HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (002)GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: KarrlF' Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrie Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES ®NO DATE 6/28/2024 PHONE:2937 WIN, ------- - ----- I - - ------- - MEMEM, ❑Agreement /Contract ❑AP VouchersIN ----- -- — ---------- - ----- -- ------ ❑Appointment !Reappointment 1.0 n ❑ARPA Related ❑Bids /RFPs /Quotes Award ❑Bid Opening Scheduled ❑Boards /Committees ❑Budget El Computer Related ❑County Code ❑Emergency Purchase ❑Employee Rel. F-1 Facilities Related 1:1 Financial 1:1 Funds El Hearing ❑Invoices /Purchase Orders BGrants —Fed/State/County ❑Leases ❑MOA / MOU El Minutes ❑Ordinances ❑Out of State Travel El Petty Cash ❑Policies El Proclamations ❑Request for Purchase ❑Resolution ❑Recommendation ❑Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Support Letter ❑Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB Reimbursement requests #2&3 from Port District No.4 on the Strategic Infrastructure Program (SIP) #2023-05 for the Coulee City Medical Clinic Project in the amount of $202,864.01. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ❑ YES ❑ NO (Q N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? ❑ YES ❑ NO Fm� N/A DATE OF ACTION: ,`1. APPROVE: DENIED D1: ABSTAIN 4/23/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC INFgASTRUCTURE PROGRAM PROJECT CERTIFI4CATIpN This form must be signed and returned., with invoice, before reimbursement can be — In .,.Ace, for the approved funding., approved by Grant County-, SIP Project Proposal N•umber: 2023-05 SIP Funding Recipient- Grant County Port District #4, Coulee City SIP Project Description: New Coulee City Medical Cli• ni• c L the undersigned, do hereby cerafy under penalty of been ftimished, the services rendered, of PerJurY, that the materials have and/or the labor'erformed as describi project Proposal for the above-- n the referenced SIP Ped Project and that I am authenticate and certify to this claim. I also cert, authorized to just and due and is an -unpaid obligation against fy that this claim of $ t Grant county. mi4 Further, according to the SIP Project •Funding Policies entity this Project Shall be called to the attest that at the next audit of my Office and an emphas-s attention of the Washington State Auditor's 1 audit Will be requested to assure that these funds were toward the project and according to the intent of the proposal. expended Signature .......... . Printed N e U Date Signed Completed, signed original certineafloj Grant Administrative Specialist, P u and invoice are to be mailed to: 0 Box 37, EPhrata, WA 98823 ATTACHMENT 4 GENERAL FUND GRANT COUNT( PORT DISTRICT #4 VOU HER LIST P. O. BOX 537 DATE&a_,7v� 4w _....... 7 COULEE CITY; WA 99115 WARRANTS: L+nS57 I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, TH.ATTHE MATERIALS HAVE BEEN FURNISHED, THE SERVICES RENDERED OR THE LABOR PERFORMED AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND THAT THE CLAIM IS A JUST, DUE AND UNPAID OBLIGATION AGAINST GRANT COUNTY PORT DISrRIcr #4 AND THAT 1 AM AUTHORIZED TO AUTHENTICATE AND CERTIFY SAID CLAIM. WARRANT APPROVED: - 461: AU,bl f0_" SIGNED s lw PORT DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS 11:01 AM 06/26124 Grant County Port District #4 Check Detail June 26, 2024 Type Num Date Name Check 4086 06126/2024 Leone & Keeble, Inc. TOTAL Item Account Cash Account Capital Projects Paid Amount -170,415.36 -170,415.36 Page 1 Grant County. Poit District #4 P. 0. Box 537 - Coulee City, WA 99115 embank. 