HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC. � : � , MINUTES � i GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I MONDAY,FEBRUARY 20,2012: I ; President's Day Holiday,Courthouse Closed TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2012: II i The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:go a.m.with Commissioners Carter and Swartz in ' attendance. Commissioner Stevens was out and excused. � 9:0o a.m. —9:5o a.m. J Stricl�ler,ASC Update and Misc. BOCC Action i A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz,seconded by Cornmissioner Carter,to approve items�,and � 3 through 6 on the ASC Agenda as presented below. Item 2 did not arrive for signature.The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. ; 1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications,insurance,and/or grant administration.(Approved) 2. Anticipating: Lease Agreement(Commercial Premises)between ' Grant County and Kevin J. and Tanya S. Lakodulc for the premises j located at 4571St Ave.N. Ephrata,Washington 9882g from March g, i 2oi2 through February 28, 2oig. (Did not arrive for sagnature) i 3. Memorandum of Understanding,School Resource Officer(SRO), j Wahluke School District No.73,between Grant County,by and � through the Grant County Sheriff's Office,and the Wahlulce School � District. Term is January i,2oi2 through the end of the 2012 school ; year. (Approved) 4. Recording Fee Surcharge Distribution Agreement between Grant County,The Housing Authority of Grant County,and New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services,pursuant to RCW j g6.22.179 and 179i with a 30%distribution to New Hope and�o% '� distribution to the Housing Authority. Term is January i,2012 � through December 31, 2oi2. (Approved) t 5. Inter Local Agreement"(ILA)with the cities/towns of Coulee City, Electric City,Grand Coulee,Krupp,Soap Lake,and Wilson Creelc related to the Shoreline Master Program Update. Term is through December i,2014. (Approved) 6. Professional Services Agreement,Conflict and Overflow Investigator, between Grant County and Jason Dowd,known as Valley , Investigations,LLC,for the provision of investigative services i through the Grant County Public Defense Supervising Attorney i and/or District/Juvenile Supervising Attorney(Coordinator)for ! investigations on behalf of indigent defendants in Grant County ; Superior Court,Juvenile Court,and/or District Court. Term is January 1, 2oi2 through December 3i,2oi2. (Approved) ! io:oo a.m.— io:5o a.m. T Hechler,Human Resources Update � ii:oo a.rn.— 1i:5o a.m. D Nelson, Community Development Update I � � I I i �, COMMISSIONERS'FEBRUARY 20, 2012 MINUTES Page 2 of 6 i:oo p.m. — i:i5 p.m. Consent Agenda(Items i through i2) A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz,seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items i through ii, and iz c-d on the Consent Agenda as presented below. Item 12 a and b were withdrawn by the Sheriffs Office.The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE i. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers. (Approved) 2. Commissioners February 6,2oi2 Minutes for approval. (Approved) 3. Reappointment of Craig Cleveringa and Curtis Willeinson to the Grant County Horticultural Pest and Disease Board for another 2 year term. (Approved) 4. 2-applications for added privilege for Odom-Southern Wine Distributors of Washington,5075 Randolph Rd NE,and#B,Moses Lake,WA 988g�,from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) 5. Recommendation from the Fair Facilities Advisory Committee to reappoint Dick Pulis,011ie Click,and Mary Harrington to this comrnittee for another 3 year term;and Vern Cummings as an Alternate/At Large position for a g year term. (Approved) 6. Special license application for the Grant County Economic Development Council,6594 Patton Boulevard NE,Moses Lake,WA 98837�from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT �. Request from Jerry Martens,Columbia Bluffs Planned Unit Development,to name certain private roads: Columbia Bluffs Way NW,Sage Loop NW, Basalt Way NW,Caliche DR NW,Talus Point NW. Roads are located south of Sunland Estates and west of Silica Rd NW,S i8,T i8 N,R 23 E,W.M. DEM Staff recommends approval. (Approved) 8. Request from Cameron Fries and William Hill to name a private road "Fine Wine Road"which starts at Douglas County's Stuhlmiller Rd then veers to the east crossing into Grant County's"New Town of Trinidad"plat,S�,T 20,R 23,W M. Douglas County Staff,along with DEM Staff,recommend approval. (Approved) JUVENILE COURT AND YOUTH SERVICES 9. Request to purchase and install a VOIP replacement telephone system in their Ephrata Office as approved in the 2012 Capital Outlay Budget in the amount not to exceed$i5,000.00. (Approved) WSU COOPERA'I'IVE EXTENSION io. Out of state travel for Andy McGuire to go to the OSU Hermiston Research and Extension Center for a joint WSU/OSU project. (Approved) � �I 'I �I I i I i , COMMISSIONERS'FEBRUARY 20, 20�2 MINUTES ' Page g of 6 FAIRGROUNDS , 11. Request to purchase commercial restaurant equipment from ' Bargreen Ellingson in the amount of$4,065.61(1-�2"SS worlc table, 1-split pot electric counter top fryer, i-g6"phase electric counter top griddle,and 1-6"SS equipment table). (Approved) SHERIFF'S OFFICE iz. Request to purchase the following items approved in their 20�2 Capital Outlay budget: a. Qty. io for Sheriff's Staff—Tasers w/Cart/DPM Units from Taser International in the amount not to exceed$i2,o5o.00 (This item was withdrawn by the Sheriff's Office and will be resubrnitted at a later date) b. Qty. 10 for the Jail Staff—Tasers w/Cart/DPM Units from Taser International in the amount not to exceed$��,200.00 (This item was withdrawn by the Sheriff's Office and will be resubmittecl at a later date) c. Qty.9 Wearable Video Cameras for Cops from Blumenthal Uniforms in the amount not to exceed$8,497•13• (Approved) d. Qty. 1"Case Cracicer"Digital Recording/Interview System from Centurion Building Services,LLC in the amount not to exceed$1i,000.00. (Approved) e. Range and duty ammunition from San Diego Police Equipment in the amount not to exceed$8,300.00. (Approved) i:go p.m. —2:2o p.m. D Pohle,Public Works Update 1. Contract Award Recommendation• Asphalt Crack Sealant Crafco, Inc,of Chandler,AR Furnish&deliver 2�0,00o pounds of Deery io2 Hot Applied Sealant for the bid amount of$i37�799•09(Approved) 2. Contract Award Recommendation: Herbicide Materials Helena Chemical Co.,of Moses Lake,WA Items No. 1 thru 10, 12 thru 15, 20,&2i For the bid amount of$g22,254.�0 (Approved) and Crop Production Services of Greenacres,WA Items No. ��, 16, i8&�9 For the bid amount of$20,893•40(Approved) 3. Contract Execution/Automobiles&Pickups• Bud Clary Chevrolet of Moses Lake,WA(Approved) Furnish&deliver(6)2oi2 Dodge Chargers for the bid amount of $147�783•89 Furnish&deliver(i)2oi2 Chevrolet Police Tahoe for the bid amount of$30,149•93 Furnish&deliver(i) 2oi2 Chevrolet Police Tahoe for the bid amount , of$31,258.98 Furnish&deliver(4)2oi2 Dodge Ram i5oo Quad Cab 4x4 Pickups for the bid amount of$83,742.47 � � I � � COMMISSIONERS'FEBRUARY 20, 20�2 MYNUTES Page 4 of 6 � ' 4, Contract Exectrtion�'I�vo-Wav Radios and Pragrammin�Services: � Day Wireless of Moses T.,alze,WA(Approved) Furnish&deliver(53)5o Watt VHF mobile radio w/std microphone, (�}�watt VHT poi�table radio w/std microphone& (�3}:t44.-i74 iJz wave no ground plane antenna For the bid amo�xnt of$1�,1��.5a Provide Programming�ervices for the bid amount of$5�$53•5� Furnish,install and program(1)5o watt VHF narrow band repeate�� for the bid amount af$�,�2�.40 Provide programming services far repeater located at Grant County radio facility for the bid aznaunt of$21�.80 �. Contract ExecutionJMisc Ec�uipment 2oz2-o�: Mid-Mountain Machineiy of Spolcane,WA(Approved) Furnish and deliver(i)Pneumatic Roller for the bid amount of $6�,86y.ia; (6)Trucic Snow Wings clelivered and installed for the bid amounfi of$iio,8g9.62; (2)Rock Ralces for the bid amount of $�3>550.08 and NorChwest Mfg.