HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (005)GRANT COUNTY
(Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday)
❑Agreement /Contract ❑AP Vouchers
❑Bids /RFPs /Quotes Award ❑Bid Opening Scheduled
❑Appointment /Reappointment
❑A RPA Related
❑Computer Related ❑Count Code
❑Boards /Committees
❑Facilities Related ❑Financial
❑Employee Rel.
❑Invoices /Purchase Orders BGrants —Fed/State/County
El Hearing
El Minutes ❑Ordinances❑MOA
❑Policies ❑Proclamations
❑Out of State Travel
El Petty Cash
El Recommendation ❑Professional Sery/Consultant
❑Request for Purchase
[:]Tax Levies ❑Thank You's
[]Tax Title Property
❑Surplus Req.
Reimbursement request from New Hope on t f } " r
p he Consolidated Homeless Grant CHG
#24-46108-10, in the amount of $11,535.00 for o February expenses.
=, t
ty i
STAT. OF 4N�-5HI .i1 -r)
1011, P1 S V SE , PO B, ox 42-1825 a '0 W-, �d#� n042525 0 25
Form 19-1A VOUCHER -DI STRIBUTION AGENCY:Short Code Commerce Contract Number
38911 5 COMMERCE
Grant County Board of Commission
Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or
services. Show complete detail for each item.
EPHRATA, WA98823-0037
Vendor's Certificate: The individual signing this voucher below
Janice Flynn
warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized and on behalf
N"�„N yyu",�"",""y y,
- -- --� th
" of the entity identified e Vend
d i
(Vendor Contact Person} or/Claimant section. The individual
(509) 754-_2011 ext 2937
signing below certifies under penalty of perjury that the items and
totals listed herein are proper.charges for
materials, merchandise
services furnished to the State of Washington, and or
(Vendor Contact Phone) g that all goods
'fj lynn�granficountywa.gov
furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without
discrimination because of age, sex
g marital
status, race, creed, color,
(Vendor Contact Email) national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam era or disabled veterans
07/01/23 - 06/30/2_5
(Contract Period)
02/01/24 - 02/29/24y �" y,. ,r "� "` Karrie Stockton Kstockton2
,,...�"3/18/2024 8:51:28 AM
_ _
Unassigned - Unassigned $.00
$.00 •p
$ o $.00
Admin - Unassigned $28,680.00
$.00 3 553.7
$ 3 $•00 $25,126.27
Rent - Unassigned $210,275.00
$.00 $73;680.11 $.00 $136,594.89
Facility Support - Unassigned $27,902.27
$.00 $18,600.00 $•00
Operations - Unassigned $189,417.73
$.00 $52,765.62 $•00
HEN Admin 2024 -
Unassigned $2,000.00
$.00 $1,098.09 $.00 $901.91
HEN Rent/Fac Support 2024 -
Unassigned 184,345.00
$.00 $1211466.56 $•00 6
$ 2,878.44
HEN Operations 2024 -
Unassigned $42,000.00
$.00 $21,812.24 $.00
' $20,187.76
HEN Admin 2025 -
Unassigned 5,000.00
$.00 $.00 $•00 5 0
$ , oo.00
HEN Rent/Fac Support 2025 -
Unassigned $173,345.00
$.00 $.QO .00
$ $173,345.00
HEN Operations 2025 -
Unassigned $50,000.00
$.00 $.00 $.00 $50,000.00
Eviction Prevention Admin -
Unassigned $10,000.00
$.00 $.00 $.00 $102000.00
Eviction Prevention Rent -
Unassigned $1,132,655.00
$.00 $146,021.21 .00
$ $986,633.79
Eviction Prevention
Operations - Unassigned $3501000.00
$.00 $28,909.65 .00
$ $321,090.35
Inflation Increase 2024 -
Unassigned $110,242.00
$.00 $.04 .00
$ $110,242.00
Inflation Increase 2025 -
Unassigned 110,242.00
$.00 $.00 $.00 11
$ 0,242.00
Local DRF Support 2024 -
Unassigned $71,609.00
$11,535.00 $23,860.75.00
$ $47,748.25
Local DRF Support 2025 -
Unassigned $717609.00
$.00 $.00 $.00 $71,609.00
Non - Match Total: $2,769,322.00 $11,535.00 $491,767.96,pp
(The individual ;signing this voucher warranfis they have he authorit to sin
y g this voucher.)
SWV0002426 03
SUB ` . MG
46A70111 NZ
46A70212 NZ
465C1211 NZ
46A20111 NZ
46A20212 NZ
465C2212 NZ
465D0250 NZ
46AK0210 NZ
CREATED BY Karrie Stockton (Kstockton2) DATE
3/18/2024 8.50.12 AM
CHC; Voucher Detail
February 1-29, 2024
Descriptio Amount charged to
the grant
Lindsey Prows
565 504580
Baird Springs
Catholic Charities Housing
1000 '000EHG
Housing Authority of Grant G
Deborah Lan shave
Mario Padilla
1200,.. -
2700 ,�►
Page 111
Invoice 0407732
Date 2/7/2024
County of Grant
P.O. Box 37
Ephrata WA 98823
... . ...... ... . ..........
Document Number
I Purchase Order Numb ...... _.. � .. �_.._.. _,��...� � er
Shipping Method
.02022024.Kt Payment Terms ID
'ALEAR.......... ------ -
cription: . .... .
Client EFA - Rent
Trade Discount
Total Du
-A th
new beginnings. beier tomorrow -5,
Iry*pe of client:
P tX
* Background check for housing
* Children's needs
s Debt assistance
e Driver's license
* Education training
* Bus fare to return home
* Cell phone to seek work/housing
* Family well being
Housing Authority
Salvation Army
Serve ML/Quincy
Family contribution
Friend cont0bution
Staff: Kristina Crowder
Date Submitted: 2.2.2024
Amount requested
# of Children: 2
Client's Home Cl*ty* Moses Lake
en- n; n
Explain: Cl*end I
isfleeing her DV relationship to
Client is utilizing financial help from family and
Updated: 08/31/2023
her husband, moving into her own apartment.
* Mortgage
# Service DVPO
Securitydeposit and months rent will help her
0 Utilities bills
* security Assist
establish h secure housing and allow client to
* Assist
9 Car payments
have money to furnish her new home with her
# Food/Necessi ties
two children.
Client is utilizing financial help from family and
Updated: 08/31/2023
county of Grant
35 C ST NW
P.O. Box 37
Ephrata WA 98823
Vendor: Baird Springs Apt
1120 rd Ave NE
Apt 108
Ephrata WA 98823
rh e Order Number
B205- 02052024RS
Description -
Client EFA - Rent
.. ........
Page 1 /1
Invoice 0408193
Date 2/14/2024
Shipping Method
Trade Discount
Total Due
Pant Terms ID
. ...........
$0, 00
$1,786.00 o-00
nev., beginnings, better fo;morrows.
Type of client:
Client ID: GEP31178/720034
Staff: Buena Sanchez
Date Submitted: 2/13/2024
Amount;requested $1'r
# of Children:
Client's Home City: Ephrata, WA
As� s ai .ya� {EFA
requ�stlf0r?cvenc an theai iser
• Education training
* security Assist
• Bus fare to return home
* Rental Assist
• Cell phone to seek work/housing
# Car payments
• Family well being
# Food/Necessities
S.Upervissor Signature:
Date: (4 --- - ---
. . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ----
An roveu d
pp, 11 D onle
- - '
MET PAYMENT: b eck Pett y Cash ElDobit Card
OCrodit Card 0
Include back up documentation:
Copy of check
W9, if applicable
Updated: 2/11/2020
To Tenant:
Ephrata, WA 98837
You are receiving this notice because United Marketing alleges that'ou are not in Compliance with the
terms of your lease agreement by failing to pay the following rent, utilities and/or recurring or
charges that are past due. This 30 Day Notice is provperiodic
ided in compliance with the CARES Act,
--- ---
What is due? For which months? (check all that apply)
or Rent (list Dollar Amount
Utilities ),-
other _Re_cu�rring Charges. -
You must pay the total amount due to United
Marketing within thirty (30) days after service of
this notice, or you must vacate thepremises, Any
payment you make to the Housing Authority must
first be applied to the total amount due as shown
on this notice.
Any failure to comply with this notice within thirty
(30) days after service of this notice may result in
a judicial proceeding that leads toyour eviction
from the premises.
How to pay
You can use any Payment method allowed your
rental agreement. Or you can use cash, cashier's
check, money order, or other certified funds.
Rent assistance and translation
The Washin2ton state f-iffirnnf
Total Amount Due
7 7
Legal Help
State law provides you the right to legal
representation and the Court may be able to
appoint a lawyer to represent you without cost to
YOU If you are a qualifying low-income renter. If
you believe you are a qualifying low-*
income renter
and would like an attorney appointed to represent
You, please contact.:
Eviction Defense Screening Line
Apply online: nwjustice.org/apply-online
Other resources
Call 2-1-1
Northwest Justice Project CLEAR Hotline- 888-
201-1014 weekdays am — 12:1
11 5- or
for seniors age 60 and over: 888-387-7111
You may find additional information to help
you at wash ingto nlawhe 1porg
L t= tALLorney
General has this notice in Multiple languages as Dispute resolution
well as information on available resources to help Free or low-cost mediation services to assist in
you pay your rent, including state and local rental nonpayment of rent disputes before any judicial
assistance programs, on its websilte at proceedings occur are also available at di
LN-wajgov landlord -tenant.
yq&z Ispute
resolution centers throughout the state. You can
State law also provides you the right to receive find your nearest dispute resolution center at
interpreter services at court. r.e sollutionw,g.ora.
owner Landlord LIU f it- LA
Where Total is to
Be Paid; United Marketing, IncAddress.- Alderwood Manor 4-05 S. Alder St.
WAW 98857 Warden
Page 1 /1
Invoice 0407187
Date 2/1/2024
County of Grant
35 C ST NW
P.O. Box 37
Ephrata WA 98823
Document Number
Purchase Order Number - - ----- . ..... .. . ....... . ........ . ...... S*'h_"""_ . ..... - -------- - - ------- -- - - - -
. ....... dor ID
pping Method I
Payment Terms ID
....... .........
. ..........
... . ........... . ...........
D tion ............. ....... .......
. . ........
lent EFA. - Rent
$1 000. 00
Trade Discount
Total Due
A& A
bigginnings. 'better 10morows,
Date Submitted:
Amount requested $
# of Children:
Type of client:
ESA CTCV 0 CAC Client's Home City:
� l� ► I ay
i o00
P 4t;
• Housing Authority
• Salvation Army
• Serve ML/Quincy.
Family contribution
Fniend contribution
Updated., 08/31/2023
W"9 Request for Taxpayer
(Ftev, 00tober 2018) Identification Number and Certification
Give Form to the
requester. Do not
E)-*PGftftA of to Treasury
Intemal RevenueSepAm 0- GO to WWWAs. avlFormW9 for instructions and the latest information.
Wr -9
-blame ---
send to the IRS.
FOfM 1099 -DIV (dividends, including those fro M stocks or mutual
l--- 1 as S__ h, on your ---income tax at=), Namesrqdth$ line, do not learn this Me tUnk.
Form 1099-MISC (various types of income, p'
rizes, awards, or gross
Future developments, For ft latest information about developments
related to Form W-9 and its Instructons, such as legiIsiat*ion enacted
Catholic Charities Housinq Services
after they were published, go. to www.*s-govIFon-nWa
transactions by brokers) other
2 Business narne./dIsregarded entity name, if different fr6m above -
* Form 1099-S (proceeds from real estate transactions)
An Individual or enfity (Form W-9 requester) who is required to file an
information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer
Villa Santa Maria
Iden6fication number (T1N) which may be l security number
your socia
3 Check aPpropriate box for federal tax classification of the Person whose n0me is entered on line I Check only one of the
following seven boxes.
4 Exemptions (codes apply only to
* Form 1099-A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property)
certain entities, not individuals, see
0 lrtdWuaVso1a proprietor or Z C Corporation 1:1 S Corporation 0 Partnmhlp 0 Tnzt/estate
lnstr�tlons on page 3);
0; C to
singLa-member LLO
Cat, No. 10231X
CL 0
0 Urnited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C
Exempt payee code (if any)
--C. oorporation, S=S corporation, P--Partnembip) lo.
Note; Check the appropriate box in the line above for the tax classification of the single- member owner. Do not check
it the LLC is classirled as a single-rriomber LLC that Is disregarded
Exen from FATCA reporting
kom u* 0wW unlessthe Owner of the LLC'ts lCif
another LLC that is not disregarded from the owner for U.S. Weml tax purposes. Otherwise a single -member LLC 11W, ,y)
Is disregarded from the owner should check theaapproptiate
box for the tax classification of ft's owner.
