HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (007)GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST suBnniTrED sY: Karrie Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrie Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES ONO oATE:4/23/2024 PHONE: .� .i: / �� � ii / ./ /iii. .�/� /i -/ '�✓/ /. i i .:: i. _ - � ... is .. .: :. _ /, .. _. /i�- i/• / /•- „�: i ;�,,,:�.._. -i ...._,� ,.isr. _: / ,-���__.:_.. ✓. ��/� /_./_ ,/„//, -./,/i,/.. _i, i..y_i �/iii /.- i. Request from of to American e Plan Act (ARPA) grant funding allocation from the Lift Station Improvement Project to the Water Booster Pump Station Improvements. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ❑ YES ❑ NO If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? ❑ YES ❑ NO DATE OF ACTION: �1'30,2-4 APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: 4/8/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: F9191 No 0 N 0 E MA A A ❑Agreement / Contract DAP Vouchers ❑Appointment / Reappointment ®ARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑ Boards / Committees ❑ Budget ❑ Computer Related ❑ County Code ❑ Emergency Purchase ❑ Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial ❑ Funds ❑ Hearing ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders 0 Grants — Fed/State/County ❑ Leases ❑ MOA / MOU ❑Minutes ❑Ordinances El Out of State Travel El Petty Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution ❑ Recommendation ❑ Professional Sery/Consultant ❑ Support Letter ❑ Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB .� .i: / �� � ii / ./ /iii. .�/� /i -/ '�✓/ /. i i .:: i. _ - � ... is .. .: :. _ /, .. _. /i�- i/• / /•- „�: i ;�,,,:�.._. -i ...._,� ,.isr. _: / ,-���__.:_.. ✓. ��/� /_./_ ,/„//, -./,/i,/.. _i, i..y_i �/iii /.- i. Request from of to American e Plan Act (ARPA) grant funding allocation from the Lift Station Improvement Project to the Water Booster Pump Station Improvements. If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ❑ YES ❑ NO If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? ❑ YES ❑ NO DATE OF ACTION: �1'30,2-4 APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: 4/8/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: aT is 509-349-2326 Fax 509-349-2027 121 So Main St, WARDEN, WARDEN, WASHINGTON 98857 April 221 2024 GrantCount missioners . Y com PO Box 37 E heat , WA 98823 Reference :Warden ARP A Beneficiary A.greement. Honorable Commissioners, The city of Warden appreciates the consideration of ARPA funding by Grant County to benefit the City of Warden community. The City of Warden res'P e ctiully requests to transfer thefunding allocation of $656,000 to a water utility project. The water booster Pump Station. Funding for the L�ft- Station project has been provided with -loan and grant funds .throngh the Department of Ecology* The Booster Pump Station. has been identified as critically in need of rehabilitation by the recent Water System Plan... APS, funds of $656.,-00.0 from Grant count and the City awarded ARPA funds of $785,000 Will be used for thl pr.ny Piect. A additional funds will be recovered through the city Water CaI Zmprovements Pita fund. At approximately 43 years old, the Booster Pump Station is nearing the end of its useful life.. The Booster Pump Station has shown signs of significant *inefficiencies and early signs of failure. Rehabilitation of the Booster Pump Station will include separation of the pumps and electrical components. Currently, all equipment is housed in one s,mall block cement building, Pumps will be replaced. Variable Frequency drive motors will be installed to increase efficiency, New electrical controls and telemetry to replace the obsolete and 'Inefficient mechanical pressure controls. A permanent generator would be installed to provide the power backup. HVAC will be installed in the building to extend the life of the new equipment, Planning Level Cost Estimate Booster Ptimp Station Improvements 1. Mobilization and Demobilization $111;,000 2. Trench Excavation Safety Systems $ 51000 3. Pumps, Piping, Valves, Fittings and Appurtenances $3500000 4. BPS Bu.ilcling $4001000- 5. Connection to Existing Water System $ MOO 6. Eleotrical, Telemet.ry, and Instrumentation $2.202000 T Back -Lip Generator $100,000 .8. Surface Restoration $ 10.000 Subtotal $11201.)000 'Sales Tax at 8.2% $ 98,000 $301,000 Engineering, $400,000 Total Estimated''Project Cost $2)00071000 With this Pr03 ject coleted.