest-MP O.Oq to MP 0.86; Fin W 24 ft. i i i OS ' Rd_ No_ 46225-Lake Vista Dr-MP 0.20 to MP 1.25; Fin W 26 ft s ; ; � 09 ; 4; Rd. No. 46226-Lake Vista PI-MF 0.00 to MP 0.14; Fin W 24 ft. j o3 i S; 2_98 i P,7 � � 49 ; Rd. No. 462Q1-D.5 hFE-iNP 1.27 io MP i_41; Fin Wid 24 {f. PE 20 20 20 a i i q9 i ftd. No. 46202-7.5 �!E-MP Q.00 to A4P 0.26; Fin W!d 24 ft. RW i i i p9 ftd. Nn. 4622a-7.$ NE-MP 1.66 to MP 1.93; Fin Wid 24 ft_ CN 626 626 626 � � i ; i i i ; ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 24/26 Ft. ? Gravel _ : . _ . ; ; _.__...__.__._�.-_._.___.__._..__.._._._._.___._.�_._____.�___ _.___. _.._�- --.._.�.__. .� �...}� �.i. .... ' I 3 ; i ; � , � :-.---:-Totai Pro�ect..Cos._._....__..._$646,000_......._..�___.._..._...__.........._.._..____...._...._..._.__.;_.._._._ i_.___;..�_.___.._._.�....�._.__.....__ TOTALS ____.__---.-----.�.�__.�_._�...._..._.�....__...._..__..__._to BST__.._......_646.___646 _ 846�.._..._._. � .._.. _._ �_._..._...._ _ _,. � �___..�__._ ___ Report Date: Ju�y 25, 2006 NCRegion H&LP; T1B; CRAB; RTPQ; Planning; PUd; lrr. Dists; Tel. Cos. v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. ediiio Agency Grant Counfy co. No.: 13 co. Name: Grant County City No. - - - MPO/RTPO: QUafICO Project Identification � A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. 4 `�"' �' C. ProjectTitle �,; --as '� m: `o_ �: � �; a` Z: D. StreeURoad Name of Number , , E_ Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road Phase NEVA LAKE RD. NW �$ s Rd. No.: 37312 - End of HMA to RAILROAD AVE i 5 € ; From: MP 1_92 To: MP 177 , ; Grade, Drain, Surface (HMA 4"); Finished Width = 34 Ft. � � � Page 2 of 90 � Six Year Transportation Impro�ement Prog�-at�r� From 2013 to 2018 Hearing Date: July 24, 2012 Adoption Date: July 24, 2012 Amend Date: Resolution No.: 2012- - CC ProjecE Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded � ; ; � ' N Expenditure Schedule (Local Pro ects Onl , Fund Source Information 1 Y � �, ; �, ; a' v °n' gency _...--- __,...--------- a� �: w ; � ; p � Federal Fundin ' � � Qk �6 : J _ T a _ ".._._...._'_"'__'""__"__"___..."_" : QF; �n : � = � Phase Federal Federal State ; ; ; Envir ; Required � H � 0 1st; 2nd: 3rd:4th thru Type ; Date — a Start Fund Cost by Fund State Locai Total 6th � �,� mm/ ---�-----�--._._.,.�_._..._.._.._._ mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds _ 4 .._:.__`�._i._..- 6 --�.__.. �_._.... ._..._$ -- -_ --9---� - ---�-0..__.. __ � �._.._._. ._._ 12..._-- ---� 3-.. _..._�4.._.. ....__.15...- ---- 16 ----�� -- - � $- -.........__19 _ 20__._ ._..._ 21--- PE 12 12 12� i i RW i i i 01 � S� 0.65 i P.T CN 345 345 345 i � � 6-SE RD. (Funtded in 2091); - RW �$ € Rd. No.: 22360/25500 - SR 17 to U SE CN i 6= i 03 � S� 3.81 � P,T From: MP 0.00l0.00 To: MP 1.81/2_00 Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 34 Ft. _ �;___._; Total Pmject_ Co�_______..__ $928,000 .._.µ _ _ _. ! � TOl (2013 Gravel to BST Programj. PE s 13-SE RD Prrority 4; RW 09 ; �; Rd. No. 20800 - 025 mi W of E SE to F SE ; p3 � S� 1.25 � P,T CN ' From: MP 479 To: MP 6.04 , ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 26 Ft , , , , __,..._.._ i COUNTY ROAD SAFETY (Safety �$ s Rd. No.: Various ! 8 : From: To: , ; Signing, Guideposts, Pavement Mark_, Flashing Beacon s PATTON BLVD SIDEWALK 14 � Rd. No.: 45170 - Bolling St to Andrews St ': 9 s ; From: MP 2.14 To: MP 2.29 _ € Cona Sidewalk (east side only), Ramps; Fn Wid = 6 Ft. -s € ` .----; Total_PrJect Cos..__.._._---$16,000 ._..._._...._...........-----. -.--- Reporf Date: July 25, 2006 PE RW �2 � S'- 0.38 � p T CN PE ; RW � 12 S; 0.15 € p.T CN HSIP STP(R) 140 435 130 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irr. Dists; TeL Cos. PA 45 5 50 50 10 10 10 781 87 868 868 826 102 928 928 20 20 20 265 265 265 85 _ _._285 ____285 140 140 435 435 21 151 151 1 1 1 15 15 15 16 CE : No v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. editio Page 3 of 10 Agency: GraRt COUn1]/ co. No.: 13 Co. Name: GP1tlf COUIl1y U � N UD � P-� Six Year Transportation Improvement Prograr�a From 2013 to 2018 Hearing Date: July 24, 2012 Adoption Date: July 24, 2012 City No. --- MPO/RTPO: l.lUaqCO Amend Date: Resolution No.: 2092- - CC Project Identificaiion ; Project Costs in Thousands of Doflars Federaliy Funded � A. Federal Aid No. B. Brid e No. � w � � Expenditure Schedule (Local Pro ects Onl �a ` € 9 : a� �: i a �n 9 Y --------------...- - � N � � � v' N � , F und Source Information 1 Y A enc ) � N': -� � : C. Project Title � ; � ' � �, .. : �j � Federal Fundin _._.._..- ------ --------------- � o m s.o E t '> Qi �a j � a , > ' R/W c Ui �; � � >.i .� � a Z: D. Street/Road Name of Number ; Q�: � i � _ � Phase Federal Federal State ; ; : Envir ; Required � � E°- � °' 1st 2nd 3rd`4ththru Type ` Date E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road a Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 6th :(mm/yy) F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd! Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds �_ --<----....,---�------------------�---------------------._�.____ ,----�----,A_._._..._�.----__.._. 1: 2 s 3 4 5 6 € 7 8 9 10 11 92 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ___,_�..—�---.___...----------...__...._._..----------------...-------------._.._._._.__._._...----�•---- ---------...._...-- ----- ____----- -------._. ..._._.._..-----------..._.._..-----.._._............_..._ __------ ------- ----- ------- ------ -------- .� PE 2 2 2i i i `22nd AVE RW i � �� Rd. No.: 45370 - Randoiph to Chanute CN 24 24 24� � 9 0 12 S 0.14 P,T From: MP 0.60 To: MP 0.74 ' ' ' i i i ' Drain, C&G, Conc. Sidewaik (east side onlY), Ramps; FW = 6 Ff : ; ` ---..._.___.__...._._._.._..-----..---.----..-.-.---_---.-._--.-.