96-671/1232 6.141004081 -6/25/20244- Leone & Keeble, Inc. Cash Account 6/25/2024 170,415-36 170,415.36 FOR PAYMEW rr APPUCATION AND CERTIFICATION -LI;-.111 fix Disitict No 4 VROJEC1, CUU1.<, CitV tq::dicd Clinic I st W1 mam main SITW tails, 991 --5 ARCHII—FC7 WA 011 Vi F-::� RIOM COINITRACr(DR., Atchtl=U. P 5 %& Kttblt�. 4w '0 log w 80(intiMr 23 -11 -;a %VA 410201 Yakirm'.. WA- 9811") CO3N1VjtA(-..f DATE- ()31Tji.;24 its die b- ataf Itic COW CONTRACTOWS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT ER ?oo jactmViort ndb-ch'S the- 4f Vay-7,rant, as Shown MOW, in CQn.-%CCtw-.%,wiih ft- Contract lixtiounis hw�e.ktn V.&d kv N% 4,r - �p .Mpki'M in a--cordancc ApplicalwFS Is rnalre for ci, w0-?-nd W�k, , Ica, I C; &9, ko (7�o nfi!rj at i w t S hce., .4 —5-k D cft in t r- ..k WP is t I tj C vil a !S no U;: 4M • P VO;r,4 J. P, 41 N16 I CONTRAM SUM CONIRACT0W by Change Qtdecc, N. lob z.-.1 cbmir. ri 0 Fo - P, ITRACt.51 IM T .j TOTAL C0%%4M.--.TVD&- TrOV.D1.10 ByIgo 11"VIE. (Cm olun a on 07 0 Rvbwv, Don 2 IlIg dky or Jaw: Stafa*E WV-11ingto"n +i Ns.etT�o:tt�ielett 15tst� :, C unin D U on al NrAmly tit :�Illk- , oulatil"wrv-11kPitus. (Calunm F tin 07031 P WO go ,Urt;$ �a-# 3b fit TOW RCWM '411CWTEar--s cERT.(FIEWTE FOR PKY—HENT fatal in C<Aurnn 1 o(G703)g. bz&I Lin pr,01t cjb.;�� Ilm Bala acculd.1pcc wilh the ca-.,�ratt hCer certif-RAS (c, the that to titc. best of b-. WA' A�rt %Iln pro 4 COnIVit I o is to atC.^.i3:sttrs ttia=h the C-irtr2ct DIV= enL,, and Ithe 114. &1 hS 171 Ifle q'splIN 0,1111C Wo . :S VOR eAVVIIN, ...TDU- -To rwisn, vx' I? -*.T CWMMU) f.AnCL -TAINAGE. (L�.rc 3 kss Ljr.c 61) S Van MIT U r. I h v, r i)(TIMSUP'NAKY DEDUL :-S vhfida *vr .,T j.tsutNsrt urdrwilie: Wit- ch=rt%PtC11-:CT /* Tatai Upu"I'md this M0131h tile ordy in zhe ,g IN p F _11Ri; n S10'a Tnv; ccluileaft.11 wt payrn=tand acc�-Fumtc kir;w, Iftenim -.011oul TOIALS i"-Uanr-v< prtqt:di any I_ '"aw-Pt Order t,,, --T cj--,.4N-G0 by IL a 2 3 292 VV!� ''i ORK AYE., N.. ......... -0 711. RIPMIMAER:2347 07F-01 AMERICAN Me P ICA*TlrjNPLN[3'1'::!��.''il''kl''''Fil'I'l" ation of Documeffs AulhenticitY M111 a completed AIA Dar-UmBnt D40i Cerfiric Usem trial' tibOdn validation of thls document by requesting Irk- APPLICKTION FOR PAYIk ENT Coulee City Medical Clinic &s Libraiy Period 5/31/2024 CUUi00 Citi, VIA 99 Architect: Lodburrow jWctch Architects, P S Job:: '3-1 l .� EZMatc No. ? CON, I RAC -7' II" -IMS TOTAL AL TOTAL PERCE;TT VALUI VAiXl L VALUE ITEM DESCRIPTION ICON -M ACT COMPLETE CO�'LETE PREVIOUS CURRENT CONTRACT ILIO VALUE TO DATE !:S'1'ttt:' TES I:Si*i1,,.%7r1. BAUMNCti I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2 General Conditions 339,122 00 44,485 86 13 16,956 10 27.12976 295,036 14 3 BSO and Insurance 1$,454 U.