&Dist.,Inc.of Billings,MT(Not rcady for signaturc) Furnish and deliver(1)Thermo-lay Asphalt Patcher for the bid amount of$96,o3i.ao 6. Request to the County Raad Depa��tment far Reimbursable Watk from the City of Grand Coulee far Chip Sealing of VanTyne Ave. from Morrisan St.to Kimball St.and Banks Ave.fro�n Cole St.to Knute St.ttp to a maximurn of$�g,000.00(Appraved) �, Resolutian No. i2-or4-CC in the matter of Uncollectible Accounts Receivable for the Solid Waste Division,totaling$6��.8i. {Approved) i 8. Approval Request to add Rd-22.�to the existing Franchis� � Agreement with the Po��t of Mattawa far the purpose of construction � of their comnnercial water system. (Approved) , II 2:0o p.m,—2:10 p.m. Bid 4pening,Materials Contract 2ai2-ob(Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch) j �� The following bids were received: i 1. Jarnes Pipe and SLxpply i a. Item 1 $15,143•�3 � b. Item 2 $b,28�.r8 c. Item 3 No bid � i 2. Carltec Drainage Solutions ( a. Item i $ix,6g6.32 � I b. Item 2 $4�$27�9� � c. Item 3 $23,a51.41 �. Pacific Corrugatec� a. Item 1 $13�2�3•41 b. Item 2 $5�99Q•31 ' c. Itein 3 $29,b57�$3 i 1 A inotion was made by Cornmissioner Swartz,seconded by Com�nissioner Carter,to turn over the � bids to�'ublic Works far their review and recommendatian. The motian passed with 2 � Commissianeis in attendance , I � i � f � COMMISSIONERS'FEBRUARY 20, 2oi2 MINUTES , Page 5 of 6 2:go p.m.—2:5o p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.i10 (1)(i),Commissioner Carter called an Executive Session to order at 2:49 P•m.to go until3:oo p.m regarding the Neils Public Records Litigation. The Session was . then continued until g;o5 p.m. Session was closed by Commissioner Carter at g:o5 p.m. 4:0o p.m.—5:0o p.m. C Swartz at Moses Lalce Trail Planning Team Meeting(Moses Lake City Hall) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date,the Board,by a majority vote,does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080,and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,in the amounts of$588,g86.�o and$3,00g.o9,as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. ' Request from the Facilities and Maintenan.ce Manager for a partial payment to Consolidated Electrical , Distributors,Inc. (CED)in the amount of$2,o46.g2 for the Law and Justice Building lighting project. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,2oi2: The session was continued at 9:0o a.m.with Commissioners Carter and Swartz in attendance. Commissioner Stevens was out and excused. g:oo a.m. —9:2o a.m. B Hill,Public Defense Update 9�3o a.m. —9:5o a.m. S Kozer,Public Defense Update 10:0o a.m. — io:2o a.m. G Baleer,Technology Services Update 1o:go a.m. — 10:5o a.m. T Jones,SherifPs Office Update ii:oo a.m. — ii:2o a.m. KAllen,Clerk's Office Update i:oo p.m. —i:2o p.m. B Smith, District Court Update ,I THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 2�,, 2oi2: I i� R Stevens and C Swartz,Out � � 8:0o a.m. —9:0o a.m. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE STAFF MEETING I i 9�3o a.m. —4:0o p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS � 6:0o p.m. —8:0o p.m. C Carter at GWMAAdrninistrative Board Meeting(Othello City Hall) � MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ' I The Vice-Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Michael and Arlista Cobb and Brian and Lori Cobb (Cobb Short Plat)File#1i-5596-01,Final Plat Submission and Review, i I I � � ; COMMISSIONERS'FESRUARY 20, 2012 MINUTES � Page 6 of 6 ' � FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 24, 2012: ! R Stevens and C Swartz,Out I� 9:0o a.m. —g:go p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS I Signed this�day of ,2012. ' I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I Grant County,Washington I � i 'c a d Stevens, hai Cind Ca r ! � , A est: ° � Carolann Swartz , erlc f the Board � � � i � � I i � � i I � I � I i � I � i i i I ! � , i