-PATHS.B�-,-----.._...---_--_-.-_.-- --.-----i-.--...___+._..____..�.._._._.._.._.. ` �Total Project Cos -------$26,000------..__..___.._.__-----._..__._._..._;_.__...�----. --._._. _.._._- TOTALS----------._._._._.__.._.._.._.....--.--.------- TRAILS.----.-.- 26—.....__26 ___ 26�.._..----�------..t _..._..---_... _. _,.._�_-----.._.. - - - -- -- - ` P.E. 30 30 30i � i : STRATFORD RD. NE REALIGNMENT � R/W i � j �� ' Rd. No.: 94025 - BNSF RR Xing to SR 28 ` CN 470 470 470 i � � 11 01; P 0.39 P,T From: MP 20.28 To: MP 20.67 ' ' i i i ; i Grade, Drain, Surface (BS�; Finished Width = 30 Ft. ' --------,------..._._._._._____-.---....--.---.__._...._.._-.-.-----.--..._...-----.-------.----..._ ___ ---{----..�i--..__._ _.. j , , , , _.�.__._.�_Total Pro�ectCo.=...____—$500,000_._...------.._..._..__...----------,_i..---:_....__i.._...-----�------ TOTALS ._.._.._..__....__USBR....._.�--$�� ------------..._._..-------500------500 __500�_.._.._..._.__�_..._._.__a_..._.._...--� ---...-- --__._._..._. � � PE 90 90 15? 15i 15j 45 07 =MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS � RW � 08 ; �Z ;'INCLUDING COST SHARE PROJECTS � 03 i S S — ': P,T CN 1410 1410 235` 235s 235: 705 09 ; Total Pro ect Cos $1 500 000 ' ; TOTALS � ^ 1500_ 1500 250 _250i . 250? .._. 750 _.._.. -_._._,..._..___ --�----------�------�---------'----'-_....-----------------._---._..__ ...---- - j20i4 Gravei to BST Programj; T PE 12 12 � 12 i � ; N NE RD Priority 6€ RW � � � 09 � Rd. No. 44750 - 8-NE to 9 NE CN 188 188 j 188 � � 13 03 S� 0.91 P,T From: MP 5.11 To: MP 6.02 ' ' ' i i i ; i Grade. Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 26 Ff. ; t .---------....._._.._..-----...----__..--------__.._---.--_---Gravel_--------------.----.— ------ ---...-- -----.- ------.-- + + �+ �—_: Total Project Co=-- ---$20_0,000---�------------ _--�---�-----.�..__..._i.._.__..._._.._..;._....-----..... TOTALS...----------- ----._.._.._.... ---._._..__..._..--- --to_BST--_-._200 ..._..._?00 ----._.a_...._ 200+._.__._._.�....------...._.. ......_...__.._;__..._._._..._..._.. (2014 Gravel to BST ProgramJ; PE 30 30 � 30 � � : B-SE RD & 10-SE RD Priority 92; RW ; ; 09 ; 14 ; Rd. No. 20550/14200 - 12-SE to 10-SElB-SE to SR 262 ; 03 ; S` 2.83 ' P,T CN 600 600 � 600 � � From: MP 6.83/0.00 To: MP 8.52/1.14 ' ' ' i i i ; ; Grade, Drain, Surtace (BS�; Finished Width = 26 Ft. ; .....__....__.._.._.._..__.__...----.---.----.---------._.._..._._..._....--..--..----._..._._.._._..--.- --.-..-1.---..---+._..__..+--.---.---- __ Gravel � , . . , : - _�_._.._:.Total_Project_Co=--......._.._.$630,000.--._.._..__..__...._._..._........-----......_....._.._..._.i_.._.__.;.___..:.--�------�------TOTALS---�------------...—._..__..._._.._...._.._..---to,BST_...._..._630---.._..._630 ._...._.._..�....__630;__---._.i_._..__....----------�----�—�--�-- Report Date: Juty 25, 2006 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irr. Dists; Tel. Cos. v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. editio Page 4 of 10 agency: Grant County co. No.: 13 co. Name: Grant County v � N bA � P-� Six Year Transportation improvement Prograrm� F�-om 2013 to 2018 Hearing Date: July 24, 2012 Adoption Date: July 24, 2012 City No. --- MPO/RTPO: l.lUaUCO Hmena vate: nesoiution No.: zu iz- - �c ' Project Identification ; ; Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federaliy Funded A. Federal Aid No. B. Brid e No. ! � � � � Expenditure Schedule (Local Pro ects Onl m ; �€ 9 . a� �; � F AgencY) -----------...__- ': und Source Information 1 Y � n; � �€ � � y, y _ � i �a fn ` � � ; � ; �j t Federal Fundin __....._.._..,._....._.._._..-:._---..------.._._ : � � N € �� � : C_ Project Title a� �, : � c�: o�: i> Q: �n_ -� a ; ; � � U��: D. StreeURoad Name of Number �'" � � � Phase Federal Federal State i s Envir ; Required 3 Z: i O_F—: — U "- �� � � �0 1 st; 2nd: 3rd' 4th thru Type Date E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road - � Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 6th ;(mm/yy) F. Describe Work to be Done mmJdd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds _,._u�:�..______-___._..._..._-�----- --..._.__.._......_..----._..__. _ .---------- -_.---�-�-----:_..._.._.;.__...._._..._.__;...---..._..-- 2' 3 � 4 i 5:` 6� 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 � 21 __�_-,__..-.,------___ _ -_____.........-�-----------..__.._..----_____-__----...---��-----�----�----____.....,--______._._._..._...-------- -..__......_...._...._...- ------_ ---. .. ..------.._._-.._.._._._._._..___.. _ .__---...._.._ .._._ P.E. 15 15 � 15� MAPLE DR NE R/W � �� s Rd. No.: 42600 - Stratford to Grape CN 300 200 500 � 500 � � 15 01; P 0.75 " P,T ; From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.75 CR =$50 ' ' ' i i i ; ; Grade, Drain, Surtace (BS�, C&G, SW 6', HMA Path 10'; FW=4 ; ; i ------P&T=$150------------------------------.-.----------------...------ -.--.--...+-----�-._._.._..�-.-.--._.. ��_;Total Project Co�----...... $515,000---- -._.._._._._.__.._..-------_-_---.'.---._..�__ ___�___...---�--...--...__ TOTALS.----------- __ ____ -------SRTS---�- -300._ ----215 ---- 515 -..._...__...+---515+---...--+-----._..._. .----.._..�- ------- - pE 36 36 i 36 i � s 3-NE RD RW i i �$ ; � 6; Rd. No. 94000 - O-NE to Q-NE ; 03 ; S i 1.88 i P,T CN 764 764 i 764 i � _ ; From: MP 5.03 To: MP 6.9� ` �Z ' i i i : ; Grade, Drain, Surtace (HMA 4" - two lifts); Fin. Wid. = 34 Ft. ; _.._...__..___.__.._..-----.--.._--------------._....---.------...-.--.------------- --.._._j.._._.._....-.�.-----.--F-----.._.._. -�---:TotalProjectCos--- �800,000-----------------------.._-.._.;-----�---_i.__...._...._._..�.______TOTALS---------..__.....__.._._.._.__.._..----...._...__---...._....-----...----�--800__._.._..800 _.._..