HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 01-065-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY. WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF ALTERING AN EXISTING 108.44 ACRE PARCEL INTHE AGRICULTURAL ZONE INTO (2) TWO LOTS APPROXIMATELY 1.42 & 107.02 ACRES IN SIZE, LOCATED IN FARM UNIT 24, BLOCK 70, IN A PORTION OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 27 EAST 23 EAST, W. M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. RESOULTION NO._ 2001-65—CC A RFSOULTION APPROVING A PLAT ALTERATION WILLIAM STF,VENS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that an open record public hearing was conducted on April 4, 2001, on the matter of altering an existing 108.44 acre parcel in the Agricultural Zone into (2) two lots approximately 1.42 acres & 107.02 acres in size, located in a portion of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 27 Fast Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission on April 4, 2001 made a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to approve the proposed Plat Alteration with the (12) twelve suggested conditions of approval and 5) five Findings of Fact; and WHEREAS, a DNS was issued on March 19, 2001 and the requirements of SEPA have been met; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat Alteration was prepared a cluster accordance with Section 23.12.075 of the Grant County Umfird Development Code; and WHEREAS, approximately 54.22 Acres cif Lot 2 will be maintained in Open Space to meet the required density of the Agriculture .6ML'. or (1) one dwelling unit per (40) forty acres; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a closed record public meeting at 2:30 p.m. on April 24. 2001 in the C omnutisioners Hearing Room of the Courthouse; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to uphold the Planning Commission's recommendation to appy(ne the proposed Plat Alteration request; Page 2 of 5 William Stevens Re -Plat Resolution 01-65—CC WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal does conform to the general purpose of the Grant Count- Comprehensive Plan and Grant County Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the proposed Plat Alteration request; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that appropriate provisions for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protection facilities, school ,ties and grounds and other public and private facilities and improvements have been made: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have approved the Plat Alteration of an existing 108.44 acre parcel in the Agricultural Zone into (2) two lots approximately 1.42 acres & 107.02 acres in size subject to the following twelve (12) Conditions of Approval and five (5) 1 codings of Pact as recommended by the Planning Department: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The following are conditions of approval, which were used in the Grant County Board of County Commissioner's closed record public meeting to approve the proposed Plat Alteration. The Proposal shall be in compliance with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Growth Management Act, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Unified Development Code and all applicable federal. state, and local regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to; RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; W ,yC l 73-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards and. VN' \('246-272, On -Site Sewage Systems. 3. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Fire Marshal and shall comply with the Grant County Fire Flow Guidelines, the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and all other applicable requirements for mire protection and life safety. 4. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the ("ant County Public Works Department, including, but not limited to the following: a. Provide a Re -Plat check fee of $100.00. b. Show proof of access onto a State Highway for hoth lots. 5. Proposal shall compl} with all requirements of the Grant County Auditor. 6. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the \l ashington State Department of Ecology. Page 3 of 5 William Stevens Re -Plat Resolution 01-65—CC 7. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Washington State Department of Transportation. 8. If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found on the proposed site all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 9. Development shall comply with the requirements of the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, including, but not limited to a. The Bureau of Reclamation and Quincy Columbia Basin irrigation District have the right to construct, reconstruct and operate Protect facilities as necessary. Lot 2 is bordered by the East Low Canal and its related right-of-way corridor. Any work that will involve this facility or the existing right-of-way must be reviewed and approved by Reclamation and the District prior to proceeding. Permanent structures are prohibited from encroaching upon existing right-of-way corridors with prior approval by Reclamation and the District. 10. Development shall comply with the requirements ,if ncc (Quaky) Columbia Basin Irrigation District, including, but not limited to: a. The complete farm unit shall be shown on the plat. b. All lots within the farm unit are to be gig en a useable irrigation right-of-way to the legal point of water delivery and all irrigable acres proposed for roads must be included in the adjoining lots in an equitable manner. If access to the turnout cannot be obtained, the water must be released before the plat is signed. c. Useable legal access to all lots must be included in the plat. Federal irrigation right-of-way are not legal access and do not fulfill this requirement. d. All federal right-of-ways need to be shown on the plat including underground drains. 11. Approval of the plat alteration shall be contingent upon conformance with all applicable land use rules and regulations in effect as of Februan 27 .1_001. 12. Final Plat approval shall be subject to UDC Chapter '' 04, Article V, Final Subdivision and Short Subdivisions. FINDINGS OF FACT: The following are (5) five Findings of Fact, which were used in the Grant County Board of County Commissioner's closed record public muting io approve the proposed Plat Alteration. 1) The Grant County Board of County Commissioners have concluded that appropriate provisions for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, lire protection facilities. school sites, and grounds and other Page 4 of 5 William Stevens Re -Plat Resolution 01_65_rr public and private facilities and improvements in making its recommendations to the Grant County Commissioners. 2) The Grant County Board of County Commissioners have concluded that the Re -Plat conforms to the General Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and Grant County Unified Development Code. 3) The Grant County Board of County Commissioners have concluded that the public use and interest will be served by the proposal. 4) The Grant County Board of County Commissioners have concluded that the preliminary subdivision complies with the requirements of the U.S. Department of the Interior, Department of Reclamation and/or reco�mized Irrigation District when the proposed preliminary subdivision is within the boundaries of an Irrigation District. 5) A Determination of Non -Significance was issued on March 19, 2001 and the requirements of SEPA have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners have approved the Plat Alteration of an existing 108.44 acre parcel in the Agricultural Zone into (2) two lots approximately 1.42 acres & 107.02 acres in size, subject to the twelve (12) Conditions of Approval and five (5) Findings of Fact on the following described property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL OF FARM UNIT 24, IRRIGATION BLOCK 70, COLUMBIA BASIN PROJECT, IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RNAGE 27 EAST, W.M., AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 28 EAST, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BASIS OF BEARINGS: G THE BEARING OF THE SOUTH BOUNOARY OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 27 EAST, W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGT❑N. Page 5 of 5 William Stevens Re -Plat Done this>' day of Commissioner, Deborah Moore qcomumissio*erTinead Commissioner, LeRoy Allison Resolution 01-65—CC Peggy G i , Clerk ofth and Constituting the Board of County Conunissrouers offrant County, Washington