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GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOE REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: J. Gingrich CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE. J. Gingrich CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: EIYES ©NO DATE:4/9/24 PHONE: 293 a6i ElAgreement / Contract EIAP Vouchers ElAppointment Reappointment EIARPA Related F1 Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award E]Bid Opening Scheduled El Boards / Committees El Budget DComputer Related E]County Code OEmergency Purchase MEmployee Rel. El Facilities Related El Financial ElFunds ElHearing FI Invoices / Purchase Orders [JGrants — Fed/State/County F]Leases OMOA / MOU 0 Minutes 70rdinances ❑ Out of State Travel 7 Petty Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations El Request for Purchase F Resolution ® Recommendation El Professional Serv/Consultant [:]Support Letter 0Surplus Req. E]Tax Levies ElThank You's EJTax Title Property EIWSLCB .......... ,, _R , �R.aEND, �,,. Request to change the Board of Equalization salary from $1 00/day to $25/hour If necessary, was this document reviewed by accounting? ❑ YES 0 NO If necessary, was this document reviewed by legal? F-1 YES * NO DATE OF ACTION: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: 4/8/24 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (130E) 35 c sTREET NW I Po BOX 37 EPHRATA, wn 98823 April 91 2024 Board of County Commissioners Grant County Subject: Request to Change the Board of Equalization Salary Dear Commissioners, At the requeset of the Chair of the Board of Equalization, in agreement with the entire board membership, I am requesting the BOE members salary be changed from the current salary of $100/day to an hourly salary of $25/hour. Presently, the BOE is being paid $100.00 per day for a day of hearings or meetings. The last day of hearings, the BOE was in session from 8:45am - 3:00pm and heard 38 petitions. The salary for that day of hearings worked out to $16.67/hour for each board member. If the hearings had lasted longer, they would be making less than minimum wage ($16.28/hour). After discussion with the BOE, we would like to recommend the following salary for BOE members: • $25.00 per hour • 2 hour minimum This is similar to the county policy with the requirement of a 2 -hour minimum and will compensate the board members for the hours they work while potentially saving county resources as not to overpay for shorter BOE days. Sincerely, fmyl 7, �F4� Jerry T. Gingrich, Clerk Board of Equalization (509) 754-2011, X2931 I BOE@GRANTCOUNTYWA.GOV