( 2,347.42 13 90270 1;4.3215,70698 4 Band 27,298.00 27,298.00 104 27,298 00 - 5 Final Documentation 14,349.00 - - - 14,349 00 6 Punch. List Completion 29,696-00 - - 28,696.00 7 Commissioning 28,696 00 - - 28.696.00 8 Permit Allowance 6,50000 6,50000 100 6,50000 - - III 9 Dly]LSION 2 - SITE WORK la Selective Site Demolition 3,597 on 3,587.00 too 3,59700 - - 11 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 12 CIP Concrete Anchors 4,53500 3,62800 80 1,36050 21267 50 90700 13 CIP Concrete - Building 91,127.00 08!345 25 75 9,11270 59,232.55 22,781 75 14 CIP Concrete - Sidewalks 5,63400 - - _ 5,63400 15 CIP Concrete - Transforrmer Pad 1,68900 - - 1,68900 16 Past & Panel Signage Con=te 65900 _ 659 00 17 Grout Steel Column Base 746.00 - - - 74600 18 DYMION 5 - -METALS - 19 Structural Steel Framing 1,4161.00 - - - - 1,416,00 20 Metal Ladders 6,852.00 - - - - 6,89100 -21 DIti'ISION 6 - CARPENTRY 22 . Rough Carpentry 163,344 00 - - - - 163,344.00 23 Casework Shocking & .Backing 13;522.00 - - - - 13;522.00 24 Rough Hardware 2,44200 _ _ _ 2,442.00 25 H+oNt ng, l Craning 2,090.09 - 2,00000 26 interior Finish Carpentry 4-81121700 - - - - 48,217 00 27 DIVISION 7 - T HERNIAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 28 Thermal Ins-ulation 27,875 00 - • - - 22,825 00 29: Below Grade Rigid Insulation 77400 77400 too - 77400 30 Thermoplastic Single. Ply Membrane Roofing 56,455 00 - - 56,455 00 31 Siding 35,000 00 - - - 35,000 00 32 hoof Accessories 50000 - - • - 500.00 33 Joint Sealants 1,12200 - 1,12200 34 DIMS! ON 8 - DOORS AND GLAZING 35 FM Boors & Frames 47,359 00 - - - 47,359 04 36 Wood Doors 2,71000 - - - - 2,710.01(1 37 Vinyl Windows 6,59300 - - 6'583.00. 38 Door Hardware 22,379 00 - _ 22,379.00 39 Glazing 5,03700 40 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES 4 i. Gypsum Board 58,970 00 - - . - 5S,97t} fl0 42 ,A6ustical Ceiling 19,480.00 - 19,480 00 43 PiOoring 51,662 0a - - - 31,662 00 44 Painting 27,065 00. - - 37.,665 00 45 DIVISION 10 - ACCESSORIES 46" Panel Sig age. 8,49900 - - - 8,49900 47 Wall & Door Protection 19000 - - - .19000 48 Toilet, Bath & Laundry Accessories 'T96 00 - - - - 7§6 00 49 Fire Protection Specialties 77900 - - - 79.00 50 _ Kfio.cBoxes 82300 - - 823 00 51 Book Return 1,44600 - - _ 1,446 00 52 DIVISION 12 - MIRNISHINI GS 53 Window Treatments 5,00000 5,00000 54 Casework 65,486 00 - - - 65,486 00 5-55 DIVISION 22 - PLUMBING Sts Undcrslab Plumbing Labor 20,000.00 20.000 04 lilt# - 2%:000 00 - 57 Underslab Plumbing Mater%als 16,000 00 16,000 00 100 - 16,00000 59 Rough In Plumbing Labor V,000 00 - - - - 20,000 00 59 Rough In Plumbing Matetials 45,000 00 9,00000 .70 - 900000 36,000 00 60 Trim Out Plumbing Labor 9.75300 - - - 9 753 00 61 Trim Out Plumbing Materials 15,000 00 - - - 15,000 00 62 Pipe Insulation 8,00000 - - - V00 00 63 Acltltin Jobsite Labor 7,000.00 1,400-00 20 - 1,40000 5,3600 00 64 Commissioning 31V099 00 - - - - 3,09900 65 Punch Gist Completion3,094 04) _ _ _ _ 3,09900 66 Final Documentation 1254900 - - - - 1,54900 67 Office Overhead -3,00000 600.00 20 - 60000 2j400.00 68 Equipment Rental 2,700.00 54000 20 - 54000 ?,160.00 69 ticrtcctal !terns ' 1��\:t31'ati rig ()o l ;; Kt? 20 - 15580 62320 iL"-B r(Y rAL 0RIt;NAl- CONTRACT l ..,; r1 .;33 or 04,2c:0 9 65.717 00 135,5-13 '03 1.I s5."7-7 of Leone & feeble, Inc 108 W Boone Spokane, WA 99201 Phone: (509) 327-445'1 Fax. (549) 325-9200 Pale '1 of 3 Leone & Keeble, Inc. 108 W Boone Spokane, WA 99201 Page 2 of 3 Phone: (509) 327-4451 Fax: (509) 325-9200 APPLICATIONN FOR PAYI'VEENT Period 513112024 Coulee City Nledimd Clinic & Libnay Archfiecr [.00rourrow Werch.ArMitects, P S Coulee City, WA 99115 Egfimate No 1) Job 9 23-1154 1 011- CONNI"RAcr fTL-ims --- TOTAL CON PACT PERCrINT COWL= COMPLETE VALUE VALUE VALLI PREVIOUS CURRENT CONTRACT ITEM DESCRIPTION V A 1. U TO DATE 4175TINUITE3 1 15- 11 1 AT -1 BALANCE No 41,� 70 DIVISION 23 - HVAC 1.71000 71 Submittals 41 Mobilization 1,72000 23,90000 72 Pro ctiM ERV's 23,90000 24,400.00 73 Procure Packaged RTUs 24,40000 1.00.00; 74 Ptdcure Exbaust Fans 1,00000 2,90000 75' Procure DuqT Heaters 2,90000 2,450.00 76 Procure Split System 2,450.00 12000 -77 Procure Roof Hoods 120010 3i250 00. 73 Procure ORM 79 Fabricated & Procured Ductwork 3250.00 21,50000 63,26000 80 Installation of Ductwork & Equipment 63,260"00 22500.00 81 Refrigeration Pipin0 g 2500, - 00 2 82 DuctInsulation 7,000-00 3.00000 000.00 83 Low Voltage Wiring / Controls 3300000 4,000.00 84 HVAC Equipment Startup 4,000-00 _,40000 85 Test, Adjusting & Balancing 2,40.0.00 1,720.00 86 Final Documentation 1,772000 - 31440,00 87 Punch List Completion Z,440 00 - 3�440 00 88 Commissioning 3,44000 - -89 DFVISION 26 - ELECTRICAL. 00 90 Electrical permits. & Mtobilization 2,27500 - :4,26000 91 primary Services- Marerial 4,26000 6.,550 .00 42P.Timav Services- Labor 6,550 00 8,530 00 93 Branch Conduit & Wire- Material 8A586.0 2.3,40000 grian6h Conduit & Wint - Labor 23,400-00 00 95 Feeder Conduit Wire -, Material I ... 1 Saw 2,no 00 :.. 96 Feeder Conduit & Wire -tabor 2.185000 - S,s30 00 07' Exterior Lighting - Material 5, 33000 5,626 00 gs Exterior Lighting - Labor 5,62000 55,700 - 00 99% Panels & Disconnects -Material 55'700 00 11351000 100 Panels & Disconnects -Labor 11,510 0 0 2,80000 101 Trim - Material 2.80000 - 1 102 Trim - Labor 11,50000 �,5i1U,00 - 3_,900.00 101 -Ligh' t Fixtures - Material 32,90000 - , , :! - 5 194 Light Fixtures - Labor 25.) 10 00 - ,110.06 5,90000 - 105 Cbrnm/Data - INIaterial 5,90000 - 7,500 O(YA ,106. Comm/Data - Labor 7.5000.00 - P248 00 2,- 107' 'Final Documentation 2,248.00 - 4,49600 log Punch List Completion 4,49600 4,49600 109 Comm is-sioning 4,496.00 110 DIVISION 31 - EARTHNVORK 10 30.7 00 ill Bring Sitb to Subgrade . ..: Backfill 112 Voti�dbtftn J�NC4V=on V0706 1 0 25,709 OD 2530900 100 13 12,85450 122954.50 3 00 Slab ill Building Stab Prep - 18,,41300 14�730 40 9170650 �,55,523 90 -,OS') - :9,595.00 'k P 114 Side . �9;5 95 00 - 5,67f100 : 115 venching for Electrical 5,67000 - 45,96" 00 . re , .. phal aving 116 prep'fbr Coilc te a Asphalt Sidewalks I P 43,562-00 - 57800 t 1 Fine Grade Continuous Footings 57300 57800 too 123900 118 Fine Grade SOO 1,239 00 119 DIVISION 32 - SITENYORK 2,21200 1120 Vapor Barrier Under 509 2,'? 12 00 . 00 121 Asphalt Paving 36,020-00 7,370 00* 122 Pavement Markings 7,3'7000 123 'DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES 67500 124 Utilities (Trenching) 125 8 iteUtilities Water Systems -.Material 67500 3,64100 A 100 316'100 3,64100 126 site Utilities Water Systems - Labor 8,226 00 8,22600 i0o 8,226 00 - M Site Ut I ilitida Sanitary Sewer - Materials 1.11200 11711200 too 1,11200 t28 Site Utilities Sanitary Sewer - Labor 5,406,00 5.40600 100 5,406 00- 3,17200 129 site Utilities Storm Drainage / Sivale - Matcnials 3,17200 - 14,405.00 130 Site Utilities Storm Drairl4ge / Swale - Labor 14.40500 131 JnJ TOTAL ORIGNNAL CONITIACT 1,986570. 