HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-059-CCBOARD t3F COITNTY C(3MMISSIi�NERS Grant Caunty, �i'ashington RES4LUTIOld1 Na. 12- Ii ��g �CC �VHEREAS, the fallowing Grant Cauniy funds do not have an adequate level af budget appropriation to make alI zaecessary expenditures: 1. Sherif�'s t�ffice Fund #OOI, Dep�.t�ment #1.14 in the amount of $1 S,4S0.00 ta cover 2 months wages a�id benefits af a new Detective positian far their Major Crimes Unit. 2. Etnet•geilcy Management �und #102 Depariment #144 itl the amoul�t of $3,058.00 for a�l amendlnent ta WA State Emergency Managemetlt a�ld US Department of Energy conttact E12-] 50 to purchase 4-Canberra Radiatian Mollitors il1 case of an i�zcident at Hanfard. WHEREAS, these additional budget expenditures were not anticipated when preparing tlle 2011 budget; and WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 36.40.14Q a public hearing, must be held to authorize additional budget appropriations. WHER�AS, on the 19t�' day of September, 2Ql 2 at l 0:44 a.m., a public hearing was held in t]Ze Grant Caunty Cammissio�lers' Hearing Raam. NOW, THEREFC}R:C, SE IT HEREBY RE�OLVED BY THE Ii�ARD OF CCiUNTY C{)MMISSICDNERS t�F GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHTIVC�TON, t11at a budget appropriation in the tatal amount of $18,508.04 to be allacated ta the 2012 bud�;et accarding to the following schedule of categories and items: APPROPRIATIt�NS & FIl'IANCING S(�URCES (See Attached) PASSED A1�TD ADCIPTED this q'7�' day of �, 2412. EFFECTI�E this / y�" day of –=��fi—' 2412. Yea Nay �i ❑ � ❑ �„� p �30A�I)► OF �O(JN'I'�' COMMISSIONERS Abstain � T COUNTY WASHINGTON ❑ ichard Stevens, Chair 0 � Cindy rter, Member � � �� . ��� Caralann Swartz; Member Page 1 of 1 N:\StafflBVasque�\Resoiution-Ordia�ance\Sheriffls Ofiice and Ernergency Management Budget lixtensions 0919i2,doc R�: �4T'TACHMENT TO R�S 2012 Fund # 001 Dept. # 114 ,4ccoun� Numb�r 001000.00.0000.3Q800Q000 001 °I 14.OQ.0000.52120'P `100 001114.0O.00Q0.�2'i 202200 001114.00.0000.521202300 001114.00.00OQ.521202100 001114.00.0000.5212024�00 d01114.00.0A0Q.521202599 �eginning Fund �alance Wages �ocial Security/Medicare IViec1/Lif� Ins. Retirement Industrial Ins. Unernployrnent Comp 15,450.00 $ � 5,450.00 $ 11,253.77 $ 855.27 � 2,OA�5.10 $ 967.�0 � 2'� 5.52 $ 112.54 $ 15,450.00 R5; ATTACHMENT TO RES. 2012 Budget Extension Fund# 102 Department# 144 REVENUES: Account Number: 102144.00.0000.333810000 U.S. Dept of Ener�� $3,058.00 $3,058.00 EXPENDITURES: Account Number: 102144,00.0000.525603564 Small Tools >$550 $3,058.00 $3,058.OQ EXPLANATION U.S Dept of Energy has approved an amendment ot contract E12-150 for the amount $3,058.00 for the purchase of 4 Canberra Radiation Monitors