HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 03-064-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RESOLUTION No. 03 -064 -CC WESTRIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 165 ACRES INTO THIRTY-THREE LOTS AND TWO OPEN SPACE TRACTS. IN THE SWIA OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP FANCHER LAND INVESTMENTS, LLC 20N. RANGE 27 E. WM. WESTRIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners have been advised that an open record public hearing was conducted, before the Grant County Planning Commission on April 2, 2003, on the matter of a preliminary plat of 165± acres into thirty-three lots and two open space tracts; which is located in the southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 20 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission on April 2, 2003 did not approve, by majority vote, a motion to recommend approval of this preliminary plat to the Board of County Commissioners and therefore the preliminary plat was forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners without a recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a closed record public hearing on May 12, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, have reviewed the staff report and Planning Commission minutes; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal will not adversely effect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public in the vicinity of the proposal; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Unified Development Code, Chapter 23.04 "Zoning", other land use regulations, and SEPA; and WHEREAS, the B oard o f C ounty Commissioners h ave found that the p ublic use and interest will apparently be served by the preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the proposed preliminary plat meets the applicable requirements of Unified Development Code, Chapter 22.04 "Land Division"; and WHEREAS, the proposed preliminary plat does comply with the Health District's requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply; and H \Commissioners\OFiclds\Rcsolution-Ordinancc\Wcstridge doc Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the proposed preliminary plat does contain an accurate legal description of the lots being created, and the roads and easements therein; and WHEREAS, the proposed preliminary plat does comply with Grant County regulations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure improvements; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to approve the preliminary plat subject to the suggested 12 conditions of approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, THAT the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, and subject to the 12 conditions of approval listed below, a preliminary plat of 165± acres into thirty-three lots and two open space tracts; w hich i s] orated i n the s outhwest q uarter o f S ection 2 6, T ownship 2 0 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Development shall be in compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Unified Development Code, and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Development shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Grant County Building Department and Fire Marshal; including, complying with Fire Flow guidelines or providing minimum setbacks to property lines as directed. 3. Roads need to be designated to the Grant County grid system per the Grant County Addressing Ordinance 85-143 CC. Developer must contact Grant County Emergency Services Office. 4. Development shall comply with all improvements required by the Grant County Department of Public Works including, but not limited to: a. Prior to preliminary approval the developer shall complete an updated traffic study and have it approved by the Public Works Director. b. All interior plat roads shall be built to current County Road Standards at the time of construction. C. Lot 2, Phase 2 shall include a 20' radius at the potential intersection. d. Temporary cul-de-sacs shall be required between phases. e. Thirty feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated for future roads along the north boundary line of the plat with 20' radius right-of-way at potential intersections. f. A plat certificate is required for dedicated lands. g. Provide a Plat Check fee of $100.00 plus $2.00 per lot for a total of $170.00. H \Commissioners\OFields\Resolution-Oidinance\Wcstridge doc Page 2 of 4 5. Developer shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District including, but not limited to: a. If the dimensions of the lots do not allow the 100 -foot radius well protection zone to be within the lot lines, the plat must show where each well will be with a radius of 100 feet drawn on the plat. In this situation the plat must state that no source of contamination will be allowed within the radius shown. This would include any chemical storage, car parts, sewer lines, and other potential sources of ground water contamination. b. A site evaluation will be required for each lot intended for residential use. Final approval will not be given until this is complete. The evaluation must be done by a certified septic system designer or licensed engineer and submitted to the Health District. 6. Developer shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to: RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173- 201, S urface W ater S tandards; W AC 173-201 A, G round W ater Q uality Standards and WAC 246-272, On -Site Sewage Systems. 7. As recommended by Dr. Chatters and the State Archaeologist, a more intensive cultural survey of the site shall be conducted before final approval of this plat. If during this survey or subsequent construction on the site, any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Grant County Planning Department, the Wanapum Tribe, the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 8. Prior to final approval the developer shall establish and record restrictive covenants. The covenants shall, at a minimum: a. Prohibit off-road vehicle and motorized use of the open space identified as Tracts Aand B. b. Require strict control of cats and dogs to avoid predation and harassment of the native wildlife. C. Prohibit removal or disturbance of native vegetation, soils or rocks, within the open space identified as Tracts A and B. d. Establish weed control programs to prevent spreading of noxious weeds. e. Establish fire prevention and control plans to reduce potential wild fires. f. Establish responsibility for the care of and rules for the use of open space identified as Tracts A and B. 9. During road grading and/or construction activities, county roads shall be maintained clear of soil and rocks at the point of ingress / egress. 11 \Comnusstoners\OFlelds\Resolution-Ordinance\Wcstndge.doc Page 3 of 4 10. The proposed plat is located within the Quincy Ground Water Sub -area (QGWSA). Should the proponents desire to use ground water for other than domestic purposes (5,000 gallons per-day/irrigation of 1/2 acre per dwelling, as established in WAC 173-134A), they will be required to obtain both a Ground Water Permit from the Washington State Department of Ecology and a QGWSA license from the Bureau of Reclamation. 11. The Final Plat shall include the required language as specified by the US Bureau of Reclamation for their signature and approval. 12. Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Planning Department, including but not limited to: a. All requirements of UDC Chapter 22.04, Article V, Subdivisions and Short Subdivisions. b. The location, width, and nature of "proposed utility easements" located along property lines shall be identified as a "note" and not drawn. In those cases where USBR a nd/or i rrigation d istrict a asements a xist along p roperty 1 ines, t he u tility easements shall run parallel and abutting said easements. C. Add the following "block" of information to the final plat: Zoning: Rural Residential -1 Overall acreage: 165± acres Number of Lots: 33 Max Residential Density: 1 DU per 5 -acres Max Potential DU's: 33 Roads: ( ) acres R/W Dedicated EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon signature. DATED this � day of May 2003. 01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON d ❑ ❑ , off. Deborah KKaay� Moore, C air ATTEST: ❑ ❑LC/ LeRoy C. Allison, Me Clerk of the Board �{❑ ❑ �^ , Tim Sne d, ember 11 \('ommissioners\OCtelds\Resolution-Ordinance\Westridge doc Page 4 of 4