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Out of State Travel Request - New Hope DV/SA
GRANT COUNTY COM-MISS.IONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the C(erk.of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: New Hope REQUEST SUBMITTED BY:SuziFode CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE. Suzi Fode CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES . ii NO DATE:5.28-2024 PHONE: 764,18402 j I ajj 17-T A I - I I Requesting permission for Marisa Bautista, Rusila Sanchez, Sara MacDonald Celina Garcia and Suzi Fode to travel to Las Vegas., NV for the North American Human Trafficking Conference October 22.,26, 2024. $1,345.50 each If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? F-1 YES F-1 NO I FR N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? F-1 YES F-1 NO W NIA DATE OF ACTION: c5. Z& 2-9 r APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN 0 J D1: D2: D3: 4/23/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: WITHDRAWN: [idol LU I W -A aim [:]Agreement /Contract FIAP'Vouchers FlAppointment] Reappointment DARPA'Related E]Bids 1 RFPs / Quotes Award 0131d Opening Scheduled [1Boards/ Committees 0 Budget ElCornputer Related DCounty Code DEmergency Purchase, DEm ployee Rel, © Facilities Related ElFinancial D Funds ElHearing ElInvoices / Purchase Orders ElGrants — Fed/State/County ❑Leases DMOA l M PMinu.tes O.Ordinances hii Out of State Travel OPetty Cash LIPolicies O.Proclamatio'ns 0 Request for Purchase 0 Resolution ORecommendation F]Profession.al Serv/Consultant D Support Letter OSurplus Req. OTax Levies F]Than-k You's OTax Title Property OWS LCB j I ajj 17-T A I - I I Requesting permission for Marisa Bautista, Rusila Sanchez, Sara MacDonald Celina Garcia and Suzi Fode to travel to Las Vegas., NV for the North American Human Trafficking Conference October 22.,26, 2024. $1,345.50 each If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? F-1 YES F-1 NO I FR N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? F-1 YES F-1 NO W NIA DATE OF ACTION: c5. Z& 2-9 r APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN 0 J D1: D2: D3: 4/23/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: WITHDRAWN: 'OUT OF WATT TRAVEL NE STAPPLWATION 'lrawter's Merlso Bouilsta tate of I1eguest* 'WQVCI'Ijrpo,' Now Hops g grZp q Qui of Slate Travel 1lefrarliu Dole" RetrlmAalvy Gant* 1'�ndrnipt* 289 ---------- Vag", 1leg", NV HOW - GSAlute* motel -Nightly Rato* 152 79 Hntel Totnt' {.'onl'ereare I'ee* 39� -099 Explwnatfon forRnte (rognlred 11hobt cost Is grrntfr filum ptr diem, orgartramout rate)* n1a . rsrpose of"ii,uvei° North Amerlean Human -I'mMalting Conference 2024 AI Cost AppIftnibic' Rental Car Rogulrrd C anremwa Rota w NO Ilnily 11l6c115 at t) tlirotfon'� . IttAtal CA {:ext per ably* 89 0 Air Carria Coa of Flight* Total trip cost (1 nclude sill vast tutxis)^ Mite and Alaska 289 W5,50 Prepateet Hams"' Propar� 6 71119• $u¢I Fode department head -Director 111tupprovW by RMI i. * Yes Use of Iraval card to fill a rental vehicle has tank prior to its relum Is rscommonded. �► OUT OF STATE TRAVELREWUEST APPLICATION 'Irosviel"I Maley lleptJt"ommliice; Rudla Sanchez New Hope A VeortureDdO Return Nit& 1Qr2?12i}24 1'I:OCtAM 8�2fif2a2I 06:30 PM Data of I1cquoxt* �r�s�aoz� 011i of Stn10 travel GrNut" MusafflovP You v 128 ._._.'w IICJeInQlion (air, Cauulx, State)* L"nnter+eace tae* d9S1 �,. Purpose af'1i,Pvc1; Lars Vegas, NV ca9t Is grcatcr Ihen pPr IIIent, or gavernp)eill i8te)* Nadh American Human TraMaking Conferenea 2024 11otti,-G&A iW O Butel-xigbtlyRtpte* ('031 Application* YteetnlGarRqulred Totnl trip abut (lnt`lUda all cult totnls)* 1• Pfsparees Name Suzl IFode 79 � � Preparmes Title' Contaronco Rate w No NOtel Totnl* • 316 L"nnter+eace tae* d9S1 �,. unlly M&18 at Dextinntloni 6B Emplanotlou for Rate (required if lNefol Isle ca9t Is grcatcr Ihen pPr IIIent, or gavernp)eill i8te)* Air C:trriert Delta and Kaska Gcai of VIIght* 289 Totnl trip abut (lnt`lUda all cult totnls)* 1348,60 M� Pfsparees Name Suzl IFode Preparmes Title' department head- Director PrrepltMVW by romTl';' Yes Use of Travel card to fiq a rental veWole gas tank prior to its return is recornWn4od, �► Rental Cxr {lost per der* 0 'OUT OF STATE TRAVEL, RFAUEST APPLICATION IravckesName* Y DeptlCnrnndtke! Dal aofRequerl* '1)envel'.l'A&.* Sara MacDonald New Hops"at2812D24 Out of akalt# Travel DcparhtreDnic* Return Unto* GrWA riu1dlDrpt" 1Q1z?!24x4 i1;t)8 AM 912{1!202 t]E#:3t1 f?M Yes v 128 'r Uosilmtilotl (City, Couttly, gill ILI)* Les V60% NV 110 t•1 GSARate" Hairl-Nightly Ride* 15� 79 Il ntel tbt,+l" 816 Canferon eo ror* ��fl SYpluneden for Rate trognired If Itokl cost I9 greater thml per dletn, or gmwnlncnt rntc)* alst 1'ry pp roved by i.<NI)nRfi Yas Wool bevel card to fill s rsnto i vehicto gas tank prior to lis return it Purpose 1Qf TMVtl* North American Human Tmificking Gonference 2(Y4 Cost Appllentton* Rental Gar Rrtluirod Conferenoo Roto +r leo Dilly : IM1,*I Desita4 lon* Kental Car tit per day* Air Carrie Delia vW l4aft 4.W1 of VIlgltt*' 299 1bbif trip ewt Qaclude all cost tolaly)* 1345.517 �......_ Proparikes Narne* PM"VS T11110ft I Fode deparlmsnt head- Director 1'ry pp roved by i.<NI)nRfi Yas Wool bevel card to fill s rsnto i vehicto gas tank prior to lis return it is rocommended, OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Coat of 11,1100 lbtal trip t"t (lmtpab all rout totds)* 2B0 134550 Praparees Name' Propar es mtw healer's 14=0 DeptrCmamltfeel Date ar ltcquest., 'iii avd'lypo* Canna Gardfa Now Hope r.,.w �Zgy�p24 (hit of State Trt el Dopuriure D:de# Return Date* Grout" Ei�adiltlept• it}l2ZI2D24 11:t7tf AM 5l26PZt12a Og:3U pM yea 128 gesllnnlinn (C ify, Cannii; ylnle)fr Pnrpnseef'1'emvel; Las Vegas, NV Moriti American Human TratfIdIng Conference 7024 ][lite] - GSA Linto* 13otel -Nightly Rntc° �'46t �ppll�atlnni Rental CnrRequlred 152 79 conferallea Rato v �p 1, llntei'ratal Caatarca4e free* Bally hlklR at Desrinnt,axo 316 aga 60 hsptAnntlan Dw kale (required if hotel cost Is grenter thin per diem, or gawrnmeal rale)* rk a- i Air Carrier* [?eltu Bnd A J 0v Coat of 11,1100 lbtal trip t"t (lmtpab all rout totds)* 2B0 134550 Praparees Name' Propar es mtw SurtFods departmeni head.plreclor Preapprev"I by F,tNDi1?" Yes Use Of travel Card to fill a renfial vehicle gds tank pelor to its return Is recommended. lierrtal I;fl r tb�t ner• day* 0 OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION IhMer's Name* DeptlG'ontmiifne* nate of W1111011" '111nyd'l'ype* Sul Fade Now Haps 5128 282 Chd of Stale Tlaval DivrlureDate'" RcturJi1'l WI Grant+ J"�nullAept' io12212t1a4 11:QilAlvt ti125l202�i tfS:80 pM Yes 128. Achitnutimi (CSty, Cn41111y.3t51W Purpose of Travelt Les Vegas, NV Modli Amer%en Human TraMaking Conleranae 2024 Hotel - GSARaly* 1rutel -Nightly Rnta* Rental CarWi ufred 182 79 CnnlArenca tete vy Haiti Total,, Ccorerance Fee* Daily 41d'c10 at Iieeiinafton+ Rental Car Cast per day* 816 EYpinnailan for Rnle (roqulrcd If hafCl COSI is grtatff than per diem, Of gosrrmncnl ratio)* fila Air Cm -iter* crust of r-11010 Totnl trip east tlndudv W1 cost icitalsj* and A llasRa Della a .�.� » 289 134540 PreParees Name' Propane* TH10, Suzl Fade department head-Qlrectar Prejippruved by BQVDIf;" Uoe of travel Gard to till 0 rental vehicle gas tank poor to Its return is rewrnmended. Yes u