HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 03-133-CCf 4 K r' JAC MANUAL 5R,-JANuaay 23,2003 APPLICATION 2003: NOVA E&E 10. NOVA: Authorizing Resolution Local Agencies only - May be reproduced on your own paper; text may not change. Organization Name Grant County Resolution No. 2003 -133 -CC PrcjectName(s) Grant CounterSheriff's Office rl i a inn & FnfOYrPmPnt A resolution authorizing application(s) for funding assistance for a Nonhighway and Off -Road Vehicles Activities Program (NOVA) project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) as provided in Chapter 46.09 RCW, Nonhighway and Off -Road Vehicles Activities Program. WHEREAS, our organization has approved a comprehensive plan that includes flus project area; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of NOVA, state funding assistance is requested to aid in financing the cost of an Education and Enforcement program, and WHEREAS, our organization considers it in the best public interest to complete the education and enforcement project described in the application; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: 1 The Sheriff [MAYOR, unu cmn, PREsmiwm; erc ] be authorized to make formal application to IAC for funding assistance; 2. Any fund assistance received be used for implementation of the protect referenced above; 3. Our organization hereby certifies that its share of project funding is committed and will be derived from Grant County [ SPONSOR MATa MVG RESOURCEf]; 4. We acknowledge that we are responsible for supporting all non-cash commitments to the sponsor share should they not materialize; [ fapphw e ] 5. This resolution becomes part of a formal application to IAC; and 6. We provided appropriate opportunity for public comment on this application. This resolution was adopted by our organization during the meeting held: Location Ephrata, WA —Date— Signed ateSigned an roved by the fo wing nut,horized representative: Signed 'r , 002L Title C air, Board of C unty Commissioners Date �� -3 - t Attest: Approved as to form Interagency Committee for OUTDOOR RECHERTION APPLICATION NOVA: NONHIGHWAY AND OFF-ROAD VEHICLE ACTIVITIES PROGRAM 12003 ESE PxoJECTs JANUARY 23, 2003 IAC MANunc 5E — JANuaav 23, 2003 APPLI nT[oN 2003: NOVA E&E Application E&E Authorization Memorandum - 2003 TO: Interagency Comrittee for Outdoor Recreation IIAC) P.O. Box 40917 Olympia, Washington 98504-0917 FROM: Grant County Sheriff's Office /name/ IAC is hereby requested to consider this application for financial assistance for the outdoor recreation or habitat conservation project(s) described below and to grant funding from such State and Federal sources as may be available. This application has been prepared with full knowledge of and in compliance with IAC's Manuals. Further, we agree to cooperate with the IAC by furnishing such additional information as may be necessary to execute an IAC Project Agreement and to adhere to all appropriate state and federal statutes governing grant monies under the Project Agreement. We are aware that the grant, if approved, will be paid on a reimbursement basis. We agree that all application materials, including photos, slides, site drawings, maps, etc., may be used by IAC for education, information, or other non-commercial purposes in IAC publications, presentations, or on IAC's web site. Project Name(s): (Attach list 'd necessary) Project Contact Person: Grant County Sheriff's Office Name: Courtney Conklin Title: Chief Deputy Telephone Number. (509)754-2011 ext. 468 Itwe ce* that to the best of our knowledge, the information in this application is true and correct. In addition, Vwe certify that the matching resources identified in the grant are committed to the above project. Vwe acknowledge responsibility for supporting all non-cash commitments and donations should they not materialize. Authorized Representative: (signature) (date) to IAC MANOAL5H-JANUAar23,2003 APPLICATION 2003: NOVA E&E 1. General Application Information Project Name Program [x] NOVA—E&E (Education and Enforcement) Pro]ect Type [Xi Education 2. Applicant / Organization Information Complete one for each sponsor. Organization Name Organization Type (check one) [ ] Cily/rown [ ] Federal Agency ] ] Open Space [ ] Port District [K] County [ ] Law Enforcement [ ] Parks Dept [ ] Public Utility District [ ] Engineering / Public Works [ ] Native Am Tribe [ ] Park District [ ] State Agency Organization Address Address P.0 Box 37 City/rown Ephrata State, Zip WA 98823 Telephone (509)754-2011 ext. 468 FAX (509)754-2058 Emaladdress cconklin@grantcounty-wa.com IAC MANUAL SE- JANUARY 23, 2003 APPLICATION 2003: NOVA E&E 3. Project Contact Complete one for each contact. Mr. [K] Ms. [ j First Name Courtney Last Name ConkiIn Title Contact Type (all projects require a "Project Manager' contact) [)I Project Manager [ ] Billing [ ] Alternate Project Manager [ ] Consultant [ ] Agreement [ ] Engineer/Architect Contact Mailing Address Address P.O. Box 37 City1rown Ephrata State, Zip WA 98823 Work Phone (509)754-2011 ext. 468 FAX (509) 754-2058 OlherPhone (509)750-7303 Email address cconklin@gran 4. Description of Project [ ] Land Specialist [ ] Planner I This description becomes part of a one-page project summary made available to legislators, IAC staff and board, evaluators, and members of the public. Please add it carefully- ask someone to review ft. Be clear, concise and thorough. Just state your project's objectives and the anticipated results/benefits. Additional information may include: partnerships groups and organizations supporting the project, previous or anticipated phases, unique attributes, etc. IAC's database limits the space for this narrative to 1500 characters, including spaces. We will delete text that exceeds this limit. This project will be funding two full-time deputies. Both deputies will continue to patrol the off-road vehicleareas in Grant County that have '- heavy usage, as well as educate the off-road vehicle users in the field, at special events, and training. The majority of the deputies time will be spent in the Beverly and Moses Lake Sand Dunes. The deputies will continue to maintain a working relationship with all land owners/managers, users and spectators, defusing and conflicts that may arise 12 IAC MA Uu 5r. - JANUARY23,2003 APPLICATION 2003: NOVA E&E 5. Funding Request Remember to update this section whenever changes are made to your cost estimates. A. Total Project Cost $ 220, 754.00 (A) Sponsor Match Appropriation/Cash $ Bonds - Council $ Bonds - Voter $ Cash Donations $ Conservation Futures $ Donated Equipment $ Donated Labor $ Donated Land $ Donated Materials $ Donated Property Interest $ Federal Grant $ Force Acct - Equipment $ 3,900.00 Force Acct - Labor $ 76, 040.00 Force Acct - Materials $ _ 21, 090.00 Grant - Other - Insurance/Training $ _24, 300.00 Local Improvement Dist (LID) $ State Grant $ B. Total for Sponsor $ 127,330.00 (B) C. IAC Funding Request (grant requested) $ 348.084.00 (C) E&E - Equipment total limited to $30,000 in any 2 -year period; each FTE limited to $54,000 per year • A = B + C. Total Project Cost is the grant request plus the sponsor match. • W must be the total of your E&E cost estimates from the pages which follow. • Many applicants find it is best to complete the cost estimate(s), beginning on the next page, before completing the funding request. The "Total Project Cost" (W) must equal the total from the Cost Estimates on the following pages. IAC MANUAL 5E - JANUAaY 23, 2003 APPLICATION 2003: NOVA E&E 13 6. E&E: Education Cost Estimates Complete onl elements/items that apply to our ro'ect. Use onl whole dollar amounts. Element/Item ATV Unit (qty. Each 2 Est. Cost 13,000.00Describe Description Needed Description 60 characters max. _ Cameras Each Describe Cellularphone Commuter ui ment _ Motorc"cle__ Radios Each _ _ _2 Each_- __ _ _____ Each Each 1_, 500.00 __ Describe _ 2 Phones/monthly. Describe Describe Describe Sound/metering ui ment Each Describe Trailer Each Describe Vehicle Each Describe Vehicle enforcement equipment Each Describe Advertising __ _ Communications - other Lumpsum —__ Lump sum - 4)0. 00 Optional Optional Postage Lump sum Optional Printing, binding, copying Lump sum 1000.00 Optional Telephone Lump sum 13000.00 Optional General InsuranceLump-Sum Liability Insurance-[ _ Lumsum 8.800.00 To/From T61r om On- oin Consultants Lump sum 0 tional Professional services - other Lump sum 0 tional Reairs & maintenance Lump sum 7 000.00 0 tional EquiRment rental Meetin rooms ooms Lump sum Lumpsum _ _ _ Optional Optional Rentals & leases - other Lump sum Describe Storage Lump sum Optional Vehicle lease Lum sum 0 tional Salandbenefits-1 Sdaryaq benefits - 2 Hours$321_ __ Hours 287,734. 