HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-112-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SALARIES AND BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES CLASSIFIED ON THE GRANT COUNTY NON-BARGAINIleTG SALARY SCHEDULE. RESOLUTION No. 09- � �ai-CC WHEREAS, the Board of Grant County Commissioners deems it in the best interest of the County, the employees, and consistent with statutory limitations, to provide for salaries and bene�ts for Non-Bargaining Employees for 2010; and WHEREAS, the Board of Grant County Cornmissioners deems it in the best interest of the County and the employees that the salaries and benefits be effective January 1, 2010, even though the amounts may not be concluded by January 1, 2010; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Grant County Commissioners that the following be and is hereby adopted: That the salary/wage rate and benefits determined for 2010 may, at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners, be effective January 1, 2010, for the above-mentioned non-bargaining members. DATED this ���°�'" day o ,� �, 2009. Yea Nay �' o ❑ ❑ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain G�NT COUNTY, WASHINGTON C._� \ � Cindy Ca r, Chair . `------- � Richard Stevens, Member � C���������. Carolann Swartz, Member F:\BVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance�Budgat, Non Bargaining Unit 2010.doc Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 2 Dave Firebaugh From: Tammie Hechler Senfi: Thursday, December 17, 2009 9;44 AM To: Christy Price; Damien Hooper; Dave Heilman; Dave Nelson; Derek Pohle; Dorothy Black; Gary H. Baker; Jalane Christian-Stoker; Jeff Tincher; Melissa McKnight; Mich�le Haughton; Peggy Fitch; Rafael Gonzales; Sam Lorenz; Vern Cummings; Barbara Smith; Courtney Conklin; Dave Firebaugh; Dave Ponozzo; Gail A. Sundean; Gail Smith; Janet Millard; John Turley; June Strickler; Kaye Burns; Leslie Gonzales; Marilee Griffith; Mindi Finke; Pete McMahon; Sonia Davis; Warren Swanson; Bill Varney; cjasman@grantcountycoroner,org; Darryl Pheasant; Derek Lee; Evan Sperline; Frank DeTrolio; Janis Whitener-Moberg; John Antosz; John Knodeli; Kimberly Allen; Laure Grammer; Richard Fitterer Subject: FW: Resolution for non bargaining Attachments: Resolution for Non bargaining.pdf; Grant County - Regulars Contribution Options for Distribution 12092009.x1sx All — Pleas� find atfiached th� Health & Wei�are ResolufiiQn far nan-barg�ining emplayees recently adapfied by the Board of Caunty Commissianers, A 2% in�rease will be applied to afl salarie� beginning Janu�ry 1, 2010� All St�ps in the Caunty Compensation & Salary Structur� will b� frozen for all anniversary dates in 2010. The 100/85 —15 cost share scenario far h�alth insurance will also be applied b�ginning January 1, 2010, I have �itached the Spre�dsheet which lists monfihly rat�s for your reference. I will be wc�rking on updafing fih� salary mafrix which r�fiecfis the 2% shorfily and will forward anc� �inished. If yau f�ave any quesiions, pl��s� f��l free to confiacf ine. Thank you much. ,�,� ��' CZ� ?/�e�� ..,.�M..,a��..�.,.,......�n.,�.�,�,P.,,��...��.,.�P..,`.P.. �'ammae �, ,�fer,(zCeY, ✓V1.�I?%�, �-X'�'h. J['umaat �"1't�sourcc,s �irector �rcant �aun�yy 35 �' Si, 17�7 �or 37 Epl�r,r�tci, `bVV,/Z 9�'823 so.�, rs�,za.�� �, �az - �ron� so�, rs�. c�:��� - �ax .C�.�ra��,w�.� �.,,�.�.P...��.,��.�,��„^..,..^..M�..�.,�.���...�.��..