HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCCGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Karrle Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrie Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES 0 NO DATE. 5/22/2024 PHONE:2937 #24-46108-10 in the amount of $13,880.00 for April 2024. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ❑ YES ❑ NO 0 N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? ❑ YES ❑ NO W N/A DATE OF ACTION:_ APPROVE:'- DENIED ABSTAIN D2: D3: 4/23/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: ❑Agreement / Contract OAP Vouchers ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑ARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑ Boards / Committees ❑ Budget ❑ Computer Related ❑ County Code ❑ Emergency Purchase ❑ Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial ❑ Funds ❑ Hearing ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders ®Grants — Fed/State/County ❑ Leases ❑ MOA / MOU ❑Minutes ❑Ordinances ❑Out of State Travel ❑Petty Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution El Recommendation ❑Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Support Letter ❑Surplus Req. =ax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB Reimbursement request from New Hope on the Consolidated Housing Grant (CHG) #24-46108-10 in the amount of $13,880.00 for April 2024. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ❑ YES ❑ NO 0 N/A If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? ❑ YES ❑ NO W N/A DATE OF ACTION:_ APPROVE:'- DENIED ABSTAIN D2: D3: 4/23/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1011 PftfrO StreetS*F "I POBox 42525 a ON -010a, Was hinoton 98504-2525 *(3601 T25400,0 Form 19-11A VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION AGENCY 'Short Code Commerce Contract Number NUMBER CMS Invoice ID: DEPARMENT OF 1030 24-46108-10 394091 COMMERCE VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant payable to:) INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Grant County Board of Commission Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or PO BOX 37 services. Show complete detail for each item. EPHRATA, WA98823-0037 Vendor's Certificate: The individual signing this voucher below warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized and on behalf Janice Flynn of the entity identified in the Vendor/Claimant section. The individual (Vendor Contact Person) signing below certifies under penalty of perjury that the items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or (509) 754-2011 ext 2537 (Vendor Contact Phone) services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, ifiynna-grantcou77a.;ov (Vendor Contact Email) national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam era or disabled veterans status. 07/01/23 - 06/30/25 (Contract Period) Karrie Stockton (Kstockton2) 5/22/2024 12:52:50 PM 04/01/24 - 04/30/24 (REPORT PERIOD) (SUBMITTED BY) (SUBMIT DATE) DESCRIPTION BUDGET REQUESTED EXPENDED TO AMOUNT THIS, AWARD AMOUNT DATE INVOICE REMAINING Unassigned - Unassigned $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 Admin - Unassigned $28,680.00 $.00 $191732.72 $.00 $8,947.28 Rent - Unassigned $210,275.00 $.00 $109,697.38 $.001 $100,577.62 Facility Support - Unassigned $27,902.27 $.00 $18,600.00 $.00 $9,302.27 Operations - Unassigned $189,417.73 $.00 $75,513.94 $.00 $113,903.79 HEN Admin 2024 - Unassigned $2,000.00 $.00 $1,346.30 $.00 $653.70 HEN Rent/Fac Support 2024 - Unassigned $184,345.00 $.00 $171,714.76 $.00 $12,630.24 HEN Operations 2024 - Unassigned $4210,00.00 $.00 $28,606.15 $.00 $13,393.85 HEN Admin 2025 - Unassigned $5,000.00 $.00 $.001 $.00 $5,000.00 HEN Rent/Fac Support 2025 - Unassigned $173,345.00 1 $.00 $.00 $.00 $173,345.00 HEN Operations 2025 - Unassigned $50,000.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $50,000.00 Eviction Prevention Admin - Unassigned $10,000.