HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMIIVUTES GRAIVT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 2012: New Years Day Holiday Observed, Courthouse Closed TUESDAY, JANUARY �, 2012: The Grant County Commissioners session began at 9:3o a.m. with all Commissioners in atCendance. 9�3o a.m, — g:5o a.m. Commissioners Office Chair/Vice-Chair for 2oi2 A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz seconded by Commissioner Carter that Commissioner Stevens be elected as Chair of the Board of County Commissioners for the calendar year 2012. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Swartz that Commissioner Carter be elected as Vice-Chair of the Board of County Commissioners for the calendar year 2oi2. The motion passed unanimously. io:oo a.m. — io:2o a.m. Closed Record Public Hearing, Columbia Bluffs, LLC Planned Unit Development and Subdivision The Commissioners held a Closed Record Public Hearing regarding a three phased Planned Unit Development for Columbia Bluffs, LLC of four parcels totaling ��1.58 acres into thirty four (34) residential lots and open space tracts located in the Rural Residential — i zoning District of Grant County. Along with a Subdivision (phase i) of 27.45 acres into nine (9) residential lots and four tracts. Residential lots range in size from approximate 3/a of an acre to 2.46 acres in size. The project access is located on the west side of Silica Road approximately i/a of a mile south of the intersection of Sunland Estates Road and Silica Road, then west approx 1/a mile, then south i/z mile to the site. The project is located in a portion of the North 1/2 of Section 18, Township i8 North, Range 23 East, WM, Grant County, WA (Parcel #15-0433-000, 15-0433-001, 15-0433- 002, i5-o433-oog). Commissioner Carter rnoved to uphold the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Planned Unit Development as presented recognizing the i Condition of Approval and 2i Findings of Fact. Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (Resolution No. g2-oog-CC) Commissioner Carter moved to uphold the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Preliminary Plat as presented recognizing the i2 Conditions of Approval and � Findings of Fact. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously, The hearing adjourned. (Resolution No. 12-oo4-CC) 1o:go a.m. — io:5o a.m. L Stoltman, Conservation District Update ii:oo a.m. — i1:5o a.m. J Christian-Stoker, Grant Integrated Services Update COMMISSIONERS' JANUARY 2, 2012 MINUTES Page 2 of 5 i:oo p.m. — 1:2o p.m. J Strickler, ASC Update and Misc. BOCC Action A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items 1 through g on the ASC Agenda as presented below. Items 4 and 5 did not arrive for signature. The motion passed unanimously. 1:3o p.m, — 2:2o p.m. 2:go p.m, — g:2o p.m. 3• 5• Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or grant administration. (Approved) Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent Individuals in the Juvenile Division of Grant County Superior Court (Juvenile Offenders Only), Full Time Contractors, between Grant County and Lyliane Couture. Term is January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013. (t�pp�oved) Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent Individuals in the Juvenile Division of Grant County Superior Court (Juvenile Offenders Only), Full Time Contractors, between Grant County and Tom Wolfstone. Term is January i, 2012 through December gi, 2oi3. (Approved) Anticipatingr 2oi2 Marketing/Development Contract between Grant County, by and through the Grant County Tourism Commission and Burke Marlceting and Promotion (Bill Burlee) to assist the County with the development and implementation of the Tourism Commission's tourism promotion plan. Term is January x, 2012 through December gi, 2oi2. (Did not arrive for signature) Anticipating: Stationary Guard Agreement between Grant County and Moon Security Services, Inc. for the provision of guard service to be stationed upon County premises as specifically determined by the County. Term is January 1, 2oi2 through December 3i, 2012. (Did not arrive for signature) D Pohle, PW Update 1. Contract Extension Award Memo between Grant County, Freedom Fighter and Northend Truck Equipment: Dump Trucks (Approved) 2. Authorization to Call for Bids for Mobile & Portable Radios. The bid opening was set for January 24, 2oi2 at 1:3o p.m. (Approved) 3. Re�olution No. 12-ooi-CC governing emergency load limitations on county roads, the issuance of special motor vehicle permits to use on weight restricted county roads, and fixing penalties for violations thereof. (Approved) 4. The Commissioners approved the following recommended changes to Drop Box Operations for 2oi2: a. Raise the cubic yard rate from $i4.00 to $18.0o a cubic yard; b. Change and reduce days of operation at Coulee City to Friday and Saturday; and c. Change and reduce days of operation at O'Sullivan to Wednesday and Saturday. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Pursuant to RCW 42.go.xio (i)(i) Commissioner Stevens called an Executive Session to order regarding the Roller Estate Settlement / Litigation at 2:45 p.m. to go unti12:48 p.m. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at 2:48 p.m. COMMISSIONERS' JANUARY 2, 20�2 MINUTES Page 3 of 5 3�3o P�m� — 3�45 P•m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 8) COMMISSIONERS OFFICE i. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers (Approved) 2. Commissioners December 19, 2oii Minutes for approval (Approved) 3. 2oi2 appointments of Commissioners to certain Boards and Committees (Resolution No. i2-oo2-CC) 4. Special occasion license application for the Roclry Mountain Ellz Foundation, 8596 Charles Rd, Moses Lalce, WA 988g�, from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 5. Out of state travel request for Jeff Bush to attend a Anasazi National Alliance conference from February 26 — March i, 2oi2,in Tempe, AZ. (Approved) FAIRGROUNDS 6. Request to purchase 85 round tables from Classroom Essentials in the amount of $3,859•2o using Fairgrounds Bond Construction funds. (This item was held to get further information about wood tables vs. plastic tables.) HUMAN RESOURCES �. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from the Assessor' s office for an exception to the hiring freeze to hire i Appraiser III and possibly an Appraiser I or II. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) GRANT INTEGRATED SERVICES 8. New Hope contract with the Department of Commerce for STOP grant funding in the amount of $33,67o to serve victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalleing and dating violence in Grant and Adams counties from January 1, 2oi2 to December g1, 2012. (Approved) 4�3o p.m. — 5:3o p.m. Fair Maintenance Manager Interview MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.z4.o8o, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $84,004.5o and $i84,i�i.2o, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant County Payroll Authorization form for the December 22, 2oi1 payroll. COMMISSIONERS' JANUARY 2, 2oi2 MINUTES Page 4 of 5 The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for December 30, 2oii. A salary increase for the Board of County Commissioners shall be three (g) percent each year as previously set forth and authorized by Resolution No. 86-128-CC. In order to keep in line with the other Elected Officials, the Board voted to reinstate the 2oi1 increase for the final pay period in 2o11(January 10, 2012 pay date); and to also process the 2012 increase effective January x, 2012. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 2oi2: The session was continued at 9:3o a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance. �:oo a.m. — 8:0o a.m. 9:0o a.m. — g:zo a.m. 9�3o a.m. — 1o:go a.m. 1o:go a.m. — i1:go a.m. s:oo p.m. — 2:0o p.m. 2:0o p.m. — 3:0o p.m. g:go p.m. — 4:3o p.m. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS C Swartz at Moses Lake Chamber Response Team Meeting (ML Chamber Office) C Carter with D Pheasant and L Grammer regarding Wise Property Fair Maintenance Manager Interview Fair Maintenance Manager Interview Fair Maintenance Manager Interview Fair Maintenance Manager Interview L Allison, Greater Columbia Behavioral Health Discussion As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified b,y the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $262,397.io, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. THURSDAY, JANUARY �, 2012: 9:0o a.m. — io:oo a.m. C Carter at KBSN Radio (Moses Lalce) 9:0o a.m, — i2:oo p.m. ii:oo a.m. —12:0o p.m i:3o p.m. — g:go p.m. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS R Stevens, Teamsters Union Negotiations D Hooper, Voluntary Stewardship Program Discussion C Carter at Area Aging/Council of Governments Meeting (E Wenatchee Office) The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Kathryn White (Mason Short Plat) File #i1-56i2, Final Plat Submission and Review. COMMISSIONERS' JAI�TUARY 2, 2012 MINUTES Page 5 of 5 The Chair of the Board signed and Commissioner Swartz authorized the Clerle of the Board to stamp her name to a request for an emergency budget transfer from the Sheriff's OfFice in the amount of $2,873.00 to replace and install a new industrial garbage disposal in the main correctional facility. The current one has failed completely. The Chair of the Board initialed and Comrnissioner Swartz authorized the Clerlc of the Board to initial her her approval to an out of state travel request from the Sheriff's Office for Chief Deputy Ryan Rectenwald to conduct interviews in an ongoing homicide case from January 8— i8, 2012 in Montana and Wyoming. Signed this ����1 day of �� �,ec�- , 2oi2. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS