HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC I MINUTES ' GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY,MAY 14, 2oi2: ' The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m.with all Commissioners in attendance. � 8:go a.m.—9:0o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting 9:0o a.m. —9:2o a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action , A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz,seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items i,4 i and 5 on the ASC Agenda as presented below. Items 2 and 3 were not ready for signature.The motion ; passed unanimously. ; 1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications,insurance, � and/or grant administration. (Approved) '! 2. Anticipating: Proposal and Contract for Professional Engineering Services between Grant County and Gray& ' Osborne,Inc.,relating to the Fairgrounds water/septic system. � (Not ready for signature) 3. Anticipating: 2oi2-2o13 Davis Shows NS, Inc.Agreement between Grant County and Davis Shows,NW. Term is from date ; of final signature through September go, 2ox3. (1lTot ready for signature) 4. 2012 Agreement Regarding Use of County Property for Public Purpose between Grant County and the Ephrata Chamber of Commerce for the annual recreational event Basin Surnmer Sounds,to be held July 2o-2i. (Approved) � 5. BOCC Chair signature on Project Summary Form for the Washington State Department of Commerce Community ''� Development Block Grant(CDBG)2012 Public Services Grant I No. 12-65400-002 in the amount of$1gi,o42.00. (Approved) I I 9�3o a.m. —9:5o a.m. L Pence,Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update i Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.i10 (i)(i)Commissioner Stevens called an Executive Session to order at ' 9�32 a.m.to go unti19�34 a.m.regarding Negrete/ DCD Potential Litigation. In attendance were Commissioners Stevens,Carter,and Swartz,along with Lee Pence,Civil Deputy Attorney. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at 9�34 a•m• ; io:oo a.m. — 1o:i5 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting ! io:go a.m.— 10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period(No public was in attendance) �� ii:oo a.m. — ii:5o a.m. Commissioners at Road Supervisor Meeting(Public Works) i2:oo p.m. — i:oo p.m. R Stevens and C Carter at PUD Commissioner Lunch(PUD Office, Ephrata)(Cancelled) 12:0o p.m.— i:oo p.m. C Swartz at Weinstein Beverage Company Cross-Dock Warehouse � Ribbon Cutting Ceremony(Moses Lalce) � COMMISSIONERS'M1�Y�4, 20�2 MINUTES ;� Page 2 of 5 1:go p.m. — i:5o p.m. L Gramrner,Assessor's Office Update(Rescheduled to May 1�, 2012 at 2:,3o u.m.) 2:0o p.m.—2:5o p.m. T Hechler,Human Resources Update � g:oo p.m.—g;2o p.m. Open Record Public Hearing,CDBG Public Services Grant The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to review community development and housing needs,inform citizens of the availability of funds and eligible uses of the state 2012 Community Development Blocic Grant(CDBG)funds,and receive commends on proposed activities,particularly from low and moderate income persons and persons residing in the Grant, Adams,and Lincoln County areas. $131,042.0o will be available to Opportunities Industrialization Center of Washington(OIC of WA)to fund public service activities that principally benefit low and moderate income persons. This hearing is to also close out 2oii CDBG grant 1i-641o0-002. June Stricl�ler,Administrative Services Coordinator, discussed the proposed and notified the Commissioners that all hand outs are available in English and Spanish and that a Spanish interpreter is here to assist if necessary. Available handouts: (1)Community Development Block Grant Program description, (2)Federal Regulations 24 CFR 5�0.486(a), (3)Public Participation Plan(PPP),and a(4)Grant County's adopted CDBG Grievance Procedure form(an attachment to � the PPP). Ms.Strickler has a resolution for signature with certifications of compliance for CDBG ''� public services grant only. Candi Jaeger,Director, OIC of Washington,gave a summary of 2011 grant expenditures. Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously.Commissioner Swartz moved to approve the closeout of the 2oii grant.Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.Commissioner Carter moved to approve the implementation of the ,� 2012 Grant. Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing ; adjourned. (Resolution 1Vo. 12-o3a-CC) i� 3�3o p.m. —3:5o p.m. Open Record Public Hearing,Sheriff's Office Budget Extension I Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider a budget extension request from � the Grant County SherifPs Office in the amount of$6,500.0o to purchase four(4)scanners for � use with the District Court Video Arraignment System. Funding will be appropriated through � their Corrections budget and reimbursed from their inmate telephone contract.Commissioner � Swartz moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Carter seconded I and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Carter moved to approve the budget I extension as presented.Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. , The hearing adjourned. (Resolution No. 12-o32-CC) i MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ; i The Commissioners were notified that Sage-n-Sun would not be held on the Courthouse lawn as ; previously requested and approved on March ig, 2oi2. The contract was voided. � The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant County Payroll Authorization form for the May 10, 2oi2 payrolL ; As of this date,the Board,by a majority vote,does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the I auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080,and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,in the amount of$422,887.6o as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. � I I � � i i COMMISSIONERS'MAY�4, 2oi2 MINUTES , Page g of 5 TUESDAY,MAY 1�, 2oi2: io:oo a.m. — 12:0o p.m. R Stevens at Shoreline Meeting(US Bureau Building, Room 204, Ephrata) i:go p.m. —2:2o p.m. D Pohle,Public Worlcs Update i. Franchise Amendment Letter request from the Hall Engineering Associates on behalf of the Port of Royal Slope to amend their franchise to include the approximately 1800 linear feet of Rd E-SW from State Highway 26 south to Rd 1g.9-SW for the Port's future water line extension projects. (Approved) 2. Execution of Contracts: L-NE Overlay awarded to Central Washington Asphalt of Moses Lake,WA in the amount of $619�253•62. (Approved) 3. Request to the County Road Department for Reimbursable Work between Town of Coulee City and Grant County for grader work between grain elevators and Banlcs Lake Lodge(no maximum dollar amount). (Approved) 4. Request to the County Road Department for Reimbursable Work between Town of Coulee City and Grant County for hot mix utility patches. One patch on Main in front of AG-Link building and one patch on 2nd just past Lincoln. Town of Coulee City will prep both patches(no maximum dollar amount). (Approved) 2:go p.m. —2:5o p.m. L Grammer,Assessor's Office Update g:oo p.m. —g:15 p.m. Consent Agenda(Items i through i2) � i COMMISSIONEILS OFFICE i. Comm'rssioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers(Approved) ,I 2. Change of location application for Crayelle Wine Cellars,9224 Rd S NW,Ste A,Quincy,WA 98848,from the Washington State Liquor I Control Board. (Approved) 3. Claims Payment Request(Batch oi-58)from the Multi Agency � Communication Center in the amount of$2,�28.65. (Approved) PI�OSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE � 4. Budget extension request in the amount of$1g,i65.38 to cover step increases and related benefits granted by the Commissioners Office ' effective January 1, 2o1g. (Approved,the public hearing was set for June 5, 2oi2 at i1:oo a.m.) , i GRANT INTEGRATED SERVICES � 5. Held from the May 8, 2012 Consent Agenda to gather further i information: Request to award the RFP for the lawn care service ' around the Cityview building to Tatum Lawn Care in the amount of ; $6,525.00. (Held again for further review,to the 1l�Iay 22, i 2oi2 Consent Agenda) ! 6. Proclamation proclaiming May 2i, 2oi2 as"Underage Drinlcing � Prevention Day". (Approved) � � � i i COMMISSIONERS'MAY 14, 2oi2 MINUTES ' Page 4 of 5 HUMAN RESOURCES �. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from Juvenile Court and Youth Services for an exception to the hiring freeze to hire i Regular Full Tirne Legal Secretary due to a recent resignation. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) , 8. Grant County Equal Employment Opportunity Plan(EEOP) submitted for adoption for the years January 1, 2012 through December g1, 2014. (Approved) SHERIFF'S OFFICE 9. Request to purchase four(q.)Emergency Light Bars and associated mounting hardware in the amount not to exceed$4,�00.0o as approved in the zoi2 Capital Outlay Budget. (Approved) 10. Request for four(4)additional credit cards for their office for use by employees who travel to training and other agency related matters. (Approved) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1i. Request to purchase a Dodge Crew Cab, Regular Bed Picicup for their department in the amount of$28,500.0o and place the vehicle in the Public Worlcs motor pool. Homeland Security grant funds will be � used for this purchase. (Approved) �i �'AIRGROUNllS i I 12. Services Agreement between Grant County and GSI Water Solutions, � Inc,for the implementation of GSI's Department of Health approved I Groundwater and Effluent Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the I Grant County Fairgrounds in Moses Lake. Period of Performance is � June 1,20�2 or upon completion of the monitoring well drilling i project. (Approved) i � WEDNESDAY,MAY i6, 2ox2• � C Swartz at NACO Western Interstate Region Conference(Santa Fe,NM) I R Stevens,Out � i 9�3o a.m. —12:0o p.m. TOURISM BOARD MEETING i � 6:00 .m.—�:go p.m. C Carter at Fairgrounds FacilityAdvisory Committee(FFAC)Meeting � (Fairgrounds) i i MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS � The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Omlin Farm Management(Omlin Farms Short Plat#1) ; File #ii-5576-01; and the Omlin Farm Management(Omlin Farms Short Plat#2)File #11-5577-01, Final Plat Submission and Review. I � , � COMMISSIONERS'MAY i4, 2oiz MINUTES Page�,of� , THURSDAY MAY a.7,2oa.2: C Swartz at NAGO Western Interstate Region Conference(Santa Fe,NM) R Stevens,Out 9:0o a.rn.-i2:ao p.m. C Carter at"Oops! I Didi�'t Mean it to Com�Otit that Way"Training (Public Woxlcs) 9:0o a,m.-;3:ao p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS FRIDAY,MAY i$, 2oi2: C Swartz at NACO Western Interstate Regian Conference(Santa Fe,NM) R Stevens,O�rt 9:oa a.m. -3:oa p.m. BtJARD OF EQUALI7�A'1'ION HEAR[NGS x1;oo a.m.-22:3o p.m. C Carter at National Children's Study Meeting{Samaritan Haspital) Signed this '"_L�__—_day of � �� ,zai2. BOARD OF COUNTY CO MISSIOIVl+�RS Gr Co t�,Was ingt �. .� �l�c �rd Stevens,Chair � � Cindy Cai r ` ttest: -���.� Caxolann Swartz le of t e Board ...� '' I , I i ; i I i � i� y i I I � � 1