0 Oftr (see ins.
-------- ------ 0PP&S to accm#* ffso� 0VWLV VW 0,S4
5 Addms (n_u'm____b e__ r, S t., and apt. or suite noJ S 110
Requestees rwr*
66 2nd St Bldg ft
and Tei ftfts(Optwo
6 CRY, state, and ZIP code
Mattawa, WA 99349
7 List account numbeqs) here (optidoaQ
am,—ITaxpa er Identificaffon Numbi-e—r(TI ----- N—)
Enter your SIN in the 8-WoPdate box. The TW Prom
ded must match the name -given on line I to avoid
baQkup vAthholdIng. For 04Viduats. Ws is generally your social -secu bar (SSN)" t4ov
resident alien, sole proprietor, or diaregarded e lity num 'IevV"
entRies, n ti(EIN)..ee the h*Urtions for Part 1, later, For Other for a
It Is Your employer identification number If you do n, later.Ot have a number,. s" How to get a
Note: If the account Is I
in more than one name, see the instructions for line 1, Al See flat Name a
Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter. nd
Social security numb"
EM 1W.11:
16; �Ployw �Jfden�tfta�ffon
cation 91 11 6 6
a ---- --------
Linder Penalties Of POdury, I certify that, ...... 'M ......
1 - The number shown on this form is My correct taxpayer identification number (or I am Wa
I it` for a number to be Issued to me), and
2,1 am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) f am #
exemPt frorn backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a tallure to rePort all 'Inter
no longer subject to backup withholding; and est or dividends,, or (c) the IRS has notified me . that I am
3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and
4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am OXOMpt from FATCA reporting is correct,
Cartffication Inst tons. You must cross out ftern 2 above if you have been notified by ths IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding be
you have taw to report all interest and divid. ends on Yovrtax return., For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage Interest paid,
acquiettion or abandonment Of Secure d PrOPOrtY. Um011aflon of debt, conti1butions to an Individual retirement arrang t and generally, payments
other than Interest and dividerids, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must p amen (IM,
rovide your correct TIN. Seethe Instructions for barkil later
Signature of
Here U.&.Person
t Date 10 -on
General Instructions
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code
FOfM 1099 -DIV (dividends, including those fro M stocks or mutual
noted. unless otherwise
Form 1099-MISC (various types of income, p'
rizes, awards, or gross
Future developments, For ft latest information about developments
related to Form W-9 and its Instructons, such as legiIsiat*ion enacted
Form 1099-8 (stock or mutual fund sales and certain
after they were published, go. to www.*s-govIFon-nWa
transactions by brokers) other
PUrpose of Form
* Form 1099-S (proceeds from real estate transactions)
An Individual or enfity (Form W-9 requester) who is required to file an
information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer
a Form 1099-K (merchant card and third party network transactions)
a Form 1098(ge Interest), 1098-E (student loan Intereshome mortga t)*
Iden6fication number (T1N) which may be l security number
your socia
1 D98 -T (tuit:ion)
(SSN), Ii dual to klentif"tl n number (MN)
10 adoptifs on
a Form 1099-0 (canceled debt)
taxpayer identificat*
'on number (AIN), or employer Identification number
(EIN), to report on an Intormation return the amount paid to
* Form 1099-A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property)
you, or other
amount reportable on an information return. Examples of inforimation
returns Include, but are not limited to, the following.
I Use Form W-9 only it you are a U.S. person (including a resident
Men), to provide your correct TIN.
Form 1099 -INT (interest earned or paid)If
you do not return Form W-9 to the requester w1th a 77N, you might
be subject to backup withholding. See What is backup
/a ter, Withholding,
Cat, No. 10231X
Form W-9 - pev. 10-201i )
0A. T
A- P
The undersignede
Called Teriant)has on+this 12M
Agent (hereinafter called "'Landlor(
called Apartment in the Ap ment
at U-1
County off -I
. V�j�- Landlord as n
This agreement is for the benefit of
duties of landlord shall ensure to the
day of 1 rented from the dwher through his/her
the premises known as Apar, upent Number LZ (Hereinafter
house known. as kirlh I,, I
6 Located
in the City Of uk&IM
(erred to herein r6fers to I either Owner and/or owner's managing agent.
i the owner and in the event of change in managing agent all rights and
benefit of owner including the right to demand and receive rents.
month on the first day of each calendar
commencing �pi_
This rent shall be payab e in advandi, on the first day of each calendar month to
name of Property) or to such otherbarty or at such other place as the Landlord may designate. The Tenant under:tands
that the initialpayment o�rent. ' 71it I
soca y deposit, and any Other fees or deposits w'
. p ill be deposited no later than the initial
date of occupancy. The Tenant un rstands they will receive no rent reductions, adjustments or compensation. due to
i i
repairs or interruptions of service opt as provided by law,
A --152.00
late fee will be chargId for rent paid after 5.-00 p.m. the fifth day of the month. Tenant agrees to pay full
months rent for any portion of Accu ancy. Unpaid amounts will b= Interest at 12% per annum until paid.
Allocation of Proceeds:
Rents must be received in full by Landlord on or before the first (1 -1) day of each month. 'Delivery and prompt
payment of rents and monies owed is the responsibility of the Tenant. NO TWO PARTY CHECKS, OUT OF
TOWN CHECKS or OUT OF ST, M CHECKS ACCEPTED. Landlord may take any action allowed under the
laws of the State of Washington to ' ollect due and owing rents and monies.
Irrespective of any restrictive en dor ement or directive of Tenant, monies received will be applied to Tenant's
obligations in the ' following ord unpaid deposits, outstanding nonrefundablo fees: reimbursement for damages or
assessments: fees and costs includir g attorney fm: rental arrears-, and finally current rents due.
Any Tenant whose personal check, money order, cashier's check or any form of rent payment 'I's dishonored for any
reason mustimmediately pay the amount of the dishonored check PLUS a Fifty ($40.00) dollar dishonored check fee,
plus all costs necessary to collect monies owing. After tender of a dishonored check only cashier's check or mo
order will be accepted fm
or reainde . of lease term. Any rent tax payable to the City, County, State oney
r any govemmental
authority during the life of this lea4e or any extension thereof shall be paid by the Tenant. The same shall bepayable
withmi fifteen (15) days of receiving notice of said taxes due.
Copy -right � 2008 by Coast Real Estate Services
Page I of 7
Last Revised 12/2013
Agreement creatos a month -to --i oath toriancy, commencing the day of 20
This A W14_
greement creates a fix term tenancy commencing the day of
I 1 20
And terminating the (last day of month) of
is $ '20 oil T
rent for this tenancy is $ he total
upon te ii ------- NOW—
If Tenant holds over upon to .. nation of this Agreement and Landlord accepts
Tenants tender of the monthly rent by -this
provided Agreement, this Agreement shall continue to be binding on the
parties as a month-to-morith tenancy
'.x �Rrn n w i
The monthly rent for said Apartm t which Tenant agrees to pay is S
acknowledges receipt of Landlord
as Z first and El last (check that
all apply) month's rent. If the conunencement
date of this lease is other than the rst day of the calendar month
second month's prorated portion ddi
j e , a full month's 's rent will be due initially with the
ee and payable on the, first day of the followinmonth. Therefore, rent shall be
-payable in installments as follows: g
INITIAL PAYMENT, The sum of ��'".�._upon execution of this Agreement as rent for the period
20 JL_ -j- through L0'T Y
---I I
SECOND P"MENT. (Second mon h prorated The sum of . Id
20 through I —!!D cr, for the period I
20_ A - payable on. I A
month on the first day of each calendar
commencing �pi_
This rent shall be payab e in advandi, on the first day of each calendar month to
name of Property) or to such otherbarty or at such other place as the Landlord may designate. The Tenant under:tands
that the initialpayment o�rent. ' 71it I
soca y deposit, and any Other fees or deposits w'
. p ill be deposited no later than the initial
date of occupancy. The Tenant un rstands they will receive no rent reductions, adjustments or compensation. due to
i i
repairs or interruptions of service opt as provided by law,
A --152.00
late fee will be chargId for rent paid after 5.-00 p.m. the fifth day of the month. Tenant agrees to pay full
months rent for any portion of Accu ancy. Unpaid amounts will b= Interest at 12% per annum until paid.
Allocation of Proceeds:
Rents must be received in full by Landlord on or before the first (1 -1) day of each month. 'Delivery and prompt
payment of rents and monies owed is the responsibility of the Tenant. NO TWO PARTY CHECKS, OUT OF
TOWN CHECKS or OUT OF ST, M CHECKS ACCEPTED. Landlord may take any action allowed under the
laws of the State of Washington to ' ollect due and owing rents and monies.
Irrespective of any restrictive en dor ement or directive of Tenant, monies received will be applied to Tenant's
obligations in the ' following ord unpaid deposits, outstanding nonrefundablo fees: reimbursement for damages or
assessments: fees and costs includir g attorney fm: rental arrears-, and finally current rents due.
Any Tenant whose personal check, money order, cashier's check or any form of rent payment 'I's dishonored for any
reason mustimmediately pay the amount of the dishonored check PLUS a Fifty ($40.00) dollar dishonored check fee,
plus all costs necessary to collect monies owing. After tender of a dishonored check only cashier's check or mo
order will be accepted fm
or reainde . of lease term. Any rent tax payable to the City, County, State oney
r any govemmental
authority during the life of this lea4e or any extension thereof shall be paid by the Tenant. The same shall bepayable
withmi fifteen (15) days of receiving notice of said taxes due.
Copy -right � 2008 by Coast Real Estate Services
Page I of 7
Last Revised 12/2013
Tenant acknowledges that renter's 'it is strongly recommended as the Landlord is not liable for any loss oi"
damage to personal belongings of"Te art except as provided by lay. Tenant shall not he considered a coinsured of the
Landlord for any puTrose. Tenant shall be responsible for obtaining fire, extended coverage and liabi ity insurance with
respect to the contents of the Apartnic. nt and t'enant's vehicles.
F r i t Tenant shall not assign this Agreement nor sublet the Apartment or any part thereof without thep arior wri
of Landlord. tten consent
Tenant agrees to do no painting in th Apartment, or make any alterations, changes or additions to the premises or the
fixtur*es, locks or wiring or accept a r ominate without the prior written consent of the Landlord..
Tenant shall keep clean orderly, an not excessively cluttered. Any assigned storage area or mutually used parkingr
area. Tenant and their invitees shall ainta�in the Apartment including, but not limited to, its fum shin
�tttal floor coverings, window coverings, patio and front entry in good order and in a clean and sanitarys=pplrances,
shall not allow aro inoperable or unlit remainsed vehicle remain on the remises for more conditronR Tenant
without warning. No car repairs sha l be made on t p e fan. hours or it will be towed premises, including minor maintenance such as oil change.". In
addition to all the warranties, obligations and covenants set forth herein, Tenant agrees as follows:
15.1 To properly, dispose of all rut
bish, garbage and waste in a. clean and sanies manner at reasonable
intervals and assume all costs of exterrarrination and fumigation for infestation and regular
n caused by Tenant
15. To properly use and operate e electrical, has, heating, plumbing, cable and all
_...._. l �. Not to intentionally or negl gently destroy,deface damage, ,� other fixtures and appliances;
, ag , impairs, endanger, or remove any art of the
ftial Apartment, its appurtenances facilities, equipment, furniture, ffirnisbin s, appliances or �
g pp fixtures or any p� of
the con- mun ty,, nor permit Mbers of Tenant's family, or Tenant's invitees, .licensees or other
under Tenant's control to o so, and any such damage so caused shall b r persons acting
workmanlike manner and in timely fashion at Tenant's s ernedied � and repaired in �.
expenses- associated therewit ole expensed to the event Tenant fails to pay for all
such failure shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and Landlord shad be
entitled to pursue all availa le re edles in law and equity, includmnar but not I'trtit�e "
Agreement and costs associat d therewith; � d to, tera >Enatrc�at� of this
15.4 Not to permit or commit a nuisance or common wasted inciudin but n
possession or xnanufctcrr>g ar distribution of conte of li tired to crlmina:l activities,
oiled substances or the intent to manufacture, distribute, sell
or use of a controlled substan
15,5 Not to use the Apartment for y purpose deemed hazardous b insurance
15.6 To repair at Tenant's sole st and expense any damage to companies;
Tenant's negligent or intent" nal acts or omission apartment and .its appurtenances caused by
s within thirty 30 days of receipt of written notice from
Landlord requiring such repa ars, or within a shorter time if made recess b emergency.
