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Budget Extension - BOCC
GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Cornmissioner's Office REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: B Vasquez CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: B Vasquez CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: r-1YES ®NO DATE: 6/1 2/24 PHONE: 292$ Budget extension request from the Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC) in the amount of $1,100,000.00 to fund a new project and rising dispatch costs. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ® YES 0 NO F-1 N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? 7 YES 7 NO 7 N/A E]Agreement / Contract FIAP Vouchers OAppointment / Reappointment ------ --------- EIARPA Related 0Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award OBid Opening Scheduled F71 Boards / Committees EJ Budget [:]Computer Related E]County Code DErnergency Purchase ElEmployee Rel. E Facilities Related © Financial FFunds ElHearing [:]Invoices / Purchase Orders FGrants — Fed/State/County FLeases El MOA / MOU F]Minutes FOrdinances El Out of State Travel L1 Petty Cash El Policies E Proclamations EJ Request for Purchase F] Resolution ORecommendation OProfessional Serv/Consultant 7Support Letter E]Surplus Req. E]Tax Levies ElThank You's ElTax Title Property [--IWSLCB Budget extension request from the Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC) in the amount of $1,100,000.00 to fund a new project and rising dispatch costs. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ® YES 0 NO F-1 N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? 7 YES 7 NO 7 N/A c°041y WASH/,y C, D I SP gill IT 'PC,PIRE * $'4r0r COMOO\C'S MULTI AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER June 12th O24 Grant County Board of Commissioners PO Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Lear Commissioners; The Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC) has had a number of technology opportunities and subsequent purchases in the first half of 2024. While I know you are aware that the Fund 135 tax account is growing and these technology purchases have allowed MACC to utilize some of the tax dollars in the fund. However, that also necessitates a budget amendment with Grant County. worked � with Katie smith before her departure to complete the amendment for an additional 1 1100,000. Fart of the amendment takes into account the dispatch expenses p p nses have exceeded the budget the last two years and we had a budget overage of almost $400,008 in 2028. This way the fund will hopefully have a sufficient budget to cover 2024 expenses. have attached the completed financial request form for your review with Katie Smith and ray signatures. Thank you, cnristai write Financial Services Manager (509)762-1901 208 South Hamilton Road www.macc911.orr Moses Labe, WA 98837 --------------- --- -- - FINANCIAL REQUEST Requestor: Mufti Agency Communications Center Requestor's Fund.Dept* (ex. 001.104) 135.000 p Date: 4/25/2024 Request Fund.Dept* (ex. 126468) 135.00.0 CapitalAsset Approval (YIN) No Budget Extension* (Y/N) Yes Establish/Close Fund (Y/N) No Cash Transfer* (Y/N} No ---------------- I I Notes: Requesting budget extension of $1,100,000 due to a new project In the amount of $685,000 as well as rising dispatch costs for the remaining $415,,000. CAPITAL ASSET PURCHASE APPROVAL BUDGET REQUIREMENT Asset Description Additional Expense 11100..000 Total Purchase Expense - Additional. Revenue Less: Existing Approval - Additional Cash Requirement 111001000 Additional Funding Source Beginning cash balance Additional Approval Required - Capital Facility Related Grant Funded Documentation BUDGET EXTENSION REQUEST Fund Name Revenue code/s 'Account Description Amount Fund Name Expense code/s Account Description Amount Emergency Communication 135.186,.00.0000.1528004000 DISPATCH SERVICES rloot000 111001000 CASH TRANSFER REQUEST Fund Name (From) Code Account DescriptionAmoun -A (F M) ro Fund Name (To) Code Account Description Amount (To) FORW R TO ACCOUNTING FOR APPRCYVAL -_.A PROVE ORMS WILL BE RETURN TO DEBT B fOR SU MIS TONTOBOCIC Accounting Notes: Actual dispatch expenses exceeded the appopriated budget the last two year by $232,b 0 1 2022 and $382 00 2023, "This s -0 in: an in, extension will help-.opreventbudget overage in, 2024# FUNUCASH.SUI VINIARY.(cornpleted by Accu Budget Hearing: ----------- Required R oti u I -1 on Required.- Required R Beginnin C shes 7,,551.p351 Accounting Review: Expense Bdgt (W/amendments) 31525,000 Experase .Ext. Requested- I.,1001000 Revenue Bdgt (w/amendments) 5,080,000 Department Approval: Revenue Ext. Requested (excl 308 Estimated Ending Cash 81 006f 351