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $10,000.00 Eviction Prevention Rent - Unassigned $1,132,655.00 $.00 $317,245.44 $.00 $815,409.56 Eviction Prevention Operations - Unassigned $350;000.00 $.00 $109,117.90 $.00 $240;882.10 Inflation Increase 2024 - Unassigned $110,242.00 $.00 $110,242.00 $.00 $.00 Inflation Increase 2025 - Unassigned $110,242.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $110,242.00 Local DRF Support 2024 - Unassigned $71,609.00 $13,880.00 $47,622.10 $.00 $237986.90 Local DRF Support 2025 - Unassigned $71)609.00 $.00 1 $.00 $.00 $717,609.00 Non - Match Total: $21769,322.00 $13,880.00 $1,009,438.69 $.00 $1,759,883.31 PROGRAM APPROVAL (The individual signing this voucher warrants they have the authority to sign this voucher.) Date DOC DATE CURRENT DOC. NO. REFERENCE DOC NO. VENDOR NUMBER and SUFFIX SWV0002426 03 ACCOUNT NO. ASD NUMBER 45705 VENDOR MESSAGE r1TRANS REV CODE CODE MASTER SUB INDEX OBJ SUB MG MS SUB OBJ GL ACCT SUB AMOUNT PROGRAM SID INDEX 46A70111 NZ 24-46108-10 46155 COMMERCE 465C1211 NZ 46114 46A70212 NZ 46155 Paid by UBI 46A20111 NZ Paid to Contractor 46151 Paid to Organization Name 46A20212 NZ Expense 46151 465C2212 NZ Type 46114 465DO250 NZ .Type 46108 46AK0210 NZ 46108 Subcontractor Total Sub Subcontractor Total READY to BATCH PREPARER DATE WARRANT TOTAL CREATED BY Karrie Stockton (Kstockton2) DATE 5/22/2024 12:51:40 PM Form 19-1A VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION AGENCY Short Code Commerce Contract Number NUMBER CMS Invoice ID: DEPARMENT OF 1030 24-46108-10 394091 COMMERCE 0 All Expenses under $1,000 Paid by UBI Paid by Organization Name Paid to Contractor " Paid to UBt Paid to Organization Name Paid to Org Type Expense Amount Type .Type Subcontractor Total Sub Subcontractor Total Li Sub Grantee Na mes N me st on .:Year � � Grantee ,a In Mo /, -._ New Hope Apr -24 !s`�:a�.a't`s`�u r, r,:&:y... ,,y.,a..-a+ra7S.a,.s:>:I�rd'r$.,..a.Sn#�Tzv:.NS.a3.�a+.•��'�0.`s _ c Total $13,880.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoice Total: $13,880.00 Signature CHG Voucher Detail Month Apirl 1-30, 2024 Vendor Code Descriptio Amount charged to the grant Housing Authorit of Grant Co 565504580 Rent 1300 Heron Creek 565504580 Rent 400 Hernandez Properties 565504580 Rent 1700 Bill Laurence 565504580 Rent 3700,#4 Lori Sorensen 565504580 Rent 1500 VJ Judo LLC 565504580 Rent 3135 Wilson Real Estate 565504580 Rent 1150 Windermere Prop Mgmt 565504580 Rent 995•.'' Total 13880 Page 1 / 1 Invoice 0412346 Date 4/23/2024 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P,O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor-, HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY UNITED MARKETING P.O. BOX 3080 BELL UE WA 98009, Document Numb Purchase Order NumbWl Vendor[D Shipping Method .... . . ..... ..... .......... . . ...... ....... . . . ...... .......... ...... HAOGC 'Description: Cliet EFA. - Rent ....... --- Payment Terms ID Amount $1,300.00 Subtotal $1,300,00 misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0,00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due$1,300,00 TAX CREDIT LEASE AGREEMENT The undersigned "nafter cal led tenant) has on th is 20th day of Febru 2024, rented from the owner through his/her Agent (Landlord), the premises known as Apartment Number A 103 (here'l nafter called Apartm ent)in the Apartm enth ouse known as Baird Springs Apartments, located at )3'in the city of Ephrata, county of Grant (I)TERM p�„This agrement creates a (check whichever boxapplies): fixed term tenancy commencing the 20th day of Febru 20-24 and ending the (last day oft e month) of November 2024,-. The minimum initial ten` of this lease is 6 months per Tax Credit regulations, 0 Month to month tenancy commencing on20th ,day of er r y 2024# This agreement remains in force and *is binding unto terminated by either party in accordance with the law and the terms of this agreement (2)RENT St Commencingthe 201h dayoffebruary2024andonthel day ofeach month thereafter, thesumof $ 650.00 will be pai d as monthly rent. All rent is payable in advance. Any failure by the TENANT to pay rent or other charges when due shall authon* ze the Landlord to term inate this tenancy by giv 'Ing the TENANT written notice in accordance with the law. All PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE It regardless of any future change in monthly rental rate.. Alate feeof $50.00 will be collected onthe 611 dayofeach morithand$2.00perdaywill be added each day thereafter until the rent is paid in full. Afee of$50.00 wi 11 be charged on all cheeks returned by the TENANT'S bank for insufficient funds. The sum of ,YM.06 will be paid as asecurity depos itto insurethat any damage donetothefumishings, equipment or premises will be repaired or the damaged item or items replaced. The deposit shall also guarantee thefaithful performance ofallterms and conditions eft is agreement, including rent due an ern g. Said security deposit shall be deposited at,US Bank located at Ephrata Washington, ft e maximum allowable rent for this unit 'increases per limits provided by the Wash ington State Housi ng Finance comm iss ion, or iftheutilith allowance changes is accordance with Section 42 oft he IRS code during thetenn ofthis agreement, the monthly rent may be 'increased upon written notice given thirty (30) days or more preceding the beginningofany month. In tee ventofan inorease in rent it is understood thatallother provisions ofthe Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, changed only by the alteration in the amount ofrentand not other w'ser 02/12 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor-, HERON CREEK APARTMENTS 222 EAST 9TH AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Document Number Purchase Order Number 11 VendorlD Page 1 / 1 Invoice 0411333 Date 4/9/2024 Shipping Method 1 Payment Terms ID V4U!) U1-4-K�, 'HERON Descniption: Amount Client EFA - Rent $400,00 .. ........ ... .. Subtotal $400.00 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0,00 Payment $0,00 Total Due $400.00 GRANT COUNTY 4e New Hope/Kids Hope Kids Hope PROMISE TO PAY Date �1� ,1 6-1, , 2 0 2,_44 Claimant:HA ,/. , — 1& Post OffjceAddress;%iZ-2_ �U- --&t t fi4t,45.Lf WA S' 3: All bills must be itemized in detail on this blankor itemized list attached herewith. When submitting claims for rent be sure to specify dates claim. is intended to cover. For Submission for Payment - A Return Voucher To: ISSUE Grant County New Hope/Kids Hope NeIepe idsll-ope Advocate 311 W Third Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837 I hereby Certify on Honor, that the goods, merchandise, material or service charged for in the ab.ove bill have been furnished as herein charged. 20 k Printed Claimant Name Signature CANNOT BE USED FOR ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, Check one: Mail pa moot to above address PRE -PAID OR GIFT` CARDS, Claimant will,pick up pUment at New Vouchers receivel bv 12!00 prn Thitirsday will K-Pive pavniem available the following 1"hursday, Approved: Date: -- -------- Funding; - [ ) R A -eived by, cco ting: � Date: County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: HERNANDEZ PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 3123 OTHELLO W -A 99344 Document Number Purchase Order Number VendorlD 04172024 -CA PP Description,, ------ Ctient EFA - Rent Page 1 /1 Invoice 0411901 Date 4/17/7024 Shipping Method Payment. Terms ID Amount i $1) 700, 00 Subtotal MISC Tax Freight Trade Discount Payment Total Due 1,700.