�..+_...__800�......__..�...----....-- ------ ------- - � PE 21 3 24 i 24� � :ADAMS RD. SW RW i i i �� ' Rd. No.: 91017 - Frenchman Hilis to 3-SW CN 1087 170 1257 i 1257 i � CE No 17 07 P 4.27 P,T 4 From: MP 6.28 To: MP 10.55 i i i ! I I I ; : HMA Overlay (2„); Finished �dth = 34 Ft : : ; ' ---....__�._.�__._....__.__.__..___._.__..__._..�_..._.._.._.---.--------._.......-.-.-----.�---- --.---.._.i___._...-+.--.--+..__..---.. Total ProjectCo�____ $1,281,000..._._...---------------------.:___...�_.,__;____---.._:...._..._.._.._..... TOTALS._.._...--�---STP.�R1..--�---1_108_._..._..--- ----- 173 __1281- ---..._.�._._1281�.--------t..------- ---...._;_.._.._._...__.... --------- PE 59 6 65 i 65� � ? 7-NE RD (Project nof funded); RW i i i 07 � Rd. No.: 94030 - Strafford Rd to M-N E - CN 990 110 1100 � 1100 � � � 18 : s 03 � P s 3.00 � P,T �$ ; From: MP 0.00 To: MP 3.00 � � � i i i ; ; Grade, Drain, Surface (HMA}; Finished Widfh = 34 Ft. ; ; __.._._._.__..__._.._---..---..------.---.-----.-.--..._.____.-.------.-------.---._._._..._-.---.--.--- --.--.-.-t-----+-----+------- ._;_-_:Total_Project Co=..--- ��_�165,000_--.�..._..._._---- _ ` ; € ' TOTALS ......._.._..----�---._...__._...—..---RP'P..._..__�. 9049__.._..._116----1165 _..----{--1165�--------+-----... .----- ..._._._.._..--- --------____ -,---�--'----'------...--- -._._....- --------------....._ _ . PE 17 3 20 � 20� � � N-NE/SE RD RW ' ' ' i i i 07 Rd. No.: 92025 - 2-NE to SR 17 CN 741 116 857 � 857 � i CE No 19 . 07 P i 4.03 P,T - From: MP 0.00 To: MP 4.03 i i i ; i HMA Overlay (2��), Finished Width = 34 Ft. ; � ---._..._._...----.-----.----.-----------.---------------------....____.._.------ -._.�..__.-.__+...._._..__..__�---._...__... . ; i ; : € ' - _..�__.__iTotalProjectCos._...._.._.._._�877,000_..____.._...._.__...--..._..---...._----..._.....:.----�____�_._...----�-----TOTALS----�-- STP(R�.______758.._..------__---._.._.._..._--------��-9-.._...__877..___.._._�__.877�...-----'_---._.._...------�---..._._...----- Report Date: July 25, 2006 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irr. Dists; TeL Cos. v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. editio Page 5 of 10 Agency_ G['allt COUtI�/ co. rvo.: 13 Co. Name: Gf1IlE COUIIt]/ Six Year Transportation Iraipro�ement Prograrn Frorn 20'i 3 to 2018 Hearing Date: July 24, 2012 Adoption Date: July 24, 2012 Cify No. --- MPO/RTPO: (�U8dC0 Amend Date: Resolution No._ 2012- - CC Project identification Projecf Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded s ' ; ,l ` p nditure Schedule (Local � : `':. A_ Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. ;�^� : m a�'i a� Agency) _Projeets Only Fund Source information Ex e � y i w a� : !� v� i�n i c ' a �� � � �` ��= C Project Title a� �,; �; � '- � r Federal Fundin � m; o �; " : > Q: �a : -' a _._....---- -...----;------ ------ ! RIW LLv� a zi D. StreeURoad Name of Number ; Q� ;�; o � � Phase Federal Federal State � ' ' 4th thru Envir ; Required E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road `� � � �� Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st! 2nd; 3rd; 6th Type � Date a � (mm/yy) F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds ---.--'----._..._ _.--•----•-,-.--._._...� _�..._.__.._._.__.�__._......_�_.__.-.---------._____.__,_.___ _,_...._..,_._.._..__...,.__.___. 1 € 2€ 3 i 4 i 5; 6 ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -�--_____.�__.._._---...__.._._..---__�...----._.._..---------- -----------------------...----__...._..._ _.._�__...__......_._...._._...__.. _..._._.._ .._.__._._.._....._______. -._.._..---- ..._._._._.._.._..___...._..-- ---..._._.._ ..------- ----- --._..._..__ ...---- ._._....__.._... _._.....__.._...._..._._21---- PE 54 6 60 � � 60i i R-SE RD (Projecf nof funded); RW ' ' ' i � i �� Rd. No.: 23250/92045 - S Fronta e fo 3-SE - CN 653 72 725 ° ' 725 � i 20 : 9 ' 03 ': P s 3.07 ': P,T i i i : From: MP 0_00/6.07 To: MP 2.20/6.94 ' ' ' ; ' i i i s ; Grade, Drain, SurFace (HMA); Finished Width = 28 Ft. ; ; - .- --.._..._..._......._...--.-..------.--- --.-- ---.-. ---..-- - .--.-..-- i: _.._._.._-_'__..-.___._._._.._.._�.._.�_..___�.-....._._...._...._._.... _._ _. ' _"_{_. .....i.. .�. _ --:..___�_Total_Project Co_---__-�785,000----._...----.._.._..._..._._..�_..__._..._..---<----.�__.._._.i-------- --__...._ _ TOTALS-----------------._.._..------ ___ __RAP---------707 ----- �$_....----785 ----..._a_..._._.__._.i _785+---- ----- ------ _;----...---- (2095 Grave! to BST ProgramJ: PE 26 26 � i 26 � s B SE RD Priority 5; RW ; ; j 09 : Rd. No. 20550 - SR 26 to 13 SE CN 600 600 i i 600 � ! 29 ; ` 03 i S� 2.88 � P,T ' From: MP 2_90 To= MP 5_78 ' i i i ; ; Grade, Drain, Surface BST ; Finished Width = 26 Ft. € f € __..._.___..__.____._._____.,___...____,__.,,_.,,___Grayel._ _. __.____..._....�._ __ ' ° ' , � . € � � . , , 7 .._ .. .. � .__�.._""_"_�..'_"'_'_'F. .. _._ ; _.—;Total Projeci.Co�._._�..._ �626,000----.�._.-_..____...__._._._....--�---___�.._....._i...._._..._..__;. ._..__. TOTALS ------ ----------------------to_BST-------626---_..._626 ___----- -------- ..626� ----- ------ ---------- � , , . , -... . fi �-- - --- ,.. (2075 Gravel to BST Program); PE 12 12 � � 12; _ ; R-SW RD Priorrty 7; RW � i � 09 ? Rd. No_ 91041 - 23-SW to 24-SW CN 195 195 � � 195 � � 22 t ' 03 � S i 0.99 ' P,T ; From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.99 ' ' ' i i i ; ; Grade. Drain, Surface BST ; Finished Width = 26 Ft. ; s € _..--.-.---._.._._.__.._....---..-.-------.-.--__._.._._...--.--...._.----. Gravel -.--.-.-- ' ' : � ) . , , i _._ . . .---.._.._.-- ._....-�--�a�-------+----.._...�..-----.�_... : _._;�.__;Total Project_Cos ______ $207,000---....-.----.-.---..------...----.._..__._;_...__;._._._...---.