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Grant Related - BOCC
GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT:BOCC REQUEST SUBMITTED BY:Karrie Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE.. K81"CIG' Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: EIYES ®NO DATE. 7/18/2024 PHONE: 2937 11ml ilk ElAgreement / Contract ❑AP Vouchers ElAppointment / Reappointment EIARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award E]Bid Opening Scheduled El Boards / Committees El Budget El Computer Related El County Code ElEmergency Purchase 7 Employee Rel. El Facilities Related FlFinancial El Funds ElHearing 7 Invoices / Purchase Orders ® Grants — Fed/State/County ElLeases 7MOA / MOU 0 Minutes ElOrdinances []Out of State Travel 7 Petty Cash El Policies El Proclamations 0 Request for Purchase El Resolution 7 Recommendation 7 Professional Serv/Consultant El Support Letter E]Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies F]Thank You's E]Tax Title Property E1WSLCB T ��Cos e tisSUGGEST;ED,w D _ / _ _ b-, Reimbursement request from Renew on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant in the amount of $13,518.32 for the months of February 2024 -May 2024 under the Designated Crisis Responder (DCR) Category. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ❑ YES 1:1 NO 0 N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? El YES ❑ NO 0 N/A DATE OF ACTION: ' c� , Z'� APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: J D2: l %� D3: 4/23/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: WITHDRAWN: I GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I I L To: Board of County Commissioners Frcwn: Karrie Stockton, Grant Administrative Specialist Data July 18, 2024 Re: Authorization for Release of Funds, Renew Renew is requesting reimbursement on the American Rescue Plan Act (ABPA) Grant under the Designated Crisis Responder (DCR) category for the months of February 2024 through May 2024, in the amount of $13,518.32. Below is the breakdown for each month. February $1,266.22 March $289.10 April $3,660.05 ,May $8,302.95 $13,518.32 Thank you. GrQnt 04phovicrat Hoolth 6 "Uness PO Box 1057 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone (509) 764-2643 Fax (509) 764-4124 BILL TO: Grant County -ABPA DCC PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA. 98823 DATE: July 16, 2024 INVOICE 2/29/2024 FOR.: Feb -24 ARPA- DR I I kill YUUM ..dllmll� awvmft� r% . e Grant: Behavlor-W Realth 6 Wenne" 2/29/2024 APA. DR B R'i -F 10 ESCRIT Off,"', 108.150.00-9000.566.51.1100 SALARY & WAGES,566.51.2100 RETIREMENT 1. Cu 108.150-00.9000.566.51.,2200 SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICAL 976.00 PAID FMLA 108.150-00-9000-566-51-2400 L&I ,'� 976.00 HR SERVICES 68.86 IT 157.03 108.150-00.9000.566.51.4200 VOIP 23.06 108-150.00.9000.566.51.4200 Celt Phone 41.27 Totat 290.22 7/17./2024 6:32 EMP # 1-`NME ay source Salary BEHAVIORAL HEALTH JOURNAL ENTRIES 2/29/2024-. .,r; i�j'1 ..# 1��,5.�� .'.f )f..� j'i'�Y:�■ i iY�� `5 SSIY.'l � {�:Y �- .Y -t�r+4 is -��i �,�S..c '.a.# S :Y• 1 ■r yard. r/`��^"'jl. _ t, ":i a 'J_ i33-,,t��--' ■���+4�'''/' a4 i •����r����a+t igyc i:. ?._I ~'A�.��1. "'Y''+.1 .tS 1 •Jif a „, Ji w. .a. ._ �. •..1f ",.1.., i ..T.�J314 DEBIT CREDIT $0.00 $0.00 108.150..00.9000.566.51.1202 0 $0.00 108.150,00.0000.500.51.2200 $0.00 $070.00 108.150.00-9000.566.51.,2301 1J.00 $0.00 V F/..1:5'V .,V 0 &01000,15:641 +l 01 I: •. ..-... .•.• ., s� ,: .': $0.00 �.•'V V 'S,.Y i/ .V 14 1./�Y/ 'V \/ ifi't .. V :1 084150A:00.,.0000,---510 Qb T 02 $0.00 $0.00 ..OV.1.50eOr000�0.5#0000,.,' $0.00 1 . 0 .- 1 .50s, it V;V V. a' .V •�, 0 �V. .,." ..• .. �`' $976.00 1080150J -00.0000s564._00 30:1$0.00 1 o 8,.l''4/0 r #J .'V 00w56 . 24 $0.00 $070.00 :�.,$976.00FL $0.00 RG 212912024 Posted By Posting Month Entered Po-ste J 0 &1714, mft� J60MV6. w 00 1 Ile nt=� Orant Behavioral Health 6 Wellness PO BOX 1057 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone (509) 764-2643 Fax (509) 764-4124 BILL TO: Grant County -ARPA DCR PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 DATE: JUJY 16, 2024 INVOICE .3/31/2024 FOR., Mar -24 ABPA-DCR Thank.youl, H. Grant Behovioral Nealy 6 Wellness 3/31/2024 ARA DCR A P -s T- 108.150.00-9000.566.51.1100 SALARY & WAGES 108.150-00-9000.566.51.2100 RETIREMENT 108.150.00,.9000.566.51.2200 SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICAL 108-150.00.9000.566.51.2301 PAID FMLA LSI 9 108,150.00.9000.566.51.1124 HR SERVICES 67.73 108.150-00-9000.566.51.4152 IT 157.04 108.150,00.9000.566.51.4200 volp 23.066 Ce[L Phone 41.27 Total 289.10 7/17/20246:35 System: 7191!7^"4 3:03:30 PM DETAILED TRIAL F 0" ANCE FOR 2Page: 1 User Date; 7191' w — User ID: rgojr w - County jrant fu General Ledger Ranges: From: To: , Date: 41112024 413012024. Subtotal By: No Subtotals Include: Posting, Unit Account: 908.150.00.9000.500000000 Sorted By: Fund Account: 108,150.00,9000.564441124 Description: MH...AR.PA.HR WAGE ALLOC. Beginning Balance: $0,00 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig, Master NgMb.,er trig. Master Name Debit .. Credit ,4123/2024 959,121 PMTRX00028826 ARRA DCR. HR Wages � Q24 P��W�; . GRANT CO HUMAN RES $07.7$ 4 412312024 959,121 PMTRX00028826 ARPA Suicide Prev HR Wages MAR .2024 RENEW GRANT CO HUMAN RES $67.74 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $135.47 $135.47 $135,47 $0.00 Account: 108.150.00,9000.566511100 Description:. MH... .ARPA.REG SALARIES & WAGES Beginning Balance: $11,821,43 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Brig. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account: 1 os. 150.00.9Q00.5fi651 1 1 00 Total: 04 _ $11,321.43 X0.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MH...AR.PA.H13 WAGE ALLOC. - Beginning Balance: $404.36 Trx Date Jrn! No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference trig. Master Number trig. Master Name Debit Credit wNo transactions for this account's Net Chan ` a::' Ending Balance Account: T+otals:, $404.36 $0.00 $0.00 Account: 108.150.00..9000.56651:2100 Description: MH.. —ARPA RETIREMENT Beginning Balance: $1,128.58 Trx Date Jrn; No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orifi, Master Marne Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Changs Ending Balance .Account: 108,150.00,9000.566512100 Totals: $Q:IJt} $1,126.58 $0.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MH...ARPA.SOCIAL SECURITY'` Beginning Balance: $883.77 Trx Data Jrnl No. Orig. /audit Trail Distribution Reference trig. Master Number Ong. !Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account:€ Totals: } $883.77 $0.00 $0,00 Account: Description: MH.. ,ARPA.MEDICAL & LIEF-INSUI INCE Beginning Balance: $2,296.41 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig, Audit Trail Distribution Reference 00g. Master Number Orig. Master Mame Debit Credit 'xNa transactions for this account" Net. Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $0.00__,_.. $2,2916.41 $0.00 $0.00 .Account: Description: MH ... ARPA.STATEWIDE PMLA IRISU ANCE Beginning Balance: $24.98 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Or€.g. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Change.; ,,, Ending Balance Account: ',5665'12301 Totals:�.. D $24.98 $0.00 $0.00 Account:,566512400 Description: MH ... ABPA,INDUSTRIAL INSLIRAI_Ct Beginning Balance: $203.96 Trx Date Jrnl No. brig. Audit Trail !Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit System: 7/111"'A 3:03:30 PM DETAILED TRIAL F ANCE FOR 2024 Page: 2 User Date: 7111 User ID: r9or County , Jrant *No transactions for this account* Net Change... -, Ending Balance Account: Totals: $203,96 $0.00 $0.00 Account: 108.150,00.9000.566513100 Description: MH ... ARPA.SUPPUES - OPERATING Beginning Balance: $48.64 Trx Date JrnI No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number 04g. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Cha Ending Balance Account: Totals: '$Oioo $48.64 $0.00 $0.00 Account: 108.150,00.9000.566513200 Description.- MENTAL HEALTH.. ARPA.FUEL Beginning Balance: $20.97 Trx Date JrnI No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 4/23/2024 959,102 PMTRX00028826 ARPA Fuel 224080 GRANT CO PUBLIC WORKS DEPT $6.82 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $6.82 $27.79 $6.82 $0.00 Account: Description: MENTAL HEALTH. ..ARPA.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Beginning Balance: $674.24 Trx Date Jrnl No. 06g. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit / , Credit ... ........... ------ - --------- -57 4/9/2024 957 081 PMTRX00028737 ARPA DGR TS Services 129-24 Grant-C.-ou --$ � " , " ervicag 419/2024 957,081 PMTRX00028737 ARPA Escarnilla TS Services 129-24 -dounty Technical Services $157.03 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $314.07 $988.31 $314.07 $0.00 Account: Description: MH-ARPA.COMMUNICATIONS Beginning Balance: $26.29 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 4/9/2024 957,081 PMTRX00028737 ARPA DCR Phone 129-24 QranrCd(th*7- T-.--- riicat ibes, ' 5300 MAR 2024 4/9/2024 957,081 PMTRX00028737 ARPA Escarnilla Phone 129-24 Grant County Technical Services $23.06 41912024 957,081 PMTRX00028737 ARPA SL Phone 129-24 Grant County Technical Services $23,06 Totals: $318.05 $1,016.49 $318.05 $0.00 Net Change I Ending Balance Account: Description: MH....ARPA.TRAVEL-MEALS Totals: $69,18 $95.47 $69,18 $0.00 Account: 108.150,00.9000.566514202 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference 412/2024 955,848 PMTRX00028707-D-CR--Gqm,,eZ'-Ph6 rie 4/2/2024 955,848 PMTRX00028707 AiilPAC`ell Phone Description: MH....ARPA.COMMUNICATIONS-CELLULAR Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name ;43272424 03272024 RENEW AT&T Beginning Balance: Debit./ $191.43 Credit 1411-2 $41.27 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $82.54 $273.97 $82.54 $0.00 Account: 108.150,00.9000.566514301 Description.- MENTAL, HEALTH ... ARPA.TRAVEL-LODGING Beginning Balance: $698.44 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig-Master Name Debit Credit 4/1912024 958,751 PI'VITRX00028792 ARPA MSI Hotel Deposit 5300 MAR 2024 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $318.05 Net Change Ending Balance Account: 108,150.00.9000,566514301 Totals: $318.05 $1,016.49 $318.05 $0.00 Account: 108.150.00,9000.566514302 Description: MH....ARPA.TRAVEL-MEALS Beginning Balance: $0.00 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 4/23/2024 959,130 PMTRX00028827 AAS - LAS, VEGAS MAY 2024 BETHANY ESCAMILLA $401.50 4/2312024 959,131 PMTRX00028827 AAS - LAS VEGAS MAY 2024 FERNANDO GALARZA $401.50 Net Change Ending Balance. Account: Totals: $803.00 $803.00 $803.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MH...ARPA.TRAVEL-OTHER TRANSPORTATION Beginning Balance: $762.60 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig.. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit qcwi jew Grant Behavioral Health a Wallne5s PO Box 1057 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone (509) 764-2643 Fax (509) 764-4124 BILL TO: Grant County -ARPA DC PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 DATE: July 16, 2024 INVOICE 3/3112024 FOR: Apr -24 AICPA- DR, 1PTION: -DESd auntoun ABPA- -DCR Medical Benefit 3,372.70 2 -3 -.�",77 0 7 Oy/`/�}{�s,�� per Expenses 287.36 Total Thank you!H n -aaft w Grant Behoviomf Heolth & Wellness ARPA DCR t :BARA 108.150-00,9000,566.51.4152 108,150.00.9000.566.51.4200 of r1k ri .4 r, ^ ri ^ ^ ^ r1% f% r- fm14 ^ r- A A f't f% ^ Total 7/17/20246:36 HR SERVICES IT VOW y -k-11 mt____ SALARY & WAGES 21042.91 RETIREMENT 194.69 108.150.00-9000.566.51-2200 SOCIAL SECURITY 156.29 Ah MEDICAL 915.00 PAID FMLA 4.32 108-150.00.9000.566.51.2400 L&I 59.49 108.150-00,9000,566.51.4152 108,150.00.9000.566.51.4200 of r1k ri .4 r, ^ ri ^ ^ ^ r1% f% r- fm14 ^ r- A A f't f% ^ Total 7/17/20246:36 HR SERVICES IT VOW y -k-11 mt____ BEHAVIORAL HEALTH JOURNAL ENTRIES 4/30/202L Pay source Salary 1 X3.1w3(+QO€,54�:01'!0 DEBIT C.EDIT 1.1100 $2,042.91 108.150-00.9000.566.51,1201 $0.00 $0.00 $194.69 $156.29 $9'15.99 .$4.32 $59.49 1 X3.1w3(+QO€,54�:01'!0 $2,042.91 . A-50. $0.00 1,08-'.,��f a Oxmo -00 $000 .0 1`0 -1 50 2 $'194.69 429 BG� OU0,00. i 6 $15. 0". - 3.0 $915.00 V 0 1,08A,5000 0- 6 3- '0 $4.32 84 0 Z.' ' It' 00. -5 .00:-', QQ $591*49 $3,372.1 $0.00 RG 4/30/2024 Posted By Posting Month Entered Posted am&%, '08ML AOMQ& U a a Fot� n tv UU Oranh Sehavloral Health a Wellness PO Box 1057 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone (509) 764-2643 Fax (509) 764-4124 BILL TO: Grant County -ABPA DCR PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 DATE: July 16, .2024 INVOICE 4/30/2024 FOR: May -24 ARPA-DCR am - r ':.DE SCRIPTION...�tTat un. punt z1,.'%.."' ABPA- -DCR Salary & Benefits 71990-96 Viper Expenses 296.99 - ------------ ---- Total Thank you! 11 Grant; Schaviprul Hcalbh 6 Wellna*z 5/31/2024 ABPA DCC HR SERVICES -BAR ct - UPTION. 7:77, SALARY & WAGES '61173.82 RETIREMENT 588.36 SOCIAL SECURITY 472.29 MEDICAL 622.10 PAID FMLA 13.05,51-2400 L&I 12.1.34 HR SERVICES IT VOIP 108.150-00.9000.566.51.4200 Cell Phone Prof Sear- WATCH Total 7/17/20246:36 7v990.96 10,15 66.11 156.74 21.90 411.24 11.00 296-99 r EMP 'A ME Pa s+ u Salary BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TH JOURNAL ENTRIEES y <' +' t/ ry •"+' � R �Ii �� 3 1�' � �, R P( ?:"', t,�_j a� � �t ~ -;1i► .5 mss- .o r_ .. s4. ...r[,w..._.. ....,,...,..AAAA_..>.tt....�.,.,t�-,.rl�.d :<e..x. ,-.�.�.. :.. -. ...%T.-....•:..`..nw,ru_.a...i.,3;..:st,. K 1108.150.00.9000.566.51.1100 DEBIT CPMDIT $61173.82 $0.0 108,150.00.9000.566.51.1202 $0.00 $58 0 $472.29 108.1 0.00.9000.56.1.2300 $622.10 $13.05:. 10 .150.00.9000. 66.51.2400 $121.34;'' 0 RG 5131/2024 Posted By Posting Month entered jPosted �� � $6173.82 i $0.00 .02 0801'501r11:00.0. .. $0.00 0 A'50' 001-01 G.", Q021 8" 00, .564 0"""" $588.36 5 'GG 641 -20, $472-29) 108 '1'-z'0-""`oo "'G000,,','-., 600 00.11 2 -3 $622.1 fojk $12134 $x"7990.95 ".17`..9 --------- - _ - $0.00 0 RG 5131/2024 Posted By Posting Month entered jPosted �� � System: 7/111" " 3:27:37 PIIS! Page: 2 User Bate: 7111r� DETAILED TRIAD F CIE FO 2024(,,,A \t User ISI: rgoi County....- ;rant *No transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals; $0.00 $203.96 $0.00 $0.00 Account: 108.150-00.9000.566513100 Description: M.H...ARPA.SUPPLIES -- OPERATING Beginning Balance; $48.64 Trx Date Jrn1 No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig.. Master Name Debit Credit 5117/2024 963,2.69 PMTRX00028933 ABPA Supplies 5340 APR 20 4 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $105.23 5/17/2024 963,269 PMTRX00028933 ARPA Supplies 5300 APR 2024 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $1,763.02 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals $1,868.25 $1,916.89 $1,868.25 $0.00 Account:,566513200 Description: MENTAL HEALTH. _..ARPA.FUEL Beginning Balance: $27.70 Trx Date Jrnl Ncv. Orig. Audit Trail 'Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit "No transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $27.79 $0.