HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-096-CC� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant Coanty, Washington RESOLUTION No. 09- � %�CC WHEREAS, the following Grant County Office/Department does not have an adequate level of budget appropriation to make all necessary expenditures: 1. Sheriff s Offica in the amounti of $24,736.00 to cover the costs of wages, benefits, equipment and travel for two corrections officers through the end of 2009 using grant funds from the Department of Justice. 2. Technology Services Fund #501, Department #179 in the amount of $102,623.00 to cover the cost of a new TS technician for the Sheriffls Of�ce using "Data Driven Crime Prevention" grant funds from the U.S. Department of Justice. WHEREAS, these additional budget expenditures were not anticipated when preparing the 2009 budget; and WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 36.40.140 a public hearing, must be held to authorize additional budget appropriations. WHEREAS, on the 9th day of November at 2:00 p.m., a public hearing was held in the Grant County Commissioners' Hearing Room. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, that a budget appropriation in the total amount of $127,359.00 to be allocated to the 2009 budget according to the following schedule of categories and items: APPROPRIATIONS & FINANCING SOURCES (See Attached) r) `�. PASSED AND ADOPTED this %/ day of /�/'��2009. E F F E C T I V E t his � day o f �, 2 0 0 9. Yea , Nay b� ❑ � ❑ ❑ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain GR�4N\T CO NT , WASHINGTON J""� ❑ Cm y C er, hair ❑ ' Richard tevens, Member �/ / • , �� �/.�.;...L_... . ����� / . � . , '� - F:\BVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance\Sheriffs Ofiice and Technology Seivices Budget Extension 110909.doc Page 1 of 1 r R5: ATTACIIlVIENT TO RES. 2009 Budget �xtention Fund# 501 Iiepartment# 179 RE'VENUES: �ccount Number: 501179.00.0000.3 97000100 �XPENliITURES: t�ccount Number: 501179.00.9206.51 �801100 501 ] 79.00.9206.518802200 501179.OQ.9206.51 �802599 501179.00.9206.51 � 802300 501179.00.920G.518� 02400 501179.00.9206.518802100 50� 179.00.9206:51�803500 501179.00.9206.518803564 501179.00.9206:51 �804100 EXPLANATION F �peraiin� Transfer Current E�p. Sherif �alaries Social Securitv U�aemplovment Medical/Life L�I Retirement Small �ools <�550 Small Tools >�550 Professionaf Services 13.ecovet•y Act: Assistance io ktural Law Enforcementtransfer from Grant �ounty �lieriff $102,623.00 �102,623.OQ �11;562.00 ���5.00 $60.00 $3,S1GA0 $42.00 $791.00 �4,875.00 �5,500.00 �75,472.00 $1p2,623.00 R5: ATTACII[vMENT TO RES 2009 Budget Extention Fund# 001 Department# 115 It�'VENUES: AccoYmt Number: 001000.00.9115.3391169�00 EXPENI)IT�ES: A.ccount 1�Tumber: 001115.00.9026:523601100 041115.00.9026.5236Q2200 OOI. �. fl5.00.9026.523602599 001115.00.902f:523602100 0011 X 5.OQ.9026.523602300 0011 � 5.00.9026.523602600 001115.00.9026:�23604300 001115.OQ.9026.5236Q35( 4 ��iPLANATICIN ID�ept of Justice AI2I�A Grant for• two corrections officers �R12A Dept of Justice Grant Salarvc.C.VVages Social Securitv g7nemnolvment �tetirement Nledical iTniforms Travel Small Tools >�550 �24,736.00 �24,736.00 �13,�64.00 �1,062.00 �100.OQ �610.00 �J9�oo.�o 01,300.00 .111y0o�.�0 �1,000.00 $24,736.00