HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Extension - BOCCOpen Record Public Hearing Auditor's Office Budget Extension April 16, 2024 3:15 p.m. In Attendance: Cindy Carter, Chair Rob Jones, Member Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board Katie Smith, Chief Financial Officer Emili Wash, Accountant Public: See Sign In Sheet The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider a budget extension request from the Auditor's Office in the amount of $21,.944.00. Emili Wash, Accountant, gave a brief description stating the Commissioners approved in the 2024 budget a 5% of the annual tax revenue generated from the Prop 1 Sales Tax revenue from 117 after the bond payment, to fund the new jail capital replacement fund (311). The revenue came in higher than anticipated so the excess amount today, $21,944.00., must be budgeted. A motion was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to close the public comment portion of the hearing. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. A motion was made by Commissioner Jones to approve the budget extensions as presented. Commissioner Carter. seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. The hearing adjourned. GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must besub.mitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT:Auditor REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: EI111I1 Wash CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE-. E1111I1 Wash CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES ®NO DATE: 3.26.2024 PHONE:509-754-2011 lei LVAMIM111, j I a i I LAME �1 I I I I MUSUVIl 1, MAgreement [ Contract DAP Voudhers DAppoint ent I Reappointment --Ala DARPA Related .0 Bids RFPS- / Quotes Award El Bid. Opening .Scheduled D Boards Committees WB:dget D Computer Related. DCounty Code nE Emergency Purchase . haSO 0 E, 01 m - 0 yee Rel, nFacilities Related Winancial [--]Funds nHearing . El Invoices Purchase Orders F1 Grants. — Fed/State/County nLeases F1 MOA MOU DMinutes 00rdihances Dout of.State Travel E]Pe fty Cash Opolicies OProc'I;Amations nRequ for estfor E!Resol'ti Resolution DRecommendation OPro-fessl6nal Se'rv/.Consultant OSu Letter pport FIS plus Req. ur DTax Levies OThank, You's nTax Title Property FIWSLCB --------- --- Budged Extension for Fund 117 in the amount of X21,944 for the transforlhat was approved in 2024 budget to fund 311 D1: D2: D8: A k U R C El V ED it �L- AR 2 2--,4, iV :FINANCIAtE{ tJ ST equ:esOr Emi:li 1Na�h Requesfvr's d;epartmeh�; Q01:104 [date 3.25;20 14, Fungi &-,Dept of Regpo.g 177.OQI0 Capital l sset Approval` Na: »iid'get'Ei'er►s`ian: des: Etablish:Close Rurid° No: CashTrarsf+r°Ja C_n the 2024 _dud et BOCC:ha' a : ra ad 5%:OF. ,nn,ual tai: evenue `e erated f a P t P C.. n r ..prop. Safes_Tax:;{ 7 ,,:a t C deductin anr►ua1 bon ex d e fund: 311' Nev�r.la1! Ca rtl R.e lacement :but rvenue,came :-.P,-, --,P,, ..- . r- rn hr h ' ::. _.g er khan an i.cpa ed f6r 20123. Weare a fq uestin a bud et.extensio .,: q .... ., g . ..-- . - ..n..�r1..he a.m0.ttt1 of.$21, 44'fot'the transfer to fund, 311,. . CAPITAL ASSET PURCHASE:APPROVAL. 'BUDGETREQUIR ME [T Asset DesCripa ort_ A d Mona Ex :21,944 Total Purchase. Expense Aditionaevenue: Z1j44 Less Extstrng App,►-ova�- additional Cash Requirement Additional FUn . ing Source Operational _. AddNtf-hiori !Approve( Requlrei Capital Fa.-Pl - R0 1 - .. -1. - Grant I un•ed': Dacumentatdn_ L3Ua.ET,E?TENSIQN :REQUEST i=ur�d Narie Revenue cod^e/s' ACeount. Desr�ripton Ameunt: I ro;p �. 5aies Tax; 00O.Op;Qo00 3131.50000 PROP.1°TAX �1944 ,21,944_, Fux% Name Expense code/s: Account' De'scrtptan: Arriotant Prao x' Sa�e's'Ta `117:000.00.,-000'597000011 TR',N5FER OUT` ... • - . 21,944: :CA5 i ,TR , NSF.ER REC UEST lurid Name Fra.m C:od°e: (. } Accouht Qe:scription° Amou:itFrorri} F.urid Ia;me . Ta Code - _} Account Cescrlptron; Amour�To` FOR1pV. RD TO: ACCOU . TI[VG Fr R APPRO'VAL..