.7 To notify the Landlord imm iately in writing of any necessary repairs or d g ncy.
be held liable for all damages resulting from the failure to timelymotif L damage to the premises. Tenant will
y Landlord.
rl"enant shall not unreasonably with.. old consent to Landlord to enter into
order to inspect the saint, arnake ne essary or agreed repairs,alterations �e Apartment or designated storage areas in
services, or exhibit the Apartment o prospective or acal eons or �nprover>Eent, supply necessary or agreed
purchasers, mortgagors, tenants, workers,, or contractors.
Landlord may enter the Apartment or designated storage areas without cone 4
abandonment. Except in the case o emergency or if it is lain tactic consent of Tenant to case of ernereen�cy or
hours notice of the intent to enter d shill enter only p able to do so, Landlord shall ,give Tenant at least 4
rr y at reasonable times, 'Tenant shall not unreasonably withhold
consent to Landlord to eater Apart ent or designated storage areas at a specified time when
at least hours notice of intent eller to exhibit the Apartment to prospective e cvner or Agent has ;liven
9. l 1, l 0 .�) shall apply in the eve t of continuing violations p s�ective or actual purchasers or tenants. �`
g alatro>as ofth s Section I; ,
. Tenant agrees thatLandlord shall h ve the right to show said a
period of twenty (0) days prior to e expirationofthe tenancy.pent to prospective tenants at reasonable times for a.
hor�ar's prior notice of his inten�ti n to enter the ,,� Landlord shall, whenever practicable, give the. �`+enaarrt
Apartment for such purposes.
Tenant shall comply with all laws, rd nances, public rules and "
or the use thereof, p governmental regulati ons applicable to said Apartment
1f by any reason of any default on t e part of the Tenant, it becomes necessary for the L
Notice to pay Rent or quit, ora 1 0Day Notice to Ray Rent or Cult ora 10 Landlord to issue a ��l�ay
notice, there Tenant shall a a �Q� y Notice to Conform to the Tease, or y3
pay 0 fee as additional rent to the Landlord for the issuance, service, and nailing of
t said3-Day Notice, l o -Day Notice, or any notice; Said fee is due at the issuance of any notice. If, by reason of
default or breach on the part of erth r party in the performance of this agreement, a legal action is n any
poorly agrees to a the revailin g instituted the losing
pay p p all reasonable costs and attomey's fees in connection therewith, It is agreed that
the venue of any legal action broug t under the terms of this lease shall be commenced and mai
where the leasehold premises is situated regardless of Tenant's or lace e.f` business . maintained in �e noun
lease expiration date or without pro er notice being given ager expiration � if Tenant t-crabnznates lease prier to
�d term is month-to-month, Tenant shall be
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responsible for any and all advertisinj costs, plus all other costs to re -rent said leasehold in addition. to all rents and
utilities due under said 1=e.
If this Agreement creates a tenancy for a fixed term (see Section 1)., it shall, temuiriate at tho end of the fixed term,
unless extended as provided in Section 1. If this Agreement creates a tenancy from month to month (see Section 1),
either Tenant or Landlord may term nate the tenancy by written notice delivered to the other party 20 days or more
prior to the end of any month. If the otice is delivered fewer than 20 days prior to the end of a month, the termination
shall be effective at the end of the ext month, If Tenant remains in possession of the Apartment after the date of
termination, then in addition to Lan lord other remedies for such holding over under applicable law, Tenant will pay
rent for the entire month. The -forego- ng shall not limit Landlord remedies in the event of Tenant's default, as provided
in Section 20.
The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall constitute a default hereunder by Tenant:
(a) The failure by Tenant to make y payment in full of rent or any other payment required to be made by Tenant
hereunder, as and wben due. I Tenant neither pays rent nor vacates the Apartment within three (3) days as
required by the notice, Owner ay proceed under the unlawful detainer statutes of the state of Washington to
evict Tenant, without prejudice to any other remedies which Landlord may pursue under the laws of the State of
(b) The abandonment of the Apart ent by Tenant as defined in herein,
(c) The violation of any rule or regulation or violation of any ordinance or statute referenced in this Agreement,
(d) The failure by Tenant to obsci ve or perform any of the expressed or implied covenants or provisions of thlis'
Agreement to be observed or berformed. by Tenant, except for otherwise specified in section 19.1 (a) and (b)
above, where such failure shall continue for a period of ten (10) days after written notice thereof from owner to
Tenant. If the nature of Tenant s default is such that more than ten (10) days are reasonably required for its cure,
Hien Tenant shall not be deemed to be in default if Tenant shall commence such cure withmi said ten (I o) day
period and thereafter diligently prosecute such cure to completion, which completion shall occur not later than
sixty (60) days from the date o1such notice from Landlord
(e) The snaking by Tenant of any general assignment for the benefit of creditors -7 the filling by or against Tenant of a
petition to have Tenant adjudged bankrupt or a petition for reorization or
gan' r>
arrangement under any law relating
to bankruptcy (unless, in the case of a petition Bled against Tenant, the same is dismissed within thirty (30) days);
the appointment of a trustee or eceiver to take possession of substantially all cvf Tenant"s asscts within thirty (30)
days; or the attachment, exec ion or other Judicial seizure of substantially all of Tenant,,s s
I uJ as ets located at the
Apartment or of Tenant s Inter st 'in this Agreement where such seizure is not discharged within thirty (3 0) days.
In. the event of any such default by 7[enan n addition to any other remedies available to Landlord atlaw or m* equity.,
Landlord shall have the ins 'In rued cp
o terminate this Agreement and all rights of Tenant hereunder. In the eve -tit
that Landlord shall elect to -so tenni ate this Agreement than Owner may recover from Tenant the fallowing
to Landlord other rights and rernedids*. owing. in addition
(a) Any unpaid rent which had be earned at the tune i of such termination; plus
(b) Any other amount necessary t compensate Landlord for all the detriment proximately caused by Tenant5s failure
to perform Tenant's obligation under this Agreement including, but not limited toy all actions taken by Landlord
in an attempt to mitigate dama es or which,, in the ordinary course of things, would be likely to result therefrom.
Tenant agrees recognizes Landlor. potential inability to deliver Possession on the conunencement date of this
Agreement Rent shall be prorated to date ofpossession. Tenant at his option may declare this Agreement null and void
if possession is delayed for more tl three days and all money paid by Tenant to Landlord shall be refunded,
If the tenant defaults in the paymert of rent and reasonably indicates by words or actions the intention
not to resume
'tenancy, it shall be presumed that I enant has abandoned the Apartment and does not intend to resume tenancy. In the
event of such abandonment, Landlord may immediately enter the Apartment and take possession of any property Of
Tcnant found therein. Any such pr perty shall be stored and disposed of pursuant to the Prov*sio
I Ds of CW Chapter
59. 18 as amended. Tenant agrees th I t in the event of such abandonment, that upon learning of such abandomnent of the
premises the Landlord shall make alleasonable effort to mitigate the darnages resulting from such abandonment.
If the Apartment is vacated or ab a Boned by Tenant, Landlord may re-enter the Apartment and remove all personal
property from the Apartment and pe 'ace it in storage at the expense of Tenant. Landlord may proceed. to dispose s
o e of said
property as provided by RCW 59.1 et seq.
Tenant hereby agrees and acknowledges that Landlord does not provide and shall have no duty to provide any secity
services to Tenant or the Commun ly. Tenant shall look solely to the public police force for their security protection'.
Tenant agrees and acknowledges t1, at protection against criminal action is not within the power of Landlord. And even
if from time to time Landlord prow des security services, those services cannot be relied upon by Tenant and shall not
constitute n -xr lvwr rX.0
WA " any inner modify 1Y W- S ligreeMent. LaftalOrd shall not be liable for failure to provide
adequate security services for crin ural or 'wrongful action by others against Tenant, Tenant's relatives, or Tenant's
guests except as provided by law,
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Initial Tenant acknowledges that the Apar.mcnt is equipped with a smoke detection device which is operational at the
commencement of tenancy. In compliance with applicable law, Tenant acknowledges and agrees to maintain the smoke
detection device, located within the Lpartment, in good working order to include, but not limited to, frequent testing
and replacement of batteries, as an noperable condition is a violation of State law and may result in a fine not to
exceed $200.00. Tenant shall infor Landlord, immediately, in writing, of any defect} malfunction or failure of the
smoke detector(s).
Mitial If the premises include housing built before 1978, then the Addendum entitled "Disclosure of Information on Lead -
Based Paint and Lead based Paint I lazard!e' (W.A.R. Form A- I I -A), must be completed and attached to this Lease
unless this Lease is exempt.
Initial Pursuant to RCW 19.27A, Tenant cknowledges that if hot water is supplied from an accessible, individual water
heater, the water heater has been .4- et by Landlord at a temperature not higher than one hundred twenty degrees
Fahrenheit (forty-nine degrees Celsit s) or the Minimum setting on any water heater which cannot be set as low as that
temperature. Water heating systems may utilize higher reservoir temperature if mixing valves are set or systems are
designed to restrict the temperature (f water to one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit. Tenant acknowledges that any
readjustment of the temperature se ti ing by Ten�mt relieves Landlord and the manufacturer of the water heater from
liability for damages attributed to the readjustment by Tenant except as provided by law. Tenant further agrees to
notify Landlord in writing of any such readjustment to the temperature setting.
The failure of the Landlord to insist Pon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements of this lease, or t . 0'
exercise any option herein confe-7ed in any one or more instances, shall not be construed to be a waiver or
relin.quishment of any such or anyIt c ther covenants or agreements, but the same shall be and remain '!I full force and
effect. All parts, portions, and provlE ions of this Agreement shall be deemed separate and severable. In the event of the
invalidity of any part, portion or provision,, the rest of this Agreement, which with such part portion orprovision
deleted, shall be given full force and effect,
Initial Each Tenant of the premises rented pursuant to this Agreement shall have joint and several liabilities for all tem-ts and
conditions herein including, but not livilted to, the pa),-ment of rent,
Tenant accepts Swid premises and .. hances listed herein
Initial a P , as is, and as being ingood sanitary condition and repair and
agrees at the termination of this greement to peaceably surrender same to Landlord, Tenant has inspected the -
J, premises, including but not limitec' to the windows, doors, plumbing facilities, hot and cold water supply, heating
facilities, electrical lightin& buildir g grounds and appurtenances and receptacles for trash, and accepts the same "as
is", and acknowledges that the s are in good condition, and/or repair, unless noted to the con&ary in the Move-
in/Move-out Inspection Report.
If the Tenant fails to notify Landloid by a written statement within three (3) days after occupancy of any deficiencies'
not previously noted, then the cond ' tion noted shall be the conclusive determination of the Apartment condition at the
REFUND OF ANY/ALL DEPOSI,,, I S (IF ANY), AT THE END OF TENANCY. Tenant shad, upon vacating, deliver
all keys for the demised premises to Owner, or -remain liable for the payment of rentunfil said delivery is made.
Tenant shall see that the conduct of
and employees is never disorderly,
the rights, comforts, quiet enjoyme
including management staff of Lan
commit a nuisance or common wasi,
TV, or musical instrument in his/he
persons on the premises, and shall r
The Tenant agrees that visits b
and eviction by Landlord or other he
r I
activity and/or drug related activity I
material violation of the terms of th
leasehold premises.
Tenant has a duty to supervise and
violation by the Tenant, his/her fan 1
deemed as a violation by Tenant
proceedings as provided for by law
CRS CI 0001
Copyright 2008 by Coast Real Estate Services
imselfterself, his her family, invitees,, guests, servants, assignees, under tenants,
oisterous, vulgar, offensive, or obscene, that it does not disturb or interfere vVith
t~ or convenience of other Tenants or other persons on or around the prenuses,,
lard: that it is not unlawful or I'mmoral. Tenant shall not permit, maintain or
e on or about the leasehold premises. Tenant shall keep the volume of any radio,
residence sufficiently reduced at all times so as to not disturb or be heard by other
- resi
of conduct or pennit to be conducted vocal or instrumental practice or instructions.
police to premises for improper behavior are grounds for termination of tenancy
gat action. Tenant, ant family, guests, and invitees shall not engage in any criminal
on or near the leasehold premises. The parties agree that any substantial and
s paragraph shall be considered a nuisance or common waste on or about the
ontrol the conduct of Tenant's fan-dly, gucsts, invitees, employees, and agents.
ly, invitees, guests, employees, and agents of any of the terms of this lease shall be
. shall give the Landlord the right to terminate the tenancy and commence eviction.
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Last Revised 12/2013
Th * is lease, with written addendums, f Udo, represents the entire ag- reement between Landlord and Tenant and no other
representations shall be binding or vE lid. Any modification to the Lease must be in writing and executed by Landlord'
and Tenant. The Owner's agent has r o authority to modify the term and covenants of this lease, the only authority the
agent has as to fill in the blanks as inc icated on the lease. If any term, conveyance, or condition of this lease agreement
is found to be void or unenforceable by reason of law, the remaining portions of this lease shall sever and survive,
remaining in full force and effect.