00 263,663 333 106,163 - 00 157150033 1, . -722,906 671, Leone & Keeble, Inc. 108 W Boone Spokane, WA 99201 Page 2 of 3 Phone: (509) 327-4451 Fax: (509) 325-9200 APPLICATION FOR PAA'MEWI r Coulee City lrfed W Clinic & Library Pcdod 5l3lf2Q24 Coulec City, WA 99115 krchiieer, Loo burrow lVetch Architects, P S Y..0 u 11 11 .: 1 Estimate No. 2 Leone & Keeble, Inc l t18 W. Boone Spokane, WA 99201 Phone: (509) 327-4451 Fax: (509) 325-9200 Page 3 of 3 CHANGE ORDER ITi.MS TOTAL TOT -Al- PERCENT VA.t.Lue VALUE VALUE . rrElr'i DESCRIPTION CONTRACT COMPLETE COMPLETE PREVIt3LIS CURRENT CONTRACT NO. V r3LUT T4 DATE ESTIMATES ESTIM:'VrE BA1,ANCE 1 4 - - - - 7 _ 9 to - _ _ • .. CHANGE ORDER TOTAL - - - ' 031GINAi. co.%m CT TOTAL 1.986,570 00 265.6-65 33 106.153 00 157.500 �; 111I.I.IN6 TOTALS 1 4)86,570 UO 1 .�a'o i 0h.16 + 00 15 ' 5()0 3.3 1.722 ��C)r! d? Leone & Keeble, Inc l t18 W. Boone Spokane, WA 99201 Phone: (509) 327-4451 Fax: (509) 325-9200 Page 3 of 3 ,lob #` 1I54 LUITIJULU 1"W. SUBTOTAL C D E F H SCHEDULED VALUE PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS CURRENT APPLICATION TOTAL TO DATE BALANCE TO FINISH $ 11986,570.00 $ 106,163.00 $ 157,500.33 $ 263,663.33 $ 11722,906.67 CO TOTAL $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ SUBTOTAL $ 1.,986,570.40 $ 1.06,163.00 $ 157,500.33 $ 263,663,33 $ 1,722,906.67 SALES TAX 8.2% $ 1.62,898,74 $ 8,705.37 $ 12,915.03 $ 21,620.39 $ 14.,278.35 TOTAL CONTRACT $ 21149,468.74 $ 114,868.37 $ 170,415.36 $ 285,283.72 $ 11864,185,02 RETAINAGE 0% $ $ - 114,868.37 $ $ - 170,415.36 $ $ $ $ - 285,283.72 114,868.37 174,415.35 $1..864, .SS.o2 TOT'AL LESS RETAINAGE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS DUE THIS ESTIMATE UNPAID BALANCE The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief the work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by him for Work for which previous Certificate of Payments were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM PROJECT` CERTIFICATION This form must be signed and returned, with an invoice for the e approved P_ funding, before reimbursement can be approved by Grant County, SIP Project Proposal Number: 2023-05 SIP Funding Recipient -Grant Co unty Port District #4, Coulee City SIP Project Description. New Coulee City Medical Clunc L the undersigned:, do hereby certify underpenalty.,f pel�ury� that the materials have been finonishe d, the services rendered, and/Or the laborperformed as described in the PrOject PrOPOsal for the above -referenced SIP Project and that I I authoinze d- to authenticate and certify to this claim $ I also certify that this claim of vkxs" I s just and due and is an unpaid obligation against Grant County. Further, according to the SIP Project Funding policies, I attest that at the next audit of my entity, this project shall be called to the attention of the Washington State Auditor) s Office and an emphasis audit will be requested to assure that these fimds were expended toward the project and according to the intent of the proposal. 001�L Signature A Printed Name Date Signed Title Printed Title ------------ Completed, signed original certification and •invoice are to be mailed to: Grant Administrative SPecialist, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823 ATTACHMENT 4 GENERAL. FUND GRAM COUNTY PORT DISTRICT #4 COULEE CITY, WA 99115 /� +✓ uctaER its DATA: `� '� {.