HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequest to Purchase - Sheriff & Jail (002)GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA. MEETING REQUEST FORM (must. be- subm'itted'to the Clerk of the Board by,12:00pm.-n Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT:Grant County INET PHONE,509-770 DATE: 06/03/2024 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY. Det. Sgt. Jeff Wentworth -0409 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE.Chief Deputy ManSfOt'CI CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.DYES RNO 2!=1 �!n LIL-4ul RE =1 gix wil ij U W&I D.Agr . e . eme nt 1 Contract EIAP Vouchers r!AP,p'oihtMe'nt.'/"keap'pointment DARPkRelated Cl Bids _[RFP.s 1 Quotes Award OBid Opening Scheduled 0 Boards I Com.m.'.ittee.s. Q Budget DCornputer Related []Coup ty.Code nEmer-gency Purchase ElErnployee.Rel: 171 Facilities - R ' elated nFinanclal DFu.nds �,nl­learing 171l.nvoices I Purchase Orders nGrants;­ Fed/State/County [I Leases El MOM M 0 U nMinutes 170. rdinances C1 Out of State Travel 0 Petty Cash D Policies 0 Proclamations WRequest for Purchase M Re,501-Ution ERecomm.endation--------------- ETax'Lev'es []Th'. k You S. DTaxTitle Property GCSOWbUld like purchase LEADS 0dine for This will be Us'e'd by .assist` pr�p��ty crime MCUJNET CRTand thepatrol division firing I. "n the DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO'. DATE OFACTION : 62_11((,��,Y WITHDRAWN: APPROVE: DENIED ED ABSTAIN V D1: D2: D3.: 4/23124 john.mcmillan Undetshetiff offlce 509-x-754-201 1 ext. -,2017 jmcmillan Qgra .. ntcountywa.gov Gary 'Ma , nsfoed QhIefQeP'uty! Investigations Office 1 509-754-2011 ext.: 120,26 gman-sf6rd@grantcou,n'tyWa,gov Sea"Li Lame.ns,' Chief Deputy F.IeW Operations Office�5097-7547.201 1. eXt. '201$ * blamensiggrzintcouniywa.gov. ,Josh Sainsbury Chief Deputy Emergency.0perations .office 509-754-2Q1 I ext_. 4522' jsaiirvsbuir U a..g6v y gran. -co n, - ------------ ............ ... Phillip Coats. Chief Deputy CoTrections Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2021 pcoats@gr.antcountywa.,gov Tracy Hill Administrative Assistant Offic6 509-754-2011 ext 201,4 thII.I@grantcountywa.go.v 12/20.92 ieiepnone ouio-to4-zuri ext. zuvi To: Chief Deputy Gary Mansford From:. Detective Sergeant Jeff Wentworth Date;. 05/21/24 Regarding: Purchase of Leads. Online a m re q u- e sti n- g, th e -P ur.c,: hase:of " t h- e, Leads Online an- n u a .1 license. we -'7' -b -based e rtrcls the Le.ad,s,.Onlihe is.,an'investigative'-- s a. ch tool that a put hase;o. property by any , usine-ssthatpawn s-,."' r6perty. This ho E" 45 am des businesses sbc`h --`G-";' :oto cell, 'hone -,,ki&ks P pa�rnshops and m w 1patterns in cra mor The s-y� 6,,��i- "i0 So,;hI 1' entify im na e e p activity`■ Grant County citiz ens,are being,victiftfiz-ed bVthieves to either support t h.! a" i r drug' h 'a b i t',. o fl'- f U'r' t' Ko 74 t" --h ihal enterprise,, A '1 Problem,..we have had in- p finvestigations istryingto find out w he re�- m -e--- f-th-e-st fo r- pert r " Lead�;P nil n-e--wi ll._be y1s going 'tremendous help in this part of,the investigations. During the demonstration INET and MCU attended, the Leads;0'riline representative did a search of Ephrata people pawning property. As a result of this search.. we.,found'several Ephrata people pawning property outside of Grant Couny and even outside.the State of Wbsh in gto n. After the demonstration, I spoke with both Sgt Cox of MCU and.Sgt Ball of the Crime Reduction Team and we all felt this would bean invaluable tool in assisting in the solving of our Grant County property crimes which I know are connected to other crimes and criminal iminal organizations, Respectfull subm"it-ted ~ to TPAIRIons of pavin tran-sact-lonslin. .50.1 statem.goo ngl badr. ie 1, entpi Automatled CIC-Sto 1. 11 lat ''Ite rred s rr a. nx GO h its eNrea lvi: ifth illin, (,-o Ini eBijay znd Offe;F'Up S.6iarcklaw en,�forcemen,,t-,only.tia,�ccess to-list"In, � formation .9 Saved Search HItAllertis: Aulomalle Inonitod-ng- f.dr inew law -ds 0 Person Infel: Mo!r,& addressies, gh ne #s, ?e ates, sso-�ziates, fm ges. M eita, I T. h eft I n v e s t i g at i o i i s, P ro p e, r ty. i'i n f o-, photos I umbpi n - t & d '"I t Iss"gnatures g: a br tcl CDRsito 'denffl�� in- i, ore suspects, -tie fies,an Ph ne F -s,icsSea.�rch.:Up[,oa�d*Ce-,'Hie, 41 '0 oiren A e.., w . o c u to, M a til c a 1 11, R U11 -P 0 1 L I"i-stis: Tri ck- o ff e n 4J a. r s 11 a bo fal, i th t he r qg- -0, n i es. m th 'be linatoe Sea.rch:,'E;as'lly:,-i,dentltf�t Items Ilk wivelp at: jq rpa ha rd Ao V. p 0, emawhere, Co .stat Mappin 'System.: See.hurgdanj jmttierns -s st len Its re'sold any Adtiom ticallt n: ta aU y identdiiii-es; podtilter Presen ts cases with lin-vest maerit Sreou, ransfer CAS.Com H t A.* to ' le Record, S E�x--traa T planva,, I. -m a-ld Enables agandlesto, run evecase . r,! FULL YEA,R SUBSCRIPTION FEE 2 Vr A07 toll $114,017 $6,170.2 Naflionwk. Real Time Crime Work ALL your cases, all the time, active or cold. Search for leads and find. Aulomadcallyr route new patterns. anpwhere the leads to the tight 5 p��n 0states 0ing ba&lo 201 nVes _gator., f6bridly syst em U0 you ri Urnited #M6 to Access eBay, OffetUp, work the 6i' h t i'nvestigaiI merit. io Not just, prooerty.See market ace* data - additional Intel on violent rase +arsons. cAnnect-peopl`9 'Saved Search flit Alerts -,�Aotorna te monf ortng for rtew leads Crack down on catalytic converter thefts with data ,frame scrap recyclers.' Weadvanced phone forerWics to Find ,more -co n necI1dns....----. 0 G6t.natijonWde image search & CompSlat mapping, y 'r.'A'j -ftffi dk"' 1-11ALOW till Find people, property, 'in Search for leads and find. patterns. anpwhere the em fast. Qih a user - 5 p��n 0states 0ing ba&lo 201 U.S.' f6bridly syst em a Access eBay, OffetUp, Viand Inveid§athre and othe'r-Jonline your market ace* data - -7 7' 7 Utilize saved searches & cAnnect-peopl`9 'Saved Search flit Alerts -,�Aotorna te monf ortng for rtew leads repeate ndop to property crimes to soN66 find more leads with btgger,.�more com x' Ole . less effort MOM Theft, lnvesfl-qptlons; Property Info, photos, giumbprints. & di0ftal signatures -M All MTM IRW PRODUCT CAI ABILITISS 1-11ALOW till 5 p��n 0states 0ing ba&lo 201 Nido e. amide aOo a L .Automated NCIC Stolen Item:., Get hits, avo Milt Incorred serial. # entry 0 I. . eBay anijOffaftearcn: LaW onfor c6ment-on y access Ung n ormation -7 7' 7 'Saved Search flit Alerts -,�Aotorna te monf ortng for rtew leads :P rs- q44.4- 44 d d res s e h ' hji icense ne ORW�� im More IQ associales MOM Theft, lnvesfl-qptlons; Property Info, photos, giumbprints. & di0ftal signatures Phone tic -i Search: Upload Cellebiitetiles Mfti to Identify more wispects .Automatically Run P01 Usts: Track offend'ers & collaborato With other agenclas 0 llniqeSearch. Easily ide-ritify mems jj)R.dJew t .drat �r6:hard. to desa—lbe . Comp $tat Mapping System: See burglary patt.ems as stolen Items are sold anywhere 1. en rtles y—d patterns Auto'niatic rt Presents cases with roves. tiqative merit C.6*m-plie-otauto i*'a'i,6dRe*c,"P'M!; Extractanid$ekuri-Transfer tnable's agencloas.