HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (003)01 GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Karrie Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrie Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES D NO DATE:6/1 7/2024 PHONE:2937 ----------------- ❑Agreement / Contract ❑AP Vouchers ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑ARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑ Boards / Committees ❑ Budget ❑ Computer Related ❑ County Code ❑ Emergency Purchase ❑ Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial ❑ Funds ❑ Hearing ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders ® Grants — Fed/State/County ❑ Leases ❑ MOA / MOU ❑Minutes ❑Ordinances ❑Out of State Travel El Petty Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution El Recommendation ❑Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Support Letter ❑Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB / .. .r r .... r..., ., .�- .l i- i - .. ,. i.i--ii �� .. "moi. .r. r ... r : .. a- 5' N ./: a. .i..i i i -./ -� _; ":-i ,. � ;.iii�. .r .;- _, /--/...�.r:r,.- ..GEN � - .. '/ �-.. ....r 1. ... ...r-. . irr� r i,.: .-..� /... ., r..'. - .� .. ,. ... ,. :: - ... / � rr �.. r .. �-, ,.,: a�fi� �t`�e r� ,» � :, TV Reimbursement request from Hopesource on the Emergency Housing Fund grant #24-4619D-1 06 in the amount of $51,041.73 for May 2024 expenses. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ❑ YES ❑ NO 0 N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? ❑ YES ❑ NO 0 N/A S DATE OF ACTION: .,2 Z APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: 4/23/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: HopeSourc�� 606 West 3rd Ave Ellensburg, WA 98926 Phone: 509-925-1448 Fax: 509-925-1204 Dame: Ariam Mehtsentu Signature: Date: 6/13/24 A Grant County Courthouse AttnJanice Flynn, Admin. Services Coordinator P.O. Box 37 ,Ephrata, WA 98823-0037 606 West 3rd Ave Ellensburg, WA 98926 Phone (509) 925-1448 Fax (509) 925-1204 110 Pennsylvania Ave, Cie Elurn, WA 98922 • Phone (509) 674-2375 Fax (509) 674-5187 DEPARTNENT OF COhWERCE. 1011 Pkan Sveel SE -Pri-Box 4252-5, 'N OAYMMal, WK;Nhgkwi 98-504,25,25 * (360) 7254000 wwwxomm, erce-wa,gm Form 19-1 A VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION AGENCY! Short Codec Contract Number NUMBER CIVIS Invoice ID: DEPARMENT OF 1030 24-4619D-106 395726 COMMERCE VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant payable to:) INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Grant County Board of Commission Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or PO BOX 37 services. Show complete detail for each item. EPHRATA, WA98823-0037 Vendor's Certificate: The individual signing this voucher below warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized and on behalf Kerrie Stockton of the entity identified in the Vendor/Claimant section. The individual (Vendor Contact Person) signing below certifies under penalty of perjury that the items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or (509) 754-2011 ext 2937 (Vendor Contact Phone) services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, <kstockton(a'),qrantcountna.gov> (Vendor Contact Email) national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam era or disabled veterans status. 07/01/23 - 06/30/24 (Contract Period) Karrie Stockton Kstockton2) 6/14/2024 4:19:01 PM 05/01/24 - 05/31/24 (REPORT PERIOD) (SUBMITTED BY) (SUBMIT DATE) DESCRIPTION, BUDGET REQUESTED" EXPENDED TO., AMOUNTTHIS _.AWARD AMOUNTDATE INVOICE.REMAINING Admin - Unassigned $139,618.00 $8,801.81 $73,968.36 $.00 $65,649.64 Operations - Unassigned $649,156.00 $30,986.34 $383,830.16 $.00 $265,325.84 Rent - Unassigned $27,153.00 $.00 $15,476.26 $.00 $11,676.74 Facility Support - Unassigned $338,411.00 $11,253.58 $252,880.83 $.00 $85,530.17 Non - Match Total: $1,154,338.00 .7 =3 $51,041 $726,155.61 $.00 $428,182.39 PROGRAM APPROVAL Date (The individual*gnind his V-ou6 er w rra h- warrants they-'hav- the si e e authorq to sign thi 60 is voucher.) DOC DATE CURRENT REFERENCE DOC NO. -VENDOR NUMBER -and SUFFIX DOC. NO. SWV0002426 03 "ACCOUNT NO...: ASD NUMBER VENDOR MESSAGE 45761 TRANSFRANil -.,MASTER SUB :SUB - MG MS. GL ACCT SUB AMOUNT PROGRAM COD CODE, CODE, INDEX, OBJ SUB SID INDEX OBJ, 46ECO220 NZ r 4620C READY to BATCH PREPARER DATE WARRANT TOTAL CREATED BY I Karrie Stockton (Kstockton2) DATE 6/14/2024 3:41:47 PM Form 19AAVOUCHER DISTRIBUTION AGENCY Short Code Commerce Contract Number NUMBER CMS Invoice ID: DEPARMENT OF 1030 24-4619D-146 395726 COMMERCE I D All Expenses under $1,000 1 Paid b Paid to Y Paid to Paid to Expense Amount Paid by UBI Contractor Paid to UBI Organization Name Type Organization Name Org Type Type Subcontractor Total Sub Subcontractor Total HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 1 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7000 Salaries & Wages 100 Administration 0.00 99999 Opening Balance 7000 Salaries & Wages JVA1634 100 Administration 3,544.11 99999 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense JVA1634 100 Administration 337.41 99999 7101 Employee Tax JVA1634 100 Administration 844.90 99999 7105 Health Benefits JVA1634 100 Administration 677.08 99999; r l 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp JVA1634 100 Administration 184.61 99999 7107 L & I tax expense JVA1634 100 Administration 40.21 99999 7108 Other Benefits JVA1634 100 Administration 8.34 99999 8010 Professional Fees JVA1634 100 Administration 394.64 99999 8100 8200 Office Su lies Communication Expense JVA1634 JVA1634 100 100 Administration Administration 51.02 136.04 99999 99999 i�l t _ 5k' ._ �'= ilr• `"' Y 8300 Postage & Shipping JVA1634 100 Administration 25.58 99999 8350 Dues & Subscriptions JVA1634 100 Administration 47.58 99999 8400 Rent - Space Lower County JVA1634 100 Administration 130.59 99999 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg JVA1634 100 Administration 40.24 99999 8408 Occupancy Expenses JVA1634 100 Administration 42.72 99999 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General JVA1634 100 Administration 256.53 99999 8450 Insurance Expense JVA1634 100 Administration 374.04 99999 8500 Asset/Equipment Purchase JVA1634 100 Administration 462.97 99999 8510 Program supplies and tools JVA1634 100 Administration 9.33 99999 8610 Educational Materials JVA1634 100 Administration 6.49 99999 8650 Photocopy Expense JVA1634 100 Administration 5.85 99999 8660 Printing & Publications JVA1634 100 Administration 10.67 99999 8700 Travel Expense JVA1634 100 Administration 801.92 99999 8705 Conference Fees JVA1634 100 Administration 321.70 99999 8800 Vehicle Maintenance & related JVA1634 100 Administration 1.10 99999 8805 Vehicle Gas & Oil JVA1634 100 Administration 41.82 99999 8992 Bank Fee JVA1634 100 Administration 4.32 99999 8,801.81 0.00 Transaction Total Balan... Administration 8,801.81 100 7000 Salaries & Wages 612001 Personnel 0.00 99999 Opening Balance 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 805.01 93.67 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 897.60 152.39 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 351.12 56.76 99999 Edina Sipos Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 1 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 2,024.00 177.27 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 1,826.00 305.53 99999 Mathew Morrison 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 687.97 197.75 99999 Susan Grindle 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 1.25 99999 Alexis Tachell 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 41.32 99999 Alice Miller 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 56.49 99999 Annie Ness 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 65.73 99999 Britt Smith 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 39.03 99999 Carina Torres 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 9.30 99999 Edina Sipos 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 44.45 99999 Emily Schaan 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 28.19 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 68.80 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 23.28 99999 Megan Capon 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 24.85 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 42.83 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.48 99999 Tasha Bowers 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 966.01 112.40 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 17478.40 278.41 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 961.40 192.48 99999 Christina Stevens 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 342.72 56.68 99999 Edina Sipos 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 397.44 34.81 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 2,051.50 343.21 99999 Mathew Morrison 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 1,104.00 96.70 99999 Sheri Valenzuela 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 687.97 197.75 99999 Susan Grindle 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 1.28 99999 Alexis Tachell 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 48.19 99999 Alice Miller 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 61.33 99999 Annie Ness 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 87.74 99999 Britt Smith 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 41.50 99999 Carina Torres 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 8.58 99999 Edina Sipos 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 48.26 99999 Emily Schaan 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 18.37 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 1.97 99999 Katie Sander 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 74.29 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 49.56 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 25.25 99999 Megan Capon 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 32.77 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 67.15 99999 Sujan Shrestha Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 2 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division . Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1500 612001 Personnel 100.79 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1500 612001 Personnel 134.40 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1500 612001 Personnel 80.96 99999 Christina Stevens 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1500 612001 Personnel 14.28 99999 Edina Sipos 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1500 612001 Personnel 24.84 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1500 612001 Personnel 132.00 99999 Mathew Morrison 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1500 612001 Personnel 92.00 99999 Sheri Valenzuela 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1500 612001 Personnel 75.60 99999 Susan Grindle 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 0.07 99999 Alexis Tachell 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 2.40 99999 Alice Miller 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 3.06 99999 Annie Ness 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 13.76 99999 Britt Smith 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 5.04 99999 Carina Torres 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 0.43 99999 Edina Sipos 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 3.84 99999 Emily Schaan 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 3.83 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01502 612001 Personnel 0.17 99999 Katie Sander 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 6.82 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 3.39 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 1.83 99999 Megan Capon 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 2.43 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1502 612001 Personnel 12.81 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 68.90 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 70.56 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 27.60 99999 Edina Sipos 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 159.12 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 147.01 99999 Mathew Morrison 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 54.08 99999 Susan Grindle 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.12 99999 Alexis Tachell 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 4.15 99999 Alice Miller 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 5.22 99999 Annie Ness 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 11.42 99999 Britt Smith 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 3.62 99999 Carina Torres 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.87 99999 Edina Sipos 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 4.15 99999 Emily Schaan 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 2.65 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 5.90 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 1.95 99999 Megan Capon Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 3 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 2.32 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 5.54 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.05 99999 Tasha Bowers 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 82.68 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 126.79 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 76.38 99999 Christina Stevens 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 26.94 99999 Edina Sipos 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 31.24 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 161.28 99999 Mathew Morrison 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 86.79 99999 Sheri Valenzuela 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 54.08 99999 Susan Grindle 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.14 99999 Alexis Tachell 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 4.53 99999 Alice Miller 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 5.70 99999 Annie Ness 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 11.42 99999 Britt Smith 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 4.36 99999 Carina Torres 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.81 99999 Edina Sipos 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 4.53 99999 Emily Schaan 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 2.89 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.18 99999 Katie Sander 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 6.48 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 4.27 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 2.14 99999 Megan Capon 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 3.08 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 6.04 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 93.67 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 152.39 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 56.76 99999 Edina Sipos 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 177.27 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 305.53 99999 Mathew Morrison 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 197.75 99999 Susan Grindle 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.33 99999 Alexis Tachell 7101 Employee Tax CDS-PRO1496 612001 Personnel 8.48 99999 Alice Miller 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 10.78 99999 Annie Ness 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 31.50 99999 Britt Smith 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 6.96 99999 Carina Torres 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 1.79 99999 Edina Sipos 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 8.35 99999 Emily Schaan Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 4 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 5 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 5.48 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 13.04 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 3.63 99999 Megan Capon 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 4.71 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 8.42 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.05 99999 Tasha Bowers 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 112.40 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 278.41 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 192.48 99999 Christina Stevens 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 56.68 99999 Edina Sipos 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 34.81 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 343.21 99999 Mathew Morrison 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 612.001 Personnel 96.70 99999 Sheri Valenzuela 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 197.75 99999 Susan Grindle 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.38 99999 Alexis Tachell 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 9.41 99999 Alice Miller 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 12.05 99999 Annie Ness 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 31.50 99999 Britt Smith 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 8.90 99999 Carina Torres 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 1.70 99999 Edina Sipos 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 9.34 99999 Emily Schaan 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 6.11 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.30 99999 Katie Sander 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 14.99 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 4.76 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 4.11 99999 Megan Capon 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 6.40 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 9.73 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 157.98 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 151.03 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 84.39 99999 Edina Sipos 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 444.18 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 37.30 99999 Susan Grindle 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.39 99999 Alexis Tachell 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.81 99999 Alice Miller 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 16.17 99999 Annie Ness 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 24.80 99999 Britt Smith 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 13.33 99999 Carina Torres Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 5 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 511/2024 Through 5/3112024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 2.66 99999 Edina Sipos 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.81 99999 Emily Schaan 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 6.66 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 22.71 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 9.20 99999 Megan Capon 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 7.46 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 16.17 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.13 99999 Tasha Bowers 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 189.58 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 248.75 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 195.43 99999 Christina Stevens 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 75.51 99999 Edina Sipos 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 79.95 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 222.09 99999 Sheri Valenzuela 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 37.30 99999 Susan Grindle 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.39 99999 Alexis Tachell 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.81 99999 Alice Miller 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 16.17 99999 Annie Ness 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 24.80 99999 Britt Smith 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 13.33 99999 Carina Torres 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 2.27 99999 Edina Sipos 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.81 99999 Emily Schaan 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 6.66 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.40 99999 Katie Sander 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 22.71 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 10.93 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 9.20 99999 Megan Capon 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 9.06 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 16.17 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 5.36 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 7.64 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 5.22 99999 Edina Sipos 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 26.68 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 24.02 99999 Mathew Morrison 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 2.30 99999 Susan Grindle 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.02 99999 Alexis Tachell 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.63 99999 Alice Miller 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 1.00 99999 Annie Ness Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 6 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 7 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.64 99999 Britt Smith 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.61 99999 Carina Torres 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.16 99999 Edina Sipos 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.82 99999 Emily Schaan 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.37 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.82 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.40 99999 Megan Capon 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.46 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.73 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.01 99999 Tasha Bowers 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 6.24 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 12.58 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 11.81 99999 Christina Stevens 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 4.67 99999 Edina Sipos 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 4.89 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 26.60 99999 Mathew Morrison 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 13.73 99999 Sheri Valenzuela 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 2.09 99999 Susan Grindle 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.02 99999 Alexis Tachell 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.82 99999 Alice Miller 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.99 99999 Annie Ness 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.80 99999 Britt Smith 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.67 99999 Carina Torres 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.14 99999 Edina Sipos 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.75 99999 Emily Schaan 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.08 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.02 99999 Katie Sander 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.82 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.67 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.40 99999 Megan Capon 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.54 99999 Milenne Quinonez 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 1.00 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1494 612001 Personnel 3.13 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1496 612001 Personnel 0.66 99999 Britt Smith 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1498 612001 Personnel 3.75 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1499 612001 Personnel 0.66 99999 Britt Smith 22,460.04 2,295.81 Transaction Total Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 7 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 GL Opening Balance 99999 Divisi... 99999 Fisher Phillips LLP Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit 99999 Incorporated 99999 Balan.. afP;ersonnel; r ; 20:;1;6423 99999 VISA - Chenell Wolfe 99999 612001 99999 Chenell Wolfe 8010 Professional Fees 99999 613 Program Operations 0.00 8010 Professional Fees AP1051339 613 Program Operations 64.50 8010 Professional Fees AP1051418 613 Program Operations 315.00 8200 Communication Expense AP1051682 613 Program Operations 79.11 8200 Communication Expense AP1051683 613 Program Operations 77.33 8660 Printing & Publications AP1051362 613 Program Operations 38.45 8700 Travel Expense AP1051237 613 Program Operations 241.00 8700 Travel Expense AP1051237 613 Program Operations 1,019.86 8700 Travel Expense AP1051237 613 Program Operations 645.18 8700 Travel Expense AP1051649 613 Program Operations 1,149.02 8700 Travel Expense AP1051653 613 Program Operations 161.38 8705 Conference Fees AP1051237 613 Program Operations 675.00 8805 Vehicle Gas & Oil JV003004 613 Program Operations 1,082.05 5,547.88 Balan... PrograrnOperations 5547Y88 613 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp 613001 Program Support - Pool 0.00 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp AP1051473 613001 Program Support - Pool 461.54 7108 Other Benefits AP1051474 613001 Program Support - Pool 6.92 8010 Professional Fees AP1051023 613001 Program Support - Pool 293.13 8010 Professional Fees AP1051228 613001 Program Support - Pool 30.82 8010 Professional Fees AP1051263 613001 Program Support - Pool 465.39 8010 Professional Fees AP1051278 613001 Program Support - Pool 44.02 8010 Professional Fees AP1051294 613001 Program Support - Pool 100.17 8010 Professional Fees AP1051418 613001 Program Support - Pool 73.23 8010 Professional Fees AP1051490 613001 Program Support - Pool 94.69 8010 Professional Fees AP1051492 613001 Program Support - Pool 96.81 8010 Professional Fees AP1051499 613001 Program Support - Pool 90.00 8010 Professional Fees AP1051642 613001 Program Support - Pool 107.17 8010 Professional Fees AP1051713 613001 Program Support - Pool 45.10 8100 Office Supplies AP1051358 613001 Program Support - Pool 26.64 r rariit 0.00 293.13 Sub division Code Name 99999 Opening Balance 99999 Capital Linguists 99999 Fisher Phillips LLP 99999 AT&T Mobility 99999 AT&T Mobility 99999 Vistaprint Corporate Solutions 99999 Incorporated 99999 Chenell Wolfe 99999 VISA - Brittany Bouchouari 99999 VISA - Chenell Wolfe 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 99999 Chenell Wolfe 99999 VISA - Brittany Bouchouari 99999 The David L. Aldridge Company, 99999- Transaction Total 99999 Opening Balance 99999 501 (C) Agencies Trust 99999 First Choice Health Network Inc 99999 The David L. Aldridge Company, 99999 ADT LLC 99999 The David L. Aldridge Company, 99999 The David L. Aldridge Company, 99999 The David L. Aldridge Company, 99999 Fisher Phillips LLP 99999 ADP, LLC 99999 The David L. Aldridge Company, 99999 University of Washington 99999 Iron Mountain 99999 The David L. Aldridge Company, 99999- Jerrol's Inc Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 8 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 8100 Office Supplies AP1051360 613001 Program Support - Pool 24.26 99999 Visa- Korri Zelenko-Jones 8100 Office Supplies AP1051606 613001 Program Support - Pool 2.95 99999 Jerrol's Inc 8200 Communication Expense AP1051298 613001 Program Support - Pool 13.60 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 8200 Communication Expense AP1051546 613001 Program Support - Pool 12.79 99999 VISA - Sam Puntenney 8200 Communication Expense AP1051628 613001 Program Support - Pool 147.64 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 8200 Communication Expense AP1051682 613001 Program Support - Pool 1.42 99999 AT&T Mobility 8200 Communication Expense AP1051683 613001 Program Support - Pool 1.38 99999 AT&T Mobility 8350 Dues & Subscriptions AP1051357 613001 Program Support - Pool 8.91 99999 VISA - Britt Smith 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1051027 613001 Program Support - Pool 190.95 99999 The Ridge Professional Plaza, LI 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1051263 613001 Program Support - Pool 303.17 190.95 99999 The Ridge Professional Plaza, LI 8402 Off Site Office Lease AP1051021 613001 Program Support - Pool 304.44 99999 Hamilton Investment Group, LLC 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1051283 613001 Program Support - Pool 23.88 99999 City of Ellensburg 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1051459 613001 Program Support - Pool 15.63 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite AP1051448 613001 Program Support - Pool 29.91 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 offices 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite AP1051482 613001 Program Support - Pool 6.99 99999 Hamilton Investment Group, LLC offices 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite AP1051629 613001 Program Support - Pool 25.12 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 offices 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite AP1051630 613001 Program Support - Pool 37.45 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 offices 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite AP1051636 613001 Program Support - Pool 38.27 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 offices 8408 Occupancy Expenses AP1050930 613001 Program Support - Pool 29.28 99999 Friends of the Northern Pacific D Ellensburg 8408 Occupancy Expenses AP1051263 613001 