HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutesMINLTTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, MARCH 2�, 201�: The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m. with Commissioners Swartz and Carter in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Ste�ens was out and excused. 8:go a.m. — 8:5o a.m. 9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Discussion Striclder, ASC Update/Misc. BOCC Action A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Swartz, to approve items i through 7 on the ASC Agenda as presented below. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. io:oo a.m. — io:i5 a.m. io:3o a.m. —10:45 a.m. i2:oo p.m. — i:oo p.m. 1:go p.m. — i:5o p.rn. i. 2oii Spirituous Liquor Agreement between Grant County, by and through the Grant County SherifPs Office, and ARAMARK Entertainment, Inc., and Live Nation, Inc. for continuation of the management of the food and beverage business serving patrons at concerts and other events at the Gorge Amphitheater located in Grant County, owned by iSTAR Blues LLC. Term is March �, 2oii through December g1, 2oi1. (Approved) 2. Action on Strategic Infrastructure Program Advisory Committee recommendation to fund SIP #2or1-oi, Coulee Area Park and Recreation District; Community Wellness Center Feasibility Study, in the form of a grant for $20,000.00. (Approved) 3. Action on Strategic Infrastructure Program Advisory Committee recommendation to fund SIP �#2oii-o2, Port of Mattawa; Fire Suppression System, in the form of a grant for $i,o,000.00 and a loan of $i5o,000.0o with a two-year deferral to the usual5 year zero interest loan repayment schedule. (Approved) 4. Action on Strategic Infrastructure Program Advisory Committee recommendation to fund SIP #2oi1-og, Port of Coulee City; Marina Improvement Project, in the form of a grant for $150,000.00. (Approved) 5. Resolution No. �i-o2i-CC in Re: Strategic Infrastructure Committee Recommendation for Funding on SIP Nos. 2oi1-oi, 2oxi- 02, and 2o1x-og (Action Items 3-5 above). (Approved) 6. Anticipating: Contract renewal on DSHS Emergency Domestic Violence Shelter and Advocacy Services Application for Funding for New Hope in the amount of $265,2gg.00. (Approved) �. Grant County Request for Reimbursement No. 6 on CDBG Public Services Grant No.10-64100-002 with the Department of Commerce and administered through the OIC of Washington in the arnount of $19�191•53• iAPProved) Commissioners Office Safety Meeting Citizen Public Comment Period (No public in attendance) PUD Luncheon (Tequila's Restaurant) S Davis, WRCIP Claims Update (Cancelled) COMMISSIONERS' MARCH 28, 2oxx MINUTES Page 2 of 5 2:0o p.m. — 2:5o p.m. 3:0o p.m. — 3:2o p.m. g:go p.m. — 3:5o p.m. 1l�iISCELLANEOUS ITEMS T Hechler, Human Resources Update J Prior, Dispute Resolution Center Yearly Report for 2oio G Goodwin, Grant Integrated Services Boarding Home Update As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursernent claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $590,868.i�, $466,297�85� $149�146•46� as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for March 25, ao1i. The Commissioners approved and signed the March 25, 2oi1 Payroll Pick-up Sheet. TUESDAY, MARCH 2cZ2o�i: 9:0o a.m. — 9�45 a.m. Department Head Review io:oo a.m. — io:go a.m. Department Head Review ii:oo a.m. — ii:3o a.m. Bid Opening, County Paper of Record Commissioner Swartz called for all bids. 2 bids were received: 1. Grant County Journal -$�.io per column inch 2. Columbia Basin Herald -$i.99 per column inch A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Comrnissioner Stevens, to take this information under advisement and pursuant to RCW g6.�2.075, at its first April meeting, the county legislative authority shall let a contract to a legal newspaper qualified under this section to seive as the official county riewspaper for the term of one year beginning the first day of July following. The meeting was scheduled for Apri14, 2oii at i:3o p.m. The motion passed unanimously. 11:3o a.m. —1�:5o a.m. C Swartz, Finance Committee Meeting i:3o p.m. — 2:2o p.m. D Pohle, PW Update i. Execution of Contracts: Herbicide Materials (Not ready for signature) 2. Execution of Contract between Grant County and Evergreen Implement, Othello, WA for (i) 4x4 All Terrain Vehicle for $i3,8o6.09 (Approved) 3. Federal Non-Discrimination Agreement from the Washington State Department of Transportation (Approved) COMMISSIONERS' MARCH 28, 2o1i IVIINUTES Page , of , 2:0o p.m. — 2:2o p.m. Open Public Meeting to take public comment on a proposed Ordinance amending Ch. 8.28.i90 of the Grant County Code titled "Unrestricted Load Ordinance" The Commissioners held an open public meeting to take comment on a proposed Ordinance amending Ch. 8.28.r90 of the Grant County Code titled Solid Waste Disposal — Unsecured Load Fee. Derek Pohle, Public Worlcs Director stated this proposal comes from a state law from approximately 1995 to close the loop on unsecured loads, safety on the highway, littering, etc, by adding this piece of requirement for counties to update their Code and require an unsecured load ordinance. Public Worles has modeled Yakima County's ordinance. The idea behind this is to prornote safety on the highway and the expense of roadside litter. This is a"fee", not a"fine". They are in the midst of training with all entities who will be dealing with this implementation. It covers all facilities in Grant County, landfill, drop boxes, Delano Landfill, and the private transfer station owned by CDSI on Rd. � NE. They are providing information to people to that are currently using these