HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-058-CCBnARD tJF C()UNTY C(JMNIISSIC3NERS Grant County, Washingtan RESC.ILUTI4N No. 09- ���vCC WHFREAS, the Grant County Sheriff's Office Fund #107, D�;pai�tment #149; and Fund #107, Department #149 does not have an adequate level of budget appropriation to malce all neccssary expetadii;ures; VVHEREAS, these additional budget expanditures were not anticipated when preparing tlae 20Q9 budget; and WHFREAS, in accordance with RCW 36.4Q.140 a pubiic hearing, �nust be held to aLrthorize additional budget appropriations. WHEREAS, on the 30th day af June at 11:00 a.m., a public hcaring was held in the Grant County Commissioners' �-3earing Roorn. N�3W, THEIaEFURE, BE IT HEREI�Y RES4LVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT Ct3UNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTt�N, tl�at a bud�;et appropriation in tha total amount of $4,C7S.00 to be allocated to the 20Q9 budget according to the followixig sehedulc of cate�ories and items: APl'ROPRIATIONS & FI1otANCING SOURCE� (See Attached) �- PASSEI) AND ADOYTED this c�� '� day of �N�%2009. EFFECTIVE this o%'~ day of,�`�ur:2. , 2009. BOARD OF COUI�TTY C�MIt�ISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain ��NT C(�UNTY, WA��INGT�l�i ❑ ❑ ca � ❑ o �'`� ❑ ❑ Carolann Swartz, Mexnber Pagc 1 of 1 F;�BVasquez\Resolution-Ordinai�ce\Sherifi's Office Budgat F,xteusion 063009,doc • /: j / i R5: ATTAC � TO RES, 2009 Budget �xtention Fund# 109 Department# 151 R�'V�GNU�S: Acco�unt Number: 109151.00.0000.308000000 �XP�NDITITI2.ES : Aecouni 1�lumber: iQ9151.00.0000:512233564 �XI'LANATION Purchase of Locld�ng Evidence Trunlc BeQQiaznin� Fund Balance Small Tools /lEpuipment >�.550 :61,965.00 $1,965.00 $1,965.00 �].,965.00 R5: ATTACIIMENT TO RES. 20p) Bud�et Extention Fiuid# 107 Department# 149 I' � V�]�IJ�S: Accotmt Number: 107] 49.OQ.0000.308000000 ]EX�'ENI)ITUR�S ; Account lvdumber: 7.071 �49.00.0000.5212Q3564 E�'PLANA.TION lPurchase of I£-9 Dog Be�innin� ]+and Balance Small Tools �. Equipment>9�550 $2,710.p0 �2,710.00 �2,710.00 �2,710.00