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MENTAL. HEALTH...ARPA.'PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Beginning Balance: $988.31 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trait Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 5114/2024 961,772 PMTRX00028904 ARPA DCR. TS Services 180.24 Grant County Technical Services. $157.04- --L4 jv,-] 511412024 961 ,772 PMTRX00028904:. ,RPA it _:�:;: �P S Services 180 24 :--..... Technical Services � i 511712324 _ _ :. X63 26D `P�liTRXQ�i028933 f �_ _, ..ARt;'A.�CI� _.,...._., _ -,: -_. ,. 4030 AP1 024 Y',Grant`Coun WASI-IINGT-ON.TBUST..BANK 5/2812024 963,828 PMTRX00028967 ARPA DCR Gamez Driving Record 0-085-881-495 -- BH PC REVQLVIN FUf D 010 DOL $15.00 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $340.08 $1 1328.39 $340.08 $0.00 Account: 108.150=.9000.566514200 Description: MH...ARPA.COMMUNICATIONS Beginning Balance: $95.47 Trx Date JrnI No. trig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 5/14/2024 961,772 PMTRX00028904 ABPA DCR Phone 180 -24 Grant CountyTeehnical Services $21.90 .....' '� 5/1412024 961,772 PMTRX00028904 ABPA Escarn lla Phone 180-24 Grant County Technical .Services $�P0 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $43.8# $`139.27 $43,80 $0.00 Account: Description: MH...ARPA..CONIMUNICATIONS-CELLULARBeginning Balance: $273.97 Trac Date Jrnl No. trig. Audit Trail 131stribution Reference trig. (Master Number Orig. gaster Mame Debit Credit 5/14/2024 961,734 PMTRX00028904 APRA CS DCR Carnez APRIL 2024 RENEW AT&T $41.24: -=L 5/14/2024 961,734 PMTRX00028904- ARPA SL Phone. APRIL 2024 RENEW AT&T $41.2 5/1412024 961,734 PMTRX00028904 i ARPA ML Phone . - � � APRIL 2024 RENEW AT&T $41.24 5/3112024 9661377 GLTRX00033143 "RPA 5L Cell Phone V4Y$41.24, Net Change Ending Balance .Account: Totals: $82.48 $351.45 $123.72 $41.24 Account: Description: MENTAL HEALTH...ARPA.TRAVELy-LODGING Beginning Balance: $1,016.49 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master lumber Orig. Master Nance Debit Credit 5//712024 963,269 PMTRX00028933 ARPA Galarza Training 5300 APR 2024 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $1,664.10 5/17/2024 963,269 PMTRX00028933 ARPA Escarnilla Training 5300 APR 2024 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $1,664.10 r 5/17/202.4 963,270 PMTRX00028933 ABPA A Gonzales 15300 APR 2024 CM. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $174.61 5/17/2024 963,270 PMTRX00028933 ARPA M Gonzalez 5304 APR 2024 CM WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $174.61 Net Change Ending iBalance Account: Totals. $2,9?8.98 $3,995.47 $3,328.2+0 $349.22 Account. Descrilption: 1111H...ARPA.TRAVEL-MEALS Beginning Balance. $803.00 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Drlg. Master Number trig. Master Mame Debit Credit System. 7/16/2" 1:27:53 PM DETAILED TRIAL B NNCE FOR 2024 Page: I User ID: rgon: User Date: 7/1.'V' County L..,__arant General Ledger zw4 Ranges: From: To: Date: 6/112024 613012024 Subtotal By: No Subtotals Include: Posting, Unit Account: 108.150.00,9000.500000000 Sorted By., Fund Account: Description: MH__ARPA.HR WAGE ALLOC. Beginning Balance: $135.47 Trx Date Jrnl No. .069. Audit, Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals $0.0 $135.47 $0.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MH....ARPA.REG SALARIES &WAGes Beginning Balance: $11,821.43 Trx Date JrnI No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Ong. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Change. Ending Balance Account: Totals: $11,821.43 $0.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MH...ARPA.HR WAGE ALLOC. Beginning Balance: $538.72 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Ong. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 6/25/2024 967,739 PMTRX00029080 ARPA DCR HR Wages '2G24 ---------- `-G:':NT';G0- ii" R . ........ --RA ..... ..... $66011 6/25/2024 967,739 PMTRX00029080 ABPA HR Wages RENEW MAY 2024 GRANT CO HUMAN RES $66.11 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Tota1s-. $132.22 $670.94 $132.22 $0.00 Account: Description: IVIK.ARPARETIREIVIENT Beginning Balance: $1,126.58 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $1,126.58 $0.00 $0.00 Account: Description.- MH...ARPA.SOCIAL SECURITY Beginning Balance: $883.77 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Odg. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account*. Totals-, $0.00 $883.77 $0.00 $0.00 Account: 10& 150.00.9000.566512300 Description: MH,.,..ARPA.MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE Beginning Balance: $2,296.41 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account! Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $0.0 $2,296.41 $0.00 $0.00 Account; 108,150.00.9000.566512301 Description: MH ... ARPA.STATEWIDE FIVILA INSU NCE Beginning Balance: $24.98 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number 06g. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Chan, qee-- Ending Balance Account: Totals.- $6.00 $24.98 $0.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MH...ARPA.INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE Beginning Balance: $203.96 Trx Date Jrnl No, Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference 06g. Matter Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit System: 7116001 - It 1 :27:53 PM Page: 2 User Date., 7/161 DETAILED TRIAL F IkNCE FOR 2024 User ID: r9on County ;irant 'NNo transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $0 $203.96 $0.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MH ... ARPA.SUPPLIES -{OPERATING Beginning Balance: $1,916.89 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 6/11/2024 966,436 PMTRX00029041 ARPA Active Shooter Training 4030 MAY 2024 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $14.88 Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $14.88 $1,931.77 $14.88 $0.00 Account: Description: MENTAL HEALTH.. ARPA.FUEL Beginning Balance.- Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference 069. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit *No transactions for this account* Net Change Ending Balance Account: 'Tota ls: $27.79 $0.00 $0.00 Account: ... .. .... ... Description: MENTAL HEALTH. ..ARPA.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Beginning Balance:,. $1,328.39 Trx Date Jrn! No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name /Debit Credit 6/11/2024 965,762 PMTRX00029011 ARPA DCR TS Services . IsMILO ui�_T.-..eq 1,56,74 $ 6111/2024 965,762 PMTRX00029011 ARPA Escamilla TS Services 224-24 Grant County Technical Services' $156.74 Net Change Ending Balance, Account: 108.150.00,9000.566514100 Totals: :$313.48 $1,641.87 $313.48 $0.00 Account., 108.150.00,9000,566514200 Description: MH. . ARPA.COM MU N [CATIONS Beginning Balance: $139.27 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Ong. Master Name-,'.... .... ------ Pebit Credit - - ----------- - 6/1112024 965,762 PMTRX00029011 ARPA DCR Phones 224-.,Gtant..C�-duntY-T-ebhti,id [Sr J? Ilk 6/11/202,4 965,762 PMTRX00029011 ARPA Escarnilla Phones 22Grant County TedhJh_%d6F86r*v`1ce's Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $43.80 $183.07 $43.80 $0,00 Account: Description': MH ... ARPA. COMM U N ICATION S -CELLULAR Beginning Balance: $356.45 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number 06g. MasterName Debit Credit :--,:� 6/11/2024 965,733 PMTRX00029011 ARPA DCR Cell Phone ---2873Ui t4- 06 Tm -'ITTY'' AY:'. 