Any perceived Waiver by the Land 'Lord of any breach of any covenant or duty under this lease is not a waiver of a
breach of any other covenant or du by the Tenant or of any subsequent breach of the same covenant or duty.
Landlord"s acceptance of rent after *is suing notice of default shall not be construed as a waiver of said notice of default
other than the 'Tenant's fai lure to pay: that portion of the particular rent so accepted.
Tenant shall not permit or thing dee -ed hazardous by Landlord on account of fire or that may increase the rate of
A a M se at
insurance on said premises. in case &e premises shall be damaged by fire, rain, wind or other cause beyond the control
of the Landlord, unless the same shalt occur for any reason for which the Tenant is responsible, then the premises may
be repaired within a reasonable titre it the expense of the Tenant, and in case the damage be so extensive as to render
the premises unfit for human habitati )n, the rent shall cease until such time as the premises - shall be put completely in
repair. In case of total destruction of e premises by fire or otherwise, the rent shall be paid up to the time of such
destruction and from thenceforth thi agreement and the tenancy shall cease and come to an end,, In the event the
daynage is caused by act of Tenant s. all be liable and pay for costs of repair, without deduction for depreciation. Any
insurance deductible incurred by -a to s caused by Tenant or Tenant's family, guests, invitees, or others shall bcpayable
f h
0 a
by Tenant. all Tenants Shall obtain fi e, flood, and extended coverage insurance to compensate Landlord against loss
caused by Tenant and/or Tenant's 11 , ly, invitees, guests, employees, agent or others, Tenantis not covered by
lessor's insurance for wiy loss hats ever, Unless required by statute, to the extent allowed by law, Landlord shall not
t r
be responsible for relocation Tenant r others in the event of destruction of the leasehold premises by any cause.
Tenant accepts full liability for use barbeque or tike equipment on or about the leasehold premises; portable
barbeques or similar appliances are of permitted in the interior of any leasehold or on any wood decks or surfaces.
Tenant shall comply with rules a d regulations shown herein below and any additional les `
ilial to the
Initial &> rules a
apartment building which Landlor or Agent may deem nee'
and which are publicly posted as provided by
L No animals or pets of any ind shall be allowed on, kept or barbored in or about the apartment community
without written permission o the Landlord, (except for medical reasons). If pets, are allowed on the premises,
then the Tenant and their in It"s will be subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the Landlords Pet
Policy, the provisions of whi h are Incorporated herein by reference.
2, No person shall play, loiter, or run in public halls, stairways, elev*ators,, sidewalks, landscaping beds, garages,
garbage containers and/or p{
ting areas.
3. No bicycles, skateboards, 0 er cycles or wheeled toys, or other personal affects shall be allowed halls,
stairways, elevators In
packages -, laundry rooms, driveways or other public areas, eXcept specifically designated areas.. -No
boxes, ctc., will be allowed to obstruct halls, stairs, balconies, patios, s, -
io entry ways, etc.
for clothes -d
4. No wires, aerials, antennas fir radio or television wires, ropes, etc.. y
the roof, decks, or other parL< of the building without wnitten permission of the Lryinetc., shall be installed on
All leaking faucets, toillets, windows, fireplaces, and/or defectsor pot nti d fe the Apartment or'
e al t cts in
appliances not in good work i ig order shall be reported in writing promptly to the Landlord.
6. All wet garbage shall be wr ped and boxes shall be crushed before placing in the a. ba containe
I rs,
No furniture please! Garbag must be placed into and fit into the garbage containers, Soiled Diapers and similar
contaminants containing excrement or waste shall be disposed of in Durripster and not ffi hallway or community
trash receptacles.
7, Exterior window sills and le crims shall not be used for storage of bottles, food, etc.
. ( -41W
8. Dust mops, rugs, table cloths, and clothing shall not be shaken cleaned or left in any of the public areas or any
window, door, deck or landir g,,
9. Tenant, family, and guest(s) shall. have due regard for the peace, comfortd Joy ent o other tents
I ON at the
-etsi, record players, vacuum cleaners, etc., shall be used only
property. Musical instrumen�s, radios, television s an M f e ants
during reasonable hours, Do -ma 8:00 am to 10:00 pm and at a reasonable volume so as not to be heard by
10. No ve'netian blinds, ammiin
n, S, draw shades, non -conformlingcurtains or drapes, foil-, blankets or reflective
material shall be installed 01 exterior windows, without written permission of the Landlord.
11. No nails, screws, tacks, d1ou le -back tape etc., shall be used without consent of the Landlord. Use only pictur,�
hooks to hang pictures, mirr rs and decorative items on the walls.
12. No signs or placards shall be posted in or about the apartment building without 'written pennission of the
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IN WITNESS WHEREOP, the parties h ve executed this Agreement the day and year first above raven,
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'Copyright 0 2008 by Coast Real Estate Services I
hey were intended and no dust,
Toilets, sinks and washbasins are to be used only for the purposes for which t
rubbish, coffee grounds, disp able diapers and feminine hygiene products, aquanium gmvel, etc-, are to be put
into same. Anyextraction of these items from plumbing system will be billed to the Tenant.
Tenants are not permitted access to the roof except in case of emergency.
The laundry and its facilities all be used only for washing and drying of the usual personal and household
articles. No cleaning with flarrniable materials or dying of clothes in washing .machines will be permitted.
No person will be allowed to enter an apartment without written authorization. Residents under the age of 18
locked out of apartments will: iot be allowed into apartments unless parents pre -approve entry.
Nothing is to be hung on tht exterior of the building, or on the patios or balconies, including wind chirnes,
sunshades, etc. No pots or I tants are allowed on patio or balcony railings. Because of the, danger of fire,
residents are not to store or ke -Vp highly combustible items, such as gasoline, on the premises.
All combustible items (furnitire, clothing, bedding, papers, etc.) must be kept twelve (12) inches away from
apartment heaters at all times,
All cars must be registered Nvith the Resident Manager. If you have not registered your car or if you change cars
during -residency, please con iact the Resident Manager to have it properly registered. Boats and trailers are
prohibited on. community 'property. NO washing of cars is permitted on the property unless property has a
designated area. The speed li fit on the property is 5 mph or less.
Any person locked out of the r apartment after hours must call a locksmith at their own expense or incur a lock
out fee of actual costs plus$5 0.0 0 1 if , managem ent is available and /or able to facilitate entry. Changing dead -
bolts and door locks is expre3sly forbidden without written notification of management. Managgement must be
able to enter apartments in of emergenoy, There is a fee for door lock changes by management,
If the property does not have a centrally placed antenna for the use of all Teriants, Tenants may install a satellite'
dish on* bal'cony,balclin
ony r 'g, and patio. or yard area included in this agreement without prior written
Pennission of Landlord. The � Iri fling of holes through roofs and exterior walls is prohibited, Tenalit is prevented
from causing permanent daln,'Lge when attaching satellite dishes.
Rules and regulations are subject tc change.. Tenant will be given 30 days advance written ,notice when said changes
are made.
-K PSP4%
-- ---- - ---------- --
IN WITNESS WHEREOP, the parties h ve executed this Agreement the day and year first above raven,
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'Copyright 0 2008 by Coast Real Estate Services I
Res Iden fi-al-Le—asc-Auee in en t
THIS LEASE ME A0 - ZNT (hereinafter refcrrcd to as the "Agrecment') made and entered 'into
this day of 201-1)v. by ALEAR INVESTMENTS LLC/LINDSY
to as "Landlord) and
n fl
hereier referred to as 'Tenant).
i a
WHEREAS, Landlord Is the fee owner of certain reatproperty being, lying and situatcd in
--Lo—unty, Washington, -such real property
having a
street address of
q i Ise JOf
Tirem theremafter referred to as the
WHEREAS� Landlord destires, to lease the Premises to Tenant upon the terms and conditi
coons as
ntained herein; and
WHEREAS, Tenant desires to lease the Premises from Landlord •on the terms and conditions as
contained herein;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants and obligations contained here and
other good and valuable consideration, the in
parties hereto hereby agree as follows* receipt and sufficiency •of which is hereby 'acknowled, ed, the
I TERM, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from ndlord the above desc Pr
together with any and all appurtenances thereto: La ribed emises
From 12b4l
. ........ �1 2011-1 to
---F 20.25-,,- or
Month to month b nnin"' g
2. RIENT, e otal ren or the term her is the sum of
advance on the day of "ch month. DOLLARS (sjto, per month payable Via
3. LA17E -CHARGE. In the event that any payment required to be paid by Tenant hereunder *s not
made within three (3) days of when due, Tenant shall pay to Landlordin addition to such payment or
other chargyes due hereu, nder, a "late fec�l in the amount of
7& 0 0 1,
4. DAMAGE DEPOSIT, U pon execution f t, is Agreement, Tenant s
Sum of hall deposit with Landlord the
Imp Nfd nd DOLLARS S
of which is heieby acknowredged by Landlord,' to secure perfonnance -0 eves covenant and
obligation of Tenant set forth. herein includin limited & but not limited to., damagre to the Premises. No part of
the deposit is to be considered an advance payment of rent Including last month's rent. Such deposit
shall be returned to Tenant, without interest, and less any set off for damages to the Prern'
Ises upon the
termination of this Agreement. The deposit shall be held in. an account at U.S. Bank in Othello,
Washington. If Tenant breaks the lease before the terms expires, the security deposit is not refundable,
Tenant shall complete a Move In/Move Out form regarding the condition of the Premise
i i ises upon
mg in and
rnov out of the Premises, and return the same Within five (5) days of moving in and out.
Residential Lease Agreement
Page 1 of 7
Landlord shall provide a copy to Tenant witlifil five (5) days of receipt of the same. Tenant has the
right to request one (1) fi-ce replacenicnt copy of the love In/Move Out form,
S. USE OF PREMISES, ise$ shall be u and occu lb T Tlenant's immediate
us 2i:�IjaLn! and
familyl, consisting of
p16xcTusivelyo1a a' d -vatesi dwelling, and
not for any purpose other than as a private single family dwelling. Tenant shall not allow any other
person, other than Tenant's inunediate family listed above, to use or occupy the Premises -without first
obtaining Landlord's written consent. Tenant shall comply With any and all laws, ordiances, rules
and order of any and all governmental orgove quasi rnmental authorities affecting the cleanliness,
use, Occupancy and preservation 0 " 1 1 f the Premises. Tenant 'is responsible for the acts, action and
M Ss on of its immediate family listed above, guests and invitees , and the same shall comply with
the terms and conditions set forth herein,
6. CONDMON OF THE PREMISES* Tenant stipulates, represents and warrants that Tenant has
examined the Premises, and that they are at -the time of this Lease in good order, -repair, and in a safe,
clean and tenantable condition.
7. ASSIGNMENT AND SUR -LETTING, Tenant shall not assign this Agreement, or sub -let or grant
any license to use the Prem*
ises Or MY PaTt thereof Without the prior Witten consent of Landlord. A
Consent by Landlord to one such assignment or sub4etting or licensewithout the prior written consent
of Landlord or an asci grm ent of sub -letting by operation of law shall be absolutely null and void and
shall, at Landlords option, terminate this Agreement Without notice.
8- ALTERATIONS AND RAPROVEENT S, Tenant shall make no alterations to the buildings or
improvements on the Premises Or Construct any building or nye any other
improvements to the
Premises Without the prior written consent of Landlorld. Any and all altemtion
s, changes, and/or
improvements built, k constructed or placed on the Premises by Tenant shall, unless otherwiseprovided
by written agreement between Landlord and Tenant'. be and become theproperty of Landlord and
remain on the Premises at the natural expiration or earlier tennination of this Agreement.
9. N1 -DELIVER OF POSSESSION. In the event Landlord cannot deliverPossession of the
Premises to Tenant upon the commencement of the Lease tem, then, Landlord or its agents shall have
no liability, but the rental herein provided shall abate untfl possession is given. Landlord or its agents
shr,all have dArty (30) days in. which to give possession, and if possession is tendered vmhin such time,
-renant agrees to accept the demised Premises and pay the rental herein provided from that date. in
the event possession cannot be delivered Within such time, then this Agreement and all rights
hereunder shall tenninate.
10. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Tenant shall not keep on the Premises any Item of a dangerous,
flanunable or explosive character that might unreasonably increase the danger of fire or explosion on
the Premises or that might be considered hazardous or extra hazardous by any responsible insurance
11, UTILITIES., Landl rd s 11 be responsible for all utilities to the Premi
phone and ses, except for intemet, cable,
which shall be the responsibility offTenant.
