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Out of State Travel Request - Renew
GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) Renew - Quincy Partnership for Youth -4/25/24 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: DATE REQUEST SUBMITTED BY.:Anna Serrano n CONTACT` ,PER. SO.N.,ATTE,NDI.NG.RO.UNDTA,BLE, DSII Ar den CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES @NO PHONE: (509)765-9239 111119A, "Ii I OAgredment I Contract OAP Voucher' OAppointme,nt./ Reappointment DARPA Related 0 Bids:/ RFPs Quotes Award OBid Opening Scheduled 0 Boards / Cotnmitto'es 013u.dapt 0 computer Related OCounty Code DErnergency Purchase OEmp1by'ee Rel. QFacili(ies Related, OFinancial 0 Funds MHea ring []Invoices I Purchase Orders nGran'ts — Fed/State/County Eheases DMOA / Mot (Minutes ElOrdinances RO t of State Travel 0 Petty Cash 0 Policies OProdamations 0 Request for Purchase OR' esolutio n ORecommendation El Professional Serv/Consultant 08upport Letter OSUrolus Req, OTax Levies OThank You's 0Tax Title Property 'CIWSLCB ------------ ow .,4!J 1 guts g1s] L11, Wh i . ..... Crystal Cruz, Henry Hernandez, Andrea Cortes, Manny Rodd guez,. Jessica Alcaraz & Nubia Ramirez - CACOA Mid -Year - Chicago, IL - Estimated Cost $4,001S) Funding: Flights & Registration 9063 SORl Hefei, Mileage. & Per Dem 9096 -SUPTR�S if necessary, was this. document reviewed by accounting? r-l'YES 0 NO If necessary, was this document reviewed. by legal? [I YES 0 NO DATE OF ACTION. APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: 4/8/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO -.- W. TRAINING REQUE) i STAFF NAME: Crystal Cruz NAME OF TRAINING: CADCA MID -YEAR LOCATION: Chicago,--I.L LOCATED IN WA STATE?0 YESM NO DATES OF TRAINING: JULY 14, 2024 through JULY 184 202 DEPARTING DATE &TIME: Jule RETURNING DATE &TIME: July 19,2024 HOTEL NEEDED? N Yes E] No AIRFARE NEEDED? 0 Yes 0 No FLIGHT PREFERENCES: Spokane, WA RECEIVED APR 1 9, 2024 TRAVEL REQUEST RENEW EMAILADDRESS: cmcruz@grantcountvWa.gov DATE: 04L19 2024 TRAVEL PURPOSE-. Capacity Building /Training REGISTRATION NEEDED? Yes Na Already Registered X I will register myself ................ ........... .. . ... ...... .. 41-W 0 C. WHO WILL BE IMPACTED BY THIS TRAININW J.� ..�� I C���, ��+ `� C _fir to ' EEmployee Team Members El Other Agency Staff [IAIl Agency Staff WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO BRING BACK TO THE AGENCY? (What can you then train your team, other teams, agency leadership, and othergroups on?) The CADCA Mid -Year Training Institute Conference, offers a unique opportunity fo a coalitiond coor Inator to enhance their skills and expand their network, and knowledge about prevention. Through engaging workshops, insightful presentations, and collaborative sessions. the coalition coordinator will 'acquire valuable insights and resources to strengthen our prevention efforts in creating a healthier and safer community. NOT TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE MANAGER APPROVAL TO TAKE PERSONAL CAR: Manager initials MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE ON Q.5Y::ES.Slnd form to Leadership for further approval NO, Training is denied Manager initial:�< ESTIMATED COST: Funding Source: SO R (9063) /P Date LEADERSHIP APPROVAL (CIRLCE ONE): Y 6, NO IN ITALS 7/27/23 t�zv� zv� *I Wda ILWA N IRV&% W Fill m E Ed Wd &!q How much does it cost to attend CADCA's Mid -Year Training 1nst1tute7 Mow do I qualify for the group registration rate' • All individuals must be associated with the SAME coalition /organization (no exceptions) • Coalition/organization must be an active .CADCA member • Group must contain a minimum of 5 FULL -PAYING individuals (scholarship recipients & speakers do not count towards members of the group) • All members must be registered at the same time & pay in one transaction, using one form of payment. °, lsifing mill using t its s',itte you ane" lcjn�'-;it"lg 1%) CACs oiflne p.fl€t'ie; Fo;"1'�' � #Ii �a,`i ;~� � .� � ��� � f., �.���� r� i i o i f i ��-ii i o I'1 sit 4 ,, o �� WA Early Rates Advance Rates lin--Sita Rates (Until ,June 3) Dune 4 -,June 24) (AfterJune 24) Adult Member $745 $8.45 $945. Adult Non -Member $955 $11055 $1,155 Adult- Group $695 ,x'795 Youth $610 .$710 $$10 Youth Croup 560 $660 .Federal Government .