HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutesMINUTES GRAN'T COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, JANUARY �, 2011: The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 8:3o a.m. — 8:5o a.m. 9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Discussion Strickler, ASC Update/Misc. BOCC Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items 1 through 4 and 6 and � on the ASC Agenda as presented below. The motion passed unanimously. i. 3• � � 7• Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or grant administration. (Approved) Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and the Quincy-Columbia Basin Trrigation District for its access to the County's bi-monthly/ monthly updates of spatial and tabular data as maintained by the County via on-line ftp site or quarterly updates of spatial and tabular data as maintained by the County via CD/ROM or DVD. (Approved) Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and the Moses Lalce Irrigation Rehabilitation District for its access to the County's multiple GIS resources via CD/ROM or DVD. (Approved) Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between Grant Couniy and the City of Quincy for its access to the County's bi-monthly/ monthly updates of spatial and tabular data as maintained by the County via on-line ftp site or quarterly updates of spatial and tabular data as maintained by the County via CD/ROM or DVD. (Approved) Anticipating: Agreement between Grant County, by and through Grant Integrated Services - Mental Health, with GeoEngineers for special inspection and testing services during construction of the planned Grant County Mental Health Boarding Home located in Moses Lake, Washington. (Did not arrive) Anticipating: AIA Document A1o1-200�, Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor between Grant County and Shawn Cole Construction, Inc., for the Grant Mental Healthcare Reception Remodel located in Moses Lake, Washington. (Did not arrive) Grant County/Grant County Fire District #g's Request for Reimbursement #� on CDBG-R Grant No, o8-F96119-003, George Fire & Life Safety Facility Project, in the amount of $7o,i28.o4. (Approved) io:oo a.m. — lo:x5 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting COMMISSIONERS' JANUARY gi, 2oi1 MINUTES Page 2 of 4 io:go a.m. — io:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period Marlc Owens discussed his recent purchase of county property and mentioned other county properties that he believes should be up for sale. He also discussed how he missed the 3o day deadline to appeal his property taxes. The Commissioners referred him to the Assessor's Office to discuss other county properties and the tax assessment process. 1�:0o a.m. — �1:2o a.m. ii:go a.m. — i2:oo p.m. i:3o p.m. — i:,o p.m. 2:0o p.m. — 2:5o p.m. 3:0o p.m. — g:3o p.m MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS K Nesse, Master Gardner Foundation Update D Nelson, Vantage to Pomona Heights Transmission Line L Grammer and D Pheasant, Grant County Lands and Ranches Discussion B Schurger, US Dept of Interior / Bureau of Land Management discussion on the Vantage to Pomona Heights Transmission Line T Hechler, Human Resources Update As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $623�073•65, $149�369•50, $3,g12.00, $i,41i.51, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the January 25, 2011 Payroll Picic-up Sheet. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 2o1i: io:oo a.m. — io:2o a.m. io:3o a.m. — io:5o a.rn. 11:0o a.m. — 11:5o a.m. i:go p.m. — 2:2o p.m. D Couture, Mosquito Control District #i Update L Stoltman, Conservation District Update C Warner, Nature Conservancy Presentation of the Arid Lands Initiative D Pohle, PW Update i. Authorization to Call for Bids for Equipment Contract 2oi1-o4: Tractor,l4 cy Dump Body w/plow, Body Sander, Tractor w/5tn Wheel & Gooseneck Trailer. Bid Opening was set for February 22, 2o1i at 2:0o p.m. z. Authorization to Call for Bids for Materials Contract 2oii-o1; Fuel Purchases for 2oi1 through 20�3. Bid Opening was set for February 22, 2o1i at 2:i5 p.m. g. Authorization to Call for Bids for R-NE Rd Reconstruction, CRP o8- 13 and �0-05. Bid Opening was �et for February 22, 2010 at 1:go p.m. 4. Authorization to Call for Bids for the Re-Striping Project 2o1i. Bid Opening svas set for February 22, 2011 at �:45 p.m. 5. Execution of Contracts for the 2oii Crushing & Stocicpiling between Grant County and Seubert Excavators, Inc. of Cottonwood, Ic�aho in the amount of $535,150.00 COIVIMISSIOliTERS' .1ANLTARY gY, 2011 IVTINUTES Page g of 4 i:3o p.m. — i:4o p.m. Bid Opening, Vehicles Numerous bids were received for this bid opening. Please see attached bid tabulation. A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to turn over the bids to Public Worlcs for their review and recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. 2:go p.m. — 3:2o p.m. g:go p.m. — 3�45 p.m. 4:0o p.m. — 4:2o p.m. 5:0o p.m. — 5:3o p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 5) COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office Vouchers (Approved) 2. Commissioners January 17, 2011 Minutes for approval. (Approved) 3. Recommendation from the Grant County LEOFF Disability Board to appoint Ken Kernan in the at-large position for a term of 2 years. (Approved) TREASURER'� OFFICE 4. Request to adopt the latest revision of the County Investment Policy dated December 28, 2010 (Finance Comrnittee Resolution No. 2oio- 3). (Approved) FAIRGROUNDS 5. Recommendation to accept from Halme Builders, Inc. proposal for g6 horse stalls in the amount of $258,960.0o including tax. (Approved) V Cummings, Fairgrounds Update Commissioners at Team Fairchild Welcoming Event (Moses Lake Airport Terminal Building) WEDIVESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2011: C Swartz, Out C Carter at State Farm Bureau Legislative Days (Olympia) 8:0o a.m. — 9:0o a.m. R Stevens, RSN Conference Call �:oo p.m. — 8:3o p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONER�' JANUAItY 31, 2oi1 MII�UTES Page 4 of 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY � 2011• C Swartz, Out C Carter at State Farm Bureau Legislative Days (Olympia) 9:0o a.m. —10:0o a.m. K Stevens at KBSN Radio (Moses Lake) io:oo a.m. — i2:oo p.m. 1:go p.m. — g:3o p.m. R Stevens, Security Committee Meeting R Stevens at Area Aging/Council of Governments Meeting (E Wenatchee Office) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2oii: C Swartz, Out 8:3o a.m. — 3:3o p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS (Cancelled) Signed this ,�` day of ., 2o1i. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Gr nt County, Washingto