HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 15-004-CC' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS � �� � �_ � ,;� Grant County, Washington _ :a:�.< _ � `�s�A�,� � �� �-.t ,lai�es'er'�#���.. i IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING A ' COMPREHENSIVE SIX YEAR Resolution No. �� r6�� �G� TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT ', PROGRAM FOR THE YEARS 2015-2020 I WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Section 6, Chapter 83, Laws of Extraordinary ', Session of the State of Washington, Grant County did prepare a Comprehensive Transportation ; Improvement Program for the ensuing six years; and � WHEREAS, priority array of projects prepared in accordance with County Road Administration Board Standards of Good Practice (WAC 136-14)was made available and was consulted by the Board � during the preparation of the Six Year Program, and WHEREAS, the Engineer's report with respect to deficient bridges was available to the Board during the preparation of the Six Year Program; and WHEREAS, an environmental pre-assessment of the Six Year Program indicated that the social, � economic and aesthetic values would not be disturbed; and WHEREAS, pursuant further to said Law, the Board of County Commissioners, being the � legislative body of the County, did prepare, revise and extend said Six Year Program and did hold a � public hearing on said Comprehensive Plan at 2:00 P.M. at the Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington on the 22nd day of JUIy, 2014. ; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, ' Washington, that the Comprehensive Six Year Road Program presented at the public hearing be amended as shown, '�� / , / I� EFFECTIVE DATE: ` ' r —f — , 2015 II i �� �� � i DATED this Day of —"�%'�Y�-'�-�� ' , 2015. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,'I GRANT COUNTY,WASHINGTON '; Yea Nay Abstain ' .�/ --------,. I�" ❑ ❑ I Richa d�teven , Chair � � � 'I � i ATTEST: �O ❑ � ' �' � Cindy Carter, � -Chair ; � �i % - arbara Vasquez ❑ ❑ ❑ �-�U�-�(JS� l Clerk of the Board Carolann Swartz, Member ''�' � i I ; Page 1 of 2 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2015 to 2020 ngen� Grant County Co.No.: T$ Co.Name: G�a7lt COUOty Hearing Date: �uyzz,2oia Adoption Date: ��ty22,2o�a City Na --- MPO/RTPO: QUdC�CO Amend Date: �a��ary 16,20�5 Resolution No.:14 039-CC Project Identification � y Prqect Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally � m Expenditure Schedule � N y m A. Federel Aid No_ B. Bridge No. m o, a m Fund Source Information Funded Projects o ._n � N � � o r (Local AgencY) R o � C. ProjectTitle m � J v a Federal Fundin State/ R/W � �a Z D. StreeURoad Name of Number o r � � � � Phase Federal Federel Other State/ 4th Ernir Required a E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road � ~ F � "o Start Fund Cost by Fund Other Local Total 1st 2nd 3rd thru Type Date F. Describe Work to be Done — a mm/dd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th mm/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T1 12 13 14 95 16 '17 '18 '19 20 21 BROS20'13(078) Bndge No.:OS753400 PE 116 29 145 '145 I ! BRIDGE#399,W-NW RW 5 5 5' � 09 Rd.No.:32390-027 mi N of Baird Spnngs CN 582 75 146 803 803 j j ! � From: MP 0.97 To: MP 0.38 �1 S 021 P,T � i � CE � � � 15-Mar Bndge Replacement-60 If,approaches;Fln.Width 2S ft. � � Total Project Cost $953,000 TOTALS BROS 698 BNSF 75 180 953 9531 953 -----� - � --__��_---- ---— PE 41 4 45 45� ' ADAMS RD.NW Partial R,4Pfuntling RW � � 08 9 Rd.No.: 91017-SR 28 to Br.