--;_.._...__...__.. TOTALS__._...__.._..---...----.._._._..-.---..--.-.--...__..._._....__._...._to_BST._.__.-207._._..._.207 ---..__....i____._.__.f_..._207.;_...._._.._.._.. .._._._.._ _ .._..__..--- P E 41 4 45 � � 45 i '-ADAMS RD. NW (Projectnotfunde[i); RW � � i 08 ; 23 ; Rd. No.: 91017 - SR 28 to Br#330 03 ; P� 1.86 i p,7 CN 990 110 1100 � i 1100 i From: MP 23.68 To: MP 25.54 09 ' ' ' , ! ; i i i ` ; Grade, Drain, Surf (HMA), Br Repl.; Finished Width = 28 Ft. ` ' ' ' : , i ; ; .._.__._..._._..---�--.._..--�--..._.._.._..__._._-.--------_..__._.____..-�-�-------�-�----...___--...____ _._._...- ------� ---._...-- -�------ ..{ ..�.. ...i. . _.�_._..__: Totai Project Co°-----$1 145,000_.._.._...----._.......----.._.._..-- -----..__.�_.._...__;..._.._._;....__..._.._._�.----..._.._ TOTALS...._._..- - -....._..-- ------....._._RAP- ---...._..1031 .__ __114 ---1145 _._..._.. _._..__ � .1.145�....------- --�---...- ------_._.. -i -+-- - PE 30 30 � i 30i € COCHRAN RD & OTTMAR RD RW ' ' ' i i i 17 ` Rd. No.: 41550 - Ainvay to Valley CN 520 520 � � 520 i � 24 ; : 03 i P� 0.89 i P,T i From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.89 � � ` ; Grade, Drain, Surf. (HMA}, C&G,5' S/Wx2; Fin. Wid.= 28 & 36 � : : ; ; , � _ ._..--- --- - ----�- ---�-- - , . : ; , _..__�__.._...-------�------------------._.�.---_ ___...___ -----.._.._...------ -_� ._..._ , , , ..�_ .. } ....{. ¢ i � � � -:.._._._ :Total Project CQ.�..........._......_�550,000-----._....---..._......_..__..._.__._.._.._.._.._...,._--..�----€___._..._.__.;_..._.._..._-- TALS----._.._.�__.._..----------------------............_...._._.__..._....__..._...._...__550 --...._._550 _..--__�......_..._.._....;......._550F_.._._.....--- --___--_�___.....-_... Report Date: Jul3� 25, 2006 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CR,4B; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irr. Dists; Tel. Cos. v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. editio agency Grant County co. No.: 13 co. Name: Grant County City No. - - - MPO/RTPO: QUaCICO Project Identification � A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. � N �+�: ° N' =� s C. Project Title "U m; ,`o_ �; � v o= Z; D. Street/Road Name of Number � . , E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road : STP(R)-E133 ;ADAMS RD. SW �� ` Rd. No_: 91017 - SR 26 to Frenchman Hiil Rd. 25 s ' From: MP 0_00 To: MP 6.28 ; HMA Overlay (2"); Finished Width = 34 Ft. ;ANDREWS ST SIDEWALK 17 ' Rd. No.: 45020 - 22nd to 30th 26 � 19 From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.65 , ; Drain, C8�G, Cona Sidewalk (both sides), Ramps; FW = 6 Ft. � � Page 6 of 70 � P-, Six Year Transportation Improvement Pr�grar� From 2013 to 2018 Hearing Date: July 24, 2012 Adoption Date: July 24, 2012 Amend Date: Resolution No.: 2012- - CC Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded � ' ! L ' � Expenditure Schedule (Locai pro ects Onl � : ; � � � Fund Source Information qgency) � y : : ...__.__......__ ..__.._.._,_.__. � �. � C O L _... ��, a�. ; J ; v Federaf Fundin � Q: �u : d ---- ___,......_..----- __--...---------- ' Q�: �n ' � � � Phase Federal Federal State ; ; s Envir ; Required � � I—� � 0 1st; 2nd! 3rd'; 4th thru Type ; Date i � Start Fund Cost by Fund State local Total 6th ;(mm/yy) mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 4= 5! 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ----,_._._..,._—._...—,.---. --._. ..._.___... . _._..__... _..__..._ _ ...__._ _ _ ' PE 35 5 40 f RW CN 1595 249 1844 07 � P � 6.28 ' P,T , , ------ _._..----- ---- -- - ` ' TOTALS___ STP(R)________1630 254 1884 — --`----�.__....._--....__,---..._. _...---- -------- — PE 20 20 RW 12 i P` 0.65 � p,T CN 200 200 50% 50 % P.E. ?J-NE RD REALIGNMENT R/W 09 ' Rd. No.: 53050 - Pinto Ridge to 36-NE ` CN ? 27 ':. : 03 � P� 0.72 i P,T : From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.72 ; � ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Widfh = 28 Ft. : ; ' �..____; Tofal Project Cos __..____. $19_5,000_ _ ' TOTALS Joint Project w/Wilson Creek P.E. i WILSON CREEK TRUCK BYPASS (R-NE) R/W 09 s Rd_ No_: n/a - 4th St fo 300' E of 6th St. CN ': 28 s i 03 : P's 0.25 's P,T From: MP o.00 To: MP 0.25 ; ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 34 Ft. ; f _......_..___.._...----._..__.__.._.._...—._..__..----..--.--._.... _�.- ---�Total Project_Co�._-------$85,000 __._...---------------_ __ _—�..----.;.._..__.;..__._....------ - --.._... TOTALS _._._.___....._.._........_._._.__.__.._..---__.._._...._ (2096 Gravel to BST Program]; PE ' U-SW RD & 23-SW RD Priority 14; RW 09 ; 29 ; Rd. No. �0591 - 24-SW to 23-SW to SR 243 s 03 i P 1.61 : p T CN From: MP 0.00 To: MP 1.61 - ` ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 26 Ft. � ; ; - .i € ; € � _�__�Total Project Cos _.__._.._$346,000.,__. : ; ' TOTALS Report Date: Juiy 25, 2006 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irr. Dists; Tel. Cos. 20 20 175 175 195___.__.._195 10 10 75 75 _.._85-------85 16 16 330 330 _346 346 40i i 1844� CE ; No i _�_�.j....._._.._..._ i 1884+ _ ' 20� 200� '____i._______.._ ; 22a: [ ----.�..._._...._.....__... _......._.._..,-------..._._. 20i i 175� --- --i...-------- ' --195�..._...------.. ..._-----'----- -- � 10 i � 75 i ---._..._i.._.—..---- , ; ;' 85 ` • -----t- _---... ------_�...._.._.._._._.._... � 16 i i � 330 i ---......h.------�-- 346 v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. editio Agency: Grant County co. No_: 13 co. Name: Grant County � � � Page 7 of 10 � a Six Year Transportation Improvement Prograrr� From 2013 to 2018 Hearing Date: July 24, 2012 Adoption Date: Juiy 24, 2012 City No. --- MPO/RTPO: l,lUatlCO Amend Date: Resolution No.: Z012- - GG = Project Identification � ; Project d t S h � Federa0y Funded : ? : � ; ': � � p n i e c e e c projects ONy � : �; A. Federal Aid No. B_ Bridge No. ��? ; � ; � a� urAgenc ) _.---__ _.__..._.._...__ Costs in Thousands of Dollars Fund Source Information Ex e' I �o al i N � `� y � = ' � N ` � ; � � � Federal Fundin �, N s'� C Pro�ect Titie = a� "s ` � s o E : - ': > n.; m , � U a _ --- ---- — --._.._ _ _.._..._.._. ; R!W � U; a Z; D. StreeURoad Name of Number ; QF; �; � � � Phase Federal Federal State ; ; Envir ; Required °' � t�— � 0 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 4th thru Type : Date E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road — a Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 6th ;�mm/yy) F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds ------+----.�._.__�._...-------___...----------...-------------�------ _____,..._.._.__,.�__.,..___ _._._.,.._..._.__..._. --�--�—�_�_____.._�._______..._.__....._._..._....---3---�---------------._.._...._._..__...__.i.._.4_.s.__`'__i_--_6._.__;_...._�..._ _-$-------9-- 10 11 12 ---�3._.... __. 14--- - �5--- ---16--._...�� ----�$-..__._19._....ZO._.. _.Z�...--- [2016 Gravel to BST Program], PE 12 12 � � 12 € A.5 SW RD Priority Si RW ; ; � 09 ; Rd. No. 13650 - 12 SW to 13-SW i CN 240 240 � � � 240 30 03 P 1.13 P,T ° From= MP 0_00 To: MP 1.13 j ; ; , , . ; ; Grade, Drain, Surface /BST Finished Width = 26 Ft. : __.._�._.._.._.._.._...___.._..___....----.---.-.--....._.._._....__...__..._._Grayel.---. ..---.—.�----- —..—.— ; ; ; : , \ �� : ; � ; ._._ . _. . .._. .. _._�._'.___�_{_"..__.j.._..__"_"" '- Total Pro ect Cos $252 000 .._..___.__ . _.__..._....__._ ___._. _._;.-- --_.;..---.._.i.__.--.---.�._._.__..__._ TOTALS..-----...__._.—.------.._.__.._..._.._..._......--.--._...._.._._._to_BST_._.._..252 ----252 .._..__. _._...--- ------ --...252 ._._..— ----._.._..._-- ,—.__�_.._.._____...J._.._._...--------�--._ ..._�_....---- _._ _ .. . - . -- - _.. _ . __. .._ .�. . �.. _...j... -- PE 75 75 i i i 75 ,MARTIN RD NW (Projectnotfunded); RW i � � �$ ; 31 ; Rd. No.: 30400 - Adams Rd to H-NW ; 03 ; P i 5_13 i P,T CN 750 150 900 � � � 900 : From: MP 7.32 To: MP 12.45 09 ; ! ! i i i i i ; Grade, Drain, Surf. (BST), Br. Repl.; Finished Width = 24 Ft. ' ; ; __.__.__....._..__..._...--_ _-.--.--..�._..._..-.—.—.---.._..---.--.----.._..__..__.__..._._...—.--.--......--- ------�--...__+_._.._..__.+...___.._...__. --�--iTotal Project_Co�....-----$975,000---------.._.._.__.._....------�-----;.._.__.._..�._...._...�..__._._._..._..:------- TOTALS.---.._..----..__._.._._._.__._�..-----------RAP.—.._..._..__750_._.___225---._._975 --._._..._+_...__.._...�..--------i..._..__._975 __....---- - ----- ` PE 45 5 50 � i 50 ' S FRONTAGE RD {Projecf not funa°ed); RW � � �$ € Rd. No.: 16720 - Dodson Rd to Winchester Wasteway CN 495 55 550 � � 550 32 03 P 3.15 P,T ; From: MP 9.92 To: MP 13.07 i ; ; ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 30 Ft. i --.-----..__...._._..--.—..---._...._._.__._..._.___._..._.._.....___._._.._._-----.-.---..._..._.._____..._..— ---.- —.._..—.- --.--- ---...__.._ -- + -}.. �. ?Total Pro'ect Cos �600 000 - ----_ _ _ _ _ __.......-- - -- --'----.�...._._..-�---...----�----�----- TOTALS..._..--.._._..._._._..------._.._.__.._......_._..._._RAP------ --540..._..._.__60 _...._._..600 __.._...--- ------ ---- ---600 __..._._..------.._..._..--- _._..,._.--..--+-.-.-.---._1..__...�._.._.___..__._....__._ _._�......._._ __ __. . _ .. __ _ __ .. i � .. .; _._ PE 85 85 � i � 85 '20-NE RD. RW j � � �$ ; 33 ; Rd. No.: 94046 - Adrian Rd to Strafford Rd ; 03 ; P� 4.88 ' P,T CN 1100 1100 � i � 1100 ' From: MP 4.38 To: MP 9.26 05 ' ; ; i i ; ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 28 Ft ; ; ----..----.-.-.---.......__.._._.._..._._._...._.`-----.....------.----._...---..-._.__....__.._.__...._._...._._..---- ._._..--�--..—.---�-._.._._...._+.._._..__..._ _ ; __ i ;Total Project Cos _$1..,1_85 000 : . � - -------- ------......_._....._._.._.._..._.._.._._.._..._..__---------...------- ----- ----- ----- __.._.._. _ ....---- --.._...___..--- --�---.--.----.--.... _....__ . TOTALS --- 1185 1185. .- -- 1185 -- , ; , _....__..."_'" __ .....�""__.'____""'._._.__..__�.-.._'_"..."'_._._....._..__"__"____..._'_._.._.._...,.._._..__....__. .___.._._..._.._._-..-.._ _ i. . ...�... ...j._' STP(U)-6065 PE 22 3 25 � � � 25 ; VALLEY RD. NE & AIRWAY DR. NE (less Fairgrounds frontage); RW j ; i �6 ; 34 ; Rd. No.: 41690 - Paxson (ML City Limits) to SR 17 i 05 ; P; �.64 � p T CN 450 70 520 i � : 520 CE ; No From: MP 1_00/2.00 To: MP 1.43/3.21 `�� ' ' ' ' i i i ; : HMA OveriaY (9rind and inlaY); Fin. Wid. = 50-60 Ft. ; ' ---..___._.__._.__.._.__...._..___...__.._._---.--.._..----.._...---..----.-.--..—.---.--..._...--.---..._...__._..__ ._...__�..._...__._..;...._..—.--;-.-.--..--- -€ t t ! �----�Total ProjectCos__..._._.__.._$545,000------____..._..._....._._._.._......._.._.._.._.__._..�----..._:_._...._�..._..---...__'_---..._....__. TOTALS ..-------�STP.���__._..._..__472_......._......_..._.._..._......_.........---.._._......73.-----_545 ............._._...a.__...-- --�------..�...----545 -----..._.;_..._..------ Report Date: July 25, 2006 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irr. Dists; Tel. Cos. v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. editio Page 8 of 10 a9ency: Grant County co. No.: 13 Co. Name= Grant CoUnty � � � � � P�, Six Year l"ransportation Improvement Prograrci From 2013 to 20�� Hearing Date: July 24, 2012 Adoption Date: July 24, 2012 City No. --- MPO/RTPO: QUadCO Amend Date: Resolution No.: 2012- - GG Project Identification ; Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded ; c � N Fund Source information Expenditure Schedule (Local projects Only � : A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. _��; ; a, m � Agency) __._.