HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC n� i �v u�r�s GRANT �(�UNTY C3C�A�D (�� COMMISSIONERS MONDAY,AUGUST 3, 2015 The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:30 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 8:30 a,m.—9:00 a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting 9:OC1 a,m.—9:20 a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and Misc. BOCC Action __ _____ __ A motion_was made by Commissioner_Swartz,-seconded by Commissioner-Garter;to approve items-:L,- --- and 6 through 10 on the ASC Agenda as presented. Items 2 through 5 did not arrive for signature. The motion passed unanimously. 1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, legal services,grant administration, etc. (Approved) 2. Anticipdting: Worl<ing Agreement by and between Grant County and Grant County Public Employees Association Public Wori<s Unit,January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. (Item did not arrive for signature) 3. Anticipating: Worl<ing Agreement by and between Grant County and Grant County Public Employees Association Youth Services Unit,January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. (Item did not arrive for sig�nature) 4. Anficipateng: Worl<ing Agreement by and between Grant County and Grant County Public Employees Association Courthouse Unit,January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. (Iterv�did not arrive for signature) 5. Anticipating: Subrecipient Agreement for CDBG Public Services between Grant County and the OIC (Opportunities Industrialization Center) of Washington for public services funded by the Washington State Department ofi Commerce's Community Developmen�t Blocl<Grant (CDBG) Program. Pass-through funding occurs through Commerce Agreement#14-05400-005 in the amount of$125,397.00. Term is July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. (Item did not arrive for signatur�) 6. Interagency Agreement IAA 16073 between the State of Washington Administrative Office of the Courts and Grant County Juvenile Court for BECCA Programs and Services. Funding is in the amount of$76,807.00 with a period of performance of July 1, 2015 through Jun 30, 2016. (Approved) ' 7. Addendum #3 to Vendor Agreement between Grant County, by and through Developmental j Disabilities, and Service Alternatives to provide Individual Supported Employment and Group ! Supported Employment. The Addendum modifies Exhibits A. (Approved) � 8. Addendum #3 to Vendor Agreement between Grant County, by and through Developmental � Disabilities, and Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest to provide Individual Supported � Employment and Group Supported Employment. The Addendum modifies Exhibits A, '� (Approved) ! 9. Addendum#3 to Vendor Agreement between Grant County, by and through Developmental I Disabilities, and First Choice Services to provide Individual Supported Employment and Group � Supported Employment, The Addendum modifies Exhibits A. (Approved) 'i 'i i s � E ; Page 2 of 8 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of August 3, 2015 , 10. Addendum #2 to Vendor Agreement between Grant County, by and through Developmental Disabilities, and Moses Lal<e Community Health to provide Education and Information Services, The Addendum modifies Exhibits A. (Approved) 10:00 a.m.– 10:15 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting 10:30 a.m.–10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period Glenn Stockwell discussed the convention he would like to hold in Grant County. He has also talked to Senator Judy Warnick and her assistant Kyle Lynch about it. He would like to know if ___—__ ___ the Co_mmissioners have a problem with inviting_the City-of-Seattle-to attend the convention: -- – The BOCC doesn't have a problem with this. Carolann stated that Seattle may,not understand what the project is, Glenn has an old video, but would like to update it to use for demonstration for people outside the area. Discussion was held regarding the Columbia Basin Project. 12:00 p,m.–1:00 p.m. Elected Official and Department I-�ead Monthly Luncheon 1:15 p.m.–1;55 p.m. L Allison, Grant Integrated Services Update 2:00 p.m.–2:20 p,m. D Hooper, Planning Update Items discussed were: Comprehensive Plan Amendments; GCIA Planned Action Update; and PacifiClean. TUESDAY,AUGUST 4,2015 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 9:00 a.m.