HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-017-CCBOARD OF COUl�1TY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF �146.72 ACRES INTO TWELVE (12) LOTS FOR PORT DISTRICT NO. 3 OF GRANT COUNTY, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 15 NORTH, RANGE 23 EAST, WM, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 12- � � ? -CC APPROVING A. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PORT DISTRIC'I' NO. 3 OF GRANT COUNTY PLAT OF INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 4 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised that an open record public hearing was conducted before the Grant County Planning Commission on February 1, 2012 in the matter of a Preliminary Plat of approximately 146.72 acres to create twelve (12) lots from one existing parcel, which is located in a portion of the south half of Section 27, Township 15 North, Range 23 East, Willamette Mei7dian, Grant County, Washington, and WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission on February 1, 2012 did approve a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners to approve this proposed Preliminary Plat with eight (8) suggested Conditions of Approval and seven (7) Findings of Fact affirming the recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners held a closed record public hearing regarding this matter on March 6, 2012, and �VgIE12EAS, the Board of County Commissioners have reviewed the application material, staff report, and a summary of the Planning Commission hearings, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal will not adversely effect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public in the vicinity of the proposal, and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat, subject to the Conditions of Approval, meets the applicable requirements of the Unified Development Code Chapter 22.04 "Land Division," and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the proposed Preliminary Plat, and WHEREAS, the Baard of County Commissioners have found this proposal to be consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Shoreline Master Program, the Unified Development Code Chapter 23.04 "Zoning" and other land use regulations, and SEPA, and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does comply with the Health District's requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply, and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does contain an accurate legal description of the lots being created, and the roads and easements therein, and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does comply with Grant County regulations and, where applicable, all WA State Department of Transportation regulations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure improvements, and IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PORT DISTRICT NO. 3 OT GRANT �146.72 ACRES IlVTO TW�LVE (12) LOTS FOR PORT DISTRICT COUNTY PLAT OF INDUSTRIAL NO. 3 OF GRANT COUNTY PARIC NO. 4 WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does comply with all requirements of the United States Department of the Interior, the United States Bureau of Reclamation, and. the South-Columbia Basin Irrigation District, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to approve the Port District No. 3 of Grant County Plat of Industrial Parlc No. 41ong plat, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington hereby approve by this Resolution, subject to the eight (8) Conditions of Approval listed below, a Preliminary Plat of approximately 146.72 acres to creata twelve (12) lots, located in a portion of Section 27, Township 15 North, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington (Parcel #15-0195-000). CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1) The landowner/applicant shall comply with all findings, recommendations, i°estrictions, and/oz° mitigation requirements of the "Cultural Resource Survey" prepared by Brett R. Lentz of Columbia Geotechnical Associates Inc. of Redmond, WA in March, 2008, including, but not limited to: a) In the event that ground-disturbing or other construction activities result zn the inadvertent discovery of buried archaeology, the development work should cease, and immediate contact should be made with the History/Archaeology Department of the Colville Tribe, the Cultural Resources Depai�tment of the Yakama Nation, the Wanapum Tribe, and the State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) Office in Olympia. 2) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Grant County Building Department, including, but not limited to: a) Fire hydrant locations, type, and water supply shall be in accordance with the 2009 International Fire Code. The applicant shall contact the Grant County Fir� Marshal for approval prior to installation of system. 3) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessaiy by the Grant County Health District, including, but not limited to: a) A separate site registration will be required for each lot that is intended for construction of a business. The work rnust be done be a licensed septic system designer or enginaer and be submitted to the Health District with all fees paid before final approval of the plat will be given. b) The plat will not be approved by the Health District until the water system is constructed and approved by the Washington Department of Health. The Port District should contact the Health District regarding any request to allow final plat approval before the water system is constructed. 4) The applicant shall comply with all requirernents as deemed necessaiy by the Grant County Public Worlcs Department, including, but not limited to: a) Provide a plat check fee of $200.00 for Major Plats. b) Scale shall be a minimum of 1" = 100 ft. c) Provide a Plat Certificate from the title company. d) Provide a 20-ft. radius at all Right-of-Way intersections. Preliminary Piat #11-5621-01 - SEPA #11-5621-02 - Port District No. 3 of Grant County � BoCC Resolution - Page 2 IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PR�LIMINARY PLAT OF POR'T DISTRICT NO. 3 Or GRANT �146.72 ACRES INTO TWELVE (12) LOTS TOR PORT DISTRIC'I' COUNTY PLAT OF INDIJSTRIAL NO. 3 OF GRANT COUNTY PARK NO. 4 e) An Approach Permit shall be obtained prior to a Building Permit. � All lots shall have a minimum of 50 feet oF frontage on a County-maintained or Private Road. Lot 2 does not appear to meet this standard. The Private Road (providing access to Lot 2) shall be extended into Lot 2 with a turnaround (so as to meet this standard). g) Private Roads shall be built to at least the Private Road Standards, 20 ft. wide, unobstructed all-weather driving surface. h) Private Roads shall meet the current edition of the International Fire Code and thesa standards. i) A note shall be added to the plat stating that all lots shall access the private Road only except where Lot 1 currently accesses Road 23 SW. j) Road 23 SW is on Grant County's Gravel to Oil List and it will be the proponent's responsibility to upgrade the portion of 23 SW along the border of the Plat from SR 243 to 80 ft, west of center line of Private Road T.7 SW. See appendix B, Figure 3-3-3, widtla 28 ft., Grant County Road Standard. lc) Please indicate a 30-ft. Right-of-Way along the west border of the entire length for future County Road. 1) A hatched No Access area shall be added to the noi�theast corner of Lot 3(100 ft. in both directions). m) A hatched No Access area shall be added to the northwest corner of Lot 7(100 ft. in both directions), n) A hatched No Access area shall be addad to the northeast corner of Loi 7(100 ft. to the west). o) A hatched No Access area shall be added to the southeast corner of Lot 1(100 ft. in both directions). p) A hatched No Access area shall be added to the southwest corner of Lot 12 (100 ft. in both directions). c� A hatched No Access area shall be added to the southeast corner of Lot 12 (100 ft. to the west). r) The proponent shall contact WSDOT regarding potential parcel access to State Highway 243 and intersection requirements. 5) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Grant County Auditor, including, but not limited to: a) The name "Poi�t District No. 3 of Grant County Plat of Industrial Park No. 4" is approved. b) The Auditor's Certificate needs to say "Plat" instead of "Short Plat." 6) The applicant shall cornply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the WA State Department of Transportation, including, but not limited to: a) Port District No. 3 of Grant County shall enter into a Pro-Raia Shara Agreement in the amount of $35,000 with WSDOT to contribute towards the cost of improvements needed for the intersection of SR 243 and County Road 23 SW. b) An existing access located on the subject property at milepost 15.26 shall be removed and slopes restored to a natural vegetative state. c) Copies of stormwater and drainage plans and any other hydraulics data and calculations shall be submitted to WSDOT for review. WSDOT does not accept any additional runoff into the state system greater than that of pre-development. d) Any utility permitting or franchise shall be coordinated with the Region Utility Manager. Contact Franlc Sblendorio at (509)667-3061 for assistance. Preliminary Plat #11-5621-01 - SEPA #11-5621-02 - Port District No. 3 of Grant County - BoCC Resolutzon - Page 3 IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY YLAT OF PORT DISTRICT NO. 3 Or CRAN'T �146.72 ACRES INTO TWELVE (12) LOTS FOR POR'I' DISTRICT COUNTY PLE#T OF INDUSTRIAL NO. 3 OF GRANT COUNTY PARK NO. 4 e) All commercial signage visible to SR 243 must be coordinated with WSDOT. A Note shall be added to the face of the plat to reflect this requirement. Contact Pat O'Leary at (360)705�7296 for assistance. � At any such time that a development application is sought for any undeveloped lot in. ilus plat, detailed traffic information shall be submitted to Grant County an.d WSDOT for review. Impact mitigation requirements will be assessed at that time and coordinated with WSDOT and Grant County. A Note shall be added to the face of the plat to reflect this requiremente 7) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by tlxe Gi°ant County Planning Department, including, but not liznited to: a) Development shall comply with the requirements of GCC § 22.04 Article V"Final Subdivisions and Short Subdivisions" and all other pertinent portions of Grant County Code. b) Developrnent shall comply with all requirements included in the SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance issued on December 22, 20110 c) Please malce the following corrections/additions to the mapping: i. In the Dedication on Sheet 1 of 4, please change "short plat map99 to "plat map" in line 7. ii. In the Right-to-Fai7n Disclosure on Sheet 1 of 4, please remove the duplicate word "of ' from line 9. iii. In the Surveyor's Certificate on Sheet 1 of 4, please correct the minor misspelling of "September" in line 4. iv. In the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Concurrence on Sheet 1 of 4, please change ail references from "short plat" to "plat" (4 occurrences). v. In the Note on Sheet 1 of 4, please correct the minor misspelling of "rights-of-way" in line 8. vi. In the South-Columbia Basin Ii�rigation District Notes on Sheet 1 of 4, please change "short plat" to "plat" in line 6 of paragraph 3. vii. In the Auditor's Cex�tificate on Sheet 1 of 4, please change "short plats" to "plats" in line 3. viii. In the Approvals on Sheet 1 of 4, please rernove the phrase "as to form" fi•om the Grant County Sanitarian signature block. ix. In the Approvals on Sheet 1 of 4, please correct the minor misspelling of "Fire Marshal" (2 occurrences). x. In each Legend on Sheets 2, 3, and 4, please correct the minor misspelling of "adj.acent" (3 occurrences). xi. In the Pro,ject Information on Sheet 3 of 4, please conect the minor misspelling of "proposed sewage system." xii. In the Easements, Restrictions & Conditions Continued on Sheet 3 of 4, please change No. 11 to read "no lot within this subdivision. ....." xiii. In the Easements, Restrictions & Conditions Continued on Sheet 3 of 4, please remove the duplicate words "shall be" from No. 12. xiv. In the Easements, Restrictions & Conditions Continued on Sheet 3 of 4, please change all references from "short subdivision" to "subdivision" (2 occurrences). xv. On Sheet 4 of 4, please correct the minor misspelling of "proposed expansion" on Lot 1. xvi. Please remove the word "Preliminarv" from the title on each. sheet (4 occurrences)e Preliminary Plat #ll-562t-01 - SEPA #ll-5621-02 - Port District No. 3 of Grant County - BoCC Resolution - Page 4 IN THE MATTER OT APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PORT DISTRICT NO. 3 OF GRANT �146.72 ACRES INTO TWELVE (12) LOTS FOR PORT DISTRICT COUNTY PLAT OF' INDUSTRIAL NO. 3 OF GRANT COUNTY PARIC NO. 4 8) In accordance with RCW 90.44.050, domestic water use for the twelve (12) lots proposed by this project shall be restricted as follows: a) The total maximum amount of water withdrawal (allowed for the project as a whole) is 5,000 gallons per day. A Note shall be added to the face of the plat to reflect this restriction. b) Each of the twelve proposed lots is limited to a maximum of 416.67 gallons of domestic water per day. A Note shall be added to the face of the plat to reflect this restriction. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon signature. DATED this '� th day of 'Yjiarc� , 2012. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON � � � Richard Stevens Chairman � ATTEST: � ❑ ❑ Cindy C rter, ice- air Clerk o the oa • � ���� ����,��'���C � � � Carolann Swartz, Member Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington Preliminary Plat #11-5621-01 - SEPA #ll-5621-02 - Port District No. 3 of Grant County - BoCC Resolution � Page 5