___.__..______ �: ; o (n; � �_ ; � w: m : � � m ; �n i -� s : C. Project Title € a� � ; 3 ; � �j � Federal Fundin .-.--- --._._.....-- -.-.-.-- --._._.._.._ � ' �: o�; :> a: m; -' a , : ` ' � U: a` Z: D. SireeURoad Name of Number ;,QF; �; � � i, Phase Federal Federal State ; ; � Envir ; Required LL E � °' 1st: 2nd; 3rd; 4th thru Type : Date E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road - ~ � � Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 6th ;(mm/yy) � € : F. Describe Work to be Done : ; mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds �----- -+----'--.._.__._........_..---...----- ----�--- ------__.------__._..-...-----_..._.._..._....--:----- _,___ _ :----.._�......_._.._.._. 9 : 2 : g : _._..---�------•----�----._._.��._...._._..._._...---------------------------------�---�--4--�..._`�_..:....__6..--�---�-._. .... $.._..- ----9.....--- -- ��--- --��._.. __12__... ..._13 ..... _.__14._..._..--15 -- ---16 -._._._17. ----18 _..__.._19 _..20__ ..._..._..��._._._.. (2097 Gravel to BST ProgramJ; PE 20 20 � j � 20 ` 10 SW RD & F SW RD Priority 9; RW � � � 09 i Rd. No. 12780 - G SW fo F SW to 11 SW CN 440 440 � � � 440 3� 03 S. 2_10 P,T ; From: MP 0.00 To: MP 2.10 i i i ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 26 Ft. ; ; --.._._.._..-----�..____-----------------------.-.._.._..--------_.._...-----........_..- --._..__a.__.._.....--{------<-..._.._..---.. Gravel -_--;---;Total._Project_Cos._..--.--$460,000_---..�_.._.--..----.--.-----•.--.--.-;....__._._:---_i_.__._...__...�_._..---...._ TOTALS ...-.-.---._..._._..__.._..._._.._.__.._.__..._..__._.._.__._.._...._to_BST.___ 460.-.--.--460 __.._.^�--..._...._..-+.---..__�_;....._._..460 -.----..._;_._._.._....__.._.. j2097 Gravel to BST ProgramJ; ! PE 30 30 � � � 30 28 SW RD Pr'iority 10� RW i i j 07 ; 36 ; Rd. No. 10290 - O SW to R SW i 03 ': S's 3.01 ` P,T CN 630 630 i i i 630 � From: MP 3.01 To: MP 6.02 ; j i : ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 28 Ft. ; --_--._._......_..---.-...---.-.------._._..-._._....._._.__._.._.._._�.---....-_---..--_--_---- -.._..-- ----._.___i__-.---.�_.__.__......_. Gravel +. ; 'Total Proect Co�. _._._._....._$660,000 --------------- -.�_._--�----�._...---�..--- ---�._......- ---- TOTALS._.._.._-----.._.......----.._._.._..__.._.._._.._._..._...----...._..._.._...-----._.._...__._.._._...------ - -- - ---.._.._- ------- --.......___ _ _- -----._._..._.._ -..--..--,_---.--._....1__._ to BST 660 660 . i. i... �.. 660 (2018 Gravel to BST Program]; PE 16 16 ; � � 16 ; 8-NW RD Prio�ity 11 � RW i i i 09 ; 37 ; Rd. No. 39340 - Dodson to 1.60 miles East of Dodson ; 03 S! 1.60 � P,T CN 250 250 i � i 250 From: MP 0.00 To: MP 1.60 � i i i € ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 26 Ft. ` ; ; � - -.-----,-_--.,-_--.-..---..--.--._...._._..------._....._._.__..___.._...__...__...-.--.--_.._...__._.. _ _.._.__a.__...._ _.--�-..—�--.-.-..---. i Gravel _J..._;.Total_Project_Cos--.--.----.-$266,000�--___._--.---.-.--.._ __.__.;_..__.;_......__i_._._._..---.;._..._._..._._. TOTALS ....._.._.._.._._..__.._._...--..--.--.._.._....._..-.__._...-------.--..to BST----__-266.._..___266 _..__j.._..---._._�._.._.__..;_._..._.?66 -_--_-__---:-_---...---..-- (2098 Gravei to BST Program]: PE �2 12 i i i 12 BASELJNE.5 SE RD Priority 93' RW � j i 09 ; 38 : Rd. No. 22100 - N SE to O SE � 03 ; S� 1.01 i P,T CN 210 210 � 210 € From: MP 1.01 To: MP 2.02 i i i ; ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 26 Ft. ; � _.._........__._._..__...__...----._...�_......-.--.--..--..---.--..._._..._..�_.__._.__._...__.._..._.._......---_-.--.--....._ _..__..�...._......--.--...+._.._.__.+...._.._._._._ Gravel ��.-�----� Total_Project Co-..._..---- $222,000 -- ----.....- -- - ------ -- �- --�--�---,..---..._._....-- ---...._.._._ TOTALS _..--..-._.__...------------------....__._..__..__. to BST _._._222------Z� ------ ----- - ---- --..._ 222 ------ --_ _----- , � ; , _._ . _._ . �.. + .. +. . __ . . ;. __. . PE 27 3 30 i i i 30 ' GRAPE DR. NE FFC ch�nges req'd; �� RW i i i �� ° Rd. No.: 42350/NEW - SR 97 to Loring Dr. NE � 03 ; P; 1_00 '. P,T CN 405 45 450 � i � 450 39 ; � ; �$ € From: MP Q00 To: MP 1.00 ;�2 : j ; i ' `Grade, Drain, Surt(HMA 4"-fwo lifts), C&G, S/W; Fin.Wid.= 36 ft.s ; -----.--._.....---.._..------.--.._._�._.._..---.____..---..._.__......_..__._..._.____.----.._._.._...._. -.._�...-.----..._;____..-.-.+-.--._...__ - .: : ° : ! i : �___;Total Project Co�__.___.__..__..._$480,000 _. _...__....__..._. ' TOTALS TIA 432 48 480 480 _..___ .____.__._____ Report Date: J�ly 25, 2006 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CR,4B; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irr. Dists; Tel. Cos. v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. editio Agency: Co. No.: Grani CourrEy 13 Co. Name: GTant County Page 9 of 10 Six Year Transportation Irr�provement Prograrra From 2013 to 20'� � Hearing Date: July24, 2012 Adoption Date: July24, 20�2 City No. --- MPO/RTPO: QUaC1C0 Amend Date= Resolution No.: 2012- - CC ; Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded 6cpenditure Schedule (Local pro ects Onl � ; A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. ;�^: ; � � N Fund Source information Agency) _..___� __._.___. y__ � �n : � a� ; E �n ; �n ; � ' � N': -� s� C Project Title € a� �€ 3; � v s Federal Fundin � � ca: o�; :> Q: �a -� a. --------- ---...-----._...----------- i � �€� Z; D_ StreeURoad Name of Number j QF ;�; o ` � Phase Federal Federal State = ` 4th thru Envir ; Required E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road '� ; � � � Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total "�st 2nd; 3rd: 6th Type : Date ; a € (mmJYY) F. Describe Work to be Done mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds ---._� _.