(Q run every case Fun YEAR SUBSCRIPTION FEE $14,017 SV02 $5,866 $5,213 Based on the above I recommend that we purchase the PowerPlus plan for $6,702. This would give access to all sworn deputies in the Grant County Sheriff's Office. Issue Date: 6/7/2024 0000000607 WASHINGTON COUNTIES RISK GROUP. G CE RTIFICATE OF COVERAGE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE MEMORANDUM OF COVERAGE (MOC) BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: IF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS AN ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY, THE MOC MUST BE ENDORSED. IF SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE MOC, CERTAIN COVERAGE MAY REQUIRE AN ENDORSEMENT. A STATEMENT ON THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT CONFER RIGHTS TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IN LIEU OF SUCH ENDORSEMENT(S). PRODUCER_-_------- , . N S_AFFORDING _ O _RAGE COMPA IE CPV Clear Risk Solutions DAE T GENERAL LIABILITY 451 Diamond Drive WCRG / Munich Re 1 Great American Insurance Company Ephrata, WA 98823 Starstone Specialty Insurance Company Phone: (509) 754-2027 Fax: (509) 754-3406 12/1/2024 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY WCRG / Munich Re / Great American Insurance Company COVERED MEMBER _ OCCURRENCE FORM Starstone Specialty Insurance Company Grant County MOC-EXP PROPERTY PO Box 37 DAE T WCRG / Munich Re et al. Ephrata, WA 98823 CRIME / PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISHONESTY WCRG / Munich Re COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE COVERAGES LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE COVERED MEMBER NAMED ABOVE FOR THE COVERAGE PERIOD INDICATED, NOT WITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE MOC DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH MOC. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF .COVERAGE.; MOC NUMBER - .. MOC EFF . MOC-EXP DESCRIPTION LIMITS DAE T �: DATE.. PO Box 426501111 Israel Road SW GENERAL LIA ILITY. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY WCRG232433996 12/1/2023 12/1/2024 GENERAL AGGREGATE $15,000,000 OCCURRENCE FORM PRODUCT -CO MP/OP AGG $15,000,000 PERSONAL & ADV. INJURY $15,000,000 INCLUDES STOP GAP EACH OCCURRENCE $15,000,000 (LIABILITY IS SUBJECT TO A $1,000,000 SIR PAYABLE FROM PROGRAM FUNDS) ANNUAL PROGRAM AGGREGATE $45,000,000 AUTOMOBILE -LIABILITY. = ANY AUTO WCRG232433996 12/1/2023 12/1/2024 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $15,000,000 (LIABILITY IS SUBJECT TO A $1,000,000 SIR PAYABLE FROM PROGRAM FUNDS) ANNUAL PROGRAM AGGREGATE NONE :.PROPER' TY `= WCRG232433996 12/1/2023 12/1/2024 ALL RISK PER OCC EXCL EQ & FL $100,000,000 EARTHQUAKE PER OCC $15,000,000 FLOOD PER OCC $35,000,000 (except FZ A& V, which is $1 MM) (PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A $500,000 SIR PAYABLE FROM PROGRAM FUNDS) ANNUAL PROGRAM AGGREGATE NONE "CRIME/PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISHONESTY .. - WCRG232433996 12/1/2023 12/1/2024 PER LOSS $1,000,000 ANNUAL PROGRAM AGGREGATE $5,000,000 (CRIME IS SUBJECT TO A $500,000 SIR PAYABLE FROM PROGRAM FUNDS) -ITEMS...-, MS DESCRIPTION OF"OPERATIONS!LOCATIONS /,VEHICLES/SPECIAL _ _ ,. Regarding Contract MLE 325-225. Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is named as Additional Covered Party as respects General Liability regarding this contract only and is subject to coverage terms, conditions, and exclusions. Additional Covered Party endorsement is attached. CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE \A/ITN THP P01 I(_Y PR(1\/ICI(lnl� CERTIFICATE HOLDER,AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ; Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission PO Box 426501111 Israel Road SW Olympia, WA 98504 WCRG 2023-2024 Page 1