12. VEHICLES. Tenant may store and keep,tW_0 (;g�) operable vehicles t the Premises in the
area(s) designated by Undlord, those vehicles being-,
residential Lease Agreement
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Makirmodel h,- y4'0�2�
cF4License plate: Modcl:Year:Color6
Make,Model . ..... . Year: License Plate:
R"MOtional vehicles, trailers, boats, and inoperable o unlicensed utomobileg, may not be parked or
stored on the Preinta
Chess, on or in any OVI
-patking area pr ided for the Prcmises
ing the Prem " %.0 a , or on any street or alley
ises. Repairs to any vehicles these locatA
ions must be completed and the area
cleaned up Within 24 hours of commencement.
Tenant will be responsible for any damage to the area
in which any repairs are made, including any stains on the concrete or paved areas. Parking of
automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, or other vehicles on lawns, in gardens, or sidewalks is prohibited.
Inoperable vehicles, flat tires
I included, will be towed away at the expense of the vehicle's owner.
Vehicles must be currently licensed, driven on weekly basis, no leaky vehicles on property, violators
will be towed after posted notification on vehicles.
13. RULES, Tenant will, at its sole expense, keep and maintami the Premises and appurtenance in good
and sanitary condition and repair during the term of this Agreement and any renewal thereof.
Without tLimiting the generality of the foregoing, Tenant shall:
(a) Not obstruct the driveways, sidewalks, courts, entry ways, stairs and/or halls, which shall be
used for the purposes of ingress and egress only;
W1 Keep all windows, glass, ndow coverings, doors, locks and hardware in
and repair-, good clean order
(c) Not Obstruct Or cover the windows or doots-
(d) Not leave wndDWSor doors un an open position during any miclement weather;
(e) Not hang any laundrY, clothfiag, sheets, etc'from any window, rail, porch or balcony nor air
any of the same wig any yarea. a or mace,
or dr y
(1) Not cause or permit any locks or hooks to be placed upon any door or window without the
prior written consent of Landlordy
(g) Keep all air conditioning filters clean and free from dirt and replace (h) regularly;
inks Keep all lavatories, si , toilets, and all other water and plumbing apparatus in good order
and repair and shall use same only for the purposes for which they were constructed. Tenant
shall not allow any sweepings, rubbish, sand, rags, ashes or other substances to thrown or
deposited therein. Any damage to any such apparatus and the cost of clearing stopped
plumbing resulting fioni misuse shall be borne by Tenan4
(j) Tenant's family and guestsshall at all times maintain order in the Premises and at all places
on thePre *ses
mi , and shall not make or perrm"t any loud or improper noises, or otherwise
disturb other residents;
Keep all radios, television sets, stereos,, phonographs, etc., turned down to a le'vel of sound
that does not annoy or 'interfere With other residents;
(k) Deposit all trash, garbage, ubblish or refuse to be deposited or permitted to stand on the
exterior of any building or within the COmmon. elements;
(1) From 10:00 p.m. each day to 8:00 a.m. the next day, Tenant, any other residents, and
Tenant'!s guests and invitees shall not emit any noise from the Premises which can be heard
outside the Premises or inside any other residences or units in the same building or apartment
complex, nor shall they emit noise from outside the Premises which can be heard 'inside any
other residence s) or unit(s) in the same building or complex as the Premises.
14. DAMAGE TO PREMISES., In the event the Premi
ises are destroyed or rendered wholly
uninhabitable by fire, storm, earthquake, or other such casualty not caused by the ncgligence of
Residential Lease Agreement
Page 3 of 7
Tenant, this Agreement shall ternilinate from such time except for the purpose of enforcing rights that
may have then acemed here -under, The rental provided for herein shalt then be accounted for by and
between Landlord and Tenant up to the time of such injury or destruction of the Premises, Tenant
paying rentals up to such date and Landlord refunding rentals collected beyond such date. Should a
port -Ion of the Premises thereby be rendered uninhabitable, the Landlord shall have the option, in its
sole discretion., of either repairing such injured or damaged portion or terminating this Lease. In the
event that Landlord exercises its right to repair such uninhabitable portion, the rental shall abate- iin the
Proportion that the injured parts bears to the whole Premises, and suchpart so mijured shall be
restored by Landlord as speedily as practicable, after which the full rent shall recommence and this
Agreement continue according to its terms,
15. LOCKOUT FEE AND KEYS. Tenant is responsible to maintain access to the Premises througjiout
the term of this Agreement. If Tenant is locked out of the Premises and requires Landlord to unlock
the Premises and-
( Landlord, or its agent, must go to the Prenuises during normal business hours which are 8:00
am. to 5?100 Pma., Monday through Friday, Tenant shall be obligated to pay Landlord a fee of
$-,ED. upon Landlord, or its agent's, arrival at the Premises;or
(b) Landlord, or its agent, must go to the premises at a time outside normal busmiess hours'.
Tenant shall be obligated to pay Landlord a fee of $LCLV upon Landlord, or its agent's,
amval at the Premises.
inmedi. 0 *
Tenant is responsible for ate repair of damages to Promises resultant from
a lockout.. gang access after
If Tenant loses a key provided by Landlord,,, Tenant shall be obligated to pay Landlord a fee of $ 10D
for replacement of the lost key. Tenant shall not duplicate any key provided by Landlord valout
Landlord's prior consent.
16. INSPECTION OF PREMISES, Landlord and Landlord's agents shall have the right at all
n I p n n
reasonable times du ing the term of this Agreement and any renewal thereof, u o 2 -days' notice,,
except in the case of an emergency mi Which case less or no notice may be given, to enter th
Prerni.ses for the purpose of *inspecting the Premises and all buildings and fte
nprovements thereon.
And for the purposes of making any repairs) additions or alterations as may be dee appropriate by
Landlord for the preservation of the Premises or the building. Landlord and its agents shall Anther
have the right to exhibit the Premises and to display the usual 'Tor sale"', '"for rent" or "vacancy" signs
on the 'remises at any time within forty-five (45) days before the expiration of this Lease. The rigrht
of entry shall likewise exist for the purpose of removing placards, signs, fixtures g
e , alterations or
additions, that do not conform to this Agreement or to any restrictions, rules or regulations affecting
the Premises.
17. SUBORDINATION OF LEASE# This Agreement and Tenant$s interest hereunder are and shall be
subordinate, junior and inferior to any and all mortgages, liens or encumbrances now or hereafter
placed on the Premises by Landlord, all advances made under any such
encwnbrances. mortgages liens or
18, SURRENDER OF PREMISES. Upon expiration of the term hereof, Tenant shall surrender the
Premises in as good a state and condition as they were at the commencement of this Agreement,
reasonable use and wear and tear thereof and any darnages by the elements excepted.
Residential Lease Agreement
Page 4 of 7
19- ANIMALS, Tenant shall be entitled to keep a combined total of
or c 'd nt
a domesti
the PrMiling party Mn that action shafl be entitled to an award of its reasonable attomoys fees and
costs incurred in the action. Landlord shall be entitled to Its attorney's fees and costs incurred to
collect any sums due to it hereunder bTenant, including any attorney's fces
Y Mcurred to collect a
Judgment awarded to Landlord.,
26. SEVERABILII Yv If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof shall, for any
reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, neither the remainder of this Agmaient nor the
application of the provision to other persons, entities or c1rcunuW
ces shall be affected thereby, but
Instead shall be enforced to the max1mum extent pamtted by law.
27. BINDING EFFECT. The covenants, obligations and conditions herein contained shall be binding
on and "inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of the parties hereto.
descriptive headings used herein are for convenience of
reference only and they are no intended to have any effect whatsoever in dot the t
obligations of the Landlord or Tenant. crinining e righ s; of
29. CONSTRUCTION. The pronouns used herein shall include, where appropdate, eithcr gcnder or
both-, singular and plural.
30,., NON -WAIVER. No indulelect
gence'ver, , wal *ton or non -election by Landlord under this
Agreement shall affect' any ofTenant*s other duties, obligations and liabilities hcreunder.
3 1 , MODIFICATION. 'be part -es here
by agree that thi's document contains the cntire agreemcnt
betwccn the Panics and this ,repentA4
way except through a 'teen am shall not be modifiM, changed, altered or amended in any
wn endment signed by all parties hereto.
32. NOTICE. Any notice required or permitted under this Least or under state law shall be deemod
sufficiently given or served if sent certified Mad, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:
If to Landlord to:
Landlord and Tenant shall each have the n
'ght from time to change •the place notice is to be,
under thi ph by 6 given
Is Paragra, , written notice thereof to the other party,,
33. DISCLOSURES* Tcmt hereby acknowledgm receipt of the
Was(a) Mold disclosure fumished by the
Washington Mate Department of Health, (b) the. Fire & Safety Discloswre From furnished by the
Washington State Patrol, and, if required, (C) the Disclosure of Information, oil LeOd-Bwcd Paint and
Protect Your FamilY From Lead in Your Home forms furnished by the U.S. Environmental Protcct
Agency. ion
Residential Lease Agmement.
Pase 6 of 7
N WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and `nit have executed thiscement
above Utten, �` t ad first
Li dsy Pr
Iain Sy Prows tuber -M gpr
AL . Investments, LLC
Sipat r :
Name. -
Residential Lease Agreement
Page 7 of
_h ... .w'w wkXv.irM-. •s:�wwww.m. y:wwn+w Sww..uw.w+wrw••M,. �..y.F •.A\n,:mn.. •a."aw+.\mwf�+.++•. r.....w•.14�'�'.w�ar'm.•ma.awlrow•': wY\xWwW:.ar+q'Fwrasri•YUM! Ww'm+.awm•wF•t...en'�+-+wA�nadww«F+.'M.F.kM\MdwmW*bMa"aF1.MM.+�+4+Yw+M+T!wrtr.w'M#'Lnti.wMM'wMma..•wnFwwMaMawM'�wnnw•r•...+'•MAYr m.\p a
TMS AGREE S made his day of m
hereinafter des mated the Lessor or La dl :
e � deli at d
does .ere unto the said Lessees) 'te sid c datflu::
n the City
State o
0.1 Much ffie real estate described �ldsrition of propert
upon. f following r�s �. � � � ns
. 'h�, w
and tar�ai
ffidfiitl, Y0 the � Jq 441 day of Z2,Q gfj�� �-Zj
s Beet: The Tenant shall pay rentln the amount of per month fot the above premises on to 41 day ofeac , o° . advance to Land i
. for any rent paymentreceived after day of the month,
3. Utilities; Tenant shall pay for service and utffities supplied to the premises,, except whish X11 be furnished bi Landis
4. Sublet: The Tenant agrees not to sublet said pre ses nQr assign this lease nor any part thereof without the prior written consent of Landlord.
5. Laa + 's Obligations Lessee shall:
a K"p •said premises . a clean and sanitary condition RA
Properly dispose of rubbish, garbage and waste in a clean md.sanitary nnan er at reasonable and regular intervals and to assume- .all oasts of extermination and fumiga
for infestation caused by Laesseet
(e) Proper y use and operate aaU electrical, 1, gas, heating, plumbing, facilities, fixtures and appliances;
d mot nt+antic nail or neem destroy, deface, face, sa e;, l np r or remove any. of the premises, their appurtenances, facilities, equipment, mature fuxmishings,
appliances, nor to pentuit any member of his family, Mivitee, licensee or other person acting under 1s control to do so -
el Not to permit a nuisance or common waste.
6. Maintenance o :gra ds Lessee agrees to mow and water the gess and lawu. and keep the g,rss, lawu.. flowers and shrubbery e thereon � cod. order and condition, to I
t a s de .kl. . sumo din .said premises fee and clear fall. bstr c ,s t replace in a neat and orl�a l e .�
. � itlo and
�• lis sand, dao broken duringoccupancy ear
t use due precaution against freezing of rater orwaste pipes and. stoppage ofsame and about said reuuses and. that �
p � �e grater or waste pipes are frozen er beoonne clog
by reason of n.e lett of Lessee, the :Lessee AaU repair the some at :is o expense as well as all damage caused thereby.,
7. Alteratiorm- Lessee agrees not to make alterations or do or.aca?ase to be donna any painting or wallpape� to said premises without the prior Wn'tten consent of'Landlord
8. Use ofPr Premises.- Lessee shall not use said. "remises for an � ose other than that
p ` p .p of a residence and shall: nit use said prenau.ses or any pmt, thereoffor any Illegal purp.
Lessee .a .gees to Conform to mnnici at. s un and. state codes, statutes,, ordlna ces and re lat ,ons o.. n
�' � o ming the use and occupatl.on of` sass praa�n�ses Lessor shall Va
the rem es in sobst :ntjal oonf rtn c with all a. ; lica�hle aslons of n��aanl':l county co'
p pp p p and state amides, .statutes, ord.�nadces and regulations governing Mena n
" operation of snob. premises.