__,..�--------�-�------...-._..--------._._...-- ----._.._..._...__...------�---__,._......_..,..__._._.._...,.._._.._..._._ __�_._-__�__i------------------------------3------------�------._.._._....__..._...__.�.�4_.:_._5 .:_.__6_._�._. �.._.. __8.._.. ._.__..._9..._...__ 10 11 12 ..__..13_._._ ...--�4------15-----._..._16 _....__�� _��$._.....__._19 20-- ---21---- € NAT WASHWGTON BLVD Joint w/Ephrata & developer; PE 45 5 50 � i 50 Rd. No.: 37850/New/37750/New - SR 282 to SR 28 ; �� : RW 50 5 � ; ; 17 ; 1.43/1_60/0.00/0 To: MP 1.60/2.10/0.49/0.07: pg CN 900 100 1000 + � � 1000 � 4p ; ' 04 P! 123 ': P,T l I ! ; Grade, Drain, Surf.(HMA), C&G, Railroad Xing & Signal; : 12 ; j � i i ; Channelization, Street Lights; Finished Width = 52 Ft. ; ; ; ; __..----.--.....--.---------.----------------------------,----------- -----+---.--.._�_------�----...._..._.. :Total ProjectCo�...----$1.050,000----------...__...._..._..._.__....._-----�---._�_._..._;.---------------- TOTALS---------------------._.__..__.._TIA__...�..___995__......_..110_._..1050 __......--�----.._..+_____+__._105D _._...._._...-;----._.._.__.. PE 12 3 15 i i � 15 , VANTAGE RD. SW (Safety Projecfj; RW � � �s € Rd. No.: 30520 - Columbia River Gorge CN 240 60 300 � � ; 300 CE No 41 'I Z P' 3.75 P,T ; From: MP 0.10 To: MP 3.85 i i i i ; Guardrail, Minor Widening, Drainage. Finished Width = 28 ft. ; ; � € _.....---._._._.------.-------..____.._.-.--------._...----------- --.----.....__------..._..---.- --_...__..a._..-.----+._.__..._...-F-.------- ' iTotal Pro ect Cos $315 000 --- ---- -- --- -;---. _.:__._ . ;....._._...._ _..__._ TOTALS ---------STP(S)---�----252.-.._...._.._....__...._.__..._.__..._..._..._..__...._63__......_ 31_5 _._..--- - ---- ------ ---..._315 - ----- ----._.._..-- --�----�._...�.---.1.._...__......__...._...._...�....---.._..�._.�-.._..---------. .. . _.... .. _... -�- - -- --- - � . . . . - � . .. . ..� .. ..� . F. . . .. ._;_ ; BROS-2013 Bridge No.: 08172800 i PE 12 4 16 � � � 16 ' BRIDGE #313, E SE ; RW i i i 09 : Rd. No.: 20790 - 0_01 mi S of 14.8-SE CN 112 28 140 i ; ; 140 CE No � 42 = ` 09 ' P; 021 P,T ' From: MP 1.15 To: MP 1.36 i i i s Bridge Replacement-35 If, approaches; Fin. Width = 28 Ft. ; ; ' CON_J.._.._._....._._..----...-.---_...__...----.._....__.._...__.r.._.__....-.-----..-----.-.--...__....---.---._....- --- ' ' : , , � : � -- . ----�---------.�.._._..----�---------- � _�. _,_;Total ProjectCos_._--_----$156,000.--.._.._..--..--..----.--...---....---..._...._J_ ` ` ` TOTALS BR 124 32 156 �---..-.--{--.._.__.�....._. 156 ..._....._;__..._.__._.___._ ---�_..._._..�._...---- :............_ __ __ _____...__._._...----...------------.....__.._..---....._.._.._ BROS-2013 Bridge No.: 08753400 PE 16 4 20 � � 20 ' BRIDGE #399, W NW RW ' ' ' i i i �9 ; Rd_ No.: 32390 - 027 mi N of Baird Spnngs CN 192 48 240 � ; 240 CE ; No 43 09 P D.21 P,T From: MP 0.17 To: MP 0.38 i i i ; ; Bridge Repfacement-60 If, approaches; Fin. Width = 28 Ft. ; ; ; CON ---...._.._..--------.------------------.._.._.......--------...--.----------- -.--.---.;.-----+-.__.__�._..._...---- ---y.----- Totai Project Co�.._.____- �260,000.._---.-.---._..._..---.._...__._._....--;----;.--.--.,_---._.._.:__._.._--- TOTALS.._..--.-----..__..__BR.._...__._._._._ 208.---..._.._..__..._____._...----.---..._._...__52__._....__260 _.__ ;__.__.__._;_.._._._._h__..__260 ____.....---;.__.._..._......_..._.._. Bridge No.: 07990000 PE 7� 6 2$ ; i i 2$ iBRIDGE#382, H NW RW i i �$ ' Rd. No.: 30430 - 0.40 mi N of SR 28 CN 300 76 376 � � � 376 44 09 P i 021 P,T � � � ; From: MP 2.17 To: MP 2.39 i i i ; ; Bridge Replacement-94 If, approaches; .Fin_ Width = 28 Ft. ; ; ; ` CON.-.-.--.._..__._...-----...__._._.._._...--..--.---.------.-..-.---...-----._._.._..----.. - ---.---a.__._..__._._.�__-.-.--;--.-----..._. - .':- : t : : - _ --;—_-;Total_ProjectCo�.._..._.......__$404 000-- - ---..._...---.._....-------._...._..._.._...._._.:.-____;_..._._;.._._._..__..._;.__.._._.__.TOTALS --------�----------....-----RAP._..._.__..._._322 .............._82.--......._..404.......----.�.-------a._.__..__..�._...__404 _----�--..__....._____ Report Date: July 25, 20�6 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irr_ Dists; Tel. Cos. v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev_ editio agency: Grant County co. No.: 13 co. Name: Grant County �� � Page 10 of '10 � Six Year Transportation Improvement Pro�ram From 2013 to 2�01 � Hearing Date: July 24, 2012 Adoption Date: July 24, 20'12 City No. --- MPO/RTPO: I.CUaQCO r�iiienu va�c. - - Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally Funded > c ' _c N Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule (Local projects Only - : � A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. :��; � � ; a� a� Agency) . �.: , a u� � u�: w�: � E N; N � o m ; � N: -L-Q: C. ProjectTitle '� m: 3; J c� -� Federal Fundin _...._.--.---....__.._...--.--__..-_._.._..._.._.. ; R/N/ � as ! o�: ; L a: �a : � a � v' n`. � D. Sfreet/Road Name of Number ''` �€ o _ � Phase Federal Federal State s s 4th thru Envir ; Required � z, i aF-; � E. Beginning MP or road - Ending MP or road `� ~ � �� Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 1st: 2nd; 3rd: 6th Type : Date € F_ Describe Work to be Done ; ' a mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds , , t ---�----�-------__,__.._..---._.._.__._.._._.__...._..------._...--�---�--�------�-�---.._......_..--•--..__..._._...---�---�- € ; (mmlyy) _._�.�-�-'-------------------------3-------------._..._..---..._._._..---- ---4--<--5-�---.._6...--�---�----._$._.._ ..__9.-_.._.. .__�� __...._.._11--.. ._---1z--- --..13_...._ _.....