� theCity of Warden wildprovide continiiiniagrelbitity to the Water System and. ensure that the residents in the upper pressure zone and all of the Warden School District schoolshave adequate water pressure for both typical. daily use and for fire flows in emergency situation. Included as attachments are the excerpts of the Water System Plan and the i Comprehensive Plan. Should you have any questions or concerns, I am available to assist as necessary. Sincerely, Kristine Shuler it Admm*istrator/Clerk-Treasuser City of Warden Co P ��^ can RescuePlan Fund, Application Grant Count Y Organization Name: City of Wardn Mailing Address: 121 S Main St, Warden, WA 98857 UE1 & FID: 137 0000 07 / 91-6012285 Organization Contact: Kristine Shuier Contact Email: kshuler@cityofwarden.org Contact Phone Number: 509-349-2326 W -ho is --Signing Contract (name/title): Rosaelia M-arti-nez, Mayor Date of Submission: Re -submit, 4-22-2024 (Original 7/1/2022) Name of Project: Booster -Pu mp- -Station Improvements 7 Am_o__u__nt Req--uested: $ 6567000,00 In the form below place as much pertinent detail as needed to explain the project and why you feel your organization needs these funds. Also please quote from the final rule the guidance your organization believes justifies your request. Attach a separate document if required. Email submission to: commissioners,@ rantcountywagov Booster Pump Station Improvements Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate the City' Booster Pump Station located on Claremont Ave near the City's Reservoir No. 2. The City's Booster Pump Station is approximately 43 years old and is nearing the end of its useful life. The Booster Pump Station has recently shown signs of significant inefficiencies and early signs of failure. The City intends to investigate the issues regarding the Booster Pump Station and associated pressure zone, and upgrade the Booster Pump Station to keep electrical equipment separate from the pump room, and to provide new pumps, new variable frequency drive motors to \ncnaoee efficiency` new electrical controls and telemetry to nGp|eCe the obsolete and inefficient mechanical pressure controls, a new permanent generator backup, and HVAC, to extend the life of the new equipment. The solution will provide continuing reliability to the Qty of Warden Water System and ensure that the residents in the upper pressure zone and all of the Warden School District schools have adequate water pressure for both typical daily use and for fire Mmwm in emergency situations. fAm6rican Rescue Plan fundin" pplication - Grant County, WA, pak 2 Application for Warden, Washington Booster Pump Station Improvements - The City of Warden is a low to moderate income community. The Federal Poverty Guidelines for a household of three is $40,626. According the to 2020 Decennial Census, the Median Income of Warden is $39,344. Final Rule Guidance: Disproportionately Impacted Households and Communities - Treasury presumes the following households and communities are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic: * Low-income households and communities. The Federal Poverty Guidelines that a household of three is $40,626 per year. In other words, recipients can always presume that a household earning below this level, or a community with median income below this level, is disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and eligible for services to respond. Water & Sewer infrastructure: Provides projects to be eligible that are Water & Sewer Infrastructure: Those projects eligible under the CWSRF, include the construction of publicly owned treatment works, wastewater facility. American Rescue Plan Funding Application Organization Name: City of Warden U B I : /FID : 137 0000 07 / 91-6012285 Organization Contact: Kristine Shuler Contact Email: kshuler@cityof\/varden.org Contact Phone Number: 509-349-2326 Date of Submission: July 1, 2022 Name of Project: Lift Station No 1 Improvements Amount Requested: $ 656,000.00 In the form below place as much pertinent detail as needed to explain the project and why you feel your organization needs these funds. Also please quote from the final rule the guidance your organization believes justifies your request. Attach a separate document if required. Email submission to: ArpRequest@grantcountvwa.gov Lift Station No. 1 serves an estimated 240 homes and 68 apartment units in the western and southwestern portion of the City. The existing wastewater lift station was constructed in 1988 and has not been significantly upgraded since its installation. Lift Station No. 1 does not meet current Orange Book criteria for sewer works design. A failure of the current lift station will have catastrophic effects on the entire area served. The wastewater lift station provides a method to move the wastewater to the Water Reclamation Facility. The project will include the design and construction to: (1)Relocate and upgrade the electrical equipment to ensure the lift station is in compliance with current fire protection standards and electrical codes. (2)lnstall new pumps designed for peak flows, with the capability to pump at reduced flow rates that are energy efficient. (3)lnstall a transducer, a high-level float switch and a float switch for each pump to provide redundancy pump control and alarms. The transducer will be connected to a PLC in the control panel and a telemetry system that will notify the operators in case of high wastewater levels in the lift station. (4)Provide a back-up power source, generator. (5)Provide a water service connection for wash -down water. (6)Fence the facility for security. (7)Add illumination at the lift station to provide visibility for night-time callouts. Organization: Warden, City of Project Title Project Short Description Project Long Description Total Cost Effective Date General Information Lift Station 1 Improvements Upgrade Lift Station No. 1 with new pumps, piping, electrical materials and telemetry, a generator, and other site improvements. Lift Station 1 serves an estimated 240 homes and 68 apartment units in the western and southwestern portion of the City. The lift station was constructed in 1988 and has not been significantly upgraded since its installation. The lift station does not meet current Orange Book criteria for sewer works design. The project will include the following: Relocate and upgrade the electrical equipment to ensure the lift station is in compliance with current fire protection standards and electrical codes. Install newum s designed for peak flows, with the capability to pump at reduced flow rates. p p Install a transducer, a high-level float switch and a float switch for each pump to provide redundancy pump control and alarms. The transducer will be connected to a PLC in the control panel and a telemetry y Y system that will notify the operators in case of high wastewater levels in the lift station. Provide a backup power source. Provide a water service connection for washdown water. Add fencing to the site for security. Add illumination at the lift station to provide visibility for night-time callouts. $6563000.00 7/1/2022 Total Eligible Cost $656,000.00 Expiration Date 12/31/2026 Page 1 of 2 10/06/2021 Organization: Warden, City of General Information Project Category Nonpoint Source Activity Onsite Sewage System Stormwater Activity Stormwater Facility v Wastewater Facility Will Environmental Monitoring Data No be collected? Overall Goal 10/06/2021 The goal of this project is to upgrade Lift Station 1 to ensure that the City can continue to provide reliable wastewater collection services and protect the environment from wastewater spills or backups. The lift station was originally constructed in 1988 and needs upgrades in order to continue to provide reliable service. This project will utilize the existing infrastructure that is still in good condition (such as the wet well and valve vault) and replace the deteriorated and outdated materials and equipment (such as the interior piping and electrical/controls) so that the lift station will reliably serve the City's wastewater collection needs. Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 2 American Rescue Plan funding Application —Grant County, WA Application for Warden, Washington Lift Station No. 1 The City of Warden is a low to moderate income community. The Federal Poverty Guidelines for a household of three is $40,626. According to the 2020 Decennial Census, the Median Income of Warden is $39,344. Final Rule Guidance: Disproportionately Impacted Households and Communities Treasury presumes the following households and communities are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic: 2 Low-income households and communities. The Federal Poverty Guidelines that a household of three is $40,626 per year. In other words, recipients can always presume that a household earning below this level, or a community with median income below this level, is disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and eligible for services to respond. Water &Sewer Infrastructure Provides projects to be eligible that are Water &Sewer Infrastructure. Those projects eligible under the CWSRF, include the construction of publicly owned treatment works, wastewater facility.