–9:20 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, iStar Blues LLC application for Classification or Reclassification as Farm and Agricultural Conservation/Open Space The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider an application from iStar Qlues LLC for Open Space Land Classification or Reclassification per RCW 84.34.020(1)for parcel nos. 150572001 and 201525004. A total of 112.29 acres of land. Melissa Mcl<night, Assessor, stated in their regular review of current use property,these 2 properties were brought up as no longer being used for agricultural and letters sent out, No response was sent in. These parcels are commercial, non-agricultural and used for business. The Assessor's office continued the process to remove these parcels from Open Space. She spoke with the Department of Revenue and cannot find any reason to keep these parcels in ' Open Space, Her recommendation is to deny the application. ii I � Page 3 of 8 Grant County Commissioners Minutes � Week of August 3, 2015 Commissioner Stevens asked how long this has been in the current zone. Ms. Mcl<night stated since 2003. Commissioner Stevens asl<ed about the procedure for removing land from Open Space. Ms. McKnight stated they go bacl<7 years for taxes and penalties. The only time penalties are waved is if it's the Assessor's Office fault. Commissioner Carter asked about the categories within Open Space taxation. Ms. McKnight � stated there is an Open Space/Open Space classification. You have to allow public access to the property. These 2 parcels are privately owned. Pam Hill, Assessor's Office, Current Use specialist, stated they bought the property in 2003 and _ __ _ __ ___ they_marked on_th Real_Estate Excise_Tax Affidavit to say they were-going-to-I<eep-it agriculturally— - farmed. They marked the commercial/industrial box as well. In 2005,the Assessor's Office started an audit process to where any new purchase,they would have to fill out a Farm Ag Management Plan stating exactly what they were going to do with the property. Since they bought the property in 2003, this process wasn't available. The only reference they have for them to keep the property in current use is the Excise Tax Affidavit. Dave Bricklin, representing Live Nation, stated there are 2 separate issues on the taxing of these parcels. They are not questioning they are not agricultural parcels. They believe they qualify as Open Space classification. Separate is the issue whether Live Nation is liable for bacl<taxes and penalties and interest. He wanted to clarify that the box for principle use as commercial/industrial is marked. He wanted to confirm that they were forthright and marl<ed the correct box; but that is between them and the Assessor. He reiterated that there are 3 types of current use tax exemptions: Agriculture, Forestry, and Open Space. They are seel<ing an Open Space classification for the 2 parcels brought forth today, The Open Space doesn't necessarily require public access. The Department of Revenue application asks the applicant to indicate what category of open space this land will qualify for: conserve or enhance scenic resources; protect streams; protect wildlife or native plant habitat; and the protection of natural lands. They believe they qualify for the Open Space classification, for the 2 parcels being submitted. Commissioner Swartz asked about the definition of"Open Space"; is it open to the public all of the time? The Gorge Amphitheater is not. Mr. Bricklin stated it doesn't need to be. He doesn't know if the Department of Revenue has addressed charging a fee for access makes a difference. Camping in state parks is almost as expensive as getting a hotel room. Paying a fee to access public lands is part of today's existence, There has been discussion about providing for public viewing at the Gorge Amphitheater, if the BOCC's concern is providing for public access. Danny Wilde, General Manager of the Gorge Amphitheater, discussed the view and how they are careful when making changes to the area that the changes do not affect that. He stated the Grant County Tourism Commission placed an information kiosk there as well. They have discussed creating a public access point during non-concert days,for people to come and look at the venue and the scenery. They get a lot of traffic in the area during non-concert days. i Page 4 of 8 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of August 3, 2015 Pam Hiii,Assessar's OfiFice, re-clarified her previous statement regarding the Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit,where iStar Biues marked the commerciaiJir�dustriai box. She was letting us knaw there were other boxes there as weii. When it's ciassified as current�se and check that box,she ' believed it was stiil being farmed. Commissioner Carter asked about the audi�the Ass�ssar's office does fior Open Space. Pam ' stated they always audited but it was under 20 acres or�ly. Since 2010J2011 they were auditing � over 20 acres for�pen Space. Dave Bricklin,clarified on the Tax Affidavit form,there are 6 boxes you can mark. They did rtot mark agriculture,they marl<ed cammercialjindustria(. Melissa McKnigh�:, described box#8 of the Tax Rffidavit farm which is a notice of continuance of the Open Space prograrn, and brought fiorth the Tax AffidaVit paperwark and showed the Comrnissioners.The iStar Blues representative signed this box. Cammissioner Carter asked about Open SpacejOpen Space classification. Ms. Mcl<night clarified there is Current Use Open Space and Current Use Open Space Ag. Dan Fortier, Fire Chief for Fire District#3(Quincy� stated they agree with the Caunty Assessor and Department of Revenue that this property should not be classified as Open Space. The use of these lands impacts the Junior Taxing Districts. The Garge is asking to exempt the arnphitheater stage venue and that area has the largest impact on the taxing districts. They have to pravide protection 365 days a year. Martin Manson, lives next to the Gorge, has people driving into hls yard wanting ta see the Gorge. He believes the Commissioners should consider passing this application and the Gorge should apen a public viewing area as well. Commissioner Swartz would like to learn more about Open Space and maves to cantinue this hearing until August 24, 2Q15 at 3:00 p.m. Cammissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanirnously. Public comment will remain apen. 10:00 a.rn.—1U:20 a.m. T Gaines, Centra)Services Update Items discussed were: • Technology Services: Barracuda Costs; Server Costs; and Surplus. , s Facilities and Maintenance: Power far Storage Buiiding(PUD); Interna) Prajects; ; Furniture Order; and FTR. � • Interfund Communications: Different Phone Bills; and On Call Communications Clerks j • Misc: F'rojected Budget Extensions and Cost over Runs, ; ( 10:30 a.m.—10:50 a.m. L Stoltman, Conservation District Update '� � I i Page 5 of$ Grant County Comra�issioners Minutes ; week of august s, 2oi� 11:00 a,m.—11:30 a.m, Department Head Review 1�.:30 a.m,—11:50 a.m. G Goociwin, Discussion on ChelanjDougiasjGrant County Behaviorai Heaith 4rganization—Conference Call � 1:30 p.m,—2:20 p.m. J Tincher, Pubiic Works Update 1 1. Authorization to Cai!for Bids: Vailey Road and Airway Dr.Grinc#f inlay Project with a bid opening date of August 25,2015 at 1.3Q pm. (Nat ready for sign�ture) ' Items discussed were: Personnef; Crescent Sar Bridge; 10-NW Road; and Sheriff Request. 2:30 p.m.—2:50 p.m. G Dano, Prosecuting Attorney's Ofifice Update Items discussed were: Intra-department assistance; Fairgrounds; Wellness; Walkup Estimate by NW Recycling; and Credit Card Resolution. Action items: Gorge Taxes. 3:OQ p.m. —3:15 p.m. Cansent Agenda (Items 1 through 16} A motinn was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Swartz,to approve items 1 thraugh 10, and 12 through 14, and 16 on the Consent Agenda as presented. items 11 and 1S were held for further review. Item 12 was removed from the agenda. The rnotion passed unanimously, COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers for approval. (Approved} 2. Commissioners Juiy 20, 2015 Minutes for Approval. (Approved} 3. Special accasion iiquor license application for SNOC—Strengthening the Heart of aur Cammunity,343Q 11t� Rd SW, Roya) City,WA 99357. The event wN) be held at the Seed Cupboard Nursery. (Approv�d} 4. New marijuana license application for Seaside Noldings (Jon Park and Philip Taylor} 12335 Rd 9 NE, Ste C, Moses Lake,WA 98837 (Producer Tier 2},from the Washington State Liquor Contro) Baard. {Approved} 5. Carrected marijuana license application far Mizpah (Peter and Debra Rettman;Anthony and Rebecca Decker} 2875 W 1.St St, Ste A,Warden,WA 98857 (Producer Tier 3). This is a new address location as the previous ane was denied;frorn the Washingtan.State l.iquor Contral Board. {Approved} 6. Request from the Commissioners to Ron Baker of the Grant County Water Cortservancy Board, asl<ing him to cor�tinue his service on this Board until alterr�ate mernber Gerald "Spud" Brown has completed his required trainir�g. (IVIr. �aker agreed to serve untif fVlr. Brown completed his I required trair�ing) 'I � I I� � � i Page 6 of 8 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of Au�ust 3, 2015 HUMAN RESOURCES 7. Personnel Action Request regarding the salary,wage and/or position changes for Andie Lorenz, Building Department and Fire Marshal's Office; Daniel Dale and Geri Hinkle, Prosecuting ' Attorney's Office, (Appr�ved) 8. Recommendation Memorandum regarding a request from Grant Integrated Services for Heather ' West to sell bacl< leave to Grant County due to a leave error that was done while the employee interned and worked as a full-time GrIS employee. The Director recommends approval. ' (�Approved) 9. Recommendation Memorandum regarding a request from Grant Integrated Services to review '__ _ _ ___ _ the_Office Q/lanager position._After_review,_the-Director-recommends revising the title to -- -- - Business Office Manager and re-band the position to a Band 12. (Approved) 10. Recommendation Memorandum regarding a review of the Witness Facilitator position in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. The Director does not recommend a step increase for the position (as requested by the department) but rather recommends the position be returned to the original band 15 as originally set. (Approved) 11. Recommendation Memorandum regarding a request from Grant Integrated Services for the creation of a Behavioral Health Administrator position and the redefinition of the existing position of Director of Clinical Services. The Director does not have a recommendation at this time. (This item is being held far further review) 12. Recommendation Memorandum regarding a request from the Prosecuting Attorney's Office to move Geri Hinkle from a Legal Secretary III position to a Legal Secretary IV. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) 13. Recommendation Memorandum regarding a request from the Board of Coun�ty Commissioners to review the Building Department and Fire Marshal's Office On-Call Protocol for their call-out procedures. The Director recommends the following: (All Approved) A. The rotation of responsibility for the Fire Marshal duty will continue to be assigned in weel<designations. The week will be designated in two periods. Part one will be from 8;00 am Monday through Friday 4:00 pm, The Fire Marshal and Chief Deputy Fire Marshal will alternate on part one. Part twa will begin Friday at 4:00 pm and end Monday at 8:0 am. Inves�igators will be responsible for one period and will rotate through these periods with all investigators. Alternate increments may be assigned should back-up coverage be necessary. B. The positions participating in the rotation will increase to include the additional positions in the department trained in the request duties. The number of positions in rotation may be increased or decreased by the Director depending upon need, skill level, and other department priorities. The goal will be to maintain a pool of four or more to reduce the impact on any one position. C. E�Ffective 8/3/15, participants will receive a stipend $150 for the part two rotation. • Non-exempt positions will receive pay for actual time worked, as provided for in Grant County Policy(705-On-Call). • Exempt positions will not receive pay for actual time worked. ' II� � I c � Page 7 of 8 Grant County Corrrmissioners Minutes � Week of Augusfi 3, 2015 ' D. The Department will create and maintain a rotation log to clearly document the weeks/days covered and by whom. The specifics of the log need to be approved by the ' Accounting Office to facilitate auditing. " E. The Department will create and maintain a process guide to provide to each department member on the rotation, The specifics of the guide need to be approved by the Human Resources Office. CENTRAL SERVICES 14. Request for the emergency purchase nf a Barracuda Message Archive Virtual Appliance for the __ _ _ ___ _ _ County's email_server. The purchase will be_made-from CD-W-G-in-the-appr-oximate amount of— --- - $32,400.00. (This item was added in error. This was brought to the BOCC on July 31,2015 as an emergency purchase and approved then. This was added to that week's minutes.) FAIRGROUNDS 15. Recommendation to make "Home Town Hero Day" every day of the Grant County Fair, not just the Thursday of Fair week.This would give Law Enforcemen�C, Fire Personnel, and Military I�ersonnel %2 price admission with proof of ID. (This item is being placed on hold for further review) 16. Recommendation to charge Emergency Management a building rental fee of$1,000.00 per month for their use of the office building and ECC facility on the Fairgrounds (this will include water and power). (Approved) 3:30 p.m.—4:00 p.m. A White, Criminal Case Transition MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The Commissioners wrote a letter to Governor Jay Inslee in support of Wahkial<um County Commissioners request to intercede with the Department of Ecology and allow them a period of time to find an effective legislative solution to the issues surrounding the application and regulation of biosolids. WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 5,2015 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ANNUAL MEETING 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m, PLANNING COMMISSION 'i �,� �l , ; , � � I i Page 8 of 8 Grant County Comrnissioners Minutes Week of August 3, 207.5 ; THURSDAY,AUGUST 6,2015 � C Carter,Out 7:00 a.m.—8:00 a.m. C Swartz at Moses Lal<e Chamber Response Team Meeting(Moses Lake ! Chamber Office) 10:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m. R Stevens, WA State Auditor's Office—Interim Financials Discussion 1:30 p.m.—2:30 p,m. C Swartz, Webinar on Drought Emergency Funding with Department of - — -- -- EcologY-- 4:00 p.m.. —5:00 p.m. VETERANS ADVISORY BOARD MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date,the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of$789,444.10, $24,946.57, $90,683.11, $199,601.17, and $440,119.39, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. FRIDAY.AUGUST 7, 2015 C Carter,Out 3:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. JUDGE SPERLINE RETIREMENT CELEBRATION (Multi-Purpose Roorn) > � Signed this / day of � � , 2015. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONkRS Grant County,Was ' gton e ��i rd Steven , air � �� � � � Cindy Cart r, Vice-Ch ir �est: � �� `� � Carolann Swartz, Member Bar ara J.Vasque C , Cle k of the Boar I � i ' ,� I!