Lei~ oes Obli ations Lessor hallw
(a) Immediately notify tenant.by cerdfx6d mail or updated posting. of any changes as to the person or address of.Landlord.,
l Maintain all strruotnu components to goodrepain
W beep common areas reasonably clean, and safe from defects increasing the hazards of :fire or aeaden
d) Provi de a reasonable proga for tbo control of infestation. by Misects, roclants, and other pests at the int ation of the tenancy, provided however, that Landlord shall
be bold responsible where infestation, is caused b Tenant.
supply serees r
d exhibit or display the premises to prospective or aewa . purchasers, Mort Agee , tenants, workmen, or contractors.
..cress shall be at reasonable times except in case of emergency r aban .me 't
11. Surrender of .uses: luthe event of -.default iu paye t of any installment Of rent or at the enc radon of term of is a ,
, lease, Lessee �� �� � s�re�er�a es
to Landlord. : this ease for an i e nite time, terminationstmle � Witten - notice of at feast twenty ntydays, preceding the end ofany such mouthly rental F,
by ether paw to the other.
. Costs anA re s Fee reaso: f a default r
� � � , � �e � efe�.� a� �.e performance �►f� of � ref stns oftts agreement, a legal ee:en
the losing party agrees to pay all, reaab a le cow and attar e s fees' connection t sere r�i:thAt. I's armed ftt. thenue of any lege action braught ender the terns
may be in the county In which prernisesare situated..
13. anDamage Deposit. The Lessee has deposited t .ea,s ms of as a as damw deposit. r e�t of �t
acknowledged, ifsum shall be deposited Landloin rd account with � savings ea
R ceased escrow, branch, whose adds ss f s
Interest on the deport shall belong to ,N dlord 0 Lessae s
All or a portion of such daposlit may be retalined. by Landjord:and. a refund of any pion of such deposit Is conditioned as follows:
Lessee shall perform obligations hereunder and those pursu=t to Chapter 69..18 Revised bode of Washingten,or as such maybe subsequently amended
(b) Lessee shat occupy saild premises for term agreed above; r
% Lessee shall clean, repair and. restore .said` residence and rets the same to Landlord.n its initial condition, exec .for ,rsssenahle wear and tear,, upon the ten
this tananc and vacation of restdenee. , specific statement desk � tie �� � � of �a remises atommence ent of thetena c is. on the rev side
(d Lessee shall s rrender to Landlordthe keys to p remises
Any reed .from deposit as by.11temized statement shown to he due to Lessee, shaU he returnd to Lesseewithin fourteen (1,41 days aftar ter p tion ofthiis tenancy ar
of the prenuises.
14. then- efun a :fees: The sum of is to he retained by the Landlord as a non -returnable fee for 1--J40 4C
and is in addition to the security and damage deposit but not a part theree
15. Additional Terms. If any, attached hereto or on the reverse side hereof, argil a.de a part of this agreement by preference and are described as follows
717 LU
NU )4-\-
lease I's for over one year, a ac :e a ge ent �e Landlcr&Lessor must b rch. I CVdL)
M VnTNES 8 E-0 RE F, the Lessee(s)aid .Lessor, is agent, each hereunto sets bfs hand.
Res dent a% Lease Agreentent And .. e t t Deposit Receipt
Washington ega Blank, Inc., ss a , W `er ► NO. 14 9/91
8. urniture:
1O.-PIwnbI'IIg, heating, elect6cal:
11.Yard, plants, slirubberyt 'r 1
12, 0 Cher.
D a t e,
acknowledge receipt of a copy hereof,
The premiqes contain ffie following defects, damages and Physical conditions at the commencement of the tenanrwt
.3. Countertops:
4. Carpets;
5. D rap ess
6. Wiudo
7, Doors:
County of Grant
35 C ST NW
P.O. Box 37
Ephrata WA 98823
Vendor.- EHG RVP3 LLC
17328 SE 373RD ST
DOCument Number
102152024 -AT
Ctient EFA - RENS"
Page 1 /1
Invoice 0408331
Date 2/20/2024
Purchase OrderNumber VendorlD Ing Method
. ...... . .... .. Shippi
Payment TerMS ID
... . ... . ....
Trade Discount
Total Due
$600. 00
new beginnings. better fomorrvws.
Type of client
Client ID: GML.28421-727682 CV
1N�at S the
9 Background check for housing
& Children's needs
a Debt assistance
* Drivers license
* Education training
# Bus fare to return home
* Cell phone to seek work/housing
a Family well being
a Mortgage
0 Service DVPO
* Utilities bills
* Security Assist
o Rental Assist
o Car payments
* Food/Necessities
Date Submitted: 2/16/2024
Amount requested $ 600
#of Children-, 2
Client's Home City:
Rent assistance. Client 'is behind on rent and only one
source of income in the home currently. Funds will go to
pay rent owed at RV park where client lives. Client was a
victim of an assault at Moses Lake High School,
a Wh at
Clients were given information on housing
Housing Authority authority of GC and Hopesource.
Salvation Army
Serve Ml., Quincy
Family Gontribution
Friend contribution
OF PAYMENT: unty Voucher 0 Petty Cas ' h EIC
redit Card
Include ba6k up do mentation: (Rece'
10, Copy of Check, W-9 if Applicable)
FormWM9 Request for Taxpayer
(Rev, October 2018) Identification Number and Certification
Department tmen, of the Treasury
Internal P"
. ......Go to WWWJr*S.g0v1F6rmW9 for instructions and the mlatest information.
I Name (as shown on your income EHG RVP3 LLC e tax ret7rn), Name is required___67� --- o not leave this line blank.
1 2 - B-hishnA
--- qzz Tins' a /.-4 1
01tuLy "alllt:'l if ditrarent Trom above
---- oo__
3 Check appropriate box for federal tax classification of the person whose name is entered on line 1. Check only one of the
following seven boxes,
Individual/sole proprietor or C Corporation S Corporation 0 Parthip
single- member LLC nersEl Trust/estate
El limited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C=C corporation, S=S corporation, P=Partnership) 1* P
Note: Check thea ppropriate box in the line above for the tax classification of the single -member owner. Do not check
LL G if the LLC is classified as a single -member LLC that is disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LLC is
another LILC that is not disregarded from the owner for U.S, federal taxpuclassses.ati
Otherwise, a sIngl
is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the taificon of it;,, nwnao-mernber LLC thatr
U Other (see instructions) lo -
5 Address (number, street, and apt. orsuiteno.) See instructions.
17328 SE 373rd st
6 Cit)j, state, and ZIP code
Auburn, WA 98092
7 List account number(s) here(optional)
Give Form to the
requester. Do not
send to the IRS.
4 Exemptions (codes apply only to
certain entities, not individuals; see
instructions on page 3):
Exempt payee code (if any)
Exemption from FATCA reporting
code (if any)
, lies to 3ccQvnt,,T MiRjt)tai,,)0d oLjW� U,16 US.)
Requesters name and address (optional)
Taxpayer Identification Numb e, ... r (TIN)
Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN Provided must match the nameiven on lira
to avoid
backup withholding. For individuals, this is generally your social security number (SSN). However, for a
resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the instructions for Part 1, later. For other
entities., it Is your employer identification number (FIN). if you do not have a number, see How to get a
TIN, later,
Note* If the account is in more than one name, see the instructions for line 1, Also see
Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter. What Name and
security number
Employer identification number
rt k
ification I
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that:
1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification 1. number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and
Service (IRS) that I am Subject to backu
2. am not subject to backup withholding because- (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue
p withhol'ding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am
no longer subject to backup withholding; and
3,1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and
4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form(if an indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct.
Certification instructions. You must cross out itern 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS t
you have failed to report all Interest anhat you are currently subject to backup withholding because
d dividends on your fax return. For real estate transactions
acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contribu, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid,
tions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRAgenerall
), and y, payments
other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the instructions for Part 11, later,
Here U.S. person 0
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise
Future developrn6nts. For the latest information about developments
related to Form W-9 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted
after they were published, go to ww14.,.irs.gc1v1F0rmW9.
Purpose of Form
An individual or entity (Form W-9 requester) who is required to file an
information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer
identification number (TIN) which may be your social security number
(SSN), Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption
taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number
(FIN), to report on an information return the amount paid to you, or other
amount reportable on an information return. Examples of information
returns include, but are not limited to, the following.
# Form 1099 -INT (interest earned or paid)
Date 0. 9/28/2022
* Form 1099 -DIV (dividends, including those from stocks or mutual
Form 1099-M ISG (various types of Income, prizes, awards, or gross
* Form 1099-B (stock or mutual fond sales and certain other
transactions by brokers)
& Form 1099-S (proceeds from real estate transactions)
* Form 1099-K (merchant card and third party network transactions)
0 Form 1098 (home mortgage interest), 1098-E (student loan interest),
1098-T (tuition)
• Form 1099-C (canceled debt)
• Form 1099-A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property)
Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident
alien), to provide your correct TIN.
If you do not return Form W-9 to the requester with a TIN, you might
be subject to backup withholding. See What is backup withholding,
Cat. No. 10231X
Form. W-19 (Rev. 10-2018)
C aAlell'
Willows Traller Villaae
Application Month to Month
Tenant Information
Primary Tenant Name:
Primary Tenant Phone Number:
Number of Adults: 2 Number of Children: 2- Numbr of Pets: A
Breed and Grown Weight of Pets: G rml hrdA
I Chihuahua
RV Make: Model,,, Year: Length*
Auto Make,: EordE 150 Year: 20L8
Modell -
Employer, n Employer Phone: �W398-71182 Monthly Income: $4
Current/Previous Residence or Park residing at:
q-33 -4354 Phone:
How will vora nnv . nt?
X I I Would like to be setup for online payments via the AppFol'
I I would like to pay in person via PayNearMe in AppFoll'o. to account for autopay.
Base Rent
Is 1.550.00 per month,, Includes W/S/G/E, DUE ON THE I St each month
BASE RENT $500,00
EXTRA CAR OVER 2 (+$60):
EXTRA PET OVER 2 ($25) JK.00
STORAGE SPACE (60}-- ------
Provide Drivers License
Foran . issues
ssues or service needed, please call us at: 2064954101
Willows Trailer Village Month -to -Month Lease Page 1 of I o
4, E -kc 2\/
VVillaws Trader Village � �
------- .......
Rental Agreem nt
THIS AGREEMENT is made duplicate and entered into between SHG
Landlord and .,-R_.V.P..2 LLC ,as
is Tenant(s)-,
1. RENT. Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord Recreational Vehicle
Space No. 9,(the "Space"), In WILLOWS RV EARK the "Commun'
Ity"), located at 1347 RD M
L A 988 7
IN 83
for a term of 6 months (then month-to-month after) commencing
on MMaA--!, 2023 at a minimum monthly rental payment of
dollars (g5o.00 ), payable In advance on or before the first day of each month during the
2-* ADDITIONAL CHARGES. In addition to the monthly rental' and any other charges or fees
specified in this * AQ
. reerrient Tenant agreesto pay to the In the additional charges
described and written Into the Application information on the Application above.
3. UTILITIES AND SERVICES. Tenant Shall, in addition to the monthly rental, pay for all
utilities supplied to the Space, except At+r Sewer +farbi - ------- 51gctdcal which will be provided
by the Landlord.
4. LATE CHARGES. Tenant agrees to pay a late charge of Fifty Dollars
($50.00) If the Tenant's
payment by check is returned for any reason, or if monthly rent and additional charges are not
received by the 6th day of the month, and Ten Dollars ($10) per day thereafter, during such
month until the monthly rent and additional charges are received,, The late charge will be in
addition to and part of the rent due for that month.
S. PLACE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. Rent is to be paid online via your AppFolio account,
or in person at a local Walmart using your PayNearMe slip which can be printed directly from
your AppFolio account
6. MOVE IN COST/SECURITY FEE. Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord,, prior to occupancy, a
Movein Cost as descnibed on Page 1,
In case of early termination of the tenancy, all of this Cost to be retained by Landlord and may
be applied to: (a) Any delinquency in the payment of rent or additional charges;
N Expenses of den inn, restoring and repairing the Space (wear for ordinary use expectedl;
or, I
Willows Trailer Village Month -to -Month Lease Page 2 of 10
(cj Other damages caused by Tenant.
Upon termination of the tenancy and/or removal of Tenant s re eational vehicle from the
enant shall have cleaned, restored, and returned the Space to landlord in substantially
Space, T Cr
the same or better condition as upon taking possession. If Tenant is removed from the park for
breaking Park Rules or violation of this rental agreement at any time, the Total Move in Cost IS
retained by Landlord.
7o CONSIDERATION, Tenant has paid the Total Mov *
k, . e in amount described on Page I - Thi's
amount is non-refundable,
8. OCCUPANTS. Tenant shall not g'
lVe accommodation to any roomers or lodgers, or permit
the use of the Space for any purpose other than as a residence and as the location of one
recreational vehicle for the exclusive use of the persons named in Paragraph
9. PETS. Tenant agrees to have no animals or pets •of any kind on the Lot, or in the
Community, other than those described on Page 11,
10, RESPONSIBILITIES. Tenant agrees (a) To keep the Space In a clean and sanitary
condiflon; (b) To COmply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and
ordinances pertaining tO the Space and the recreational vehicle located thereon, and
appurtenances, and to save Landlord harmless from all fines, penalti
lest and costs forv'olat"
I tons
or noncompliance by Tenant With any laws, requirements or regulations, and from all liability
arising out of any violati
ion or noncompliance,(c) To properly dispose from the Space and
recreational vehicle all rubbish, garbage-, and other organic or flammable waste, in a clean and
sanitary manner at reasonable and regular intervals, and toassume all costS of extermination
and fumigation for infestation caused by Tenant" (d) To immediately notify Landlord of any
damage -to the Space or to the Community caused by acts
of neglect of Tenant or Tenant's
guests. Unless otherwise agree d , Landlord shall repair the damage and charge Tenant for the
repair which Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord by the next monthly rental payment due date, or
on terms mutually agreed in writing by Landlord and Tenant', (e) To notntentionally or
negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair, or removeany facilities, equipment, furniture,
fumishings, fixtures, or appliances provided by Landlord, or pennit any member of Tenant's
family, invitee, or licensee, or any person under his/her control to do so, (f) To not permit a
nuisance or common waste; and (g) To comply With all Community Rules and Regulations.
11 * RULES AND REGULATIONS. Tenant acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Community
Rules and Regulations, which he/she has read and signed, as an Addendum to this Rental
Agreement. Tenant agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this Addendum. Tenant
further agrees that Landlord may, upon thirty (30) days written notice, make changes or
additions to the Rules and Regulations stated herein, as deemed necessary for the best
interests of the Community and its tenants.
Willows Trailer Village Month -to -Month Lease Page 3 of 10
a. Landlord or Tenant may terminate this RentalAgreement and Tenant's tenancy without
cause or reason, Such termination "is effective upon being given 30 days not -ice of termination.
b. Tenant shall give the Landlord one month's written notice of intent not to renew this Rental
13. HOLDING OVER. If Tenant continues in Possession of the Space after termination of this
Rental Agreement without the express written consent of the Landlord, Tenant agrees to pay to
Landlord a daily charge of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) forach day of the holdover period*
Tenant agrees to comply with this Rental Agreement during any holdover period. TenanVs "
holdover beyond the termination of this Rental Agreement shall not be construed to waive any
rights of the Landlord.
14. IMPROVEMENTS. Tenant agrees not to make or permit any construction, alteration,
additions, painting, or improvements to the Space, not to permit placement of a storage shed
thereon, or any other appurtenances, without the prior wn'tten consent '
of Manager or Landlord,
S. FEES FOR GUESTS. Tenant agrees to pay a fee of 10 Dollars ($10) per day for each
guest who remains with the Tenant in a recreational vehicle in the Space beyond 14 days,
16. GUEST PARKING. Tenant agrees that his/her guests shallpark their vehicles only in
Tenant's assigned parking areas or in areas designated for guest parking. In no case shall
Tenant's guests obstruct or violate other tenants' parking orproperty rights. Any guest's vehicle
parked in excess of Twenty Four (24) hours must be properly identified by placement of
Tenant's name and space number where such guest Is visiting tore vent i•
mpound or towing.
Tenant agrees to pay a fee of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) per day per vehicle for each
violation of the provisions of this Rental Agreement relating to guestparking. Guest parking
fees shall be payable by Tenant to Landlord on the next monthly rental payment due date.
Tenant hereby authorizes Landlord to tow, orimpound, at Tenant's expense, any vehicle of
Tenants guests which is not parked In accordance with the terms of this Rental Agreement,
provided that Landlord must first attempt to notify the owner thereof or Tenant.
17. ASSIGNMENT. This Rental Agreement shall not be assignable by Tenant to any other
person without the express written consent of the Landlord. Tenant's assignee shall assume all
the duties and obligations of Tenant for the remainder of the term of this Rental Agreement.
SUBLETTING. Resident shall not sublet or rent out all or any part of his/her Space or
recreational vehicle.
19. LIABILITY. Tenant agrees that all of his/her personal property in the SpaGe
and onthe
recreational vehicle, or otherwise located in the Community, shall be at the risk of Tenant.
Tenant further agrees that Landlord shall not be liable for, or on account of, any to or damage
sustained by action of any third party, fire, theft, water, or the elements, or for loss of any
property from any cause from said Space or recreational vehicle or any other part of the
Community,* nor shall Landlord be liable for any infury to Tenant, his/her anvil guests,
Willows Trailer Village Month -to -Month Lease Page 4 of 10
employees or any person entering the Space, recreational vehicle, or the Community, to
include common areas and/or the clubhouse, and/or the Swimming Pool, if applicable,
unless caused by negligence of Landlord, Mather agents or representatives.
20. CONDEMNATION,* EMINENT DOMAIN. In the event the whole or any part of the Space or
Community shall be taken by any competent authority for public or quasi -public use or purpose,
then and 'in that event. the term of this Rental Agreementshall cease and terminate from the
date when the possession of the part so taken shall be required for such use or purpose. All
damages awarded for such taking shall belong to and be the property of Landlord.
21. NOTICE. Any notice required to be servedby Tenant upon Landlord in accordance with the
terms of this Rental Agreement shall be delivered to Dean Reynolds, whose address is Unit F.
22.ATTORNEYS FEES. In any actions arising out of this Rental Agreement. 'Including
eviction, the prevailing party shall be entitled to their reasonable attorney's fees and costs,
23. SEVERABILITY. If any term, covenant, condition orprovision of this Rental Agreement is
held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforce able,'the remainder of
the provisions herein set forth shall remain in full force and effect.
24. ENFORCEMENT, Failure of the Landlord to insist upon the strict performance of the terms,
covenants, agreements, and conditions herein contained, or any of them, shall notGonstitute or
be construed as a walver or relinquishment of Landlord's rights, thereafter, to enforce any such
term, covenant, agreement, or condition, but the same shall continue 'in full force and effect.
25* HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS, Subject to the provisions herein pertaining to assignment and
subletting, the covenants and agreements of this RentalAgreement shall be binding upon the
heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns of any or all of the parties herein.
26. ATTACHMENTS. Attachments made a part of this Agreement are as follows: Rules and
Willows Trailer Village Month -to -Month Lease Page 5 of 10
County of Grant
35 C ST NW
P.O. Box 37
Ephrata WA 98823
Document Number
--- — --------
I G1 13 -BG
Client EFA - Rent
Purchase Order Number Ven dorlD
Page I /I
Invoice 0408190
Date 2/14/2024
Shipping Method Payment Terms ID
Trade Discount
Total Due
$1,549.00 00000
`� �7/Z3
1/17/ Z�
Willows Trailer Village Month -to -Month Lease Page 6 of 10
new beginniNs, better tomorrows,
TYPO of client:
Client ID: GRC1293
• Background check for housing
• Children's needs
• Debt assistance
• Driver's license
• Education training
• Bus fare to return home
• Cell phone to seek work/housing
• Family well being
0 Housing Authority
0 Salvation Army
0 Serve ML/Quincy
0 Family contribution
# Friend contribution
• Mortgage
• Service DVPO
• Utilities Ilities bills
• Security Assist
• Rental Assist
• Car payments
• Food/Necessities
Staff: Becky
Date Submitted: 2/7/24
Amount requested $ 1
#of Children.4 2
.'o0 �(54� =.
Client's Home City., Royal City
NCA ID: 2023-696
. . ....... .
e _4
One -Site Rents v3,0
02-t0712024 United Marketing Inc. - Frenchman Hill Apartments Page 2 of 2
11/01/2023 through 0210M2n%d
Ata-r-ameters; Std tr3 lions MinN - 11,101/2023 Select ,j,,a-tus - All-, Ledger Tie - Revdont-
12120I2023 122023 G -G113 CB-LATEFEE
Late Charges RESIDENT
12121;°2023 122023 G-GI13 CS - LATEFEE Late Charges, 2.00 743.00
IV2212023 122023 G -G113 CB-LATEFEE Late Charg-e-z- 2,00 745M
12-12312023 122023 G -G113 CB - LATEFEE Late Charges RESIDENT 2-00 747.00
IW2412023 122023 G- G- 1 3 CB - LATEFEE RIESIDENT 2.00 749.00
ate Charges RESIDENT
2,00 75 �00
1212S12023 122023 Gl-c- 1 3 CB - LATEFEE Late Charges RE�ESIDENT
12126J2023 122023 Gi- - G 1 3 C-8 - - WIE F E E Lato. Charges 2.00 753,00
1 V2712023 1.22023 G- 113 CS - LATIEFEE Late Chlarqe$ 2M 755,00
121M202:3 Rl- MENT 240
122023 G -G113 C8 - LATEFEE Late Charges RESIDENT 751.00
1212912023 122023 G�G 113 CB - LATEFEE Late Charges 759.00
12130i202'A . " G --G113 RESIDENT 2M 76.1,00
122=3 CS - LATIEFEE Late Charges RESIDENT
12/31$2023 122023 G-GI13 CB-LATEFEE Lato Charges RESIDENT 2bo 76100
0110-1,12024 01202.4 G-Gl 13 CA - R.EW, Rent 2..00 765,00
011TX12024 6 37 00
012024 G -G113 CS - LATE EE Late Charges
01202.4 G 1 -0113 C8 -L ' ATEFEE RESIDENT 50.00
LP-lle Charges RESIDENT .452.00
0 VTQ &-2 0 2 4 0122V,.,j G -C- 113 CS - LATIEFEE Late Charges RESIDENT 2,00
0110912024 012OZ4 G -G113 CS - LATE -FEE Late Charges 2.00
0111012024 012024 G' -G 113 C8 - LATEFEE Lato Charges RES . IDENT 1.49 ,00
01/11;202 024 - 2,00 1'
012024 G - G!13 C8 LATEFEE Law Charges RESIDENT 460.00
OVIZ2024 012024 G--Gl 113 CB - LATEFEE Late Charges RE-SIDENT 2 b0l 1.462.00
01113x2024 012024 G -G I 1 -11, CB - LATEFEE' Late Chargej 2.00 1,464-00
011,14j2024 012024 G -G 113 CS - LAIFEFEE Late Charges 2.00 1,466.00
0111,512024 RESIDENT Mo
1, 68.00
012024 G -G113 CB - LATEFEE Late Chat-ves RESIDENT
240, 1.4700,0
012024 -G I13 CS - LATE EE Late- Charges
01.11712024 012024 G - G113 (:B - LATEFEE Late Charges RESIDENT
2,00 0e-
0111 P -W2024 012024 G -G113 08 - LATEFEE Late C-harg._-s REUDENT 1,4774.00.
0111912024 012024 G -G 113 08 - LATE FEE Lal -e- Charges ME S I D E N T 2M 1 76.00
01/21012024 012024 G -G 113* 2.00 1,4718,.00
CS - LATEFEE L - ate Cmarges RESIDENT 2.00 lA80.00
OV2112024 01-2024 G -C- 113 CB - LATIEFEE Late ChargeS
011`22'2 . 024 012024 G -G113 CB - LATEFEE Late, Chmarge$ RESIDENT 2.00 1-41U.Wl
01121112024 012024 G -GI -13 CB'-LATEFEFE Late Charges
0112442024 ol
2024 C -C- 113 C6 - LATEFEE Laie Charges
01.112512024 2.00
012024 G - G113 C6 - IAT Late Charges
U -
8 - LATEFEE, 1,490�00
'26,12024 �k
012024 1`3
C Tr
Late Charges
0112-7!2024 01202 113 C8 - LATEFEE Lc: Charges.
OV2812024 Ei®r,
0112024 ®w C8 LATEFEE Late Charges
1 A96.00
0112912024 0-1 024 G-GI13 -LATcFEE Late Charg
01/3Oi2O24 012024 G -G 13 CS - LATEFEE Late Charges
-5112024 012024 G -C- 113 CB - LATE 1Iµ Late Charges
02,!0112024 022024 Cl -G 113 CA - RENTRent
02U12024 022024 G --G113 PZ-PMTCHECK Payment By Check RESIDENT
1 640.00 1499.00
0210612024 022W4 G -G 113-- CB - LATEFEE Late Charges ESIDENT
- ------- - 510100
----- - - - -------
0 S f
OneSite Rents v3,0
02/07/2024 United Marketing Inc, . Frenchman Hill Apartments
11101/2023 through 0210719r)9A
ka�matqrs: Sijow,
1 ;0 i2023
12nni M $elect. Slwus - Al
*Goo -91, TYPe - R'"eside ALL'
------- ntSubjournals
- ------ -------- -------
Koi' -
Name. Alma Lauriano
Bldg/Unit.- G -G113
$tatux., Currant resident
Contact Info-,
(M) (50 9) 331 AS700
Market Rent:
Lease Elegfn.-
0710 112022
"as* End:
move -out;
Notice Given -
Credits- , Balance:
Notice For
'. _ 1OW-,
Least Rent: 637.00
Other Charges: 0.00
Other Credits: 0.00
page i of 2
res -370.002
DOPOSIts On Hand: 263.00
Deposits Due- 137,00
Ledger Detail
PMvIOU* Balance,
Payme , nts:
Credits- , Balance:
DOPOSIts On Hand: 263.00
Deposits Due- 137,00
Ledger Detail
Transaction Cod o
Document it
Balance Fo" rded. 0100
G -G113
Late Charges
G_rG 1 1 3
Late Charges
- NT
6 1 87.00
G -G 4113
Late Charges
G -G 113
/Mate Charger,
69i �00
111 X2023
G -G40413
Late Charges
2 . 00
1111111 20234
G-Gi 13
Late Charges
G'. -G 113
Latp, Charge.Id
. 0
G -G 1113
Late. 0hargers
1 2023100
112 02 3
Late, Charges
1 1 1
Late- Charges
G -G- 113
Late Charges
G - C-113
Lai,,,, Charges
1111 &2023
G -G 'It 13
Late Cty,grq_cs
. 709,00
1 g1-2,02 3
Late Charges
. 112023
G G113
Lale Cha
k rges
G -G 1 11 .3
Late Charcr-,s
We Chartps
G -G413
Late Charges2,00
Late Charges
RE -1 S I D E N T
G -G
Liat charges
G_G; 13
Late Chargej
G -G113
Late Char ge-,
03-G 113
Late 0harges
G -G113
.. .... ...
Pa yment By check
70100 28.00
G -G113
G -G 113
Late Charge�
G -G113
Late Charges-
7 17.00
Late Charges
Late Charges
Late Charges
G -G '1'13
Late char e,
G -G !13
Late Charge,,s
G -G 113
Late, Charges
1 2JI-55,12023
G�_G't 13
Late C'narges
731 bo
G- 113
Late Charges
G -G 113
Late Charges
G -G1 "13
Late Charoes
21 0:2023
-G 113
Late Charges
Page 111
Invoice 0407361
Date 2/6/2024
County of Grant
35 C ST NW
P.O. Box 37
Ephrata WA 98823
Document Number Purchase OrderNumber Vendor1l) od
-- — -------- . .......
Shipping Meth Payment Terms ID
102052024 -MH
F .... . ......... ... . ......
.......... . . ....
sc....... ription: .....
Client EFA - Rent Amount'
M, S- c
Trade Discount
Total Due
$1,200.00 001
nerve beginnings. befter tomorrows,
lype of client:
rqnV OSA
'k-� EICV El CAC
Client ID:
V1t`hat �mer
��the '
......... ..
• Background check for housing
• Children's needs
Debt assistance
Drivers license
Education training
Bus fare to return home
Cell phone to seekwork/hou'sing
Family well being
* Mortgage
# Service DVPO
# Utilities bills
* Security Assist
9 Rental Assist
* Car payments
* Food/Necessities
. Indi��te wh`afi„other sup���
oryresources wk�re ,used?
• Housing Authority
• Salvation Army
• Serve ML/Quincy
Family contribution
Friend contribution
METHOD PF PAYMENT. OUnty Voucher 0 Pefty, C s h OCredit Card
Include back up documentation:(Recei
Pt. Copy of Check, W if Applicable)
Updated:, 08/31/2023
This aureement.. made thiel- etween
I _4day of
XL2 0 6.,b
V t<v 'he re*i
nafter called tMe
hereinafter called tile Lessee(s) and
Lessor(s). Lessee(s) and Lessee(s) does rent from the lessor the leo lows escribed real estate and
premises. Situated in the CountY Of rant, State Of shin., on: located on the frill win
deser'bed rea
estate� A on a n"th to month tenancy
from a mon the &4 of 1
- ----- YN .2014W thly ren - of $ in lawof
ful money
the United States of Ace 'nica payable monthly in advance on the first day d every month
during said term. Lessee(s) agree to pay the rent when due and to pay a
Cate chare if rent
not pal is
*d bv the nth of eah cmont.h. 9
It is U t. nderstood that the L,,essee(s) has received the rental property inspection checklist, inspected the
premises,, atlrees to NtLirn the checklist when pkving next month's rent., and accepts the same in its
present condition. l. -asses} agrees to use said premises with reasonable care and to permit no waste or
damage thereto and atyreeS Upon termination of this tenancy to peaceably surrender possession of °t
Z-, *1 he
premises to the lessor in as good condition as at present, ext1%e for ordinary use, wear and tear. The
Of Of
Lessee(s) has deposited with the Lessor a deposit of $- �
to be used for securitv, cleaning I
necessarY. and for repair and replacement beyond ordinary use, wear and tear. It I is further agreed that at
t 0 41
the thile or termination oftenatim Lessor shall determine what clean Or and replacement Is
0.1 ing repal
necessary and shall ch-arge the cost of same acrainst deposit. If the costs of clean"
W CC� ing, repair., or
replacement exceed the amount of the deposit. Lessee(s) agrees to pay to the. Lessor the additional
amount necessar� topm f*oj- tile said cleanina
W repair, or replacement, Said deposit, less any charges,,
shall tie rejAuu-It"id to Lessvew WNLY UP ON iNSPE"CTION AFTER VACATING THE PREMiSE""
provided the premises are in satis factory condition, and proof of payment of all electric utilities has been
presented to the 1..,essor,
The owner reset-ves the right to enter the Unit at all reasonable times and reserves the right to show tile
Unit at all reable t11 -nes to prospective tenants after notice of terminati
sonaon of tenancy has been given.
43-s to P'r III
Lessee(s) auTe., r-1 V C1 I I C.
lectric uflfides for said premises promptly when the same becomes due.
-to I
Neither the l - or leis SLICCe-ssors. assignees. agents, or employees shall be liable to the Lessee(s) or
to any other persons f* (W WIV la'ni. loss., daniages, or personal injuries sustained from anycase
whatsoever and the Lessee(s) at -trees to hold the Lessor harmless aaainst liabilities and claims ofan y
kind or character. ZI . I
1.,CSSCC(S) are W(lLlired t,,,,) I'live Lessor 20 davs wn I tten notice of intention to vacate the abov'e
mentioned premises. Leslseels ) shall be obl'
l.gated to pay rent for .20 days after giving notice. The
tC"11tAheI-ebN 41 - to OCCLlf)4 and pay- rent on the above premises for a period not less than 6 months
or fortel L entire deptosit.
C tses '!_`�_�o
The above, de gibed p be used for dwelling purposes only and shall be occupied by
Ac r r
adults and C. illdre; 7,1SML1l_Pqtj<30 lbs.) shall be allowed on the premises, and shall not be used
for unlav\-ful or inimoral purposes.
It is herebv acireed that if an-.,- rent shall be due and unpaid, or if default shall be made in any of the
covenants herein contained, then it shall be lawful for the said Lessor to re-enter the said premises and
remove all persons and property there -from. without waiving any other rights Lessor may have
hereunder. Lessee(s) steal I not sublet th e whole or any part of the said premises nor assign this
aareement. or anx interest thw
erein, with prior ritten consent of Lessor.
Lessee(s) acknovvledges receipt of keys to the premises and agrees to return said keys to Lessor
upon termination of this tenancv. Lessee(s) shall pay $100 for each key not retuned to Lessor.
W &0
Lessee(s) acknoNvIedu..es receipt of the EPA brochure Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home.
Lessee(s) agrees to paany attorney's fees and costs incurred by the Lessor on enforcing the terms and
covenants of this lease,,
The parties hereto 11,ave executed this aureernent and expressly agree to the tis and conditions
Coritalned herein the da x U year first above written.
Lessor/ Manager
YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby notified that the rent for the month begm'm*ng
November 1, 2023 for the premises hereinafter described which you hold as a Tenant
under a Lease or Rental Agreement will be increasina to $1200 er month.
%ftr p
# is your responsib'fity to maintain your premises
in a clean and orderly fashion. The company pays for water, sewer and garbage, so
you are exected to maintain your home. This # i ' 1A
P i ncludes watering, mowing, raking,
and keeping the home and yard free of debris. Let -us know 'if you need a hose and
sprinkler. Also, be mindful of the cost of water and do not leave your water running
unnecessanfly. If the bill becomes excessive, the company may require you to start
paying for your utilities.
The people listed by name at the top of this notice are the only people on the leasel,
These. are the only, people authonzed todive at the residence other than your children
under 18 or attending school. An other than the aforementionedis reqaired to be
on the lease.
If you have any questions, you can call my cell number 509.989.1307.
Said premises NNrhich you occupy as Tenant are described as follows,
In Grant County, State of Washington
DATED this I st day of October 2023 k
Langshaw InvestmentV LLC
Deb Langshaw, Landlord
7276 DI*ck Rd. NE
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Cc: Shane Kem*son, Attomey for the Landlord file
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Invoice 0407 169
P.O.Date 1/31/2024
County of Grant
35 C ST NW
Box 37
Ephrata WA 98823
Vendor-, xAmIOPAoILLA
Pu rchase Ord
Document Number er Number VendorID
Shipping Method Payment Terms ID
_L_______-_-__ ____i_- ----
CLient EFA - Rent Amount'
$2 700.001
< .........
new be -9 -Innings. bel"viter tomorrows,
Staff: Abraham T.
Date Submitted: 1131/2024
Amount requested $ 2,700
#of Children: 0
Type of client, ien's He Cits y: MoseLake
Client ID: GML28201-647109 CV NCA ID: 2022-100
r 0.
-nib I -A
* Background check for housing Backpay rent. The client is a non- infirnate partner victim
# Children's needs Mor
of DV living with her mother who is low income. Client
Debt assistance
Utilities bill
rerlicense s and mother need help with backpay rent to avoid eviction.
Education training Security Assist
Bus fare to return home Rental Assist
Cell phone o seek work/housinCar paymentsg
Family well being ood/Necessities
qicato�W.. r' U
Client will be contributed part of her funds to
Housing Authority cover late fees
Salvation Army
Serve MUQuincy
Family contribution
Friend contribution
S emir S19 na-tu
------ ------ Date* Approv d 0 D i dif
e en e
Accounting Signatu
tty Cash OCr*e-dit Card
include back up doctumentationt- (Receipt, toof Check, W-9 K A
py pplicable)
Updated: 08/31/2023
Page 1 / 1
Invoice 0407774
Date 2/7/2024
County of Grant
P.O. Box 37
Ephrata WA 98823
324 5 ASH ST
. ........... <...........
L ---Document Number Purchase Order Numb VendorlD Ship. ing Method Pa
P yment Terms ID
10206202�� ..... ......... — ---- ------- - - — ---------- - - - - _-. ...... ...... _._
- ------- WPMGC
Description: ------ ... . ..
Client EFA - Rent Amounf
Subtotal $800.00
disc $0.00
Tax $0.00
Freight $0.00
Trade Discount $0.00
Payment $0.00
Total Due $800-00
new beginnings. beer toinorrows.
Staff: Becky
Date Submitted: 2/6/24
#of Children: 0
Type of client. Client's Hometk
Ciy: Moses Lae
Client ID: GML12608
uV'hat is t;
-s -
---- - --- ---
• Background check for housing
• Children's needs
• Debt assistance
• Driver's, license
• Education training
• Bus fare to return home
• Cell phone to seek work/housing
• Family well being
......................... - - - - - - - - - - -
o di .Gym
F E r
shh Oqu_ 57 7
DV incident on 212124 and perp was taken to jail.. She
• Mortgage
• Service DVPO
gave him the rent money and he is now in jail and there
• Utilities bills
Is a no contact order in place and she is not able to
• Security Assist
• Rental Assist
speak to him. She needs hi p so that she does not get
• Car payments
• Food/Necessities
Wind ri'1'1z:NfrrN
324 S. Ash Street Suite A
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Re: Notice To Raise Rent
Thank you for your continued residency, this is formal,notice that the rent for premises
you are leasing from us at
Moses Lake, WA 98837
is being increased to $ 800.00 per month beginning 12/01/2023.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (509) 765-569`41.
Win ermene Pro ray Management Grant County, Inc.