#£330 04 S 1.86 p,T CN 990 110 1100 � 1100 j j From: MP 23.68 To: MP 25_54 11 � � Grade,Drain,Surf(HMA),Br.Repl. Fnished Width=28 ft ; ; � TotalProectCost $1,145,000 TOTALS RAP 1031 994 �145 i 1145i I 9945 STP(R)-E133 PE 20 20 20 - ----- -- - - -� -� - ADAMS RD.NW OVERLAY R�/�/ � � 07 Rd.No.: 91017-SR 283 to SR 28 CN 1336 208 1544 1544! � � 11 OS S 6.32 P,T � j ; CE Na From: MP 17.36 To: MP 23.68 HMA Oveday(2"); Fnished Width=34 ft j ; Total Pro'ec[Cost S 1,564,000 TOTALS STPR 9336 228 9564 1564; i 1564 STP(R)-E933 PE 20 20 20 i i ADAMS RD.SW OVERLAY R�/�/ 07 Rd.No.: 9'1017-SR 26 to Frenchman Hills Rd. CN 7327 207 �534 ; �534i ; CE �2 O5 S 628 P,T � From= MP 0.00 To: MP 628 � HMA Oveday(2"); Finished Width=34 ft j ' ' N� TotalPro"ed Cost $1,554,000 TOTALS STPR '1327 227 '1554 � 1554, 1554 PE 75 75 75 ; ! MARTIN RD NW&BR�£328 Partial RAP funding RW � ' � 08 15 Rd.No.:30400-Adams Rd.to H-NW 04 S 5.'13 p T CN 750 750 900 900 j ! � From: MP7.32 To: MP'I2_45 1� j ! ZR Surt(BS�,Br.RepL Finished Width=28 ft i Total Pro ect Cost 5 975,000 TOTALS RAP 750 225 975 975� I i 975 STP(U)-G065 PE 20 20 20 � Valley Rd.NE&Airway Dr.NE Grind/Inlay R�/�/ i 16 Rd.No.: 41690-Paxson(ML City Limits)to SR'17 w/Exc. CN 503 79 582 582 j ' 71 OS S 1.79 P,T � t �E No From: MP 1.00/1.99 To: MP 1.52/326 Grind/Inlay wiih HMA(2'�;other assoc.work Fn.Width:Varies 50-G8 ft ; ! Total Pro ect Cost g 602,000 TOTALS STPU 503 99 602 6021 I � 602 STP(R}N'131 PE 25 25 25 USE RD.OVERLAY Ryy � 07 Rd.No.: 92035-12-SE(Adams Co.Line)to Warden City Limits CN 974 152 1126 1126 i ! ; 36 05 S 328 P,T j j �E No From: MP0.00 To: MP328 HMA Oveday(3'�; Fnished Width=32 ft TotalProjectCost $1,151,000 TOTALS STPR 974 �77 �151 115li ! 115� I PE 6 6 6 � � BRIDGE#353,R-NW AT MARTIN RD RW I 09 50 Rd.No.:30330/92035-0.01miNofMartin �� S 021 P,T CN $$ $$ a$i � � From: MP O.OV193 To_ MP 0.12/2.03 i i ! 07 Bridge Replacement 22 If,approaches;Fin.Width 28 R � � I Total Pro ect Cost $94,000 TOTALS 94 94 94� ! _ � 94 DOT Fortn 140.049 Rev.9/95 Distribution:2 TransAitl;TIB;CRP,B;RTPO;Planning;PUD;Irrigation Districts;Telephone Compani Page 2 of 2 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2015 to 2020 wyency: Grant County co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Gnnt COUn1y Hearing Date: �uiyz2,zo�a Adoption Date: �uiyz2,zoia CityNo. - MPO/RTPO: QU2dC0 AmendDate: �anuaryis.zois ResolutionNo.: 14039-CC Projed ldentification ProjeU Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally � � Expenditure Schedule R �� A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. d a m Fund Source Information Funded Projects � N c o s (Local Agency) ° ��o� C. ProjedTiUe m d 3 � � a Federal Fundin State/ R/W � U a Z D_ Street/Road Name of Number Q � � � � m Phase Federal Federal Other State/ 4th Env�r Required � E. Beginning MP or road-Ending MP or road � F � 'o Start Fund Cost by Fund Other Local Total 9st 2nd 3rd thru Type Date F. Describe Woric to be Done — a mm/d Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds 6th m 1 2 3 4 5 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 '13 14 15 16 17 '18 19 20 21 HSIP- [SafefyProjecP] PE 27 27 27 COUNTY RD SAFETY:20'IS RPM's,Rumble Strps,Ftashing Signs RW Vr 52 Rd.No.:Various 21 P Vr P,T CN 308 308 ; 308; CE From: To: No Recessed Pavement Markers,Rumble Strips,Flashing LED Stop Signs TotalPro'ectCost 5335,000 TOTALS HSIP 335 335 27� 308� 335 HSIP- [SafetyProjecY] PE 41 41 41 ! COUN7Y RD SAFETY:2015 Guardreil Safety Data Collection RW i Vr Rd.No._Vanous CN � � 53 From: To: 2� P Vr P,T � j j CE No Existing Guardrail Data Collection and Analysis j Total Pro"ect Cost $41,000 TOTA�S HSIP 41 4'I 41 i � I 49 HSIP- (SafefyProject] PE 107 107 107 � COUNTY RD SAFETY:2015 Horizontal Curve Signs RW ; 09 Rd_No.:Various CN 513 513 � ST3� � From: To: 21 P Vr P,T i ; + CE No Install Horizontal Curve Signs � Total Pro ect Cost $620,000 TOTALS HSIP 620 620 107; 5131 620 DOT Fortn�40.049 Rev.9/95 D'�stribution:2 TransAid;TIB;CR4B;RTPO;Planning;PUD;Irrigation Districts;Telephone Compani