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,700.00 GRANT COUNTY � � �, New Hope/Kids Hope Kids Hope PROMISE TO PAY mi Date C- Vendor-. Post Office Address: kPe�­'J-)-' a Total Amount All bills must be itemized. in detail on this blank or itemized list attached herewith. When submitting claims for rent be sure to speci� dates claim is intended to cover. For Submission for Payment - 1, S S U E 01,: Return Voucher To: Grant County New I-lope/Kids Hope New Rope.ygids Hope Advocate 3 11 W Third Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837 I hereby Certify on Honor, that the goods, merchandi-se, inaterlal or service charged for tri the above bill have been furnished as herein charged, DATE: Printed Vendor Name ---------- - ------ - Ignature CANNO"I" I BE USED FOR ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, check one: Mail payment to above address PRE -PAID OR GIFT CARDS. Claimant will pick up_ ayment at Ne Votichers reo(Nived by 121:0101 pm'Wednesday will have payinent available the frMlowri-nor Thursday. EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FORM SIGNED? y 1 1. Es SO NOE] FUNDING: I- ---------- "Now Page I / 1 Invoice 0410836 Date 4/2/2024 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata 'WA - 98823 Vendor: BILL LAWRENCE 2970 ROCK ISLAND RD EAST WENATCHEE WA 98802 Document Number Purchase Order Number VendorlD Shippling Method Payment Terms ID -62-4 RENT LAWRB . .. . ........... . .... 'Description: Amount, Ctlent EFA - Rent $3,700. FF 001 Subtotal $3,700.00 misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $3,700.00 * Y W--VNT' ff will Or New -f-. Hopet ds, &0*111"I'l PROMAINE' T 0 PAY low VWA ----------- ...... -------- ---------- - ----- -- ----------------- ----------- --------- ............. m CY PINAN" MUST^ tow s ,■ Page I / 1 Invoice 0411904 Date 4/17/2024 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P,O. Box 37 Ephrata WA. 98823 Vendor.- LORI K SORENSEN 19791 S FRONTAGE RD W QUINCYWA 98848 Document Number 104092024 -RS Description,: Client EFA - Rent Purchase Order Number = Vendor lD Shipping Method SO EL Payment Terms ID Amount $1,500.001 Subtotat - --------- ---- $1500,00 Mise $0.00 Tax $0,00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $1 1 500.00 4r GRANT COUNTY New Hope/Kids Hope Kid"Hope PROMISE TO PAY Date Vendor: Post Office Address.,- (A TV Total Amount All bills must be itemized in detail on this blank or itemized list attached herewith. When submitting claims for rent be sure to specify dates claim is intended to cover, For Submission for Payment - ,e urn Voucher To: ISSUE Grant County New Hope/Kids Hope N g(v pe/Kidslfe Advocate 311 W Third Avenue doses Lake, WA 98837 I hereby Certify on Honor, that the goods,' merchandise, material or service charged for in the above bill have been furnished as herein charged, Al I DATE-, Printed Vendor Name /LA— sib;. r e - CANNOT BE USED FOR ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, .heck ane: IZI tail _pE ent to above address PRE -PAID OR GIFT CARDS, Claimant gill pick !jp,pEmentat New Hope Vouchers received by 12 -00 pm Wednesday will have payment available the folio it Thursday. EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FORM --- SIGNED? YES L)U NO[] FUNDING: �-'j��� 1 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: VJ JUDO 25 LLC PO BOX 574 SOAP LAKE WA 98851 Document Number Purchase Order Number 04192024 -MH escription: CLient EFA - Rent Page 1 / 1 Invoice 0412345 Date 4/23/2024 --- Vendor l Shipping Method Payment Terms ID VJJUD .................. ................... . . ........ Amount $3,135.00 .......... .... . .. . . .......... . .. . ....... ".- ........ Subtotal $3)135.00 Misc $0.00 Tax$0. 00 Freight $0 . 00 +IryF Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $3,135.00 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor.- REAL WILSON 222 5 1 ST STREET YAKIMA WA. 98901 Document Number LICE#3-05[24 cription: Purchases Purchase Order Number VendorlD ........ ......... VLREM Invoice Page 1 /1 Invoice 0412361 Date 4/23/2024 Shipping Method Payment Terms ID ---------------- Amount $11150.00 Subtotal $1,150.00 M16sc $0.00 Tax $0. 00 Freight $0. 