HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-085-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSZONERS Grant County, Washington T1V THE MATTER OF APPItOVING A REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION ON A 2.70-ACRE PARCET� IN THE SW 1/a OF SECT�ON 8� TOWNSHIP 1� NORTH, �d.A1��E 24 ]�A�7C'y WMy GYtANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON �i s RESOLUTION NO. 09- D U� -CC REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION for Jaseph H. Evenson WIiERCAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County ha�ve been advisad by the Grant County Planning Commission tl�at an open record public hearing was conducted on September 2, 2009, on the matter of granting a Reasonable Use Exception to Joseph H. Evenson t4 enable the placement of a manufactured home on a 2.70-acre parcel (#20-1638-001), in the Agriculture zoning district, and loc�ted in the southwest qua�ter af Section 8, Township 18 North, Range 24 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington, and WIiEREAS, the Gra�it County Planning Commission on September 2, 2009 made a recomme�idation to the Board o�County Commissiqners to approve this proposed Re�souable Use Exception, and Wd�REAS, the Bt�ard of County Cammissioners held a clased record public hearing regarding this matter on October 5, 2009, and WHEREAS, the Boar°d o� County Commissioners h�ve made a decision to uphold the recomrnendation to approve this proposed Reasonable Use Exception, and WI�ER.EAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that 1:his praposal is consiste��t with the Grant County Compreheiisive Plau, and WHCRLAS, the Board oi Caunty Commissioners have fpund that the public use and interest wilt apparantly be served by this proposed Reasonable Use Exception, �nd WFIER�AS, the Board of County Commissianers have found that this proposal will iYot adversely effect the health, sa�ety, and genex•al welfare oFthe public in the vicinity af tlae proposal, NOW, TI�EItEFORE, B� IT RCSOLV]ED T�IAT �he Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washin�ton hereb� approve by this Resolutian, that a Reasonable Use Exception be granted to Joseph H. Evensan to enable the placement af a rnanufactured home on Parcel #20-1638-001, in the southwest quartar of Section 8, Townshi� 18 North, Range 24 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington, subj�ct ta the following one (1) Condition of Approval and six (6) Findings of Fact as recommended by the Grant County Planniiig Comi�iission. CONDITIOI�S OF APPR(.�VAL 1) The applicant s11a11 camply with all requirexnents as deemed riecessary by the Grant County Public Works Department, including, but not limi�ed to: a) An Appro�ch Permit shall be obtained prior to a Building Pennit, �N TH� MATTCR OT APPROVING A REASONABL� USE �XCEPTION FOR JOSEPH H. �V�NSON I"INDINGS OF FACT 1) The application oiUDC Chapter 23.04 Zoi�in�; Distiricts woald dei�y all econoinically viable ar beneficial uses of the property, absent a deinonstration by the county that tlle proposed use(s) are prohibited by the laws of nuis��ce or other pre-existing limits on the property whicln prqhibit such r,tse(s). 2) TherE are not other reasanable uses to which the property can be put. 3) The proposed use or d�velopmailt does not pase an unreasonable threat to the harm sought to be avoided by the applicaiion of this Chapter or the p�blic health, safety or welfare on or off the sit� Por whidl the reasonable use exceptio�l is sought. 4) The inability of the applicant to derive reaso�able use of the property is not tlle result of actions by the applicant in subdividing the praperty or adjusting a boundary line thereb� creatixag the un-developable condition after the effective date ofthis ohapier. 5) The use exception being sought is the mnlimum necessary to allow for reasonable uses ofthe property. 6) Such use exeeption being sought is consistent with the general purpdses of this chapter and other chapters of the GCC and the public interest. �+��w■+� EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon si�nature. .� � DATED this � day o� ���� G�•�--' , 2009. BUARD OF COUNTY COMMYSSIOlrTERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTpN ❑ I f� ❑ I `...-- r�.-�.--,—�- Cindy Carter, Chair -___ ATTEST: � ❑ � � ,., / Richard Stevens, Vice-Chair of �'r.��� r.,�-..,i��.a.:c�i�w►_ ■ ■ . � .����i� Constituting the Board of County Cornmissionees of Grant County, Washington Joseph H. �venson Reasonable Use �xception - BoCC Resolution - page 2