HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-027-CCBClARD tJF CQUNTY COMMISSICINERS �rant Caunty, VVashingtan IN TH + MATTER OF APPROVING A P[ftELIMINAItY PLAT C!F 26,39 AC1�ES INTC� FIVE (S) LOTS FC1R LIi.A M. MOFFQRD, L(JCATED 7N THE NW �/� OF SE+CTIC?N 35, TO'WNSHIP 2� NORTH, 12ANGE 27 EAST, WM, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ( RESOLUTION NO. 09-_��.��_—t--'CC ( � APPRO'VING A PRELIMINAI2Y pLAT ( for LILA M. MOFFOI�D WHEIZEAS, the Baard of Ccaunty Cammissioners af Crrant County have been advised that �n open record public hearin,� was canducied befare the Grant County Pianning Commission on February 4, 2009, in the matter c�f a Pretimin�ry Plat c�f 26,39 acres inta five (�) lats, which are located in a portion of Section 35, Township 20 I�Tar�h, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, Grrant County, Washington, and �WI�EIt�AS, the C�'ant Caunty Planning Commission Qn �'ebru�ry 4, 2009 did approve a motion to recommend to the Board of Couniy Cammissianers to approve this proposed Preliminary Plat wit,h the ac�ditic�n of one additional "Condition o� Approval" listed as number "7„ WHEREAS, the Baard oFCounty Commissioners held a clased recard public hearin� regarding this matter on �-�Y�-o'� , and WHEREAS, the Bpard of County Commissianers have reviewed the applicat�on materials, staff report, and a surnmary of the Plannin�g Commissian hearing, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Corzmmissioners have found that this proposat wi�l not adversaly efFect the haalth, safety, and general welfare of the public in the vicinity of ihe proposal, arzd WHER:�AS, the Board of County Coznmissianers have found this prc�posal to be consistent with th� Gr�nt County Comprehensive Plan, the LTnified Development Cade Chapter 23.04 "Zo�ing," ather lar�d �se regulatians, and SEPA, and WHERCAS, the Board of County Commissianers have fou�d that the public use and interest will apparently be served by th� proposed Px�liminary Plat, and WIIER.EAS, the praposed Preliminary 1'1at, subject to the Conditians of Approval, meets the applicab�e requite�,ents of t�e Uni£'ied I)evelapment Cade Chapter 22,04 "Land Division," and W-lI�+ R:CAS, the praposed Preliminary Plai does com�ly with the Health District's requirements for se�vage disposal and potable water supply, and WI�EItEAS, the proposed Preliminat�y Plat does contain an accurate le�;al descriptian of the lots being created, and the roads and easernents therein, and IN TI� MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIlVIINARY PLAT OI�' 2G.39S INTO FIVE (� LOTS FOR LILA M. MOFFORD WHERCAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does comply with Grant County regulations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure improvements, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have �'ound that "best available science" has been considered in the final decision regarding the proposed subdivision, and WHEREAS, the Bo�rd of County Commissioners has found that all road improvement requirements are ensured pursuant to Grant County Code § 22.04.450, and WHEI2EAS, the Board of County Commissioners have faund that the proposed subdivision does appropriately identify and protect critical areas pursuant to Grant County Code § 24.08, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have znade a decision to approve the Lila Mofford Long Plat, NOW, THEREFOItE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Count� Commissioners of Grant County, Washington hereby approve by this Resalutian, subject to the Seven (7) Conditions of Approval listed below, a Preliminarq Plat of 26,39 acres into five (5) lots, located in a portion qf Section 35, Township 20 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, a portion of Farm Unit 55, Black 70, Columbia Basin Irrigation Project, Cxrant County, Washington (Parcel #15-0058-000), CONDITIONS UF APPROVAL 1) This proposal shall comply with the requirements of GCC 23.12,080, Clearing, Grading and Drainage Standards including: a} Clearing and grading activities shall be conducted so as to minimize patential adverse effects on ofisite property. b) All development shall ensure that soil erosion and sedimentation of drainage-ways will be controlled ta prevent damage to adjoining properties. c) Surface drainage shall no� be dixected to or discharged onto Caunty Roads or ditches within County right-of-ways unless approved by the County Engineer. 2) This proposal shall comply with the requirements of GCC 23.12.100, Road Sta�dards including: a) Road names shall be approved by the Grant County Emergency Services Department and shall be established using the address�ng and grid system delineated in GCC 10.36. 3) Development shall comply with the rec�uirements of the Grant County Assessor's o:ffice; Including: a) The clients must contact the Assessor's office regarding the status of current use at least one week before recording that plat, 4) Development shall comply with all requir�ments of the Crrant County Public Works Department Including: 1. Provide plat checic fee of $200,00 for Major plats. IN TH� MATTER OF APPROVING A PRFI IlVIINARY PLAT OF 26,395 INTO FIV� (5� LOTS FOR LILA M, MOFFORD 2, Dedications shall read 30' dedicated to Grant County for road purposes, 3. Provide control monuments �or all road intersections and centerline tangents, 4. The legend does not specify what the single dash line represents. 5. Provide a plat certificate from the title company far allland being dedicated to Crrant County. 6. Scale should be a minimum of 1" = 100', 7. An approach permit shall be obtained prior to a building permit. 8. There are two lines running parallel to the south plat boundary which appear to be mistakes, 9. Grant County Department of Public Worl�s pre%rs to have a Public Road stub built on Ro�d 19,5 N.E. alignment with the remainder of the Right-of-Way unimproved, versus the Private road alignment 5) Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Planning Department Including; a) Comply with all requirements listed in UDC Chapter 22,04, Article V, Final Subdivisions And Short Subdivisions 6) Development shall comply with all requirements af the Grant County Health District including a) A site registration is required for each lot to determine the suitability for septic system Tnstallation before final approval oithe plat will be given 7) The irriga�ion easement, as described from the turnout across the balance of the lots is to be added the road and cul-de-sac as currently shown is to be deleted, and in turn, �n easement for a road on the South baundary of the �roposed lats is to be added in accordance with Public Works comments. "FINDINGS OF FACT" (1) The proposed subdivision does meet the applicable requiremen�s of UDC Chapter 22.04 "Subdivisions and Plais"; (2) The proposed subdivision does serve the public use and interest; (3) The proposed subdivision does comply with the Comprehensiv� Plan, th� Shoreline Master Program, the �oning code and other land use regulations, and SEPA; (4) The proposed subdivision does comply with health requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply; (5) The proposed subdivision does contain an accurate legal description of the lots being created, and the roads and easements therein; (6) The proposed subdivision does comply with Grant Couniy regulations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and othar infrastructure improvements; (7) The best available science has been considered in the final decision regarding the preliminary plat. IN TkIE MATTER OI;' At'PRt?VING A PR�LIlVIIl�7ARY PLAT OF 26.395 INTO 111VE (5) LQTS FQR LILA M. MO + +ORD �FFECTIVE DATE. Upon si�nature. DAT�D this ___�-:1.-..._ day of , 2009. TTEST; of the BfJARD O►F CtJUNTY COMMISSIONET�tS Yea I�Tay Abstain GRANT CUUNTY, WASHINGTON C� ❑ ❑ �❑ ❑ I �� �, Cindy Cart , Chai�-wornan R�chard Stevens, Vice-Chair / � � � Carolann Swartz, Member Canslihitin� the Baard af Couuty Comznissioners af Grant County, Washingtan