HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-047-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS STONERS GRANT CQUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE No. 08- 6'� 1-CC An ordinanee relating to amendment of the Grant County Zoning M�p changing approximately GO acr�s owned by Shelly Stevens, in a portian of Sectia�i 22, Twp. �2 N. Rang�. 2G E WM., ixom Agriculture to Rural Resadential l Recitals: WHER�AS, in compliance with the Growth Management Act of 1990, Grant County adopted a Comprehensive Plan in September of 1999; and WHEREAS, Crrant County adopted the Unified Development Code (UDC) in October of 2000, establishing official zoning districts in con%rmance with the Camprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Unified Development Code Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Actions" § 040 establishes a process for making Amendments to the �ompre�ensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Unified Development Cade Chapter 2�.0� "�oning Districts" § 150 establishes a process for Minor Zoning Amendments which are consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Pla�n; and, WHEREAS, Resolution No. 06-269-CC "A Resolution Relating to Comprehensive Planning in Gr�nt County in Accoxdance with the Washington State Crrawth Man�gement Act (RCW 36.70.A) and Amending the September, 1999 �omprehensive Plan", was signed by the Grant County Board of Comr�issioners; and, WHEREAS, Resalution No. 08-OOS-CC included approval of Amendment #07- �4859 submitted by Shelly Stevens, ahanging the Camprehen.sive Plan Land Use desigr�ation from Agriculture Co Rural Residential � and, WHEREAS, an applicatian (#08-5036) %r a Min4r Zone Change has been pracessed in accardance with the UDC Chaptsx 23,04 "Zoning Districts", Chap�er 24.04 "SEPA", and Chapt�r 25.0� "Pez•mit Appliaatio� Review Pracedures"; and, WHER:EAS, the Grant Caunty Planning Commission held an Ope�a Record Public Hearing regarding this proposed zone change, during their r�gular meeting on M�y 7, 2008, after which they voted unanimously ta recommend approval of this minor zane claange; and, �r�uu�iw�c'�a�.�i9 �ii°v viaii�i, vvuii�j' �visiu v� vvi iiilaaivxi�°.ia ii�iu w��•iva°vu �°vv^viu puviiC'i Hearing regarding this proposed zor�e change and, WHEREA�, af�er consideration of the Planning Commissions report, and staff comments, the Baard of County Commissioners voted to a�prove this zone change; and, WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners have adapted the following twelve "Findings oiFact" established by the Planning Cammission in support of their recommendation for approval of i:his zc�ne change: 1, The zone change (would) benei'it the public health, safety, and or welfare; 2, Tl�e change (is) warranted because of changed circumstances or because of a need for additional property in the praposed land use designation; 3, The zone change (is) consistent with the criteria for land use designatians specii'ied in i;he Comprehensive Plan. 4, The zone change (will not) be detrimental ta uses or property in the immediate vicinity of the subjec� praperty; 5. The zone change (does have) merit for the community as a whole; 6, The zane change, if granted, (will noi) result in a group of property owners enjoying greater privileges and opparCunities than those enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity where there is not substantive differenc� in the properties themselves which justify di�ferent designations; 7. The beneiits of the zone change (wild) outweigh any significant adverse impacts of the change; 8, The zone change (is) cansistent with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the requirements af GCC 22, 23, 24 and 25, 9. The zone change (does) comply with all other applicable criteria and s�andards of Chapter 25.12 UDC; NOW, THEREFORE, BL� IT OItDAINED, that the Board of County Cammissio�ers hereby reseinds the current zoning designation on the Off�cial Zoning Map of parcel # 16-1929W000, 16-'1929�001 and x6-1930-000, BE IT FURT�[ER ORDAINED, that thraugh the adoption oithis ordinance th� Crrant County Board of Commissioners appraves this zone change fram Agriculture to Rural Resident�al 1 and; BE TT FLTRTHER ORDAINED, that the effective daie of this ordinance shall be 5 p,m, of the date signed, DAT�D this �`� day of �� t� r[, 2008, Yes No Abstain � � � ATTEST: �� lerk of the oa � ❑ �I BOA1�D OF COUNTY COMMISSTUNER� G NT COUNTY, WASHINGTON A �� Richard Stevens, Chair ❑ � V Cindy C r, Vice-Chair � � � LeRoy Allison, Mem er