-14 ----._15_..- ---�6 ---_ �� ----�$ -----f9 ---20 - --21__..._ Bridge No_: 08415400 PE 6 6 � � i 6 BRIDGE #353, R-NW RW i i i 09 : Rd. No.: 93025/30430 - 0.01 mi N of Martin � 09 i P': 021 P,T CN $$ $$ � � � $$ 45 ' From: MP 1.93/0.01 To: MP 2.03/0.12 i i i ; Bridge Replacement-22 If, approaches; Fin. Width = 28 Ft. ; ; - CON .-�------.._......__....__...- ------- -- -- ---------------...-------.._._.....�-------.._...--- -- i i ? -_.i...--�-----f-----F�----- _.i—._: Total Project_Cos_..._...----�94 000 ; ` ` TOTALS 94 94 --- -.._.._--- -- ---- _- -- ---- ----..._ .-- -- ---._._.__._._._.....---�------ ---._.._�__.._.,..._..__;...-----..._._..,__._..._.._...- -- ---- --------._..._..-- _ ---�--..._._.._.__._.._....._......_...__...._.__._....---..._.._....---..__.._....---- - _a... �... ; . 94 ' Bridge No.: 08730500 PE 6 6 � 6 € BRIDGE #133, 34-NE RW ; j � 09 € Rd. No.: 52800 - 0_40 mi W of V-NE CN 56 56 � � � 56 46 09 P 020 P,T � � � From: MP 1.30 To: MP 1.50 i i ; ; Bridge Replacement-14 If, approaches; Fin_ Width = 28 Ft. ; ; ; CON .-.-.--..._.__..-.-.---..^----,.----.,---._....._._._..__...---.._...-.-.---.._._.__..._.__..__...--.- ---- ---.--.- -.----- -.._._...._.. _ -i + + ; iTotal ProjectCo=------$62,000-----------------._...___--�-----i._..------__..._ _..... __..__.._.._._.__....----....----.._.._._..._--------------.._.._..._...---�--..__.._.__...---..._.._.._..__....------- --.._._...._.a_._.._..----+-..__.._._.....;-----62 -....- ---___-- , --J---.-------- � ' -- TOTALS 62 62 _ ; (Port of Moses Lake funds); PE 20 20 � � � 20 McConihe Rd NE (West Access for Port of M.L.) RW I I ; �9 Rd. No.: NEW - SR 17 to Port of Moses Lake � 01 ! P! 0.85 i P,T CN 160 160 ; ; ; 160 47 s From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.85 � i i ; Grade, Drain, Surface (BST); Finished Width = 28 Ft. ` ' ' ---...------.--.....__._._.....__...--.---_.--.---._._.._-.--.----._.._.._. _ _. � � ; , ; Port of _. . � � � � ..._..._......_'_"____.._____'_"_ ' _'_'�"_______{__"'_..�h_.__..__.. ; '--�-Total_Project_Co=_.....---..._...$180,000_______..._._.._______.._....----..._ ____` ' TOTALS.._---------------------------...._.._....-----Moses_Lk_._.._180.----- 180 ---__.�.-----..�_._.__._.�.--- 180.._._._.--._...-------...__ ' denotes carryover for STIP TOTALS 89.9 6285 695225 14417 27599 6672 5718 5862 9347 Report Date: July 25, 2006 NCRegion H&LP; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD: Irr. Dists; Tel. Cos. v. 5.6 - Supersedes prev. editio � ��� +�t�ta 1�t ������. � �i�c 1�`e�r� i`r�a � �s�por�t���i+��: �l�m.� r���rr� � � n�t� �r��g�r��r�� � ( ! : , 1` ' ! 1 i Tris ^up s(io �Gd aoc Sc co:�s:cucd as Icya( advicc ocic�al cry�iion on any spc.v''fic facc or �cunsstenccs The coritcnts acc inunded I c gcncral informa:icm our�srs onl}, and rou am v:�cd aa cor:sult }.�ur own lavrycc concemirg youc own si��tion and uiy spccilic questions rou m.ay ha�e. TriG�.n�;ucc recacz3s, d;auigs, a�:d ot!:ct d�a�xnvs Savc t�ee:: gathcccd ovcc marry decu3cs, using difCcang standacds Coc qu�lity caa:coi, docua�entazion �u� 1�eu.xa�ion. A(i oCik:a ciata ��4ic3cd cepcesena vcrene'rnfonnarion in a readily anailable focn�ac �Ghile *.c da;a isgenemily }�e�ieved ;n kx accuen�c, xc�s.iona:ly itp=oves?a be incqztecG thu i4c zccurae� is not waccartted l�rior io making any ?:roocr.r �u.-c:�aus o: iracsuix^.^.� i�a=cd in fi�ll o: in �rt r..-�ai :;�c nra�eual pcorided, it is spccifically advised rha� yrou indepeodendy iG�ff rCti y'h� C:�om�2^,�0:1 �4f.Yai[."iYs� m Cotu:t�'tCCo'.t35. No.17 MISCELLRNEOUS PROJECTS: �/ar(ous are¢s InNUtle sign��9, BUldeposis, pavement marks, Slash, beacons, antl spot Satety wark. Inciudes Cost Sharps. 24 NW 24 NW z; ' ' , ' ": _ ' -Zi � ' 23NW ' ?9�W _ oi �i: '� SSB 177SS� ;A9 SSi3 104 W I � SS81517�„ � �sssrsa S�w�'cara'ra��a 2P. i j - I � I �� `$z�� �OVEREN RO _'� zo; � . � �� i Z � N i _f.'. '.'`z I 19NW _. "-� - .z'- r ��.y _.,_' _ _ I _ ' O; �Ps ! � � � ' - . `.'4� � s Nw qGF.e� j . ; ��i G i SSB 308 SSB t13 Sh, . BP�IRDSPRING5RD .� 1 .. 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I _ ' I}.( '_"i � e382t8 �'SSE �= 69 7SE SE - � 7 Sb!C ✓S 262 !� 7�55E �� m� �411'.Ff 239! 27Q B.SE � 8 �E 170 � 4f�`I���., l•C X''�IO.: ,�e"SSF i � 2Is 3 OS� I _ �_ tOSE�.. . yi NI201�O.5�E � 248 J"�� SE�� ai t SE � -- -xw,- - N� N� 'IzsE- ~'�---�--'------3�-- Legend Bridge2011 bridge_no x Bridge �, S5B � TNL379 = Si�cyrRoads20'13to20'IB - - B - - C -- Gravel _ — BSTRoad — Asphalt Rd — roads2 � State Highways and Interstz BOARD OF COUNT�' COMMISSIC)NERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION IN '�'�E 1V�A'I":�`�� ��' �+.T��I'�DIl�1� T��E AI�O�'T�I) 2013-201� �'iil.AlVi �LlV1V�9. ��PAYL'"�LFLiI.�iJAT1Yi�J &'Ll-�I� 12ESOLUT�ON No. 12-(�� CC WH1��R:E�S, Tlae Board of Grant Caunty Commissioners desires to �lnnually update the Grant Co�lnty Capital Facilities 1'lan izi canjunctio�z with the annual Grant County Budget; anc� WHERCAS, �he Capital Faciiities Plan (CFP) was adopted �t a pL�blic hearing held on December 3, 2012; atld WHER.EAS, the Bc�arci oCCouniy Commissianers wish ta amend the CFP to include a Phane System Upgrade (VOIPj Tor County Dapartmcnts/Offices that currently do not have it. N(3W, TI�EREFORE, IiE IT HEIdEBY RESOL�ED TH�T the Baard of Grant County Commissioners hereby AMENDS tiie 2013-2018 Grant �aunty Capital Tacilities Plan and acid a Fhone System Upgrade (VOIP}. DATED this ��-#��, day of .l�.c., , 2012. Yea 2*Iay C'�'� ❑ �I BOARD OT COUNTY COMMISSIOI�ERS Abstain GRANT C4UltiTY, WASHINGTO�i � � -� � Richard Stevens, Chair ❑ ❑ � Cindy C rter, Member � ��� .�� �� _...�_ � Caro�wattz IViember > N:\StafflBVasquez\Resoluiion-Ordin�,nce\Capital Facilites Plat� BLxdget Time AMENDMEN7' 2012.doc Page 1 of 1