�S WARRAtVTS�-��-- �� Mi It THE UNDERSIGNED, DCS HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE .MATERIALS HAVE BEEN FURNISHED THE SERVICES RENDERED OR THE LABOR PERFORMED AS .DESCRIBED KEREIN, .AND THAT TRE CLAIM IS A .BUST, DUE AND UNPAID OBLIGATION AGAINST GRANT COUNTY PORT DISTRICT #4 � THAT I AM AUTHORIZED TO AUTHENTICATE AND, CERTIFY SAID CLAIM. A - � ; WARRANT NO. _. APPROVED: AUDITOR i -- PO T.DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Grant County PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5/30/2024 Porgy District #4 PO Box 537 Coulee City, WA 99115 RE: Work Order Number 223447 Account Number: :NEEDS SETUP This cost quote estimate is in response to your request for a new Commercial Rate Schedule 2 services at, 218 W Main St W, Coulee City. Per section 4.5.1.A of the latest edition of Grant PUD Customer Service Policy located on our website, the customer is required to pay 75% of total labor and material up to the Cap (Rate 1 $101000, Rate 2 $25,,000, Rate 3, $40,,000) and then 100% of labor and material for all cost above the Cap. Your share of the estimated costs per this work order design is as follows: Labor 8,702 Matetials 10,310 Transformer 10,224 Meter 376 Work Order Total Costs $ 29f 612 Other Agency Permit Fees Subcontracted Costs (Bore, Plow, Blast` etc.) $ Easement Filing Fees (documents mailed seDaratelv) t Customer Simple Underground Electric Service $ Simple Underground Fiber Optic Service $ 400 Customer Total Due Prior 'tis Construction $ 31e162 . 0 prior energizing of service. Please contact the Customer Department to A deposit maybe requIred to establish your deposit amount. Please return a copy of this letter with your payment to your local Grant PUD office or via mail to P.O. Box 1519 Moses Lake, WA 98837. Should you have any questions regarding this cost quote please use the phone numbers below: Desi : Customer Engineering Department,, Dayna Dennis (509) 793-1482 Wight -of -Way: Lands Recreation Property Services, Chris Clarke (509) 7547772 Scheduling& Work: Ephrata Service Center, Scott Elliot (509) 754-5022 Payment or Deposit: Customer Service Department, Call Center (509) 766-2505 Sincerely, Dayna Dennis Senior Customer Engineer "This Cost Quote will be honored for a period of ninety (90) day4 after which the work order will be canceled. ................ .......... ........... .. PoBox 878 509 766 2505 grajillptid'org Ephrata, WA 98823 509754 6770 11:39 AM Grant County Port District #4 06114124 Check retail June I - 14, 2024 Type Num Date Name Account Paid Amount Check 4074 06/1412024 Travis Liening Cash Account 546.40 - Boat Slip R... -161.00 TOTAL -161.00 Check 4075 0611412024 McDonald, Howard Cash Account 513.10 - C10mmISSIO... -161.00 TOTAL -161.00 Check 4076 0611412024 Joy Beardsley Cash Account 513.10 - Commissio... -161.00 TOTAL -161.00 Check 4077 06/1412024 Chris Erickson Cash Account 514.30 - Office Supp... .51.10 514.10 - Pot Secret..,, -200.00 TOTAL -25'1..'10 Check 4078 06/1412024 Town of Coulee City Cash Account. 538.40 - utilities -138.66 TOTAL -138.66 Check 4079 06114/2024 Gray & Osborne, Inc. Cash Account 514.40 - Professiona.;. -2,536.65 TOTAL -2,536.:65 Check 4080 061141'2024 Buss Public Affairs... Cash Account 514.40 - Professiona... -11000.00 TOTAL -11000.00 Page I '11.39 AM 06114/24 Grant County Port District #4 Check Deiaii June I -14, 2024 Type Num Date Name Account Check 4081 06/14/2024 Centurylink Cash Account 538.40 - Utilities TOTAL Check 4082 0611412024 Ries Law Firm Paid Amount -85.46 -85.46 Cash Account 514.40 - Professlona... -11820.00 TOTAL Check 4083 0611412024 Grant County PUD Cash Account New Construction TOTAL Check 4084 06/14/2024 Signs Etcetra Cash Account 514.40 - Advertising/... TOTAL -.29,912.00 -29,912,00 Page 2