6/11/2024 965,733 PMTRX00029011 ARPA Cell Phone �8763762696 MAY 24, AT & T MOBILITY Net Change Ending Balance Account: Totals: $82.48 $438.93 $82.48 $0.00 Account: 108.150,00.9000.566514301 Description.: MENTAL HEALTH. ..ARPA.TRAVEL-LODGING Beginning Balance: $31995.47 Trx Date Jrnl No. 06g. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number - Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 611112024 966,444 PMTRX00029041 ARPA Escamilla Vegas 5300 MAY 2024 CM WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $349.97 6/1112024 966,444 PMTRX00029041 ARPA Galarza Vegas 5300 MAY 2024 CM WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $806.91 Net Change Ending Balance - - --------- - _- - -------- ---____ -- ------------ __-, Account: Totals: ($1,156.88) $2,838.59 $0.00 $1,156.88 Account: Description: MH ... ARPA.TRAVEL-MEALS Beginning Balance: $803.00 Trx Date Jrnt No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference 069. Master Number 06g. Master Name Debit Credit 6/25/2024 967,697 PMTRX00029079 BETHANY ESCAMILLA MONTANA JULY 2024 BETHANY ESCAMILLA $213,00 Net Change Ending Balance Accounts. Totals: $213.00 $1,016.00 $213.00 $0.00 Account: Description: MH ... ARPIA.TRAVEL-OTHER TRANSPORTATION Beginning Balance: $1,384.33 Trx Date Jrnl No. Orig. Audit Trail Distribution Reference Orig. Master Number Orig. Master Name Debit Credit 6/11/2024 966,438 PMTRX00029041 APRA Escamilla Montana Trainin 5300 MAY 2024 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. $427.19 FOR May -24 #Employ Per emplo, S HR SERVICES 8f263.67 125 66.11 MH .564 7,073.70 SUD 566 594.98 MHBG Recovery Coach ABPA SUICIDE PREY. Bethany Escamilla SUPTRS- ML .SUPTRS- Q ARPA- SL 8079 132.22 9000 66.11 9097 66-11 9096' 66.11 9100 66411 TOTAL 81263.67 FOR DCL Ma -A Y 4.w7 --r #Employ Per employ HR SERVICES 1,1761.08 22 80.05 CMIS - Tina 8001 80.05 1 MH RESIDENTIAL 8002 80.05 1 DD RESIDENTIAL 8003 1.1600998. 20 1".60am TO TA L Pic- z-c,-rus Sarah E. Nelson, :?5-0 From: W30utput@wsp.wa.gov Sent: Monday, April 15, 2024 9:01 AM To: Sarah E. Nelson Subject: WATCH Credit Card Transaction Successful This maiLbox is not monitored. Please do not reply to t.h-is email, m I a You authorized Washington Access To criminal History (WATCH) to charge your Visa credit card for Your transaction was successful. Your order number is 1919512 If you did not authorize WATCH to make a credit card transaction or ifyou have any questions,, please contact us at (360) 534-2000. Option 2 or e-mail watch. p@ --Apk. _yya.o-Wa.Lxov. Thank you for using Washington Access To Criminal History.. 1 &OWL dft&l new PO Box 1057 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone (509) 764-2643 Fax (509) 764-4124 BILL TO: Grant County -ARP.A DCR PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 DATE,, July 16, 2024 INVOICE 5/31/2024 FOR: Ma W24 ARP A- DCR Thank LYOU! -10 of r n A0061 w Groat; aehaviomf Health 8 Wellness. A.A Ai� 108.150.00,9000.566.51.1100 00.5 SS.51.2100 108,150-00-9000-566.51-2200 108.150.00-9000.566.51.2300 108.150,,00.9000-566.51.2301 108-150.00-9000-566.51.2400 108..150.00.9000.566.51.4902 Total 7/18/20246:24 .SALARY & WAGES RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY .MEIDICAL PAID EM LA L&I Driving ecord WAsInNaroN STATE DEPARMENT U d*L LICENSING Web Payment Invoice 7his page Is an invoice of the transaction that you have paid for. Payment confirmation #; 0-005-856-995 Payment date: 16 -May -2024 Process date: 16 -Ma w2024 Payment type,: CHECK Account number: **"1*9639 Routing number: 125100089 Confirmation 9 Description Amount 0-086-881-496 Pay for your order of driving rewr'd"r'> $15.00 Total Ali Tendered $15400 r% `-.7 qgp'"CK