HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, JUNE 8�2ooA: C Swartz, Out 8:go a.m. — 8:5o a.rn. 9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m. 10:0o a.m. — io:i5 a.m. io:2o a.m. — 10:5o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Discussion J Stricl�ler, ASC Update/Misc. BOCC Action 1. Vouchers for indigent defense, insurance, and/or grant administration. 2. BOCC Chair signature on application by Grant County on behalf of potential sub-recipien� Grant County Fire District #g to the Washington State Community Development Block Grant Program for Recovery Grant monies for the George Fire Station Project. Amount requested in application: $900,000.00. 3. Professional Services Contract between Grant County, by and through the Grant County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, and Friendship Diversion Services of 26z6 12th Ct. SW, Suite 5, Olympia, Washington, for the provision of a community supervised alternative to expensive criminal justice processes for adult, nonviolent offenders. Contract term is from date of execution to December gi, 2oio. 4. Anticipating: Special Counsel Contract between Giani Cou���y and Davis Wright Tremaine LLP of 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 2200, Seattle, Washington to perform legal assistance and render legal advice, relative to environmental, Superfund Site and Landfill matters, and other matters/proceedings as directed by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. Contract term is through December g1, 2009. 5. For BOCC consideration: Request from Tony Massa for consideration as an appointee to the Strategic Infrastructure Program Advisory Committee. BOCC Office Safety Meeting Commissioners Worlc Session i. Budgef Extension request from the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $2,�io.00 to transfer funds from the INET Suspense Account to the Sheriff's Drug Seizure Small tools to purchase a dog for their K-g 2. Budget Extension request from the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $i,965.0o to transfer funds from the INET Suspense Account to the State Drug Seizure Small tools to purchase a locking trunk vault for one of their vehicles. 3. Budget Extension request from the Prosecufing Attorney's Office to receive a Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development grant in the amount of $90,000.0o that will fund a Deputy Prosecutor position. ii:oo a.m. — 1i:5o a.m. Budget and Finance Update CANCELLED COMMISSIONERS' JUNE 8, 2009 MINUTES Page 2 of 5 i:3o p.m. — 2:0o p.m 2:i3 p.m. — 2:go p.m. g:oo p.m. — 3:2o p.m. M Allen, Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and MACC L Pence, Executive Session Meeting regarding the MACC Interlocal Agreement T Hechler, Human Resources Update The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:0o a.m, with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerlc of the Board. J�TRICKLER, ASC UPDATE AND MISC. BOCC ACTION A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items i through 3 on the Worlc Session. Items 4 and 5 were tabled for further review. The motion passed unanimously. COMMISSIONERS WORK SESSION A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items on i and 2 on the Work Session agenda. A public hearing was set for June 30, 2009 at ii:go a.m. Item g was held until the grant was received in their budget by the state. L PENCE, EXECiJ�'�F SF�S'I(�N �a 1VIAC� I1V�'EIZI.00t�. AG�El!/d�llT'd' Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (i)(i) Commissioner Carter opened the Executive Session at 2:1g p.m. to go unti12:28 p.m. The session was continued for 2 more minutes then closed by Commissioner Carter at 2:go p.m. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers as presented by the Grant County Health District: Payroll Vouchers No.1— 4, and General Fund Vouchers No. 5— 48, in the amoun� of $164,461.gi, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Phillip Horning (Phillip Horning Short Plat (FU8, Blk �6)) File #08-514i-oi, Final Plat Submission and Review. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until June 9, 2009. TUESDAY, JiJNE c�q 2oocZ C Swartz, Out 9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m. io:oo a.m. — io:2o a.m. xo:3o a.m. — io:5o a.m ll:oo a.m. — i1:2o a.m J Christian-Stoker, Grant Mental Healthcare Update A Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update S Lorenz, Emergency Management Update V Cummings, Facilities and Maintenance Update COMMISSIONERS' JUNE 8, 2009 MINUTES Page g of 5 12:0o p.m. —1:go p.m. C Carter at Columbia Basin DV and SA Consortium Meeting (Samaritan Hospital) CANCELLED i:3o p.m, — 2:5o p.m. D Pohle, PW Update i. Authorization to Call for Bids for the Rd ig-NW and Rd O-SW projects 2. Execution of Contracts for the Rd L-NE Overlay between Grant County and Central Washington Asphalt, Inc. 3. Request for Reimbursable Worlc between Grant County and the City of Grand Coulee (hot mix overlay for VanTyne Avenue) 3:3o p.m. — 3�45 P.m. �:oo p.m. — 8:0o p.m. Consent Agenda Commissioners at Meeting with Fair Board to discuss the 2oog County Fair (Huck Fuller Building) The session was continued at 9:0o am with Commissioners Carter and Stevens in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Swartz was out and excused. D POHLE, PUBLIC WOIZKS UPDATE The Commissioners approved and signed items 1 through 3 as listed above. Item i bid opening was scheduled for June go, 2009 at i:3o p.m. C011TSENT AGENDA Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Cornmissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed with z Commissioners in attendance, as presented below: COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE: Commissioners Office Vouchers Special Occasion License application for the Fraternal Order of Eagles 2622, Ladies Aux, 151� W Broadway, Moses Lalce, WA 98837, from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. HUMAN RESO- URC-E Personnel Action Request for the salary, wage, and/or position changes for Tammie Hechler, Human_Resonrces. GIZ�7' MENTAL HEALTHCA R F State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Contract Agreement No. o�6g-189i1-o5 with Grant County for Day Program Services. The amendment reads "Consideration 6.d is replaced in its entirety to read: Exhibit A— Budget: Budget amount listed in Exhibit A— The County may not exceed the State revenue dollar amount or the total revenue dollar amount in the Program Agreement Budget The Federal revenue dollar amount may be exceeded to accommodate clients' moving from State Only employment and day services to Waiver employment and day services." COMIVIISSIONERS' JU1VE 8, 2009 MINUTES Page 4 of 5 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $209�396.14 and $6ig,13i.�o, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the request of the Facilities and Maintenance Director to allow the PUD of Grant County to place a power pole on County property in the parking lot south of W Division St. The Board also signed a Service Connection Agreement to begin this installation. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until June 15, 2009. WEDNESDAY, JiTNE io, 2ooAs 9�3o a.m. — ii:3o p.m. i1:3o a.m. — 3:0o p.m. ii:go a.m. — i:3o p.m. �:oo p.m. — �:3o p.m. �:oo p.m. — 8:3o p.m. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS C Swartz, Disability Board Meeting HEARINGS EXAMINER Grant County Employee Appreciation BBQ BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Commissioners at Health Board Meeting (Public Worlcs) As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing ofiicer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $g,5oo.00, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. THURSDAY, JUNE il, 2ooA: 8:3o a.m. — 9:3o a.m. goo a.m. — io:go a.m. C Swartz at Central Safety Committee Meeting (Multi-Purpose Rm) R Stevens at MACC Meeting (Moses Lalce Armory Building) ii:oo�.-m.-- 12:0o p.-m. R-Stevens-at L-EP�Meeting (Moses Lake PUD office on 3raAve.) 11:0o a.m. — i2:oo p.m. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS CHIEF FOR A DAY CELEBRATION The Commissioners signed a Proclamation proclaiming June i1, 2oog Chief for a Day in honor and recognition of children facing serious health challenges in Grant County. COMMISSIONERS' JUNE 8, 2009 MINUTES Page � of 5 FRIDAY, JUNE i2, 2ooq: 9�3o a.m. — io:oo a.m. L Nellermoe, Landfill Update i2:oo p.m. — 2:0o p.m. C Swartz at Big Bend Resource Conservation and Development Council Meeting (Pillar Rock Grill, Moses Lake) Signed this _� day of ��� 2009. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS � � Carolann Swartz