HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-082-CCBOARD OF COUNTY �OMI�IISS�ONERS GIBANT CQUNTY, WASH�TGTON ORIaII�ANC]� No. 09� � ��-CC An Qrdinance rel�ating t4 A,mendm�nt of the (���nt Co�nty Zoming Map changing approximately 3,38 �cres owned by D�le Am�s, Newman L�ke, lo�ated in Central C�scade Val�ey, Mases I�al�e, yr� � portion of Section 17, Twp. 19 N. Rng. 28 E WM., fram Urban� Resident�al 3 to Urban Residential2., io mak� the �oning ��nsasten�t w�th the land �se �designation RecitaMs: WHE�AS, in compliance with t�e Growth Management Act of 1990, Cri-ant County adopted a Compr�hensive Pl�n in September oi 1999; and V��EREAS, Grant County adop�ed the Unified Develapm�nt Code (UUC) in October of 2000, establishzng official .�pning d�st�ricts in canformance wit� thc Ca�nprchensive P�an; and, WHERE.�.�, the iJr�ifxed Development Code Chapter 2�, �2 "�,egislative Actians" § 0�0 estab�ishes a pracess for making Amendments to th� Comprek�ensive Plan; and, WI�IER.�AS, tl�e Unified I7ev�lapmen�t Code Ch�apter �3,04 "�oz�ing Distxicts" § 1S0 establishes � process %r Minor Zoni�ng Ame�dments which are consistent with the �oals arxd palicies ofthe Compreh��siv� P'lan; and, �'�EREAS, on May 9,20Q6, Resalution No, Q6�158-CC "A R�solutian Relating to �CQmpr�h�nsive P�a�ning in Grant Cauz�ty in Accoxdan�e witla the Washx�ngton Stat� Crrowt� Management Act (RCW 36,70.Aj and Amending the September, �999 Camprehensive Plan", was signed by tl�e Grrant County Boaxd af Com.amissianexs; and, WIIEI�EAS, an applicatian (#OS-4294) far a IVZinor �one Change has been prpcess�d ir� accordance w�th fil�e T,J�C Chapter 23.04 "Zoni�g Districts", Ck�apt�r 24.04 "SEPA", a�d Chapter 25,04 "Permit ApplicaCion Review Frocedures"; and, WHER�AS, the Grant County Planning Camrrxission held a� Open R�cord Public Hear�ng regardi�g this proposed zone change, during th�xr r�gu�ar meeting on August 5, 2009, after which iheq voted unanimousl� to recommend approval of this minar zone change; an.d, WHEREAS, the Grrant County Board of Cammissione s held a Closed Record Public Hearing regarding tlus pro�osed zone change on �__ , 20�9; and, WHlEREAS, after consideration af the Planning Commission's r�port, �nd staff camments, tkie Board oiCaun�y Comznissioners vated io approve �his zone ahange; and, WHEREAS, the Grrant Cou�ty Baard a�' Commissioners have adapted the %llpwing xen "Findings of Fact" established by the Planning Cammission in support, of their recommendation fdr approval of �his zone change: l. The proposed rezo�ne wxll not be aantrary to th� int�nt or pur�poses �and r�gulatians of the Grant County Code or �he Comprehensiv� Plan; 2. The property in question is suitable for uses allowed under the pro�aosed zoni�g district; 3. Uses allowed undsr the proposed zone Ghange �re campatibl� with neighboring land uses; 4. The propased rezone c�n be sarved by adequate facilities including access, fire protection, wa�er, starm�water car�tral, and sewage disposal facilities; S, Substantial chang�s exfst �o warrant an amendxnent to the curr�nt zC�zung district; 6. A public need exists for the praposed rezone, Public need sh,all amean that a valid public pu�rpose, iar wh'rch the comprehensive plan and this chapter have beea� adop�ed, is served by the �aropo�ed rezane, '�, The propased re�oz�e will not result in signi�'i�cant adverse impacts an ihe hum�n or natural �nvironm�z�ts that cannot be mitigated by conditions o� appraval; 8. Tk�e cu�nulative impact of add�i�on�.l requests �or like action� (the tatal af the rezqnes over time or space) wx�l not produce signi�'ica�t ad�azse effe�ts to tk�e enviror�ment that cannot b� miti�ated by conditions oi appraval; 9, The pedestrian and vshicular traffic associated with the rezone wilX not be hazardous to �xistin,� and anticipat�d tz�affia in the neighbarhQad; and 10. The propased zoni�a� district (daes �at) include azxy al�owable use or activity that wauld resul� �n the �ocation af an in:campa�xble use adjac��nt to an a�rpart or airfield, (RCW 36.70) N�DW, T��RCFORE, BE 1'�' la]L�DAINET�, that the �3aard o�` County Co�amissione;rs k��xeby r�escind th� current zoning design.atzoza on. the Official Zoning M�p of paxcel nurnb�r 17,Oi25µ008, �ocat�d im �ectian 17, Twp. 19 N., Range 28 E WM., and; BE IT FURTHER f.1R:DAIl�T�D, that thz�augh the ado�tior� pf this ardinance th.e Grant Cou.nty Board of Coznmissioz�e�s approves this zoz�e �rom Uxbaz� Residentia� 3 to Urban Comm�rcial2, and; BE �T FUFZTHER ORDAINEID, that the eff�ctive date af this ordinance shall be 5 p,m, af the date signed. � � TDATED this day oi 2009. A TTF CT � Yea �ay C7 ❑ �❑ BOARD OF CCaUNTY COMMISSION�RS Abstain G T COTTN'TY, VVAS�:INGT1��1 � � Cindy er, Chair � � Richard Stevens, Vice Ck�air C� ❑ ❑ ���'L.������� Carolann Swartz, Member Gonstitutixzg the Boaxd of County Co�unissioners, Gzant County, Washint�n