0 _ _ _ _ - _ Yille_ _ _ 2 Full -Time Title Salary and benefits - 3 Hours Title_. - Salary and benefits - 4 Hours _ _ Title Sala and benefits - 5 Hours Title Sala and benefits -1 Lump sum Describe Salaa and benefits - 2 Lume sum Bounda�si�ns_ _ _ Each -- - General park signs Lump sum Miscellaneous signs Lump sum Rules and re ulations Lump sum _ Signing -other Lumpsum i Sign�—_ Traffic/directional si ns Lum sum ----— Trailhead/bulletin board signs Lump sum - J _ ____Optional - ---- Describe Optional Optional Optional Describe Optional Optional - - 14 IAC MANUAL 5E - JANUARY 23, 2003 APPLICATION 2003: NOVA E&E 7. NOVA: Application Questions E&E Applicants Must Answer The Following Questions Who will be responsible for administration, design, and/or implementation of this project (i.e. in-house staff, paid consultants, contractors, volunteers, other agency staff, etc.)? Explain: The Grant County Sheriff's Office with Chief Deputy Courtney Conklin actin as Project Manager Who is the current owner of the project property? Grant County, Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Reclamation, and several private land owners, all of which have leases or land use agreement with Grant County Is there, or will there be, any significant public access or use restrictions? If yes, explain: On the three major weekends of the year the Grant County 'Sheriff's Office will restrict the total number of users to assist in restricting under age drinking and reduce excessive littering. Does the project request include replacement costs associated with equipment? For example: paying funds into an equipment replacement account. If yes, describe: N/A 6. E&E: Education Cost Estimates Complete only elementslitems th tapplytoyourprolect. Use only whole dollar amounts. Element/item Unit Qty. Est. Cost Description Description Needed 60 characters max. Clothing /laund _ Lump sum 3,000.00 Optional Computer software Lum sum Describe Forms,maps, station _ _ _ Lump sum ___ _ Optional ______ General su pUes Lum sumOptional __ _ _ - _ Publications WT—sum— Optional_ Small tools and minor equipment Lum sum 0 tional Stakes and flagging Lum sum 0 tional Supplies - other Lump sum , Describe Fuel Gallons 0 tional Rate --- -- -- 1Ti �0�• -- --- Miles ---- ----------- Perdiem _ Each 0 tional Transportabon_/Uavel - other Lum sum L 500.OQ_ Describe _in;o— n_ —� Vehicle use Rate/month Optional Util, service - other 1 -um sumOptional 7. NOVA: Application Questions E&E Applicants Must Answer The Following Questions Who will be responsible for administration, design, and/or implementation of this project (i.e. in-house staff, paid consultants, contractors, volunteers, other agency staff, etc.)? Explain: The Grant County Sheriff's Office with Chief Deputy Courtney Conklin actin as Project Manager Who is the current owner of the project property? Grant County, Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Reclamation, and several private land owners, all of which have leases or land use agreement with Grant County Is there, or will there be, any significant public access or use restrictions? If yes, explain: On the three major weekends of the year the Grant County 'Sheriff's Office will restrict the total number of users to assist in restricting under age drinking and reduce excessive littering. Does the project request include replacement costs associated with equipment? For example: paying funds into an equipment replacement account. If yes, describe: N/A IAC MANUAL Se -JANUARY 23, 2003 AppucAuoN 2003: NOVA E&E 8. Location Information Provide directions that will enable IAC staff to find the project. 15 From exit 179 on I-90, head South on SR -17 approximately 1 mile to Baselin Road. Turn right onto Baseline Road and follow the road for approximately 3 miles. Arriving at the stop sign, Potato Hill Road, turn left and follo, the road for 1 mile, which will put you in the Moses lake Sand Dunes area. Other project sites are locate throughout the county. Current landowner(s) of the site (name and address) — optional. Grant County, Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Reclamation, Jake Jacobson, Steve Syre, Pamp Maiers, and Ron Baker. 9. Project Duration All Applicants Must Answer This Question Is the funding request for this project for one or two consecutive years? 10