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Out of State Travel Request - Renew
COM GRANT COUNTY MIS , SIONERS AGENDA 'MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING, DEPARTMENT: Renew - Prevention REQUEST SUBMITTED BY:Anna Serrano DATE: 4/2/24' PHO . NE: (509) 765-9239 Ext. 5353 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Dell Anderson CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION,-- EIYES WN0 Mont ana Summer Institute - Big Sky, MT - Cost about $ 37:410.20 Funding Code 108.150. 00.90QQ.566.51 XXXX D2: D3: GRANT r 0 tj - 13 2M DAgreemont.I.Contract El Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award CLAP Vouchers DBId Opening ScheduledD E-1 At pointment ppoin ment / Reap' DARPA Related E]Computer Related 171 Facilities, Related nCounty Code Boar d� / Corn Itte s .ni e 0 Emergency Purchase OBudget DEmployee Rel. 011nvoices Purchase Orders ElFinancial E]Gra,nts Fed/State/County MFunds r -11 nHearin g :]Minutes D.Policies nOrdinances. -eases WOut of State Traveltt ©MOA / MOU MPe y Cash M ..Recommendation 0 Proclamations DProfessional Serv/Consultant ORequestfor Purchase FISuppo rt Letter El Resolution OTaxLevies ElThank You's, nTax Title Propertv FISurplus Req. QWSLC13 p111111 �out of state gavelW for Bethan-y EscaMikl, JUIY 1,5-190 2024 Mont ana Summer Institute - Big Sky, MT - Cost about $ 37:410.20 Funding Code 108.150. 00.90QQ.566.51 XXXX D2: D3: GRANT r 0 tj - 13 2M 4/1/240 4:21 PM OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* — �"-7 Bethany Escamilla - --------- - 1�.Aj Departure Date* 7/1612024 08:00 AM Dept/Comm*ttee* Community Coalition Return Date* ?'1'19/2024 -] 0:00 1PM IN A- I Grant County, WA Date of Request* E 4Y 1/2024 �j Grant* Yes De tina-finn Irl' dm ........... '6yr qj""Ilyr 3Ta,Te,)w Purpose of . Travel* Big Sky, Montana The Montana Summer Institute - Expanding the Circle: Creating Space for Hope, Health, and Connection Ll ....... 40 w V1 - W)A Katew $293.00 Travel PT-j- e- y- OUt Of State Travel V Fund/Dept* FAR PA Hotel Total* $1,212.20 Hotel - Nightly Rate* $318-02 lei Conference Fee* $10095.00 Cost Application* Conference Rate V Daily M&IE at Destination* $79.00 $79.00 Fynianntinn fr^ rt 6 Rental Car Required No V Rental Car Cost per day* $0 ... .......... ... ........ .. . OLCtre-quirea Itnotei cost i is greater thanper diem, or government rate)* This hotel does not offer government rate, o nly conference rate. A1*r Carrier* Cost of Flight* Alaska $476,00 Total trip cost (Include all Cost totals)* $3�410,20 L Preparer's Name* Preparer's Title* Anna Serrano jAccounting Technician Preapproved by EO/DH?------ Use of travel card to fill a rental vehiclegas tank prior to its Yes return is recommended. https'.//Www,grantcountywa-gov/FormCenter/Print?formIt)m86&previev"wYES&SavO=Fal$e&savedProgressID= [K] TRAINING REQUE,-,�ii I TRAVEL REQUEST STAFF NAME: EMAIL ADDRESS: �.o (2- J( Ct K�Yl 111'1'�CR)q t!t AME OF TRAINING;` xt DATE: LOCATION,-.. TRAVEL PURPOSE. fo ee TATE? ❑Yes]No LOCATE IN WA DATES OF TRAI N I N G: JW4 through (�t� � �1� RECEIVED DEPARTING DATE &TIME: `j � � � � � i.� MAR 1 9 2024 RETURNING DATE & TIME: RENEW s1_ HOTEL NEEDED? [NYes- []No AIRFARE NEEDED?L�j Yes ONO P1. FLIGHT PREFERENCES: �)Vkvdvl. ��k��(`� 4�`l �� �- i REGISTRATION NEEDED? �jyesE:] No Already Registered 9 1 Willi register myself WHO WILL BE IMPACTED BY THIS TRAINING? Employee Team Members ❑Other Agency Staff ❑All Agency Staff WHATWILL YOU BE ABLE TO BRING BACK TO THE AGENCY? (Whatcan you then tteams agency leadership, and other groupsonrain your team, other ty t) �-� 1��,��h� tib �'�l U�. �., 1 lit N NOT TO 13E COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE MANAGER APPROVAL TO TAKE PERSONAL CAR: Manager initials MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE ONE)(A-S-�§encl form to Leadership for further approval NO, Training is denied Manager initials-- ESTIMATED COST. - Funding Source,: Al2- f) Ot. 00 D LEADERSHIP APPROVAL (CIRLCE ONE): J�'VEE�NO �ITALS Date 7/27/23 3/28/24, 10:01 AM The .2024 Montana Summer Institute —The Montana Institute TH"E MONTANA' INSTITUTE ABOUT RESOURCES CONTACT SIGN IN Expanding the Circle Creating Space for Hope, Health, and Connection In Big, Sky. Montana n. ana and via Livestream..'July 16-19, 2024 REGISTER NOW MANSFORMI YOUP.APPROACH To PREVENTI N WITH 0 THE SCIENCE OF THE POSITIVE INCREASE HEALTH AND SAFE. 7)/ VVjTH POSITIVE COMMUNITY.A.I'd RMS EKTEND YO UP SUPPORT FOR YO U TH A ND ADUL TS WITH HEALTH OUTCOMES.FROM- POSITIVE EXPERIENCES Reshape the way you approach community.health and Well-being at the 2024 Montana Summer Institute, J,ofij us onsite. or online and learn how to foster hope, culdvate health, and strengthen connections to build healthier, safer, and more Positive communities for all. Inspiring Kqnotes: Learn fivin scientists and leaders who are making 47 sigi-lifical"t illtPact in their connnunities. Gain 11isights into their successes and take ho-n-te actionable strategies that will traiisf. orin yow- woik 111teractive Workshops, Dive deep into the Science of the Positive and Positive Cominuinty Norins ivith hamis-on workshops and expert -led disclissions. Share tour experieuces aiLd learn from others. https://www.montanainStitLite.comlmsi 1/5 3/28/24, 10:01 AM The 2024 Montana Summer Institute — The Montana Institute Net -working Opporhinities: Conne' witli like-ininded bidiNdiialst orgl7nizatloins, an -d professionals who share yom, pas.51onfor-creating healthier - nwre hopefid con'tinuillitiess. Inipartfid Conversations.- Engage in thotight-provoking dialogues abotit intiowthoe approaches to proniathig positivewons and Improving C0.111171111-likil health. $j" CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE INSTITUTE AGENDA * Registration Fee: $1,095 Accass to inornhig kqnofes alit.afternooti workshqps Breakfast and lundi on fl/I event days co.iltirllitil�,Edticatiot.iCredits fi-oiiitlicUitivei-,5ifyofiVIoittaiia T)-rwel 17,11d tadgin& Lint hichulcd REGISTER NOW F AWMWMAW===== MWAW�w am w am � muzzwWwk Aw�mw� pmmwmmm� Imum Wawa onl8i e via Livestream R e " tration Fee: $525 is • Access to mornbrigk-eynotes LiVe!$ tfewn fi-oitt 9:00ain to 12 1,00pin MST oti Ittly 16-19, X02.4 Choose beftiven real tinie and recorded attendance PEGISTCER INOW REGISTER EARLY TO GUARANTEE YOUR SPOT FOR 2024. THE 2022 AND 2023 ONSITE EVENTS SOLD OUT COMPLETELY. Who is the Montana Summer Institute dor? Whether you're a prevention professional, Drug Free Communities grant coordinator, coalition member, school administrator, or are part of a local, state, national or ti-ibal agency or organization, if voti are engaged in the work of transforming community health,_ the Montana Summer Institute is for you,. https://www.montanainstitute.com/msi 2/5 3/28/24t 10:01 AM The 2024 Montana Summer Institute — The Montana Institute Attendees are working to improve norms a-r0Lmd.iSSU1es including: substance use., social justice, enviroranental health, traffic safety, suicide prevent on, domestic violence, mental health and more. K- 7 HEALTH PROMOTION PROFESSIONALS ...and grzmtees who Work w1fli local coalitions, non-profit organization- s, or federal, tribal, state or County agencies to increase health and safety. ONSITE EVENT SCHEDULE TRAVEL DATES AND TIMES AIRPORT INFORMATION AIRPORT TRAVE L LoDGING. MEALS AMD DINING EDUCATORS & ADMINISTRATORS looking to change school, district,, or campus pus CUItUres around vaping, alcohol, cannabis, bullying, truancy, bystander behavior, and. more. ONSITE INSTITUTE FAQs Breakfast and, lurichiwlll be provided on July 16th, 17th, 18%, and 19th. Participants will be ontheir own for dinner, There are many dM*U*,lg options at the Big Sky Resort and in the Big Sky ToWn Center. t�_ ALTITUDE AND WEATHER ACCE598 ILITY AND INCLUSIVITY ONSITE CANCELLATION POLICY COVID POLICY WORKPLACE LEADERS ....charged with creating safe and positive work envixorm-ients and improving health and safety .for employees ye s and clients, https://www.montanainstitute.com/msi 3/5 3/28/24t 10:01 AM The 2024 Montana Summer Institute — The Montana Institute ONLINE SCHEDULE LIVE-,STRE.A.�,vl AND RECORDING ACCESS ONLINE CANCELLATION POLICY ONSITE REGISTRAI"10�1 Qi",ILINE REGISTRATION Tk, https://www.montanainstitute.comlmsi 415 3/28/24, 10:01 AM The .2024 Montana Bummer Institute The Montana Institute R _7 bj Ir m-, Feel free to contact -Li.s with questions ,or for more information. GET IN TOUCF1 REEGISTER NOW .Copyright 2028.jeff U" kenbach, All rights reserved. , h Science or the Positive Is a registered service mark of The: Montana Institute, LLC, Nature photography @ Hetherington Produftions https://www.montanainstitute.com/msi 5/5