00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $1,150-00 Vendor: Post Off ( GRANT COUNTY New Hope./Kids Hope PROMISE TO P,1Y Kii& Hope ------------- Date L+ I Total Amount All bills must be itemized in detail on this blank or itemized list attached herewith. When submitting claims for rent be sure to specify dates claim is intended to cover, For Submission for Payment - iS Return Voucher To: Grant County V VVV New Hope/Kids Hope New Hope/Vi s Hope Advocate 311'x` Third.Avenue Moses Lake-, WA 98837 I hereby Certify on Honor, that the goods, merchandise, material or service charged for in the above bill have been furnished as herein charged. ft ho DATE, L Tz) Printed Vendor Name S nature CANNOT BE USED FOR ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, Check one: igMail payment to above address PRE -PAID OR GIFT CARDS, E] Claimant will pick uppAywent at New,,Hope Vouchers receive(' by 12:00 I I pmi Wednesday will hafir paymient available the f"ollowing Thursday, EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ]FORM A / rimp" SIGNED? YES NOD FUNDING:�`�-�C_� ---------- - --------- County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: WINDERMERE PROPERTY MGMT GRANT CO INC 324 S ASH ST SUITE A MOSES LAKE WA 98837 wU;.w11j%:tjL r1quillUer. I MAY20 4 - 1145 #03 Description: Ctent EFA - Rent --- — - ------- — - - ------ Purchase Order Number I Vendor- ID IWPMGC .. . ...... .. Page 1 / 1 Invoice 0411914 Date 4/17/2024 Shipping. Method Payment Terms ID .......... Amount'i $995.001 Subtotal $995-00 Misc $0.00 Tax S0. 00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $995-00 WINDERMERE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GRANT COUNTY, INC 324 S. Ash St. - Suite A - Moses Lake, WA 98837 (609) 765-5691 Residency and Financials 1.1 PARTIES THE PARTIES TO THIS RESIDENTIAL LEASE AG*REEMENT ARE. LandlordlAgent: Windermere Property Management Grant County Inc. Address: .324 S. Ash Street, Suite A, Moses, Lake, M 98837 Telephone: 1)09-765-5691 Tenant(s).,, (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant" or `"Tenants"). Other Occupants: Co-signer: Liability- of Tenants. All persons who sign this Residential Lease Agreeinent (this 'f greement"') as Tenants; shall be jointly and severally 0 :fable under the terms of this Agreement. The tern -i "Tenant""as used in this Agreement, shall refer to all tenants identified in the previous Subsection. Substitution of Tenants. Unless otherwise agreed, this tenancy is restricted to the above named tenants and other occupants. Prior written consent of "ndlord, is required to substitute or increase tenants Or occupaants, 'Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Additional or substitute tenants shall become additional sigriatorles to this Agreement. Removal of Tenant, To be removed frorn this lease. all listed Tenants must sign off, and the tenant be mig removed will be required to sign off having any claim to deposit reft.1rid, should there be one, in return Ioniger having ani financial responsibility to the terms of this lease. If 1.2 PROPERTY Landlord leases the following property (the #11remises") to Tenants-, Real Propertv Address: 1145 Balsam - #03 Moses Lake., VVA 98S--3/ Portions of Premises Not Included. If portions of the Premises are not included as part of this Agreement the there will be a separate addendum attached. 1.3 TERM Term. The term of this AgreeMer;t shall begin .1on 11/01/207-1 and sand ori 10/31/2022. (the "Term'"), and thereafter on a mnnth-to.-Month tenant y upon the terms and conditions herein. Early Possession. In the event the Tenant takes early occupancy, all turms and conditions of this Agreement shall becorne effecthv at the time of said Occupancy. This includes, but is not limited to, rentand other arnotints due to LAnditord applicable to any prior or early occupancy, Tenant to take occupancy beginning: 11/01/2021 1.4 RENT Amount. The mosaJa4�� shall be S RV-ftTEC0XKe' $993X Total; $995.00 1