HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, JULY go, 2012: The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 8:3o a.m. — 9:0o a.m. 9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting J Stricl�ler, ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Swartz, to approve items 1 through 6 on the ASC Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. io:oo a.m. — 1o:i5 a.m. 10:3o a.m. — io:45 a.m. i. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or grant administration. (Approved) 2. Amendment B to \Nashington State Department of Commerce Grant No. i1-46204-51�, Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) Grant, which adds $34,829.0o to the grant for a new grant total (2ox1-2o12) of $638�542.00. (Approved) 3. Department of Commerce Grant #i3-46io7-oo8 with Grant County, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) to provide homelessness prevention assistance to households who would otherwise become homeless and to provide assistance to rapidly re-house persons who are experiencing homelessness. Grant period is August 1, 2oi2 through June 30, 2o1g in the amount of $89,862.00. (Appro�ed) 4. Grant Amendment #2 for Shoreline Master Program Update Grant Agreement (G1200058) in the amount of $75,000.0o for additional work to be completed by the County's shoreline consultant Anchor QEA during the shoreline update. The new scope of worle includes Riparian Buffer Recommendations. (1�pproved) 5. Contract Amendment #1 to existing Anchor QEA contract (originally executed by BOCC on �2 December 2oii). The proposed amendment will incorporate the additional scope of worlc in Ecology Grant G1200053 Amendment (above) and reflect a$75,000.0o increase in contract payment amount. (Approved) 6. Department of Commerce Grantee Closeout Performance Report for Community Development Block Grant Contract No. ii-64ioo-oo2. (Approved) Commissioners Office Safety Meeting Citizen Public Comment Period LeRoy Allison and Dawn Geiger of the North Central Washington Regional Support Network (NCWRSN) came to discuss the direction that Grant County will be taking in the merger with Spolcane County. They wanted to inform the Board that some of the current NCWRSN employees are thinlcing of establishing a Federally Qualified Health Care Organization (FQHC) that would be able to run Grant Integrated Services. They would keep the Board informed. ii:oo a.m. — ii:5o a.m. Budget and Finance Meeting 1:0o p.m. — i:2o p.m. S IZozer, Public Defense Update COMIVIISSIONERS' JULY go, 2oi2 MINUTES Page 2 of 4 2:0o p.m. — 2:5o p.rn. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS T Hechler, Human Resources Update The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Worlcs County Payroll Salaiy Fund for July 27, 2oi2. As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $872,604�55 and $i55,i59•7g� as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Health District Voucher listing in the amount of $g6,�io,�6. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant County Payroll Authorization form for the July 25, 2oi2 payroll. TUESDAY, JULY gi, 2oi2c The session was continued at 1:3o p.m. with the Commissioners Stevens and Carter in attendance. Commissioner Swartz was out and excused. 12:0o p.m. — 12:go p.m. r:3o p.m. — 2:2o p.m. 2:3o p.rn. — 2:5o p.m. 3:0o p.m. — 3:15 p.m. R Stevens at Law Library Meeting (Jury Room 2, L&J Bldg) D Pohle, Public Worles Update 1. The Commissioners signed a Dedication Service Award for Lon Craghead, D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 13) A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to approve items i through 6, and 8 through i3 on the Consent Agenda as presented. Item � is being held until a new Executive Director is hired. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers.(Approved) 2. Commissioners July 2 and 9, 2o1z Minutes for approval. (Approved) 3. Request from the Board of Equalization to convene outside the regular 28 day session which started July i6, 20�2, per RCW 84•48•oio.(Approved) COMMISSIONERS' JULY go, �oi2 MINUTES Page g of 4 4. Held from the July i7, 2oi2 Consent Agenda for further review: Due to the resignation of 2- Grant County Port District #5 (Hartline) Commissioners, leaving i Commissioner only, the Port has requested the appointment of 1 new member. The candidates are: a. Marvin Thomas b. Cindy Cauble (After review and discussion, the Soard voted to appoint Cindy Cauble to the Port District #5.) 5. Special Occasion license application for Ridge Riders Saddle Club, 2209 Alcan Rd NE, Grand Coulee, WA 99133� from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) HUMAN RESOURCES 6. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from the Fairgrounds to extend the employment status of two Temporary/Seasonal Employees. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) GI�ANT INTEGRATED SERVICE �. Held from the July 24, 2012 Consent Agenda for further review; After advertising an Request for Proposal for a research organization to conduct a county wide needs assessment to determine the current needs, strengths, and gaps in the local mental health, substance abuse, developmental disabilities and domestic violence/sexual assault systems with the intention to aid community stakeholders in understanding priority areas, which will enable GrIS to apply for more Federal Grants. The only response received was from the Gilmore Research Group in the amount of $i62,000.00. (After review and discussion, the Board voted to hold thi� item until a new Executive Director is hired. They will bring this request back at that time for consideration) 8. Out of State Travel for Darla Boothman, Dale Caldwell, and Leiza Tobin to attend the Anaxazi Software National Alliance conference and specialized training from September 9-15, 2012 in Phoenix, AX. (Approved) 9. Application for License for Community Mental Health Services from the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). (Approved) 10. Administrator Change Notification Form for Certified Chemical Dependency Service Provider from the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). (Approvecl) FAIRGROUNDS ii. Request to purchase 2-Portable Public Address (PA) Systems from Discount Audio in the amount of $i,65o.0o plus shipping and taxes. (Approved) i2. Request to purchase 5o folding banquet tables from Business Interiors and Equipment in the amount of $g,g�2.00 plus tax. (Approved) COMMISSIONERS' JULY 30, 2oi2 MINUTES Page 4 of 4 DISTRICT COURT 13. Request to transfer Motor Pool Car #606 to District Court Probation. Public Worles supports this transfer. (Approved) WEDNESDAY, AUGUSTI, 2oi2: 9:0o a.m. — 9:3o a.m. io:oo a.m. — 2:0o p.m. �:oo p.m. — 8:3o p.m. C Carter, Grant County Health District Key Informant Interview Conference Call R Stevens at Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) Advisory Committee Meeting (Ecology's Northwest Regional Office, Bellevue) PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 2. 2oi2: 9:0o a.m. —12:0o p.m. C Carter, PERC Mediation 9:0o a.m. — �1:0o a.m. i:oo p.m. — 5:0o p.m. 1:3o p.m. — 3:3o p.m. 2:0o p.m. — g:oo p.m FRIDAY, AUGUST s, 2oi2 10:0o a.m. — i2:oo p.m. R Stevens at Greater Columbia Behavioral Health Meeting (Kennewicic) R Stevens, PERC Mediation (Cancelled) C Carter at Area Aging/Council of Governments Meeting (E Wenatchee Office) (Cancelled) R Stevens, North Central Washington Regional Support Networlc (NCWRSN) Special Governing Board Conference Call T Menlee, Deputy Medication Conference Call Signed this � day of ` � , 2012. ( BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS