HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-087-CCGRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION NO. 08-0 7- CC ORDINANCE NO. 08-�- CC AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9.06 OF THE GRANT COUNTY CODE BY ADDING THE BEVERLY/SCHWANA AREA TO GRANT COUNTY'S DOG CONTROL AREAS 1N WHICH THE UNCONTROLLED USE OF DOGS IS PROHIBITED AND, OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) received a petition from the Lower Crab Creek Action Group, requesting that a Dog Control Area be established within the greater Beverly/Schwana area, regulating the use of dogs within said area; and WHEREAS, the BOCC is empowared with the authority to create Dog Control Areas pursuant to RCW 16.10.020; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Sheriff's Office concurs with the request that a Dog Control Area be established within the aforementioned area, regulating the use of dogs within said area; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has found and determined the area proposed to be zoned is heavily populated; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has found and determined the purposes for which the land in the area proposed to be zoned is being used therein requires that dogs be controlled; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has found and determined that the health, safety and welfare of the people in the area proposed to be zoned requires such control; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has found and determined that it is reasonable, advisable and necessaiy to establish the additional aforementioned area within the Dog Control Areas for Grant County, regulating tl�e use of dogs within said area. SE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, THAT CHAPTER 9.06 GCC BE AMENDED BY ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION TO SECTION .030(7). Section 1. Grant County Code Chapter 9,06,030(7), adoptedby Ordinance/Resolution 95-39-CC on April 3, 1995, amended by Ordinance/Resolution No, 98-7-CC on January 27, 1998, amended by Ordinance/Resolution No. 99-143-CC on September 13, 1999, amended by Ordinance/Resolution ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9.06 GCC Page 1 Y:\CIVIL 8\M-R\ORDINANCES\2008\DOG CONTROL ZONE (LOWER CRAB CREEK) 2008.DOC No. 00-148-CC on November 21, 2000, amended by Ordinance/Resolution No. OS-219-CC, on May 23, 2005, is amended by adding a new subsection, to read: �o) Beverly/Schwana Area, more particularlv described as follows: Beginning at the intersection oiBeverly-Burke Rd SW and Hwy 243 in S 34 T 16 N R 23 E. Follow Beverly-Burlce Rd SW Northerly to its intersection with the North line of SAID Section 34. Then follow the North section lines of Sections 34 and 3S (T 16 N, R 23 E) approximately 1%z miles to the North quarter corner of S 35 T 16 N R 23 E. Then follow tha East-West center section lines of S 35 T 16 N R 23 E and S 2 T 15 N R 23 E approximately 2 miles to the South quarter corner of S 2 T 15 N R - 23 E. Then follow the South section line of Section 2(T 15 N, R 23 E) approximately %Z mile to the Southwest corner of section 2(T 15 N, R 23 E), Follow the West section line of Section 2 North to its intersection with Lower Crab Creek, Then follow Lower Crab Creek West to the Columbia River. Follow the Coluinbia River Northerly to the Intersection (nearly to) of Beverly Burke Rd SW and Hwy 243; the place of beginning. Section 2. This ordinance shall talce effect the 15t day of January, 20Q9. A public hearing was held on the above ordinance at 2:00 o'clock p.m., on the 8t�' day of September, 2008. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS adopt this ordinance/resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this gtl' day of September, 2008. Ayes � L�' Nayes � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON � ���u� Richard B. Stevens, Ch�ir ❑ Cindy C. � rter, Vice Chair L�' ❑ � � Le Roy C. Allison, ember ORDINANCE AM�NDING CHAPTER 9.06 GCC Page 2 Y;\CIVIL 8\M-R\ORDINANCES\2008\DOG CONTROL ZONE (LOWER CRAB CREEI{) 2008,DOC ATTEST: � ,��im' xla�i�-J: Va�sq•rkez, Clerlc of the Board �"� �:J PUBLISHED: 08/06/08; 08/13/08; 08/20/08; 08/27/08 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9.06 GCC Page 3 Y:\CIVIL 8�1VI-R\ORDINANCES\2008\DOG CONTROL ZONE (LOW�R CRAB CREEK) 2008.DOC JOhIN KNODELL Prasecuting Attorney STEPhIENJ, HALLSTROM Chlef Depuly CATHLEEN NEILS Adminislralive Assistanl Deputles CAROLE L. HIGHLAND STEVESCOTf ALBERT H. LIN EDWARDA.OWENS TEDDY E. CHOW LYLIANE S, COUTURE TERESA CHEN CAROLYN J. FAIR D. ANGUS LEE JESSICA S,CAFFERTY OFFICE OF GRANT COUNTY PROSEGUI'� G October 2, 2008 5 �J Board of County Coznmissioners � � GTa11t COU11tj� C011I`�110L1S� ` Epluata WA 98823-0037 _ �� Re; I3everly/Sclic�wctnce A�°ea Dog Control Areas Dear Commissioners: ��k /' �. � � P.O. BOX 37 • EPHF�A�A, WASHINGTON 98823 (509) 754-2011, Ext. ����50 • Fax (509) 754-3449 nce Pursuant to the request of Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board/Administrative Assistant on October 1, 2008, we enclose the final version of Grant County (County) ordinance adding the Beverly/Schawana area to the County's dog control Please provide our olfice with an executed copy of the Ordinance upon completion. Tllank you for your courtesies. Sincerely, TOI-�N KNODELL Prosecuting Attorney Chi SJH:jz Enc. eputy Prosecuting Attorney cc: Honorable Frat�l� T. DeTrolio, Slleriff (w/o enc.) Larry D. Ledeborer, SO ACO (w/oenc.) Barbara J. Vasquez, Clei•k of the Board/Administrative Assistant (w/o enc.) �� � � , 4j +�,� , � � ,. o�� "" �t��.o�f� � �r �� f. r..