$745 $ 745 $745 Professional Student $375 $375 $375 Mow do I qualify for the group registration rate' • All individuals must be associated with the SAME coalition /organization (no exceptions) • Coalition/organization must be an active .CADCA member • Group must contain a minimum of 5 FULL -PAYING individuals (scholarship recipients & speakers do not count towards members of the group) • All members must be registered at the same time & pay in one transaction, using one form of payment. °, lsifing mill using t its s',itte you ane" lcjn�'-;it"lg 1%) CACs oiflne p.fl€t'ie; Fo;"1'�' � #Ii �a,`i ;~� � .� � ��� � f., �.���� r� i i o i f i ��-ii i o I'1 sit 4 ,, o �� WA Purchase a one-year membership before you register and receive $200 or more off the registration rate! Become a CADCA member and be eligible for discounted member rates to Forum and next year's Mid -Year, Plus receive exclusive access to the CADCA Community, an online networking forum with nearly 1,000 resources and over 10,000 conversations, Learn more and join here - 0 Membership Questions? Email us at membership-@cadca,o g or call 703-706-0560 ext. 261. What forms of payment are accepted? a Visa/ Mastercard /AMEX * Check * Purchase Order (must Provide purchaseorder number and'a copy) Payment must be postmarked byJune 24., 2024. Official Purchase Orders (PO) are accepted (not Purchase Requisitions) provided the following guidelines are met. If you submit a PO to CADCA, you are guaranteeing payment for the full amount of the PO by July 14th, 2024. For registration related questions, you can email us at events@cada.org or call 703.706.0560 ext. 253 POWERED BY @ Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved. E 111�a C:Sb GAD(.A's online" For more linforn-ia-tion visit 212 -A *ff CA.DC/A la-ErLinter Er�iendly Sunday, July 14 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Registration R© PM - 6:30 PM -T Welcome Reception, Table op Displays, & CADCA Corner Open Monday, 3uly IS 7:00, AM - 4:00 PM -T Registration, Table op Displays & CADCA Corner Open 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Networking Continental Breakfast 8:30AM -1.0;00 AM Adult Opening Plenary 8:30 AM - 10:100 AM Youth Opening Plenary 10;30 AM - 12:00 PM Adult & Youth Training Sessions 12,600 PM - 1:00 PM ONDCP Town Hall (All Are Welcome) 10.00 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch on Your Own 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Adult & Youth Training Sessions 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Networking Refreshment Break 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Adult & Youth Training Sessions 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Youth Mattup & Chill Tuesday, July 16 7.,30 AM - 8:15 AM Networking Continental Breakfast 7-430 AM - 4:00 PM Registration, Table -top Displays, & CADCA Corner Open 8.430 AM - 12:00 PM Adult and Youth Training Sessions 101.100 AM - 10:30 AM Networking Refreshment Break 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch on Your Own 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Adult and Youth Training Sessions By Vi :iii @`Id USIfIg fl-IiS 'it e VOLI aI F Fnirviore Ifil'on,maltion vi if viw�.; cadca mg ,P "'4 11 '�: i.i iv V 11 112 Wednesday, Jully 17 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Registration, Table -top Displays, & CADCA Corner Open 8:30 AM,- 12:00 PM Adult and Youth Training Sessions 10:00AM - 10:30 AM Networking Refreshment Break 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch on Your Own 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Adult &Youth Training Sessions 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Networking Refreshment Break 8:00 PM - 10;00 PM Youth Talent Show Thursday� July IS 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Adult and Youth Training Sessions 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Registration, Table -top Displays., & CADCA Corner Open 10:00 AM - 10;30 AM Networking Break 121.00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch on Your Own 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Adult Training Sessions 0 POWERED BY Q Copyfight 2024, All Rights Reserved, A D C' c) f i lim-i-, pnlicies, For moiP. ItirfolAnnatior-) visil -1 y `� U i.,I g r H--� n 1)!g t (j) (" F" y 1'a �" It I I CI k 1S M �jl 1, 1 11 S til!':, J 1 " i I I 'S I 212