Program Support - Pool 46.49 29.28 99999 Friends of the Northern Pacific D Ellensburg - 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1051284 613001 Program Support - Pool 3.65 99999 Prosite Pest Control LLC 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1051493 613001 Program Support - Pool 19.13 99999 Ariaz Cleaning 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1051563 613001 Program Support - Pool 10.71 99999 Visa- Neal Sutton 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1051632 613001 Program Support - Pool 74.39 99999 509 Facility Services, Inc 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1051650 613001 Program Support - Pool 0.58 99999 Arnold's Ranch & Home Inc 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1051710 613001 Program Support - Pool 132.28 99999 A&E Janitorial -Detailing 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program AP1051482 613001 Program Support - Fool 10.35 99999 Hamilton Investment Group, LLC 8450 Insurance Expense AP1051680 613001 Program Support - Pool 1,083.17 99999 Berkley Human Services 8450 Insurance Expense AP1051681 613001 Program Support - Pool 1,028.03 99999 Berkley Human Services 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1051445 613001 Program Support - Pool 4.31 99999 Copiers Northwest Inc 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1051624 613001 Program Support - Pool 5.23 99999 Copiers Northwest Inc Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 9 GL Code 8650 8990 8998 GL Title HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Divisi... 1r% r+_.1_ n:............ T:.&1.. Photocopy Expense JV003003 Interest Expenses AP1051464 Property Tax AP1051482 8010 Professional Fees & Wages 8010 Professional Fees AP1051220 8200 Communication Expense AP1051628 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1051449 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1051450 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1051629 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1051630 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program AP1051204 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program AP1051486 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program AP1051591 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1051417 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1051486 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Facility Support 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool Balan... Program Support Pall 613001 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 662 Facility Support 0.14 171.12 44.34 5,787.59 E�5,,274'23 0.00 114.21 97.39 566.53 833.50 526.97 931.75 108.50 403.50 265.28 3,411.00 7,421.21 4w 0.00 237.60 1,349.25 288.00 1,452.50 18.00 Sub division Code Name 99999 99999 Cashmere Valley Bank 99999 Hamilton Investment Group, LLC 513.36 Transaction Total 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 0.00 99999 30.28 99999 246.83 99999 38.62 99999 268.14 99999 99999 Opening Balance ADT LLC VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 Tatum Lawn Care Inc. VISA - Chenell Wolfe Basin Refrigeration & Heating, Ir Mattress Firm, Inc. VISA - Chenell Wolfe Transaction Total Opening Balance Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Page: 10 Balan... a ;Fxaclity�upp'or 662 _ 662001 Facility Support - Personnel CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support - Personnel CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support - Personnel CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support - Personnel CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support - Personnel CDSPRO1500 662001 Facility Support - Personnel 0.14 171.12 44.34 5,787.59 E�5,,274'23 0.00 114.21 97.39 566.53 833.50 526.97 931.75 108.50 403.50 265.28 3,411.00 7,421.21 4w 0.00 237.60 1,349.25 288.00 1,452.50 18.00 Sub division Code Name 99999 99999 Cashmere Valley Bank 99999 Hamilton Investment Group, LLC 513.36 Transaction Total 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 0.00 99999 30.28 99999 246.83 99999 38.62 99999 268.14 99999 99999 Opening Balance ADT LLC VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 Tatum Lawn Care Inc. VISA - Chenell Wolfe Basin Refrigeration & Heating, Ir Mattress Firm, Inc. VISA - Chenell Wolfe Transaction Total Opening Balance Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Page: 10 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 16.47 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 106.46 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 20.19 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 114.58 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 30.28 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 246.83 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 38.62 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 268.14 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 85.03 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 94.47 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 2.47 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 15.59 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 2.50 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 16.88 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 1.13 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1494 662001 Facility Support- 5.00 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 1.25 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1498 662001 Facility Support- 5.00 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 4,416.24 583.87 Transaction Total Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 11 GL Code GL Title Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 5/1/2024 Through 5/31/2024 Divisi... Code Division Title Batan... Faclit;�`Su }oit' 662001P'ers`"o:nne } Debit Credit -;.T -O37� >. 0.00 0.00 547434.77 3,393.04 54,434.77 3,393.04 51,041.73 Sub division Code Name Date: 6/12/24 10:05:51 AM Page: 12