-;APPR01lED FORMS .W LUBE RRfU'TP DEPT-f+�]R SUBMB.00C = = FU CASH SUMMARY . Note s: A ditionaC tax revenuewill be sufficient to cov r the additional expense. - Beginnrng Cash :10,819,97.4 Epensi Bdgtwamendrni:ents) 6,254,37. • E;epense Extfi Requested 2:.,94 Buil etleann " Re�1.111 e6i Revenue Bd- uv�arn_endmenfs _ ,. }. - - v, _ - 6 703 0�0 ,. Resc lu" io ;+ _ t o require Re tired - - Revenue E�tt. Re` ue�st d {e �cl 3-0-} - - :x:194:4 Re roved Estimated Errdrrig Cash = 11,265;603 Cepartnet apPa�ra:,.�.:.�.;; Account Number 117.000800'20000,597000011 117.000-00.00000521201-100 117.000-00-00009-597000000 1 176000.00.0000.597000000. COUNTY OF GRANT 117.000 Proposition 1 Sales Tax Expenses Account Description PROP I-ENDI-NG FUND BALANCE:, PROP I NEW JAIL. MAINTENANCE.' FUND PROP 1. WAGES. - SHERIFF PROP I WAGES - JAIL PROP 1 -BOND PAYMENTS 2022 2023 2023 2024 Actuals Budget Actuals 6/30 Budget 445,629 751000 .11000,9000.1, 1.43751371 4 801,663 v000. 4,804, -51801,663 611700,000 Accounting has been instructed bythe Board of County Commissioners to allocate 5% of the annual tax revenues generated from Prop 1 sales tax, after deducting annual bond expenses, to fund 311 for New Jail Capital Replacement. Transfer will be completed in 2024. 2023 Calculation Annual Prop 1Tax Revenue 627413146 Less: Annual Bond Expense 418020262 11938,884 5% allocation for fund 311 962944 Transfer 96,944 from fund 117 to 311 County of Grant 117-000 Prop 1 Sales For the Twelve Months Ending Sunday, December 31, 2023 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT TOTAL RECEIVED YEAR TO DATE UNCOLLECTED %r`r..n11NIT NAME APPROPRIATION THIS PERIOD _ RECEIVED BALANCE %RECD 63 313150000 PROP 1 TAX ($6,000,000.00) $8451888.46 $6,741,145.63 7 , . 361110000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 25,834.34 60,034.81 60,034.81 388100000 PRIOR YEARS(S) CORRECTIONS (9,821,056.00) (918211056.00) 397000000 OPER TRANSFERS IN 9,821,055.02 9,821,055.02 TOTAL REVENUES (15,821,056.00) 8719722.80 16,622,235.46 801,179.46 112 -.3b" -/'o 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 105.06% Previous Year Previous Year This Period To Date 1/25/2024 GCDEPTREV 4:02 PM System: 1/2V2024 9:28:41 AM County of Grant Page: 1 User Date: 3/22/2024 SUMMARY INQUIRY FOR 2023 User ID: krsmith General Ledger Account: CRIM JUST. DEBT SRV CASH Currency: Period ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Debit Credit Net Change Period Balance Beginning Balance $0.00 $0.00 Period 1 $0.00 $0.00 Period 2 $0.00 $0.00 Period 3 $0.00 $0.00 Period 4 $0.00 $0.00 Period 5 $0.00 $0.00 Period 6 $1,958,331.25 $1,958,331.25 $0.00 $0.00 Period 7 $0.00 $0.00 Period 8 $599.04 $599.04 $0.00 $0.00 Period 9 $0.00 $0.00 Period 10 $0.00 $0.00 Period 11 $0.00 $0.00 Period 12 $2,843,331.25 ------------------------- $2,843,331.25 -------------------------------------------------- $0.00 $0.00 Totals: $4,802,261.54 $4,802,261.54 $0.00 ------------------------- $0.00 County of Grant 117-000 Prop 1 Sales For the Twelve Months Ending Sunday, December 31, 2023 Monthly Expense Report TOTAL EXPENDITURES YEAR TO DATE UNENCUMBERED PREVIOUS YR PREVIOUS ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT NAME APPROPRIATIOI\ THIS PERIOD EXPENDITURES BALANCE USED THIS PERIOD YTD 523601100 REG SALARIES & WAGES $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 0.00% 597000000 OPER. TRANSFERS OUT 4,801,663.00 2,843,331.25 5,802,261.54 (1,000,598.54) 120.84% TOTAL: OTHER NOT 5????00?? CLASSIFIED 4,801,663.00 2,843,331.25 5,802,261.54 (1,000,598.54} 120.84% 5???? 1 ??? - TOTAL: REG 5????12?? SALARIES/WAGES 11000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00% 5???????? GRAND TOTAL: 5,801,663.00 2,843,331.25 51802,261.54 (598.54) 100.01% 1/26/2024 GCDEPTEXP 8:18 AM