HomeMy WebLinkAboutOut of State Travel Request - Renew (002)Gw'RANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12'OOPm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT:Rene'W - BH .4/2124 Anna Serrano DATE.EQUEST SUBMITTED BY: - PHONE: (509) 765-9239 Ext. 5353 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE Dell Anderson UUNI-11DENTIAL INFO -1Y L RMATION-ES . E W -NO ElAgreement / Co*ntract 0 Bids f RFPS / Quotes Award DCOMPuter Related EIFOcilities Related DInvoices / Purchase Orders 0 M i,nutes Opolicies Ll Recommendation 0T8x Levies L_ I e. es OAP Vouchers (1131d -opening Scheduled Flcoun'ty Code ElFinancial CGrants — Fed/State/Co' linty COrdinances, [DProclarnations .RProfessional Serv/Consultant Q.Thei ink YoU!,s Film- 1EMZ90KE Jill Out ofstate travel for 'Day-anca Ruiz� July' 1:5-19 209 A Montana ntana S urnmer lflstifu,te - Big S,k - Cost ab *u y, M T 0 It $ 31410.20 Funding Code 108150.00,0000o564.44.XXXX DATE OF ACTION: e q—.rq—.m APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: k4000,1 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: RE1.1E C E � V E D APR - 3 2024 D'Appointmen t-/ Reappointment r-1ARLPA Related El Boards IL C* OMM. ittees I get DEmergen c Y Purchase hase Em O.ployee Rel. OFunds El LH : earing 0 Leases 1:1 MOA / MOU Out JjRof Stag 0 Travel tty eop. Cash a sh 0 Request for Purchase 0 Resolution 0support Letter . 171S.urplu I s Re q, EJTa X, Title Property perty -- QWS.LCB Film- 1EMZ90KE Jill Out ofstate travel for 'Day-anca Ruiz� July' 1:5-19 209 A Montana ntana S urnmer lflstifu,te - Big S,k - Cost ab *u y, M T 0 It $ 31410.20 Funding Code 108150.00,0000o564.44.XXXX DATE OF ACTION: e q—.rq—.m APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: k4000,1 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: RE1.1E C E � V E D APR - 3 2024 4/1124,4:24 PM OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Dayana Ruiz Departure Date* 17/15/2024 03:09 AM Dept/Committee* Community Relations Return Date* 7/19/2024 :E I 10:00 PM -1:02,0 DAmfln;%tinn ers, WUMY.- alalle)w Purpose of Travel* Big Sky, Montana The (MontanaSummerInstitute - Expandingthe Circle: Creating Space for Hope, Health, and Conneotion X4 VW1 - 1=1A Katew $293.00 Grant County, WA Date of Request* 4/1/2Q24 .......... .. I Grant* No Travel Type* Out Of State Travel v Fund/Dept* BH Hotel Total* $1,272,20 Hotel - Nightly Rate* r-.111 $3 1 8 �-O 2 7 1 eeel Conference Fee* $11095,00 -�-] Cost Application* Conference Rate V Daily M&IE at Destination* $79.00 Explanation for b + • Rental Car Required No V Rental car Cost per day* $0 ml U1 ed i, notes cost is greater than ------ - an per diem, or government rate)* 'This hoteldoesnot offer government rate, only conference rate. Air Carri'er* Cost of Flight* Total trip cost (include all cost totals)* Alaska $475,00 $33410.20 Preparees Name* Preparees Title* Anna Serrano Ac�counting Technician Preapproved by E01DH? Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its Yes return Is recommended. http,q,-Ilwww,granteountYwa,govIFormCenterlPrint?farm lD=86&Prevlow=YES&S aver False&savedProgre,sslD= 1/1 TRAINING RE VEST .Er. -'rRAVE L RE -QUEST STAFF NAME:\JV1-- EMA- gip.-` . ADDRESS: NAM EOFTRAINING :J'Y)t in)t)t-V-tr— DATE: �L IiWk i A t�)t vch y 1, 5 Pker cat. I e, LOCATION: . I...,i TRAVEL PURPQS': LOCATED IN WA'STATE? []Yes C5fNo RECEIVED .DATES OF TRAI-N'ING,-, '77 IQ through 1 ej -L4 MAR 1 �9 2024 DEPARTING DATE & TIME: RENEW RETURNING DATE &TIME: "�f�flj 11,,� HOTEL NEEDED?W�y 65 []Nn .1 AIRFARE NEEDED?[�No ,A ED,Yes FLIGHT PREFERENCES: '�' S ��� � { y�j-� , REGISTRATION NEEDED? [:Yes ❑No Already Registered I Will register myself WHO I WILL BE IMPACTED BY THIS TRAINING? [S,Emy pl eeE]Team 0. Members ❑Other Agency Staff ❑All Agency 'Staff WHAT WILL YOU `BE ABLE TO BRING BAC(What.train y KTOTHEAGENCY? can you then r team, Oul'a' Other* teams, agency leadership, and..other.groups- on?) �1'dl�`� ,� � � ,� � C �'�Gt�`�1. r�. I� �' -Ve, �r'�� ��`tf2. ta=i. `, � J- M -4 1( k- va 1:! NOT TO. BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE MANAGER APPROVAL TO TAKE PERSONAL CAR: Manager initials. MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE ONE): YES, Send form to Leadership for further approval .01 NO, Training is denied Manager initials ESTIMATED COSTS Funding Source: Lr-/AUr-K,*)rjjF AFFKUVAL (CIRLCE ONE)-j.-rYE NO INITALS Date 7/27/23 3/20/24; 10:01 AM The 2024 Montana Summer Institute The Montana I . nstitute -'rJ, _.J _-.1 ABOUT RESQURC.E5 CONTACT SIGN IN T"E M`NTANA INSTITUTE Expanding the, Circle: t;reating Space for Hope, Health, and Connection In Big Sky Montana and Via Livestreanjuly 16-19,, 2024 REOfSTER NOW TRANSFORM YOUPAPPROACH''r0* PRE r. V . ENTION WITH A THE SCIENMOF THE. POSITIVE INCREASE HEALTH AND SAFETY WITH POSITIVE COMMUNITYNORMS E,,Y'T[-IVD YOUR SUPPORT FOR YOUTH AND ADUL M_ �VITH HEALTH OUTCOMES FROM POSITIVE EXPERIENCES Reshape the Tvay you approach community health, and well-being at the 2024 Montala Sunimer Institute. join us onsite or onlifte and learn how to foster hope, .culti'nate health, and strengthen connections to build healthier, safer, and more positive commimit ies for cffl. J� 11.1spiring Keyijotes: Leaoifivin scientists and leaders who ale illak-ing a significant hirpact in their coninifflu - ties. Gain ins' Ights,hito their successesand take home actionable strutegies that will tj-,arlsfoj-jjj your' work,. J� Interactive Workshops: Dive deep into the Science of the positive and Positive Convnioiihj Nornis with 1rands-011 WOrk-shop.5 and expert -led discussions. Share your experiences and learn front others. https://www,montanainstitute.com/msi 1/5 3128/24, 1 0:o i A' M The 2024 Montana Summer Institute — The Montana Institute W6 Net-zvoi*hig Opportuitities:.Coiiiiect w'th hko-niI'llifeil individuals, organizations, alid Professioiials who share yoz. I tr passioii for crating healthier, )i tore ho.peftil coinnitinitie'S. Impactfid Coiiversatioiis:-Engage in thought-provokiiig dialogues about IL 4 tunt I wafioe approacheS to pronlothig positive nornts and itsroullig coninifilliki/ health. CLICK HERE TOM EW THE INSTITUTE AGENDA Reg stration Fee: $1.,095 REGISTER NOW MA% xwmmwm L"Mm""s Awownwams 010.1-ine via LiVestream Rezistratioh Fee, $525 Access to inorl0itig k- io,fes 0 Breakfw $,t and lunch on.011 eveitt days a Lives trewn fi-0111 9:00am to 12:00pi MST oii July 16-19,, 2024 9 Coiitinullig Education Creditsfi-oin the LInivel-sity of iWoiitaua 0 Choose betweeti real thne wid mcorded atteridaiwe Travel and lodghrgLLot Inclitrietj a Continuing Education Credits fi-oll, the Universihj-of M witalla R E-" G I S T E NJ 0 V11 REGISTER EARLY TO GUARANTEE YOUR SPOT FOR 2024. THE 2022 AND 2023 ONSITE EVENTS SOLD OU T COMPLETELY. Who is the Montana Summer Institutefor? Whether you're a prevention professional., Drug Free Communities grant coordinator, coalition member, school, administrator, or are part of a local, state, national or tribal agency or organization, if ou are en -gaaged in the work of transforming community ham, the Mrntana. Summer Institute is for you. https://www.montanainstitute.com/msi 215 3/281/24, 10:01 AM The 402f+ Montana Summer Institute —The Montana Institute Attendees are working to improve norms around 'issues tncludi.n: substance Use, socialjustice, environmental health, traffic safety, suict ide preventio_ n,. domestic violence, men health, and more, < HEALTH PROMOTION PROFESSIONALS EDUCATORS & ADMINISTRATORS WORKPLACE LEADERS ...and 9rcantees who Nvork with local coalitions; a ions, non-profit organizations, orfederal, tribal, state or county agencies to increase health and safetv. ONSITE EVENT SCHEDULE TRAVEL DATES AND TIMES. AIRPOkTIWO"RMATION A] RPORT TRAVEL LODGING MEALS AND DINING ...,looking to change schooL district, or campus cultures around vapin,gi alcohol, cannabis, bullying, (Ttlanc 10 -'Y/ bystander behaviors and niore, INSITE I NSTITUTE FAQ_ Breal-r and ot alunch w*'11 be -provided on J y 1.6th, 17thr 1 8th, an. 19 lh.. � ul , d, Participants, will be on their own for dinner. There are mcu-'Y dining options ate ith Big Sky R�sort and M* 6-te Bicr Sk-v Town Canter. ALTITUDE AND WEATHER ACCESSIBILITY AND INCLUSIVITY ONSITE CI\NCELLATIONI POLICY COVI-D POLICY https://www.montanainstitute.com/msi ...charged With, creating -de and positive -work environments and, improving healtti and safety for en'tployees and clients. 3/5 3/28124, 10:01 AM The 2424 Montana Summer Institute — The Montana Institute ONLINE SCHEDULE LIVESTREAM AND RECORDING ACCESS ONLINE CANCELL�TION POLICY ONSITE REGISTRATION ONLINE REGISTRATION HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2023 https://www.montanainstitute.com/msi 4/5 3/28/24, 10:01 AM The 2024 Montana Summer Institute The Montana I Institute 4n II GET IN TOUCH RIM Feel free to contact us ivitliquestions or for more informa.flon. Mina f [o� Copyright 202.3 Jeff Linkenbach,.All rights reserved, Sclence of the Positive Is a registered service mark of The Montana Institute, itute, LLC. Nature photo.9raphy 0 Hetherington Productions REGISTER NOVI] https://www.montanainstitute,com/msi 5/5