HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequest to Purchase - Sheriff & Jail1 � L, J G R ' ANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING. DEPARTMENT,Gra.nt COUntJ/ INET DATE: .06/03/2.024 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Det.. Sgt. Jeff Wentworth PHONE: X09-770-0409 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE', Chief Deputy MaC1SfOt'd CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES � NO UW301-16JR111 20 UaglEtail :j will, qp 11141111111; 9.4WIlity Xyh ClAgre'efnent- Contract -nAP Vouchbrs nA 0' oi f p h m 'eri i Roa I pp oint e't DARPA Related 0 B ids RFPs Qd otes AWard 0131d Opening :.Scheduled 0 Bo a-rds/Committees DBudget 0 Computer Related DCount Code y 0 Emergency Purchase 0 EjEmpl,'yee Rej, 0 Fab! lifies.Related El Financial [IF'onds El Hearing 0 1 nvoices I Purchase -Orders F]Grants . Fed/State/County 0.1 -eases EIMCRA LIVIOU ElKhotes El Ordinances n out of State Travel [:]Petty Cash Cl Policies tiProclarnations iR Request for Purchase [I.Resolution 171 Recommendation EI Professional Serv/Con.sultant 0 S u p p o rt Letter nSurplus Req. ElTax"Le vAes .[]Thank You's nTax Title Property DWSLCB 0 A a A] GQ$O W- '- 6U1 d I i ke iburcha�eellhowk for $5.'995/yr.. Thi's 18 t 01pC or ce our current. sy t _r Zeta . Zetx ' a beOn ruled in' -o-'dIo* o. courtas unreliable, Knecessary,was-thisdocument 'reviewed by legal? EIYES ❑ NO W NIA DATE.OF ACTION DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO.- WITHDRAWN: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN Di: e il�tc�, L.. -.'d 'i D2: a.rt DI -4/23/24 Leads nitne QUOTE R Real Time Crime - CellHa-twk - Toolbox 69,00 Dallas Parkway, Suite '825 Plano, Texas .750,24-4200 CUSTOMER: Grant County Sheriff's OffiCe- Date: 5/7/2024 Quote #_: Q-1 0547-1 Terms: .-Elo'hrota.0, WA 98.823Orily Quote- agency ID: 10547 Se rvice Dates. 7/1 /2024 6/30/2025 DESCRIPTION TOTAL $5'95lHawk9 1Agency Service Package Ce, Upto 10 Users Uhlimited Records Unlimited Support Team Access Plus Over 30 One -Hour On -Demand Training Webinars on the Techno[ogy & Relevant Topics Thank you for your interest in LeadsOnline! Please contact Your present a-tive to wa'rdw'iththis " q 0U't LeadsOb'lline re moye to r Total: $5 -995 We accept Checks, Credit Cards and EFT/ACH Payments LeadsOnli,ne may include a purchase order number on Customer's invoic. , esolely for Customer's internal payment and record keeping processes.. Any terms, within any btder-_pf0v1d0d.to* LeadsOnline in 'response to a quote, order form, invoice . o . r other\Afise Will not modify or 'enlarge the obligations or liabilities �of either party. If Customer cannot agree ,.eelo receive Services witho.ut material changes to these terms, please contact your LeadsOnline representative for a revised quote or invoice., Update Your Billing- Contact Informatiom., www.leadsonline.com/update Download our W-9: www.leads,online.com/w9 Please call, (800) 31 1-2656 or email accounting@leadsonfinexom should you have any questions about this quote. John Mc Milian Undershpoiff, Office. 509-754-2011 .ext, -201.7 mcmillan@grantcountywa.gov Gary Ma nsfor'd Chief De''pu-'y Inve-ions sti ti .1 1. , ga Qfte.5.09-7547-201 1 ext...2026 9 , mansford@gral-itcou. n"a. . gov .Beau Lamens Chief Deputy 'Fiel.0Operations office,509-754-201 I ext. 2018 blaniens@grantcountywa,gov Josh Sainsbury Chief Deputy Emergency .Operations Offlce.:500-7.5.4-20 I I ext, 4522 J s-a1nsbury@gr'antcountywa,gov Phillip. Coats Chief Deputy Corrections Office 509-754-2011 ext, 2021 pcoats@grantcountywa.gov Tracy Hill Acitintistrative Assistant Office,509-754-201 I ext. 2014 thill@g rantcountywa.gov 1/1 20 23 Joe, Kriete Q��FIJ�� CR���I�T' CQ�U�TrY� ��IEI,�1)F�'�S To chief Deputy Gary- Mansford From.-: Detective $ ergeant Kyle Cox Date: 5/16/24 P.O. Box 37, Ephrata, Washington 98823 Telephone 509-754-201 , 1 ext..2001 Reference: Request to purchase "Ce - 11 Hawk' (Phone record analysis tool) Chief Deputy Hansford `I am writing ,"o request the purchase and usage of Cell Hawk (A phone record danaly-s's too I) Ce,11 Hawk is ,a. w0 -based tool that helpsa i.nve.stigator I y �,e s ana z. data J.-� y -oduces-ea,- �to.,�'! from mobile d. vices: and Iocati- -Iq k'l e, on pt sy understand visualrepresentatiOnof can confidently JI: be taken to court., -This inform.pti-on ...can.be. usdd'":'to show the location of where a Cell phone (suspect) has., keen in relati"6n to a crime we are [nvestilocation of key:gating Ths:'could lead to the evidence in a case. The 'system also-- creates easy 'te fead-sp`ret `ead`� hanalyzethe s e.- s,tQ: call detail records 00�`a phonent.- t'hi's evidence ca'n' be used .to identify'su.s-pects",es'ta'bi-ish timelin�esano.;prove connections between i.nd.ividrua�ls. Cell Hawk allowsfor multiple users and would allow both INET (Inter Narcotics: Enforcement Team) ,.and. the MCU (Major Cruses "allo�ry detctives to work Unit) to use itat the same time. Ite quicker in locating evidence and theability to create quality work products to send to the .Prosecutor .Prosecutors -Office. Please consider the purchase of Cell Hawk, Respectfully submitted., Det tzctwive----�-ergeant Kyle Cox Major Crimes Unit Grant County Sheriff"s Office