�. The information contained in this e-maii is privileged �nd canfidenfiiaL It is intended anly f�r the u�e of the recipient(�) named abav� (ar the employee or ageni responsible ta deliver if ta the infended recipient), If you have received fhis mcssag� in errar, pl��se nofiify us immediately by �-mailing or calling at the above 12/17/2009 Page 2 of 2 address/number, Thank yau. ,��? M���'�'21�.h,��'.A.� ��a2,� ���DS, 5��,�'Z5V'� �7C��'`1��'�,`�V.T�f �tJ�r.IC'.A� �i.-Y�r'Llrt%%�`� �=z�.�,.3i �VY.�Z.L.L,..r�, :!.'�o.�ry".G���Y��. .�,�l�:[u ..� � � J�&Ai.,�E.+�-�3��.7:1" U.�, .%.� .d.�}l✓M✓Y/.�1� ., . .. ..... . . . ..... ............ From: Barbara Vasquez Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:05 PM To: Tammie Hechler Subject: Resolution for non bargaining Hi Tammie: See attached. Will you be letting these employees know? �� ��� �: �������" ����r��k� �� ����° � r� , � �t����r�c��r"�� ��.��. ���� ��tttr�� �����r��r��r�t�� �`�r�� � ��� �.�° �' h����, �� �,�"� �� ��� �.�� � ��:Q ���KKr ���� .� m ��a�r��t��r �t��. ta� 12/17/2009 BOARD �F COUNTY COMMYS�TONERS Grant Cauniy, Washingtan RESULUT�ON ESTA.FLISki.ING--THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SALARTES AND SENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES CLASS]FI�D ON TI3E. GRANT COUNTY NO1V-BARGAxNXNG S.A.LARY SC�E�3TJY..,�. RC+ �OLUTXQN.No. 09-� �`�r�CC WHEIZEAS, the Board of Grant County Commissiun�xs deenas it in the best inte�°est of the County, the e�np�o�ees, and consistent r�vith statuto�y limitations, to provide for saxaries and bene��s for Non-Bargaining Emplo�ees far 2010; and i�HE12EAS, the Boarc� of Grant County Comanissioners deenas it in the best interest of the Couuty and the employees that the salaries and ben.e�ts be effective Januaxy 1, 2010, even though thc amouuts may not be concludedl by Janua�-y 1, 2010; and Nf.�W T�ERE�ORE, BE �T ]E�EI�BX �SOLVI�+D by tl�e Board of Gr�nt �oun�ty Commissioners that the foilowing be and is hereby adopted: ' �'h�t �1�� �a�a�/vvage �a�e amd be�efts ele�ernanaa�edl fm� 2010 anay, at the discretxon of the Board of Cou�.ty Commi�sioners, be effective January 1, 2010, for the above-mentioned a�on-bargaini�ng members. DATED this ����'' day of��'(� .� �', 2009. ATTEST: o� Yea Nay `, o � ❑ /'� Q' ❑ BOA.RID OF' COUNTY C�M.IVTISSI41iTERS Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WA,.SHI�TGTON � � �� � , � Cindy Ca�rt�x, Chair~ � , "---�-- ❑ Richard Stevens, Member � �����G�G� Carolann Swartz, Membex �':�}3Vasqnez�Resalution-brdinance�Budget, Non Bargaining Unit 2010,doc Page 1 0�' 1 Grant County Plans Options - Including Plan Changes 2010 Beneft Plan (100-85/15) Contribution Surnmary (IZegular Non-Union, Solid Waste, Public VVorks, Courthouse, Juvenile, District Court) FULL TIME EMPLOYE�S Medical/Rx/Vision - Buy-Up Plan Employee Employee + Spouse Employee + Child �mployee + Children Emp + Spouse + Child �mp + Spouse + Children Medical/I2aelVision - Coa•e Plan Employee Employee + Spouse Employee + Child Employee + Children Emp + Spouse + Child �mp + Spouse + Children Dental Plan Employee �mployee -� Spouse Employee + Child Employee + Children Emp + Spouse + Child Emp + Spouse + Children $441.13 $821.38 $604.36 $709.66 ��ss.is $1,094,23 $441.13 $521.38 $604.36 $709.66 $)85.18 $1,094.23 $48.25 $86.S1 $86.51 $127.35 $127.35 $127.35 $48.86 $167.74 $99.91 $132.82 $218.96 $253.05 $0.00 $67.10 $28.80 $47.39 $96.01 $115.25 $0.00 $6.75 $6.75 $13,96 $13.96 $13.96 12/17/2009 $48999 $989.12 $704.27 $842.48 $1,204.14 $1,347.28 $441.13 $888.48 $633.16 $757.05 $1,081.19 $1,209.48 $48.25 $93.2C $93.26 $141.31 $141.31 $141.3]