HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC1VIINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, MARCH A, 2oocZ 8:3o a.m. — 8:5o a.m. 9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m. 10:0o a.m. — io:15 a.m Elected Official Roundtable Discussion J Strickler, ASC Update/Misc. BOCC Action 1. Vouchers for indigent defense, insurance, and/or grant administration. 2. [CTED has approved the Amendment Request signed by BOCC Chair on o3/02/09.] For BOCC Chair signature: Finalized Amendment to Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, Community Development Block Grant (Attachment i3-A(1)) on Grant Agreement Number o5-640005-024 (pass-through to subrecipient Beverly Water District). 3. Novation and Addendum to Contract (Professional Services Agreement) between Grant County and Michael Prince, WSBA #g4o2i, contracted public defender. (#Ko9-o4i) 4. Novation and Addendum to Contract (Professional Services Agreement) between Grant County and Michael Haas, WSBA #i�7663, contracted public defender. (#Ko9-o42) 5. Novation and Addendum to Contract (Professional Services Agreement) between Grant County and Melissa MacDougall, WSBA #30420, contracted public defender. (#Ko9o43) 6. Decision on Washington Rural Counties Insurance Pool Claim #26357, McLeod. BOCC Office Safety Meeting io:2o a.m. —10:5o a.m. Commissioners Work Session 1. Request from Emergency Management to use Homeland Security grant funds dedicated to Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (project #90�8) and purchase ANSI 207 traffic vests for the public safety agencies. The amount is $3�763•92• 2. Request from the Departrnent of Public Defense to purchase CJS Damion software in the amount of $39�598•00 g. Personnel Action Request Recommendation for the Clerk's Office request for an exception to the Hiring freeze to hire a Jury Clerlc Position due to a recent position vacancy. 4. Assignment of Funds for the purpose of fulfilling Grant County bonding requirements to assure improvement for Grant County Health District for drinking water shown in the Doug Haven Plat located in S 2, T x9 N, R 28 E, W M between Washington Trust Bank and Maiers Development. The Commissioners must sign Acceptance of the Assignment in the amount of $45,9H1.00. 5. 2nd Review of Amendment A of the Interlocal Agreement for the Operations of the Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC) amending Page g; Paragraph i; Line 2 to read "1 member appointed by the Grant County EMS Council —such member shall be from an agency which provides patient transport." COMMISSIOIVERS' MARCH 9, 2009 MINUTES I'age � of 5 i1:oo a.m. — 11:5o a.m. i:go p.m. — i:5o p.m. 2:0o p.m. — 2:10 p.m. 2:3o p.m. — 2:5o p.m. 3:0o p.m. — g:2o p.m. 4:0o p.m. — 4:2o p.m. Budget and Finance Update L Grammer, Assessor's Office Update Open Record Public Hearing, Public Defense Budget Extension Bob Steele, Department of Fish and Wildlife Introduction T Hechler, Human Resources Update C Price, WSU Extension Budget Update The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:0o a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. J STRICKLER, ASC U�PDATE AND MISC. BOCC ACTION The Commissioners approved and signed items i through 6 as listed above. COMMISSIONERS WORK SESSIOI�T The Commissioners approved and signed items 1 through 4 as listed above. After discussron, the Board voted against signing the Amendment A of the Interlocal Agreement for the Operations of the Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC). The Commissioners do not feel that an EMS Technician should be appointed to the position. OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING, PUBLIC DEFENSE BUDGET EXTENSION The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing regarding a budget extension request for the Office of Public Defense Fund #i26, Department #168 in the amount of $60,000.0o for the remodel of their office. Commissioner Stevens moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Stevens moved to adopt the budget extension as presented, Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. (Resolutioaa No, 09-o19-CC) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Amendment D for Contract No. 05-64005-024 between Grant County (Beverly Water District) and the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development Contracts Administration Unit/Community Development Blocic Grant Program. Grant County requested supplemental funds and a time extension to the 2005 CDBG General Purpose Grant. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until March 10, 2009. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2ooAc C Carter at Farm Bureau Meeting (WA DC) 9:0o a.m. — 9:2o a.m. J Potts, Legislative Update Conference Call COMMISSIONERS' MARCH g, zoo9 MINUTES Page 3 of 5 10:0o a.m. —10:2o a.m. l0:3o a.m. —10:5o a.m. 11:0o a.m. —11:2o a.m. i:go p.m. —1:4o p.m. A Lee, Prosecuting Attorney Update S Lorenz, Emergency Management Update V Cummings, Facilities and Maintenance Update Bid Opening, Liquid Asphalt for 2009 1:go p.m. — 2:5o p.m. D Pohle, PW Update 1. Award Recommendation Letter: United Rental —(1) Electric Self- Propelled Scissor Lift in the amount of $14,964.08 2. Award Recommendation Letter: ASAP Spray LLC — Herbicide Application Program in the arnount of $i3i,8o5.00 3. Authorization to Call for Bids: Herbicide Materials 2009 g:oo p.m. — 3:2o p.m. g:go p.m. — 3�45 P.m. J Jasman, Coroner Update Consent Agenda The session was continued at 9:0o am with Commissioners Stevens and Swartz in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Carter was out and excused. SID OPENING, LIQUID ASPHALT FOR 2oon The following bids were received: Item i 1. Paramount Asphalt $688.00/ton 2. Idaho Asphalt $685.00/ton 3. Albina No Bid Item 2 $2i.5o/ton $18.00/ton No Bid Item g No Bid No Bid $60o.00/ton Commissioner Swartz moved to turn over the bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. D POHLE, PUSLIC WORKS UPDATE The Commissioners approved and signed the items i and 2 as listed above. The Commissioners signed item 3 above and set the bid opening for March 24, 2009 at i:45 p,m. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Swartz moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance, as presented below: COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE: Commissioners Office Vouchers CONiMISSIONERS' MARCH y, 2oog MINUTES Page 4 of 5 HUMAN RESO UIZCES' Personnel Action Request for the salaiy, wage, and/or position changes for Ryan Fislc, Grant Mental Healthcare; and Kimberley Thompson, Juvenile. Personnel Action Request Recommendation for the Prosecuting Attorney's Office request for an exception to the Hiring Freeze to hire a Deputy Prosecutor due to a recent position vacancy. Personnel Action Request Recommendation to either: adopt a resolution to address the salaries of the Grant County Elected Officials, or incorporate their salaries into the county compensation plan. This item is being held for a revised submissaon from Human Resources. DdSTRICT CO URT Stationary Guard Contract between Grant County and Moon Security Services, Inc., to provide a guard at the Moses Lalce District Court facility. This item is being held for further review. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $600,390.84 and $1,8io.o9, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners signed the Public Worlcs Claims Fund Voucher Approval No. og-i through No. o3-i38 in the total amount of $54i,�o6.gi, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers as presented by the Grant County Health District: Payroll Vouchers No. i— 4, and General Fund Vouchers No. 5— 49� in the amount of $143,og1.�6, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until March 16, 2009. WEDNESDAY, MARCH ii, 2oon: C Carter at Farm Bureau Meeting (WA DC) 9�3o a.m. —1i:go p.m. C Swartz, Disability Board Meeting i:go p.m. — 2:2o p.m. 7:0o p.m. — 8:3o p.m. D Nelson, Department of Community Development Update Commissioners at Health Board Meeting (Public Worlcs) 7:0o p.m. — 8:3o p.m. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT COMMISSIONERS' MARCH g, 2009 MINUTES Page 5 of 5 THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 2ooA: C Carter at Farm Bureau Meeting (WA DC) R Stevens and C Swartz and Board Retreat (Sunbanks Resort) 9:0o a.m. — 2:0o p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS 4:0o p.m. — 4:io p.m. Bid Opening, Fairgrounds Septic The Department of Facilities and Maintenance held a bid opening in the Commissioners Office Lobby and received the following bids: 1. Diggin 4 U, Inc. $7,243•35 2. RNT Construction LLC $9,6og.10 3. Central Washington Excavation $�,999•71 4. All Around Underground Inc. $ii,00 ,.80 5. Kamstra Construction $�,466.68 6. Advanced Excavation $6,333•73 �. Stan's Construction LLC $9�599•86 All bids were turned over to the Maintenance Director for review and recommendation. No Commissioners were in attendance. FRIDAY, MARCH 1�, 2oog� C Carter at Farm Bureau Meeting (WA DC) R Stevens and C Swartz and Board Retreat (Sunbanlcs Resort) 9:0o a.m. — 2:0o p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS CANCELLED MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $i68,29g•55 as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. Signed this �� day of '7 , 2009. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS