HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - BOCC (002)GRAM' COUNTY
(Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday)
DATE: 3/7/24
--- ----
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American Rescue Plan Act (ABPA) Beneficia rY Agreement with Moses Lake g a e Senior Center
in the amount of $5,000.00. Term is March 3, 2021 - September 30 2026.
DATE OF ACTION: -3 1 Iz, 7�t-4
Tlii.s, ARPA Beneficiwy Agyreenlant ("Agreement") 'is dated as of the 4tbd,11V of May 2022-3
.41 91
by and. bet -ween G-tavt County, a Wiashington po'll'tlealssu,,bd`v*,S' "County"), andtheentity
I I I Oli
Moses. Lake, Seniox Qeater
(Fedoral Tax FD#•).,a. W�shingtwn
---Eblic charitable.. wqanizatlon
WREREAS, the, US.: YDeparwa m -t of tho Treasury ("'T reasuty�j has• alloc-ated to,-tho- County,
$1-8,983,490,00 of ftxler'llaff S-ti"MUILIS ffinding' froftl thx Reeovery Fvuncl- wid
�n&57' rhe. Cor onaviru-s Local F (�wal R�cwvcry FundS Undcx,, CFDA. N'(,'Y,., 21.027 CARPA Fu- tin,
Seqtior.L 602 (b) anadi. 6030) OA the Social SccuriV Act, as aiiierided, by Sectim 990 t o f the Apterl"'ha
'tedput z, 'filed
Will poses id. n,.,tt u.1
Lim Aurbe mile ftal betwem tha
.1"re-astur and G-r-ara. Comay desigmated to FAIN", P1,SUR
P240 (Agemencl). idlentif as
pal go.e)
alvir 'o and., Fiscati Recovery Funds,,, F nal Rul: F*
toron us'Sta,"t. -Loca-t
t=s, S'
and, the Colliplian-ce and Rep o
Cove & "' fi
R A �()ii
-wice I E
I i lu; 'nes'-an-fied as
F Un
Repor 6 idet
re attached, Imeto and incorporated herfil by this reference,
W IfER Evk-,,Sdle- Cotinity di sireto allocat..rtions 0 f the., ARPA. Ftmd,,s,,, awarded. to, Grant, Coun.(y
1 1.1, sup 'or,., or- repiacfbg lask revenue forlo-ca.l.non-prOft organiza-tons cervi N.; our ando, `-servod po ulau
P r P loft
Notable, negatwc ecalljOLMIG ilipacts bytieBencf,16 "t
tary 111-ClUde tht foll-owitig":
.e s. Tbo-p•opulalion th%o ontjO.44 Slerve are some rA, then'wrst heavgy impacted., groupi pi'ng'," ,p,, lom
Lost rev nuo `turn opm. fiart
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Our sonior-S Bret most.-wil m � rable to, negative physic -m -d 80641 frm,
ie - pa Of,' C v
----------------- I ------ -rt�
con oregate maals�, andwi*l acthi These, entilies need, an intusion.. offtmc�nq to res�tore th "r se,-rvi c(as:l vu erable.
e4 6-1haverty --.In,
1.11 414W
0, v
WHEREAStht Cou-,-nty believvez. the prow Onof nor�-profil food assWence. and! n utdtlpa prog ram
u . . . . . . . . . . . . alifie's fil.i's roec
P ,
jt as an. eligib� use of ARPA. Funad awd prev"ously,
WRERTi-AS, the C."oun-ty. and Beneficiary dzsirc to enfer "' t th's Agyeem.ailt so° tl�,at,- fliz Co,uilty
1,111 .0 1
may advance ARPA. Fuxids via a ditect ecotiomle supdo the
port gvi.nt to prov] Benz-fitefa-Iry wl.
'suffl.ci-ent reSoorces to, Proceed aS altowed under the Affachmeri,ts A. & B,,
NOW, THEREFOkE, i 'dcrat'on of die fore
n, COU1141 t going reeital,s which are incorjtvratod hwre'lti by
Pref e,rence, and flie temand. oon.diti:ons set fortli below', thea
rtie's wye� s Bollow'S4.1
Page I of 9
Effective:: Date and Term. This Agreeinent shall comm en 41 n last excuted' b a Y,
les Temlinated bN the Cou,nty
parties and remain in, effiect Unfil
2,Fu ARPA, :ds. Tb County 4agr es to pr 1,411
I ..."M2 -Ov", C to t Reneficiary a totzildo"Hars-unnt, not to,
exceed, $ SWO00 ()TI a. advance paymmi,
basis for eligible eos�
mcurred diunlig 1 'the period. of March 310, 2012T., through. Sep,tember 30-1 2.0,2*16 based on
iterma owrtup in, loj� 3 -
I Reinibmrsetnz nt Reqj SL k ".11 -P -A Furi,(Is on, a x'U.nb,L.tN,,, enien
14t Or C tilt' S recei j[qgA
S, { fkffltafe re.lzaso- of ARPA fitind'ag co. the
Beneficitaty, the Dznertciary wilt subuiii
a tD, a fo, rM Speciftod(appa. v ,(I*, by th,
C Counaty, nl-o trlord fiequently thm
monthly and, at, m4maim-n oft aquarter
ty basft
sde-a" theel -ribla
iling, -X,,p 5CS EncUrM
ar ni�ntr yes
theB enefic" fhr be
g re.q. e- sted. E h Rt`m * Niri, eq s, t
SUbmitted by, 01613e�,ne: ary, will in,cludea. signed certification by the Ble' fie RST it alf, S
ale� I t ��4
exp,enses rep-regenat efi.Oble expen.se's incul-nT(I by the.Betiefle'ary based ott; the et
Criteria, OW-111111-ect 1111� Attac-hraent D and th
all sujah- ense's Ie- notbee*,11,11 110r. 1* t t be.,
'M14iftned- widersany, Wier V)venulic-nt or Pr:"V4te- fity P &f ch, seheduk m
I ell ro gram be
modifted with the prior approval of the Cott Failure to ptov`
We any- of! the re.-kj','UJre%1
ti sill ki. tdrin. t Agreetn)e at and i'll die Wit'llho'[d an.' . or
M, re -t I ination of
n n
peaymetat, •4p re.tiaki. Y
IV. ds awarded to the Benefia' ,y bythe Coutit undej,�
�1 mycmel:lt sulvoo�,. For entittes,
DOU rece'Atin,- All. -P& F'nds,, as an. ad, alle p�,%y a
P, ro 1�at repor 11, be required, whent the ffin.d.i.ng has been.. exxpenaded. At . ihe
grress and fin,, t wl.
be reqyi 4 -Jo. p�,.r�ov`ide.-. aa� nor I'Ve
&Scre-tiort , of (he ROCC, - all. entlitios thk Cn,ce,,(-,Yonr,. may
Y rat
a. �, i 41 , I -t
budget ett I'le.r. - at f ht time -tats agreemev. Mled! 0 r a 1"o tv. W kft the progress a , d , oat , eport.
5, to U*ct ib I;. c4, I Io-wabl
-I. th -
,"P1..,A r-Punds 'nzltido, wiftt
e us. f AR
dim -ed -
'ng. T o, r to
fbItOw-ri, a.). usage offfinds, to, eith-er d* ectly
a red'i lion in net tax
reveme reMfing from a change in lawtl, on, or, adipi I'strative 1t1te1T,'eVafi `o dtir"
regx r n Ing
the covere, d, period tliat reduLee
f"aX -a Or tax Ile
or det -.-)s ,e 4 oss", ax
11111) 1 ttion of 'any V 1, Oct. age,
h) dwi-iages covered by 1*11SUM-Mce; C) usa&
�e of frtnads- as, a dVos..1ti'.11t0 A -11Y penm,,�oni flirid'; d)
cxpenses that, have. b,cen or wi I I be reitnbitr sed tin; Aer any, federat pro m; e) debt s m-_ .100
fund" g), fe -entsand h.) any, an;d M4, other
costs,, f - �n btations; a "'rainy day.,
11 11" � , . gal setfletn
Ulefigible uses li!�.tW. in tho Final Rule,
tomi'l-nate. this Agree . T hiz, CoUM ty Mll$ily for co-n.�raiiience or of l land
for no c6tigidlet',,a n. or damages, upon prior ttotice t the Beneff.6
ndepeadent (Con-tratto.r. 'Each, paq under th°eerneta
t shall be for altpuqlos(�,S an
ffidependent, Conftactur.. Nothtn-g con, im-
tai ed, IICITT.141, Will be deem.ed to create tan. ss-ociation,
a. partnership a `p'nt wature W of- pr'
or a rellad ns zipat an -d - agent, or cmip
to Lp toy
er atid
m. betn tlio, p,,cartie& The Ben.efic"} ry sha-11 not be,. Or be deemed to be, or act or
purj)oil to act, as an... employee, agent, or represent ativa of the County for any: purposem
Page .2 of 9,
Indemnificatioia, The, Be.-nef
iciary agrees to defe.nd., itidemni�, and hold the Cciu.,nty'� it
v S
ellip'103tees. agents an4 volunte.ers ham iless from and a
gainst. any and all
c or exp '"neludima . 'thout I'
mses u
cl aulls. injiur'cs"' dama.' es, I ss s
NVI 1,111itation. personui''* injul
bod'ity injiuty ickne,s.;S., disease,, or death,,, or to or destruction: a pr, I c ty, W111,C]l
arc 1.1 cd or prov�n to bc ulused. in %"hulc r'in part. by ali 'act or- omisslion, of the
B eneficliary, its officers-, directo ii tqc'- s,
t '., andlor agy
onfis, rc�jatingjo. the Bencief-iciary's
,ance or, ffiffure, t t.perf imi, uiidev this Agrvement, The* s"ectIon S"ba-141" surv'vc tk;
P o o
cx,pir -'alton. or termination of 1 th is, A
91. Corup'll"Cinco With. Laws'. TheB.cneffc* sih a lt colanplY, with all, Wc'ra[ stcate..
atut tocal laws and, all., re
��dcbarmpn _r -eq, ed cc. tifi
J, d' rx an.d odi.c r at. -t
d, udits), o. f'Attachimenis A & B,arLd-, Cot ace & Rop orfin& Guidellnzs to. thc ext
1, ent
app l.i.cable w en di. bursin. LT. ARP,,.A Funds to Benefifcim-y r, wh. kinc a R -i -'ement
h emitburs.
Crom the County,,
to'. Maintoi� Lnqe and Audk of Rec,,or*c1,S',', The Be.ne.ficlary, 'shall, mallet nta.111. record's book�s-,
docurnen-us, anu(l o-thermatexials md, 4aato , nt it's, perf an Under this. Agia, e:at-., T, hese
111'elclorldss,shaflb stibleett.pt ection,
treNeleNvi-cu.ida-,tiditt)y�th -t drftsd, -Celth
e, C,O*,u.n
hi�ji _n Stale Apd,i1or"s Office. an,d ass r e d, b y U -c
q, e A. ichraeti ' t -s A & 87, and
Compliatice & Report!".fi),g Guideiliftes" r fixye- (5) ears- a1:1 er att
y ffinds have begin_ exv)enddd
or Wrined, If 4,
i ts deternilued durin-ur t-l"te. c urist., of the, au '.t thatthe B.',enefilcimy wa.s
va cmcnt� the- B"Iefic" jve, t - p
b te C� S" I. e. th. 1" � y"
Om u i,,d r . is Aw e iary ag s. o ro,mpt'll.-Y
rel'Inburse the C()'t1T1,tY'1'O&'SL1,Ch. PaY'l11.e',11tSSLLP,,O-n req',uc C.
Notices, Any nollice de.sire.d. or re�*.flt -d mbe pven, - Shat ml'wv'it" -Yw a
hereunder I be'
tx md s 11
Service'l, posta"o-e fiOly,
US PO.. t �,
be. deemed recet"Ved ftee, (3 af depo W, (h
)day's ter
't t r CAM t requestc -A
prepald cort x JP d, a--,,t-vd addres
ifiedi t. o,'4 rece.
sed.. t*o the pad b, whii his
1,11tended rat its lut ktiowft aAd r'css' o r to sttch otk,,,r perso u. r addre-'ss as r
_c rt sball.
dos. gnate to d f
ro, t
he at"fter al 11 I _e to time 11.1 wr�iting f6rmri.rut, a. 1.11 .11,K0 M8,1111111-er",
Bmeficia 0 r gan 1'z, ati ovi, -Mbses Lake?. Sanlor Center
Confact Na, mmc�: Madlyn Sto��ft
Ad"'dr eg'.Si, � 608' : East f hi rd A'vori ue
Ci, ty/Stca te /Z tip,±o S- LakLe, WA 9�8837���
Gra it C unty," Grant Coimty C0111"Mi"S"S� 111C.Ts
I .
P10. BOX 317,
Ephna'tal, WA 9-8.823-
11lp n.
12, 1, cr 1, fluenice... E.,ach pairty warrants ti at "t did iot and Wilt not cin Toy., reta'
P Ill, of
cotlfract With, an,'Y person, or entit'von, a, c
.pose of
Slecking, ODMUREIia ntinin, or ex.nd.jtnAluc--eju'
ML agrNtecv sr
rac,"h party.- aurees, warrants,
-id morcscn.t,� that no gratuity w4atsoever has been or will be offered. 0
r coti-f ,�rredl w, lith a.
view towaras olotaximing., -g t
tiiainta" orteraJin,hi*,s Agreetnent,
Page .1 of 9
COI -If 1, Ct of In.-tere-s4- The ele
.cted and, a
Ippoul'ted officials;and el"Ployces of the Artie, shall
n,ot. Nave any: person -al. interest direct or hidirect whkh: * A M tC -e
It 11 � I . - - It.. . f 91ves r'S ) a Conflict of 1""nf. -res t,
14. me irs of the es',sen ca i"n thks Aa--rce...' elltm
provos,"ons ofthis AV, "eemmt thiat by the,"
11" Sen -Se and purposessbo Uld slur6 re
expra"noll-, orr t,-"ermiinaa 1,
4260n. of Me A,.greeuiatnt- so.- surv*ve, 'Tho tQ pirm. *S-',
Ul't. ,out I" 'ta ttion fndemn"fica,6o and and Aud''I'l of Records,
,,kmnendm. gn, -,t. 't dinmor i , odifitcati.'.on, the Agreem, ent will be, efi.,fiective w., 11
d1e; prior writ"Te."n Con'sent of- the author'zed rep
pq,�-ntatlVes of ttic parties..,
governino Law:. Ve;n V la
Ue. The Agreement wtU, be, go err
Wd' ;c'111 respcct.-s by the [aws of
per;, '6 Without regard to, 000-th-os of -
Washington Statej, both, as to. "Iktorpre'410J'oi all and". f rm-t
law or, Ch"01'Ce of 1aw provisio Anv' ar.c.fion am'n.,gr out of or in co -,.eef-I'-.o!n,, wifli.th-e
Agreemeat may be flistitutett wi d I'llail I, nod OhTy, m' a mirt of conip
l 'It
Grmit Cbu,nty WaslAngtort or as provd d by :BCW 3 6, 0 L
-fir, No ffii lure, �oi-t the,part of ouith'� C"nt!ytoexeiri*
any rigb t here ra fivi or, --erpst
Lmdetsh,.allope teaSf-TVVt ectfimereof;
nor i.altanysiqj -P'Ir I
I gI
fial ex
bv fl:. Cou ty- of
0 is e f hereof o
r ]let exr r the
e ae, L naf,provided arecLt tative. ft.nd nor exclus-."
of any remedy asfai"Iable to, the C.'Oun(v at law or "T " equity
19W. ndbi illt EIII ff" V, 'I'S u
Th' Agree. ien.tsfi.afl be bUldilt-n-9-an ,rumon fl. ar to, the benefit: offbe pay . I I s
hereto mid't I'T" res-Pectiv, e -I SUCCe-s"S
204 -y
TNe Bene-fician. shatt not asst" ans&r any Its, "11-te-rest"S' 1XI Or
19I.R., or tr f
�',is A�gre
emmut W -written cons, nt of flj -n
,.I prtor e.C&I, ty,
Agreement eonstfttjteS tAte, enf*
e - A a. eemen ire ,,jit b elweeix
mid the, Benefidaty for flie, t1ge, of fillids, agreenue y
ns aa d preds.,, wh-other elvaron's 'r or4ld,, Or
wntten betwee nf, the, parties -VNI*th respecet to: th's- Aareemet
22, hLo--.Tb.L"rdt1 --1 e,11 or be- deemed to, crewr co
I n illy
actiott , to, or ori the part of any pci-sall,
or, benet t
or entity, that is I'mpt, al pa"irty, to th'i's
Ag-trooment., 6 pro-vt 'm sball nof
li'tn"i"I al"tay" Qb"I"ig'a-6011 Wl,-.Li ell', eifjl"e'r P arty- ha's t o Treasury.
]II Conneett"On!" With th'k-1- use of RPA, Funds,,. fil,,cfudifig (Ile oblitrecords atilnate wi,th audiP10 'tt-0-po dQaccessto
ITS M" pixivid'ed in thits, Agroem-en.t.,
23, Severa, lji� flje, t tj
_,.at Ont Or M-01-0 PrOVISIODS of tl-'iis A be det mu.n.(zod
--.1 CIVCD gyreement sha--.11, C'
to be. itivalid by any, cou rt of compo. tellt.
jti msciid.,ion. or* age n ey b,,av'i ow
rernamder of tfie AgTeeme nt shall rel-Mlin.
in ftilE florce and effect, and fli,e i'-nvat�,W-i provisions
shall be deerned deleted..
Page, 4 ot'9-
24. CounteLTarts.. This ly ofwhich
steal.] be demi ed an o:Hgina] but all Of NN"I"ch, together shall constitute one and the same
25, Authorizatiou'., Each party signing below 1ATfUraMS10. tj 001or party, flhat they havc Vie, full
power an,d apthorib.v to Cxecute this Agreement o -n behalf of thc party for, whoin they, s."
IN W1TNF,1,1SS WHF:iHOF, this Agi-etnitnut is executed, and, shall bmome effeefi,,,vre 3.s of
the lays -t date sk' '.d bel ow.
.. igne
DATED thi"S' d(-ty of,,-' V\ '702.3
Mar_ .
ilyn St rt
PRINTE, D NAM "V " &.�al'
W.' ..EST4
BA aar r J. Va s q.,u, "erk, o, z
Ar tT
kebek'ah M. Ka)�ro_r',, W. --SBA#.-,, 535,0217
Deputv Prosecuting Attomq
1's".81 ONI�" E ks
G4 Vt
'0 r
Cindy Carte �, Chair
Dann E.Stone, Vice -
Rob Jones, Member
3 - / d -
Page, 5 of 9.
The Board of CommlsRtolller'S M ire-efing to provI de. the B c-nefii cl ftry a' WWI do], lar amoun.t, not to,
:5,000 of A_RPA, Funds 111 poll'of Ass.fstancetolmPac.'-WNonprof�tor,"
(Impacted or DisPropodionalely Impecled) repor id as 2,34 Wer 2-Neg4l.,five, Econarnin
M P '-rl c th4 $LFRF GOMPUPco, RK600d.
2. Program Fundin,,a.' alld Awa.rd. Anio
b Ullt
The County shM make of ARP A flun dava-il able.. under Att, tilent Athett w*11
ach I
be., paid to. the Benefticiary, on a advance P'aymend
Al. I fa d' arc - t-) be d' bursed no, I ater tll, sopteniberr 30, 20,246,
I Repo:rtlng
Ided, via warrant to cb�e Reu,,et - 'Y UPO lS,,LlbrEl*
county of expewnditttre., dtt-ails, togodler WWI cop"1.1 j , 'AXIS
re'WIPt Wx 0'tl�tl Ippot
docutaenta&n fbr each f-0 r w
expense r e m b , ux 'eO IT ed
elA IS Tequesle�t, ato,ng with
4. 41
cerfflc Ae
I ation 'by tlie Beaefica"ary''diat swoh tx1jen,,ses re, res.ellt el
p 'g" I ex -e -I --ac irred by the-
Benz-fic."I'lary, b�
ased ott flh-t, el'lg6bilh cr' r'a outt'ned above
alb: (W s tch fiave niot: been
y ite. i
III be, t( i
no -r W1, eu.nbuFsed wulef any otlier governnaent or,
I -,ate nfity 1,),ro- rani,, T e,,B.
in�a,y onlysublult One., reoquest for w4ijburstment per mwi�& wiA all-IJ11,1111tuu, On a questerly L�as�
s".. Wil tj
�,e. e1j"g-1 i-IRY 0 flie b exipendiktr s co- s cej.jt f e 11st wltb the applic4ifion, reqpiryin ei.its
prior to., pap-ri.e.n.t.
The Beilefliciary repofl` `l',tj.',g, oblit'rations 1.1sted above.41 not. be 1, pired
or bo,t statemeju,s
below are chtcked:
A, narra-ti've. budget and plan has beeti. prev'l["ously subrailted, by the ap tca
pl ni't ailad apprtyved,
by, the BOCC., A progress and fitial re ort ftmlai, the'beoe*'.rlcLat,"y, mi gr agets. r-equied,
P ant Lus 1 r
This betict"ic"'a- 1is desi as b
eai.g Mlfth,lin, aiietigiblz class BOr grant allocatlion-,,- A
V rogress ands flinalreport from the benefictary ori grant usa.,op- is required axid die, BOC.C.
may require a narrative, budget .ccompan:th.e progress and final report.
plage 9 of 9
r-u_z2-106 �D
OMB Approved, No. 1505-0271 APPROVE,
Expiration Date: 11/30/2021
N1AY 10
Recipient name and address: DUNS Number: 010202562
Grant County, Washington Taxpayer Identification Number: 916001319
35 C Street NW Assistance Listing Number and Title: 21027
Ephrata, Washington 98823 .
Sections 602(b) and 603(b) of the Social Security Act (the Act) as added by section 99ol of the American Rescue Plan Art, Pub. L.
No. 117-2 (March 11, 2021) authorizes the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to make payments to certain recipients from the
Coronavinis State Fiscal Recovery Fund and the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund.
Recipients hereby agrees, as a condition to receiving such payment from Treasury, agrees to the terms attached hereto.
Cindy Carter. Vice -Chair
Rob Jones, Chair
Authorized Representative, Signature (above)
Authorized Representative Name: Danny E Stone, BOCC Chair
Authorized Representative Title.- Chair
Date Signed:
U.S. Department of the Treasury:
Authorized. Representative Signature (above)
Authorized Representative Name: Jacob Leiberd-Lift
Authorized Representative Title; Chief Recovery Officer, Office of Recovery Programs
Date Signed: June l,2021
The information collected will be used for the U.S. Government to process requests for support. The estimated burden associated with this collection of
information is 15 minutes per response. Comments concerriing the accuracy of this burden estimate and SuNestions for reducing this burden should be directed
to the Office of Privacy, Transparency and Records, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvaida Ave.,.W., Washington, D.C. 20220. DO NOT send the
form to this address. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to m -s ond to, a
control number assigned by OMB. P collection of information unless it displays a valid
R F . .................
E#r a ��ED
i3i!1AINT 0 UN 2OFPVJ!M18,r-31 ON ERS
7"ATE Ff kF,;-CO'-k0%RY- PUND
C.,() rjq0NS
Rex' ient lmderstands and VMS that 60 f1mds disbursed undcr t
and, 6G-31(6) of the
Security, A, ce (the Act), and, Tyeasury"s MAUlafionsin4?J'ameatin
Social Y only be Used, * campjj�mce N-vith reotjons
9 thAt SeCtion. and gaid'aam
4. RCO dztermim Parlor to enpgbi, k my pTO
Oki$ assWmcie dial Ithas, the. WsOo'"
tfp 11011al and
fmncia4l capki My to. ensure, proper p['-.aam*j gemaDk Avd-, COU�,Plefiam of -swh. LnMi
1,g, ma M- ed"
P Of Per*rmance for this Own a the date hm"-fand, en,& an
d b
regulatiom, Ri 1 .2 26;. As,
that be� Piel't IUaY Ust. RwOrd 11nd-a to, cover e'figibte Costs
g Ime mod
Oa Nceniber 31, 2024, pe
Recfpkat. agrees to, comply WM amy repoc� Ob estamshm 4Y Tma=7.. as. it. re'lates to this almard,
R mmfain mor ds anal nand doc=mft SkMejea to, e
anp 1-Mv and
lement*as thonseafou%aild PW*4 the
h, Thel
Tre, ms vy Offfike of, rnspwOT O"enerat an d- the 0
Offf,0.0 or thOir antfiatized
have the 49ft of Weess to ree-Or (electrolmie. and, otherwise),
0 ACOVmt GrOtr to coudad amlits Ot other
C. Xtmrdsshall bo mataffied by Recip
ient f
Ir orj a eriod Offive years after aU fit"4 havd be6n e -poadtkj ()r. rftmed
Johow Is. later"
UM.Mj CO Pmamd costs, aa d ed 4 g, M'aynotL-e paid W, rAU r
TISAMa 'd.
mi SM, Kaci im't may U$Q fitud's Inov'&d mtle-r W'S, award to, caverbath. dlieotand, Mikeet COSLs"
QdIAW. Costsharms Or U1, at". Bunds are not mquired,
Ohincr mddc4 by, Reoiplaft'L'
ars G -Inds, and. agrees, it m—tis
A U&MO, VO licy i f, s applk" '% to ez-chac ith 2 CY.R.",
scy C '1W
id Of Am&d
mut 45*st- mi' Wri* to Treasutl or the� pa-s:s�-tbmugh. e arid,
41 A-0ty", as,
am ropr"WI-1;
0, r &
by with, tbi J,'eq:4ft,6m, Cuft Of .6 0XV-0u, 64,22, �md 603 of fhz&,�, regtjj,aqGnS adopt
maim L .104b,Y'Trft-Any,
nued tb� rr
x S;Avdfarg t
lie, e
qg' Recipiftl,'t Isla
2xees tO CmDP�Y- With, Sn 0 tbLer fqPPI ab I ef federal taft. te
K �$r' re�gulationsr and iso�ave ordmi
pfience by other patiles, md, Reoipiftt "I, Provide fur
Sh wrn in any aW, eer ellkxs in'to h,
h,Federal reg&.ns applicable to t1lis Mad indude,
Without, f"irm;tatim the fmo'm
I.U, if
cum 6nu A, dnimistmdve Requirelnetits, CO st Pty of and AU& Reqtdimmaft fo-j-pedeml A
200 other tf-lan. vard C,,,r,.,R( "art
provist"Otm as Treumy,, my detehnine are to thxis
as j -en ", " d by 'Mvardan4- s0imt to, ga
Cx,epfiov� nay bo ath vl,;o prmde T�Mttry. &Jbpart * -
Aud-it Pequhmnmta 6f the U 'f
M, - arm. Gmid. ane.
Invule-menting thoghiglo AxWt Act sh-atj apply to, this awar
Lr an,
SY'steM fir Award
XNI&IMM (SAM% 2 L),art 25 11n)
SO 1�6a 1*11.1 Appeada". A, to 2 CYR, P art. 2"s P�-' 11erew.,
='Wonted b. -Y re*reace,
mg Sub rd md L,-xemtjv-e C�Qmpetsatiaa h*MOjW,.2
41, Repard Wa
$Ot fort h, CF -k- Patt 170,, Pursuant- to which the avard torm
lll,APi?.eiidixAto2C,,r4.R.Pattl,70q hjj�,-Cby-, -
IV. OUD Guid'olia to. Agelici 0
190.; hialudi t -giro -MS
jt(NOtIP1,0curemeat), 2 Pat-, hgqe u njeut 0 1110tude a ten -n ov c�ojjdtiou It 1019 -Cr tier covere�d
ib trau=60M (conhads and,
subtmftad� de&.rj- , ed Pad ISO, Subpart 13)
ra that the awud is jubiect to, 2 C.F.R. Nit *18 G and Treasury s
IRIPtMeati repladona.01 C,r-q,R4 Part 1 .
Recipileat Integrityt.,ima Perfarm.aaCt, Matteirs, w-sium
Ill W Wbich the alkyard f�errn set for 911 -7 A 2
.th,' 2- CIR, Pat -0q
Appe-ndLix XII, to Part 200 iA hereby LITaWd, k I I
Requirexneags; fOr Dru. ;-Free -T
pI aice,.. 31 20,
v IL
I "aw Restrictions on, Lobby-ing, 3 1 C.F.R. J?art 2
Vill, Uhifor MI. R- 010catim A s--slstw- ict axid: Nam). 11-�Opeqy 'A.C.,g "st'itionsI�ct 1-9,70- (421 T1,SX. 555,
01111Genermly appjicable r at OnV7 ironM OWA 1.1,alvs aad regtjja�c
St4tUtOs Oil d regkdAtious pwhibl* di=161minat'"
am UpIgicable t(I tvg, ajv,Ar
ja UICIU11-0, without CQJJ,
i. 'riffle`Vq, Oflhe- Civil I Act of 1964.(42 USLC
WIMMY,11*9 reaut-p. .4, a
10 aim
, .. .. ...
C.F.R. Pert '22 , xvhiQb, ibit
actties., 0 * financiat assistmcp,; under PTOggaim, Cir.
J,,- TfheU Elba
oftac-e, color, rejip-a
� a,
gootion 504 of $6 Rehabilitatioa dot of IM", 0S, auteaded; (29f U.S,-Q, 7,94), Mu'dhi, pmhj5ffi& djsck-i�u
basiz otdisatility, un&r, agy, pt On, imn, tho
q.oMm Qat CtW yve- ft -I m", re4eTA-11 f �Mistlaaoe,
na A.Etc D! a Ad of 197 5 as ameud�(42 6101 et Stq), aa4 Timmy' s, imp iq
S at 31 O�M Part Z: '*�h -ohM1if
-mW,-m DIM- t, b,
V I bit ftert ht asis, Of, ag!�� m, proganu Qr ac
V, tjvjU
Y.U of the; Amexi wie Di$P�bi116*4 k� 017 9",,*, a's mu d (42 U, 5 � CK W,
pmvi" MV4 -kit, b stao
Uder progr
aad Tooaxl g0v mmmenfs ov,fllsttu mml-4 qWn,.tj�s th
sp tl, (VyMporngOx6th sections 602 Wd 60.-
Ot mr prox-am' re 1):*� may hvm add' Ifiomj,
oqu*,tu on, the. recelipt of a aWnequrmt traache Of Odium,, mwdh'm4,, ffaav, or Uk-O., a ther a-vail4*10 rollae(fies as! set ffbilh,
C,4,, FIR, § 200.339. Di: the' of- vi'dia
6" or 6WW of the Act tegardlngr the tm of f4ads,
J;IAU, be sale re ta re"m out as pradded I'll sectio as 6OW aad Qg�) of
the Azt,
, Ac L.JRIwu to CQn ly,11 0.3 applimlbleml, with. teqTfiremeat "th,,OIIA"to'r,
15,01-1,509 gid.
MU4114 pa of, state or loolat
govm, W
an, W&4 f i�aaxtc�linl, wholo or rk, pajt� hy this feft,"'al
,-a,d -ft
- ,q, , xit
R ect- 1, W.-A.'ersta idl t
S 0, U= In cOMM0401 %7 his, Axud, is
fl!&RI law- and, may. result'C-dMinal-, civfl, or admjWgtatrA*e- mmofioa!;�, kchdffig, fjiles IKI
R da s,# -il
=prjsonmen� Civi ges,
peaffies, fiom p a6g, W, WMAII
awards Or Watr � UN6,r any other re,e avoabla by law,
11-2--dIfim hi'mis, Agy
Pub-Illieutiow Frodured ith funds om $'s aWUd, W10
44 'his, p
behW dp ia, whole or 0 part b -yr federal award
Sopporte, at , mac FAINJ- mvar
by the U.S., Depattnent, of tbo Tm 11 , to Gmut UWAY., Wnhing- ton
a, Any ffind-s paid to Reoiplieat (1) Uh excess of 'the AMOU'nf`for Nvhi& 4'Ctiftl fS fmalLY deterimined to be, xAorj=4 to r�z�
under tbe. tm-ms ofthig award (2) ffla
t are d6ten� J�y- th�t
(3) that are, seas repioneat 0 of InsoctGl -
not imi, repaid by. -Re. di piont $halt Lcons-bilute o, d4t, wtfief, 11 purmaadl to, VICOOris 602(o and. 603(o ofaie '
b-. My &btu & term ited to. be, ow�Oie,, -Werat W
qertlmeatmugtl�e paid pronI)OY by R0,4PLORt. Adebt,o dellm'q�Aentif it 111U,
aot beim paid, by th� dot. spocifiedill, Trossury's ia wa
0. Paymleoltl Uni I'M OfSads., allc
have 6e -en made aa~ if tbo Recipier at knmviaglyar I.Mp.r-OPC.rIY MWAS AlrXIS ffiat we a defit -we
71-casury WIR take aay actions avajjabj(-,- to * as, der d
It W, C-011e-Ot slich, a debt+
i i
a. Tho tmhw States evmsly <Jtjrj'aMXW aily and aU rmtspa,M.
or. tWrd persol)
'11meat S for th
Rec-l" ie -at or thiid pemi Ctioas of
tall: i dear, bm *
d1l., :na
y jmy$. PYON-Ity d'amages'2, or al 0.1-thar tosses rastly"Caig - f
tfive: POMI'Vallm, ot 41,161. awmard. or mmy othex. Jo,%e�,q rej
tjjti)�,X: M� att UI MY W+ay m,
the 1.3er-formaace of th;j$ awarcl or , m,
or Subc-Outrad Mlda; thisaward, 'ay, ft ft�y" Co atr ac,
b. The accleptance Of (MIS amrd �y- Red jent �J.o r(,Ot
I -P. lk my C-S�ttlbh& 890MOY reladombl""P., between the uD -
and Rm" ut Red ta�
a. 1-4, accords, a -co- with, 4 1 US, C-1 §471-22., Recip i t ebax 'e
'Y' d
Mlqdsal- for- &S-61-43 gaiast aa em
'. '. "
kg t
M b
v, 0 MY Of thf, 3t of persms. or e.11ft pmvide
bohievea 'd. P-10 wi Iaformatioa, that the,', ftiviloyet reasmably
jam eruent (Irft ML
laul ease of DhIeral h mnft, aj�u,-Se, of
84, ,
�,"Ithmil,Y Ir W a Waal ' matTaa or graa�. a mbstantial $ad specifi-v daugetta public he&h'orsaftty, or , 0,
kwv, mlp, or t, ektod to a, f6d -,raj Co atm (ion
c,t (inarding ibe. ct- f
-,MjpaWon� foT of negofiation of- a, Gol*aa)
b. The ftof pm "a emtItje$ ra,4�d
*'' tb`e,'PaTa-9r4Ph! ia, b,`046 i�admde t ol
i Ama mmbov -of Cba
g-eos 0 a repre&a ta
r of'
If!., An lkspfttor� General",
III- k0mumabiliqv of ace...