facilities. Commissioner Swartz asked if this pertains in the individual cities or if law enforcement saw a vehicle on the road, could pull them over? Mr. Pohle said no, state law already has laws into place for vehicles in motion and having a secured load. The state law already exists for counties to enforce this issue, but they did not know they had the burden until a couple of years ago. This code ordinance has no jurisdiction inside city boundaries; they have similar codes within their jurisdiction. If a person is determined to have an unsecured load when they arrive at the scale, and it is determined they have an unsecured load, they can leave, secure their load and return without incurring this fee. Commissioner Swartz stated for the record, that she read a newspaper article about the funds generated from these fees and they will go into a special account to offset the expense for roadside cleanup. CDSI funds collected must be turned into the County each quarter. Victoria Bittle, Ephrata, says she uses the dump on a monthly basis, has her garbage secured each time, and she takes offense to the fact that the County wants to put a fee on to somebody once they get to the landfill. If people are going to litter, it's going to be on the way to the landfill. She has seen litter come out of the garbage trucks, when they dump garbage cans. She states that if the scale house attendance happens to be mad at you, they can say your load is unsecured. There are laws in place right now for loose loads, you can get ticketed. She believes that ticketing someone because they "might" litter, or "might" be unsafe is unreasonable. She is against this fee. Commissioner Stevens moved to continue this meeting until the 2nd public meeting on May ii, 2011 at 5:3o p.m. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This meeting adjourned. 2:go p.m. — g:2o p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 3�3o P•m• — 3�45 P•m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 9) A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items 1 through 9 on the Consent Agenda as presented below. The motion passed unanimously. COMMISSI011TERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office Vouchers (Approved) 2. Transfer funds from Assessor's office to Planning Dept. budget for GIS position. (Approved) TREASURERS OFFICE 3. Request from the Treasurer to transfer the Trial Court Improvement monies from the Law and Justice Fund per SSB 5454• The amount is $23,458•00. (Approved) COMMISSIONERS' MARCH 28, 2oii MINUTES Page 4 of 5 4:0o p.m. - 4:2o p.m. 6:3o p.m. - 7:go p.m. GRANT INTEGRATED SERVICES 4. Request from Grant Mental Healthcare to grant up to g large trucl�loads of trash/debris to be talcen to the landfill at no cost to assist a client of Grant Mental Healthcare in cleaning up the client's property. (On hold for further review by the GrIS Executive Director and given to her for action) FAIRGROUNDS 5, Request to purchase wireless PA system for Pavilion #2 for $�,470.97 from Spectrum Communications. (Approved) 6. Request to purchase 5o cattle panels for horse events, in the amount of $5,��8.�o including tax. (Approved) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7. Request for approval to appropriate funds to acquire services of an architect or engineer regarding construction of a new office facility for DCD. (Approved) HUMAN IZESOURC�S 8. Request to transfer GIS Coordinator and GIS Support Technician ou� of the Assessor's Office and into the Planning Department (Office of Cornmunity Development). (Approved) ASSESSOR'S OFFICE 9. Levy Certifieation to increase the regular property tax levy eollected in 2oii by 1%, $33�501.00. (Resolution No.1i-o2a-CC and Resolution No. ai-o23-CC) R Holloway, Veterans Advisory Board Discussion C Swartz at Health Board Community Forum (Warden) WEDNESDAY,1ViARCH �o. 2oi1: io:oo a.m. -1i:go a.m. io:oo a.m. -10:3o a.m. 3�35 P•m• - 3�45 P•�• C Swartz and C Carter at Meeting with Department oiTransportation regarding Grant Funds for the Port and City of Mattawa (Mattawa City Hall) R Stevens, WRCIP Conference Call Executive Session Conference Call regarding Potential Litigation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) Commissioner Swartz called the session to order at 3�35 P•m. to go until 3�45 P•m. Commissioner Swartz closed the session at 3�45 P•m• COMMISSIONERS' MARCH 28, 2ox� MINUTES Page 5 of 5 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The Chair of the Board authorized the Clerk of the Board to sign the Leonard and Alicia Luslc (Luslc Family Short Plat (FU 215, Bllc 44)) File #io-55o0-0�, Final Plat Submission and Review. THURSDAY, MARCH �, 2oii: 8:0o a.m. — i2:oo p.in. 8:0o a.m. — 9:go a.m 9:0o a.m. — io:oo a.m. 9�3o a.m. — i2:go p.m. io:oo a.m. — 3:0o p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL i, 2oia R Stevens at Leg Steering Committee Meeting (WSAC Bldg, Olympia) ASSESSOR'S OFFICE STAFF MEETING C Carter at Fire District #3 Station (Quincy) R Stevens at Columbia River Policy Advisory Group Meeting (WPUDA Bldg, Olympia) BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS Commissioners at Public Works Road Tour 9:0o a.m. — g:3o p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Timothy D. Ray and Cindy R Ray (Timothy D Ray Short Plat (FU 28/i29, Blk �o)) File #io-5436-01, Final Plat Submission and Review. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2oii ,�:oo p.m. — 4:0o p.m. C Swartz and C Carter at Royal City Community Center Grant Opening Open House Signed this � s" `� day o� , 2011. BOARD OF COUNTX COMMISSIONERS r_„�„+ n,,,,,,+., �n�.,rl,;,,,�+,,,,