rv. A TtCagmY CEOPIOYPO reVomibk for coct or gm
t ovoroot ov magap
v, An authorized, of the Dcparbueat Q,,rjtjSqc4 or OtUr I'aw c1g,
Vt, A', Wurt or arai-idjury; or
VIL '17 -WO -9 oMcW or qdvr employee
Rmip Or SubcQAtTad0r vh'a fus tho rmpo, �jjj.ty to
"geover, Or address, mLsc.ojjduoL, amb
RIM iuf4rm its-, ik- hts aW'.,r.vjjj,
MP-10yoe"S',111 NAMt
vairve, fazg�fav qr�fjio' Vvedd-4roe. -Lax '0 tht SCOU004, M thopradbi w -ha at,
ME 19172, r..
Policies and. vroar=svo., t
.r beir en ej When
-d -43 74FR5I'2-9,'5(0 t- 6 q),
Qx'ar 135
Wr� to aopthand m&tw ClPett h,
ft b antex- t I'Rmagijig wbiie dnivjin.& aj.j,d
Pali =cage aeddlm - ed by distracted dt li'vers-A
0,MB Approvcev )srfo. 1,505-027j.
EXP-IfioaDae,, 3
rz, OF C,0ATp
I;frtf cB1 J.-, RIGHT SN RaQ,,:ummi-tw, trs
jq L V 0 T, L
As a Mdidonof'receipt of- fe&- '.I
tes'SiStawe ftorn- tho Depa-11"Makof, the Treasiry
anant, COUJIty, Ny
MfMW 0 as "the Rvo�pieur pwvW�M tha as=-aam
Aced her -
e4n., ffbAerat assishme may
914av� to a a S. and C-GuLT-403- tOl Pr&M-,&Ub& the- *sb, de
wip, iew erlzfi"C�A, rICS tha Vs@ of
Or r
rtdeml or, propwy
at WOW mark -et vake tM4,
Fede - W- I=& P(TSOMP-L. mbs-Id wid otar
Provid' s ped.er
I., I OR-,$
-- as-slsta-Me &'es: not
21 CUICOMPISS wtitraou Of
00Wrwft by the Fea�
rill. g-overnmw" at Market vsbeor Prow= that Prov -11
nefit- Th"
. Wurunce applies to aR- fledeW fi- aam the'
i4l, wist, ncO ETOM, Or ftwds, made avail
inchWing a - ow-ist
ay Race tha the. Re-ciplicat awy re"t Ist
The CivaRigbts R'9;stoxation- Act of 1987provid", that, the pro-�-U Orlhis assuanr
'0 apply to� all, of
-as WW port= oflTu'a i-eaV&Pr
so long MOIL
In the =nutr g"n*bed above
R`etpieat ensue its, ctujenj a4 -d Batw,
I'fs Actof '19-64 - am.ended,,
Of the Civil
0 COMP-Uance K Title V
ProbiI b. e�KOXMISbn fx pard, pation, d6aial of le b
. , &i-!haVion im& r
activities remi,&-- fadtial, fund and
,s, orally pa'go
in 4M, Udited Statteg on the, §2
fthe"Tground'Of.raM., 0010r, ornatimial
re; Ir Oni -41 (42-
M.0det se!t)�W impleixtentedby the Deputmeatoo Utlelvlm ga'(11 SatUCTRITSA22MI
Other OlAns glich. as Rkeontive. Order 13166q dixecti-M-1 tirlculars- . '01k, -a' ar
doemw P MMMAII(I 'Adlor Pidarco
13166� "TRIPro, hcmss, to S Limit
Piorldenzy"' s VWI9 n
wk-sto-im d, ]�, �jish,
'Prove; ae-CM to Pdoralty- to PeOSMMS aud n0l fb-r imdivk�� whe, becatue afnatio al
larigh,14 M4�hk. ptol1roiftty as YS V
Sere icy ,daf, becausm, of, LEIP'' �b-ftm, of nab On*
d1w.timin-atioa 0& I -sw RQciess to its Prowarn
Rights Act of, 19,64 gv- d Mo Depa J
Ivaso,nablo steps, ori mply with tho,.Depart=01 Qf t6, Treasu
amss to, its p m—gr6ajs, SQ and, act, 'S .0
per'solls haw Mmmviagrv-1
Roc"Tiont uad clad apxs Wt ajead0gAd acoeu alay. C-Stfa
0XVIC10% ibc,"Iludin . OW" inft, Wftfian- and wrl' ft -ell ftafls-Mba whem,
im V -S prowwm.2 Setwiml, wad, SCtft6-`qe&
eff 9-ocip,
Rm' iew agrees to oOD54W the, nee
1&xRoge ServIca for t" Pemts, &Mimg L-Welopment of appli
log� Maqq*& PMgMMSx say" gad fic As a rewuxeel.� thie Dopartm, ent Of th-ro I�a ha$ P it EP
guid-Aacer at, 70 FRL 6067., For wowt hT' on oaLEP, ptease v1saft, SUry, L
4, Rec" "'eat, ackap d agreeg that cowpj* e, tWIS assttrmm CwStitufm a 00
LP111, . an ' * I _adtM Of oantkwed TM* f
weral finaacW, assistme and is bift, d' M`g" UP0,
n Recipimt aad
'Solo -ec" aad asmi'gpm, fir the
, .11
, &
pedod,,,ia wbioh- Is"Prov-i
Roayen tiaCIMMIed% and agrexa
it must rcquire €My sub-Srantae% cojjtmetox$� S*Oontrwtm,:�uc
and. aUl"P, ees,,�' to COMP*tY'With 1-4 above
ajad. ye $to
it ag e incorp or, ate. the, fo
COWTUd or Waemut Mbie0t tO Tib Nq aad,ft ro , I-ag lu iwtiyy
bawocai the R ieat and tb e�
tram MID 4pient, sub-gra-dom,,
am recto, and, asstga"-&,,,
wwractor, slibcantractop
czva mg-Ao ACI qr 19 I-vh UM-Proldhin
q0&k*Pz=W Avyn a program
or actiOlt d4efiflithatfag qgalfw a pervan on the,
'y g
ori bwix of.' i
natiowl g&(--0S.0,§.2000d_t $eq�4 d -S hVICNIgnted hyb the Deparo"- nr,, Qf 11jr acA, cat
r mg falia ns y'�� T
31 CR AONZ whkh MT he�eM
agreeineig). 7W Vrafsj> it prof incal-parated1Y,re andmad� apad, of 4* co�
aotjon AR w
activity receiveltgfe4ra Ifitlanclal GuWafice to P"ns IvIth OLIMUeet R P 2, WwPogIrwIn
the Dot MWAIt Of the
31 CPR Part A and, hersin, o1cop [nW
contract or agree lent j by ref&rence and fnad� a piail of,(&
to understauds and agrees, tha ' t if a,-ly t�eaj, prope*. 0 uiiap roved
_r structure
provi&d, or with the ald Gf federal
fimacial Uslistaace by, the DepeAment Of the, Trey-ury, thi I
transfer, the h�ms-ftve, for the p aw"r'I'm 61-94W th!e, Eac' ient, or, 1�11'tjjt CRS
_ e- - f Sequex.
eriod during
g.;vhj^,h the Teat Propefty Or gm'-CwTe I. �Ised fo-r a pu a Ib
flartaiall, aMISta)IM, is extended or for .other puqose�" I.Vv tpose for wh-10h the; fbde'Tal;
Slinflrar S 'cc
M-Va Mg th
PM."o-nal prop;
edyr is zviided�. obligum the R i
Itut I thw-�,i period d Nvh'eh "t r -et
possew-on, Ofthtyaropetty; I I I aIMS Gwnersblip or
R"dpidnt coripeimfe. Wit, any earomaxat or Compliar we rev' OQ;64ies. bY,'the, Departioxcat of tbz Tr j
afo-rewenfimed ablipli"OU" Bdor S11 of flie
O'C'Men't Imay ijida& arbittatioun, IN 40U." anii
8.1ky Siddemeat aggeevaenthat, may result fjonj.. t V UOBAoti�g of
Oft- S",te COMpliave mviialws., amd. reparting reqydremxijt�*.. theRec-1*0 t shalt Comply NOR i"brimfica''requZASS
piety" S_& "an. Mmillain a GOMpjaint log "'d idorm, ft Tr, -LStjj -an
y Cou��tsDf d!
the grou=Ls of color, or,0a
rabul o ii& MA h mited Elt ARS11 MORO* MW towed b y BTW e V Ii o f, � &C (�NVAI, Act of
1,964 arid, finplementhig reguladaus a iid p ro vWe
Wa r-evim", OrIVOCC'Minv"Wed aa the
comptalu� or cOMPIOXk iilldt4�ng Outcome. Re ipiew. WSf wat
Ca mot, h& rM the Depar-twilt Of the. Treasm-y
Rkfzipiwt. basretelved,', no-
MI(Ter. Title vto.
91o, Roq'ipicm, t,
eff rtof aa adU';fWMfi-vv ag-mrs or, coxtw,
J,r(S t
ftn&p 0 f noa-comv& neeat Title VI,
a, 14 Olu'ditig any vo
ftwtaky C%O Iigav
'a,ar, of
her aqeeltents
Odipiex4 and
as, not bem the of court
bafian please so,� Rfatef
010 Reelpioti"S. reapen'sible, for xsuij
picat's OISQ OCIMPAY Vial T tb VI MId, Other ap )Rpablo,
I coveredl 49NIMC9 I - lWah
- -1
Alb-ION�Ids- Must have W11, PWO-1 -Stgad4d gr ant asaw, AA�Os and, rewif"w pmeedures to d'elnowftate. thalt, that they am'' ef&ttively
MODR-01M."g, the 6VAT-iAts Complifinoo. of ak-recipieut.
The Unite. States, ofAmaicahas, the right t()L se&judj.,�
and, I'm MI's daleum,ent 61(mg or" I the6&w.' enforcemen't MMM" tw tho United States May, foako lk Older,- o
vi,0146.0"S Of �docummt or ap , f
ptlicable �d�raj I&xv,
poly O"'F, r M11'ary's dia Cerfifies that he/she: w road Ala twdemwod its Qhhp4ous as
barelfa dacfrI.bt4-' that- any., hiforwaS submift.d i.
ft fs acwWe and oa�pWov apd
that the RM, t t$ va. Co mpliallee Wilh the 4�400aed va"S�dw�atim requimments,.,
..... ..........
A r
v cat k., pracm tKAx4st, for sq,"Purt. esthm, AftA bw*IM Mciaw" v al"th, WS muftOw of
Tirw IAMOIOAL 0036Md WC, be wed for fhe'US
M x�wwgj*"iMMM -the nforM40A it 15 Miaulft , CO ts, CWMAM,149. accumcy of WS buraci 4flRwI-*,
to', tb* OffiEw o f P rivacy,
y and R- =44 Dep"=t, 0; 'tho Tm, u—my 150
$Avuh� AM $A,, W, W&g
rom tows aftas. ageZICY, T;Wnot conduct, or Vonso-4 end, a' wn'
pet a0l. req*ut to =potd tot 4�, colt&.fiott Of '040 "AIM
COOX4 umber Os4ne4 by OM v